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Subject: We've got a thing, and its called random lyrics
limit 4
1)Time, dont let it slip away, raise your drinking glass, heres to yesterday
Goreripper Full Circle-Aerosmith
2)can I just make some more romance with you, my love
kenny Moondance-Van Morrison
3)Since she put me down Ive be out doin` in my head
Mike Help me Rhonda-Beach Boys
4)Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
Carpet shark Run like hell-Pink Floyd
5)'cause my last time on earth
I lived a whole world of sin.
Kenny/maddog Higher ground-Stevie Wonder or Eric Clapton (His version is great!) and the RHCP
6)Worlds are turning and we're just hanging on
Indygent Higher love-Steve Winwood
7)your dog keeps licking my face
Mike You better you bet-Who
8)I am certain that it happens all the time
Kenny A little help from my friends-Beatles or Joe Cocker
9)I get up to wash my face
Meriadoc Cecilla-S&G
10)I think about it every night and day
Mike I believe I can fly-R. Kelly
11)I snap my fingers and I twiddle my thumbs
Kenny Great balls of Fire-Jerry Lee Lewis
12)Now we're together nearly every single day
Meriadoc Doo Wah diddy diddy-Manfred Mann
13)How can I forget you girl?
Mandamoo Always something there to remind me-Naked Eyes
14)shake for me, I wanna be your backdoor man
FB Whole lotta love-Led Zeppelin
15)he's taken everything I got
Mike Sunny Afternoon-Kinks
good luck
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
limit 4
1)Time, dont let it slip away, raise your drinking glass, heres to yesterday
2)can I just make some more romance with you, my love
3)Since she put me down Ive be out doin` in my head
4)Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
5)'cause my last time on earth
I lived a whole world of sin.
6)Worlds are turning and we're just hanging on
7)your dog keeps licking my face
8)I am certain that it happens all the time
9)I get up to wash my face
10)I think about it every night and day
11)I snap my fingers and I twiddle my thumbs
12)Now we're together nearly every single day
13)How can I forget you girl?
14)shake for me, I wanna be your backdoor man
15)he's taken everything I got
good luck
End Quote
3. Help me Rhanda-Beach Boys
7. "Licking my nose!" You better you bet-Who
10. I believe I will fry-R KElly
15. Sunny Afternoon-Kinks
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
2. Van Morrison - Moondance
5. Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground
8. The Beatles - With a Little Help from My Friends
11. Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
2. Sunshine of Your Love - Cream
9. Cecelia - Simon and Garfunkle
12. Do Wah Diddy - Manfred Mann
15. First Cut is the Deepest - Keith Hampshire (I refuse to say the RS word.... :P)
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
mike and Kenny are all right (though Mike didnt spell it right)...
Meriadoc....2 isnt sunshine of your love..Kenny got it already...and 15 isnt first cut is the deepest...Mike got that one already...the others are right
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
# 13 Always Something There To Remind Me - Dionne Warwick/Naked Eyes
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
No one's got # 14 ? Or have I got it wrong, my theme song ? ;D ::)
# 14 Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
FB ;)
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
#4 is Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd.
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
1. "Full Circle" - Aerosmith
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
Hi Billy
#13 sounds like "Always Something There To Remind Me" - Bacharach/David song, the version I remember is by Sandie Shaw (but I don't think she said "girl").
#5 - anyone remember the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' version of this song? That was great too.
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
# 13 Always Something There To Remind Me - Dionne Warwick/Naked Eyes
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Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
No one's got # 14 ? Or have I got it wrong, my theme song ? ;D ::)
# 14 Whole Lotta Love - Led Zeppelin
FB ;)
End Quote
no, you got it right lol
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
#4 is Run Like Hell by Pink Floyd.
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Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
1. "Full Circle" - Aerosmith
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Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
Hi Billy
#13 sounds like "Always Something There To Remind Me" - Bacharach/David song, the version I remember is by Sandie Shaw (but I don't think she said "girl").
#5 - anyone remember the Red Hot Chilli Peppers' version of this song? That was great too.
End Quote
13 was already gotten, but Im gonna give you part credit for 5 because I forgot the RHCP did a version
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
mike and Kenny are all right (though Mike didnt spell it right)...
Meriadoc....2 isnt sunshine of your love..
End Quote
Are you sure you didn't change the lyric? :o ;)
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
6. Higher Love-Steve Winwood
Subject: Re: Weve got a thing, and its called random lyrics
Are you sure you didn't change the lyric? :o ;)
End Quote
no, Im pretty sure thats the same lyric I started with lol.....I actully havent used Sunshine of your love in a quiz in a long time.....
Subject: Re: We've got a thing, and its called random lyric
6. Higher Love-Steve Winwood
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