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Subject: Album quiz
Ok...heres how it works, I give you a clue and you say the album title its describing...good luck...limit 4
1. Banned from the men's room
2. Another funeril
3. Nelson and the ghetto men
Billy Willie and the poor boys-CCR
4. What Moses and his people didnt witness when they made their bread
Tonedef The Rising-Bruce Springsteen
5. Navy, Airforce, Marines
Billy Armed Forces-Elvis Costello
6. expanding and contracting of the comic's plasma bunnies
7. Waterway full of nightmares
Billy River of dreams-Billy Joel
8. Queensburough Bridge
9. Inn LA State
Hannahbear Hotel California-Eagles
10. Not a lie
Billy Truth-Jeff Beck
11. Romeo and Juliet's Area of reign
12. Conceived in the Greatest country
Hannahbear Born in teh USA-Bruce Springsteen
13. What 17th century doctors advised to do with wounds
Maddogg LEt it bleed-Stones
14. Moooo, Bahhhhhh, Oink!(come on, this one is the easiest!)
Kenny Pet Sounds-Beach Boys
15. Plasma and Platelets on the road
Hannahbear Blood on the tracks-Dylan
Subject: Re: Album quiz
9. Hotel California--Eagles
12. Born in the USA--Bruce Springsteen
15. Blood on the Tracks--Bob Dylan
Subject: Re: Album quiz
9. Hotel California--Eagles
12. Born in the USA--Bruce Springsteen
15. Blood on the Tracks--Bob Dylan
End Quote
3 for 3! Good job!
Subject: Re: Album quiz
Ok...heres how it works, I give you a clue and you say the album title its describing...good luck...limit 4
1. Banned from the men's room
2. Another funoril
3. Nelson and the ghetto men
4. What Moses and his people didnt witness when they made their bread
5. Navy, Airforce, Marines
6. expanding and contracting of the comic's plasma bunnies
7. Waterway full of nightmares
8. Queensburough Bridge
9. Inn LA State
10. Not a lie
11. Romeo and Juliet's Area
12. Conceived in the Greatest country
13. What 17th century doctors advised to do with wounds
14. Moooo, Bahhhhhh, Oink!(come on, this one is the easiest!)
15. Plasma and Platelets on the road
End Quote
3)Willy and the poor boys-CCR
5)armed forces-Elivs costello and the attractions
7)River of reams-Billy Joel
10)Truth-Jeff Beck group
Subject: Re: Album quiz
3)Willy and the poor boys-CCR
5)armed forces-Elivs costello and the attractions
7)River of reams-Billy Joel
10)Truth-Jeff Beck group
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4 for 4!
Subject: Re: Album quiz
4. the rising by bruce springsteen
Subject: Re: Album quiz
14. Animals - Pink Floyd (I guess?)
Subject: Re: Album quiz
4. the rising by bruce springsteen
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Subject: Re: Album quiz
14. Animals - Pink Floyd (I guess?)
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Very close!
Subject: Re: Album quiz
14. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Subject: Re: Album quiz
14. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
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YES! Good job!
Subject: Re: Album quiz
Hi Mike
Is #13 "Let It Bleed" by The Rolling Stones?
Subject: Re: Album quiz
Hi Mike
Is #13 "Let It Bleed" by The Rolling Stones?
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