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Subject: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (Played out!!)
Ok, heres how this one goes, I randomly picked one of my many mixed CDs, and I made sure that there were no instrumentals on it, then I made a lyrics quiz with every song on it in order, so this is one CD...It's "Billy's Mix 12" if you must know lol...so limit 4
1)well dont you know that no one alive can always be an angel
meriadoc Dont ley me be misunderstood-Animals
2)I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will get by by by, i will survive
hannahbear Touch of gray-Grateful dead
3)dont say "it aint so" , you know the time is now
hannahbear Centerfield-John Forgerty
4)Love is like a flame It burns you when it's hot
resin Love Hurts-Nazareth
5)I'd spill it all over the stage
Resin It's only rock and roll but I like it-Stones
6)But that's all right cause we're looking as cool as can be.
lebeiw Rock this town-Stray cats
7)teacher was looking for me all around
(BTW, This version isnt the original)
Crazydon Smoking in the boys room-Motley Crue (Yeah, Brownville Station had the original, but the one on the CD was the Crue)
8)writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear
hannahbear Eleanor Rigby-Beatles
9)I guess the time was right for us to say
We'd take our time and live our lives together day by day
venom Love of a lifetime-Firehouse
10)Thruppence and sixpence every day
meriadoc Magic bus-the who
11)Success has been so easy for you.
lebeiw Dont you want me-Human League
12)brushing her long blonde hair
hannahbear Wonderful tonight-Eric Clapton
13)But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference
kenny Radio radio -Elvis Costello and the Attractions
14)There ain't no good guys, there ain't no bad guys
Crazydon We just disagree-Dave Mason
15)But they just cant kill the beast
lebeiw Hotel California-Eagles
16)But I wanted it that way
Mike You aint seen nothing yet-BTO
17)Why she had to go, I dont know, she wouldnt say
Hannahbear Yesterday-Beatles
18)I can see me lost and searching
Indygent Ive been lonely too long-Young Rascals
19)Break those chains that bind you
Kenny Sparate ways (Worlds apart)-Journey
good luck
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
2. Touch of Grey--Grateful Dead
8. Eleanor Rigby--Beatles
12. Wonderful Tonight--Eric Clapton
17. Yesterday--Beatles
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
6. Rock This Town--Stray Cats
11. Don't You Want Me--The Human League
15. Hotel California--The Eagles
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
13. Elvis Costello - Radio, Radio
19. Journey - Separate Ways
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
4. Nazareth - Love Hurts
5. Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock n Roll
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
2. Touch of Grey--Grateful Dead
8. Eleanor Rigby--Beatles
12. Wonderful Tonight--Eric Clapton
17. Yesterday--Beatles
End Quote
hey Hannahbear...I didnt know you were lebeiw's sister
anyway, you got them all right
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
6. Rock This Town--Stray Cats
11. Don't You Want Me--The Human League
15. Hotel California--The Eagles
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hry lebeiw, I didnt know hannahbear was your sister...
anyway, 3 for 3
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
13. Elvis Costello - Radio, Radio
19. Journey - Separate Ways
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2 for 2
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
4. Nazareth - Love Hurts
5. Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock n Roll
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2 for 2
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
hey Hannahbear...I didnt know you were lebeiw's sister
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Learn something new every day, huh? I'm the cooler sibling. ;)
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
#7 must be "Smokin' in the Boys' Room" by Mötley Crüe.
#14 is "We Just Disagree" by Dave Mason.
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
#7 must be "Smokin' in the Boys' Room" by Mötley Crüe.
#14 is "We Just Disagree" by Dave Mason.
End Quote
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
Ok, heres how this one goes, I randomly picked one of my many mixed CDs, and I made sure that there were no instrumentals on it, then I made a lyrics quiz with every song on it in order, so this is one CD...It's "Billy's Mix 12" if you must know lol...so limit 4
1)well dont you know that no one alive can always be an angel
2)I will get by, I will get by, I will get by, I will get by by by, i will survive
hannahbear Touch of gray-Grateful dead
3)dont say "it aint so" , you know the time is now
4)Love is like a flame It burns you when it's hot
resin Love Hurts-Nazareth
5)I'd spill it all over the stage
Resin It's only rock and roll but I like it-Stones
6)But that's all right cause we're looking as cool as can be.
lebeiw Rock this town-Stray cats
7)teacher was looking for me all around
(BTW, This version isnt the original)
8)writing the words to a sermon that no one will hear
hannahbear Eleanor Rigby-Beatles
9)I guess the time was right for us to say
We'd take our time and live our lives together day by day
10)Thruppence and sixpence every day
11)Success has been so easy for you.
lebeiw Dont you want me-Human League
12)brushing her long blonde hair
hannahbear Wonderful tonight-Eric Clapton
13)But everybody else is overwhelmed by indifference
kenny Radio radio -Elvis Costello and the Attractions
14)There ain't no good guys, there ain't no bad guys
15)But they just cant kill the beast
lebeiw Hotel California-Eagles
16)But I wanted it that way
17)Why she had to go, I dont know, she wouldnt say
Hannahbear Yesterday-Beatles
18)I can see me lost and searching
19)Break those chains that bind you
Kenny Sparate ways (Worlds apart)-Journey
good luck
End Quote
16. You aint seen nothin yet-Bachman Turner Overdrive
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
Learn something new every day, huh?
End Quote
Yes, I do....and considering the fact that I learned nothing in college today, I was due to learn something new
I'm the cooler sibling. ;)
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I dont know...your brother was just saying yesterday how much cooler he is than his sister....hmmm...maybe we got some kind of sibling rivalry here....(lol, it doesnt matter, youre cooler to me because you have Madman across the water in your avitar..much cooler than Weird Al...) ;)
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
lol, it doesnt matter, youre cooler to me because you have Madman across the water in your avitar..much cooler than Weird Al...) ;)
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Thank you. :) ;)
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
Thank you. :) ;)
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youre very welcome ;) ;D
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
9. Love of a Lifetime - Firehouse
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
9. Love of a Lifetime - Firehouse
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Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
*note to self* Find Elton John avatar.
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
*note to self* Find Elton John avatar.
End Quote
lol..not just any Elton album...its gotta be one of his good albums, you know, Capt Fantastic, Tumbleweed, Honky chateou, Dont shoot me...,....you know, the good stuff...not any of that Reg strikes back garbage.......
lol..its alright lebeiw, I think youre cool too
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
1. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Animals
10. Magic Bus - Who
(and whoa Billy, I'm soooo glad I'm 'one of the boys' again... ::) )
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz
1. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Animals
10. Magic Bus - Who
(and whoa Billy, I'm soooo glad I'm 'one of the boys' again... ::) )
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you got them right , but i have a feeling that you, a man, lol, is never going to let me live this down....damn lol ;)
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (2 left!)
18. I've Been Lonely Too Long-The Young Rascals
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (2 left!)
18. I've Been Lonely Too Long-The Young Rascals
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Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (1 left!)
bump it bumpit, stop picking on me
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (1 left!) BIG HINTS
3. Centerfield--John Fogerty
Subject: Re: One of my CDs lyrics quiz (1 left!) BIG HINTS
3. Centerfield--John Fogerty
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knew youd come through