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Subject: Album cover quiz 1 LEFT!
ok....I show an album cover, you tell me the album...limit 3 NO LIMIT!...good luck
1. http://www.sugarray.com/discography/regularreleases/l&b.jpg
LEbeiw Lemonade and brownies-Sugar RAy
Maddogg Animals-Pink Floyd
3. http://overkill.pl/album/black_album.jpg
Maddogg Black Album-Metallica
CD Bookends-Simon and Garfunkle
MAddogg Asteral Weeks-Van Morrison
6. http://www.rockmetal.pl/pics/fripp/court.jpg
Kenny Court of King Crimson-King Crimson
7. http://www.kurtgallagher.com/imperial_bedroom.jpg
Kenny Imperial Bedroom-Elvis Costello
8. http://members.aol.com/jpaulhamus/nights.gif
CD One of these nights-Eagles
9. http://sharifi.org/album_images/2031.jpg
Resinchaser Presence-Led Zeppelin
10. http://www.vex.net/~paulmac/simon/images/still_crazy_lp.gif
IG Still crazy after all these years-Paul Simon
11. http://www.musica.co.uk/images/products/pp/thumb/7/79188.jpg
Lebeiw Turnstiles-Billy Joel
12. http://stingetc.com/giftguide/ghost.jpg
Lebeiw Ghost in the machine-Police
13. http://sharifi.org/album_images/2032.jpg
CD In through the out door-Zep
14. http://www.metalreviews.com/reviews/img/bon%20jovi%20-%20bounce.jpg
IG Bounce-Bon Jovi
15. http://www.usc.edu/dept/geography/losangeles/lawalk/spark/morrison.jpg
BIlly Morrison Hotel-Doors
16. http://www.artistdirect.com/Images/Sources/AMGCOVERS/music/cover200/drd600/d664/d66427sp88c.jpg
Kenny More songs about buildens and food-Talking Heads
17. http://www.widemedia.com/fashionuk/news/2001/03/28/byrne.gif
IG Feelings-David Byrne
18. http://www.chaosmusic.com/product_images/thumb/838205.jpg
19. http://www.artistdirect.com/Images/Sources/AMGCOVERS/music/cover200/drc400/c412/c4129467o12.jpg
Billy Paragons meet Jesters-Paragons and Jesters
20. http://www.timerecords.co.uk/acatalog/60SLP%20WHO%20QUADROPHENIA.JPG
Billy Quadrophelia-Who
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
1. Sugar Ray--Lemonade and Brownies
11. Billy Joel--Turnstiles
12. The Police--Ghost in the Machine
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
6. King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
7. Elvis Costello - Imperial Bedroom
16. Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings And Food
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
alright, lets take the easy way
19)The paragons meet the jesters -Paragons & the Jesters
20)Quadrophenia-the who
15)Morrison hotel-The doors
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
#4 is Simon & Garfunkel's "Bookends."
#8 is the Eagles' "One of These Nights."
#13 is one of the four covers of Led Zeppelin's "In Through the Out Door."
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
14. Bounce-Bon Jovi
17. uh, 'Feelings' by David Byrne?
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
10. Still Crazy After All These Years-Paul Simon
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
Hi Mike
#2 Animals - Pink Floyd (is it me, or can everyone else see this plainly written on the album cover!?)
#3 Metallica - Metallica - commonly known as "The Black Album" (one of my favourite albums of all time!)
#5 looks like Van Morrison - Astral Weeks?
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
9. Led Zeppelin - Presence
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
9. Led Zeppelin - Presence
End Quote
Subject: Re: Album cover quiz
Hi Mike
#2 Animals - Pink Floyd (is it me, or can everyone else see this plainly written on the album cover!?)
#3 Metallica - Metallica - commonly known as "The Black Album" (one of my favourite albums of all time!)
#5 looks like Van Morrison - Astral Weeks?
End Quote
hello and correct!