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Subject: random lyrics fun! (gone!!!!!)
indeed...limit 6
1)Their logic ties you up and rapes you
FB De do do do De Da Da Da-Police
2)she told me to come, but I was already there
Jonman you shook me all night long-AC/DC
3)every girl wants you to be her man
Mike The tide is high-Blondie or the Paragons
4)spred your wings and let me come inside
Jonman Tonights the night (Its gonna be alright)-Rod Stewart
5)carryed his guitar in a guny sack
Jonman Johnny B Goode-Chuck Berry
6)There's so much that we need to share
Send a smile and show you care
Hitchy Give a little bit-Supertramp
7)on your knees boy
Indygent Mysterious ways-U2
8)and he said, string him up for what he did
Indygent The Ballad of Billy the Kid-Billy Joel
9)along with muggers, fuggers and bees
Crazydon Dirty Water-Standells
10)it just so happens Im free tonight, would you like to have dinner with me?
Mike Take a letter Maria-RB Graves
11)when your high you never, ever want to come down
Kenny Welcome to the Jungle-GNR
12)I listened to preachers, Ive listened to fools
Mike Crazy Train -Ozzy Osbourne (Or Pat Boone! hahahaha)
13)they burned down the gambling house
Jonman Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple (Or Pat Boone! hahahah)
14)I gotta know right now, before we go any further, do you love me?
Jonman Paradise by the dashboard light-Meatloaf
15)making love in the green grass, behind the stadium with you
Venom Brown Eyed girl-Van Morrison
16)and all the joy within you dies
Venom Somebody to love-Jefferson Airplane
17)Youre gonna give your love to me
lebeiw/mike Not Fade away-Rolling Stones
18)...or green lantern aint got, a thing on me
Venom Sunshine Superman-Donovan
19)thats great, it starts with an earthquake
Venom It's the end of the World as we know it-REM
20)show me the way to the next little girl
Mike/CS Alabama Song-The Doors
21)Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene
CS Karn evil #9-ELP
22)like a butterfly afraid to fly OR Butterflys are free to fly
CS Someone saved my life tonight, Elton John, or the Vicors (Whom I took the lyrics from...thats why they are different)
23)Im free, Im careless, I believe
Mike My Sacrafice-Creed
24)and out the door I went
Hitchy One bourbon one scotch one beer-George Thorogood and the Destroyers, (but bonus points to Hitchy for also giving me the name of the Johnny Lee Hooker song, House Rent boogie!)
25)Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
Venom I'll be-Edwin McCain
26)youre a bird of paradise
CS Rio-Duran Duran
27)Little Orphan Annie and Sweet Sue too
They've been coming around
Gives 'em somethin' to do
Venom/ Indygent Shakin' Street-MC5
28)and the man in the back said everyone attack
Mike Ballroom Blitz-Sweet
29)go and run off to your mansions
Tonedef You get what you give-New Radicals
30)And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Daddysgirl/TB Seven nation Army-White Stripes
good luck
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
indeed...limit 6
1)Their logic ties you up and rapes you
2)she told me to come, but I was already there
3)every girl wants you to be her man
4)spred your wings and let me come inside
5)carryed his guitar in a guny sack
6)There's so much that we need to share
Send a smile and show you care
7)on your knees boy
8)and he said, string him up for what he did
9)along with muggers, fuggers and bees
10)it just so happens Im free tonight, would you like to have dinner with me?
11)when your high you never, ever want to come down
12)I listened to preachers, Ive listened to fools
13)they burned down the gambling house (its either that or "They tore down the gambling house'..I dont remember)
14)I gotta know right now, before we go any further, do you love me?
15)making love in the green grass, behind the stadium with you
16)and all the joy within you dies
17)Youre gonna give your love to me
18)...or green lantern aint got, a thing on me
19)thats great, it starts with an earthquake
20)show me the way to the next little girl
21)she'll perform on guilliteen, what a scene, what a scene
22)like a butterfly afraid to fly
23)Im free, Im careless, I believe
24)and out the door I went
25)Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
26)youre a bird of paradise
27)Little Orphan Annie and Sweet Sue too
They've been coming around
Gives 'em somethin' to do
28)and the man in the back said everyone attack
29)go and run off to your mansions
30)And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
good luck
End Quote
3. The tide is high-Blondie and Paragons
10. Take a letter Maria-RB Graves
12. Crazy Train-Ozzy Osbourne
20. Whisky Bar-Doors
23. My Sacrifice-Creed
28. Ballroom blitz-Sweet
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
2. You shook me all night long - AC/DC
4. Tonight's the night - Rod Stewart
5. Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry
13. Smoke on the water - Deep Purple
14. Paradise by the dashboard light - Meat Loaf
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
# 1 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - Police
FB :)
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
15) Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
16) Somebody to Love - Grace Slick
18) Sunshine Superman - Donovan
19) It's the End of the World as we know it - REM
20) Whiskey Bar - The Doors
25) I'll Be - Edwin McCain
27) Shakin Street - Rober Crenshaw
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
#9 is "Dirty Water" by the Standells.
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
Hi Bill
#24 is "House Rent Boogie" - John Lee Hooker, or if you prefer, "One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer" - George Thorogood and the Destroyers.
#6 is "Give a Little Bit" - Supertramp
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
11. Guns n' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
29. new radicals - you get what you give
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
7. Mysterious Ways-U2
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
21. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil 9
(Lyrics are "Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of vaseline
Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene")
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
3. The tide is high-Blondie and Paragons
10. Take a letter Maria-RB Graves
12. Crazy Train-Ozzy Osbourne
20. Whisky Bar-Doors
23. My Sacrifice-Creed
28. Ballroom blitz-Sweet
End Quote
you got them all, except for 20..I can only give you half credit for that since thats really not the right title...its just the most common line in the song...
2. You shook me all night long - AC/DC
4. Tonight's the night - Rod Stewart
5. Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry
13. Smoke on the water - Deep Purple
14. Paradise by the dashboard light - Meat Loaf
End Quote
all right
# 1 De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - Police
End Quote
15) Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
16) Somebody to Love - Grace Slick
1 Sunshine Superman - Donovan
19) It's the End of the World as we know it - REM
20) Whiskey Bar - The Doors
25) I'll Be - Edwin McCain
27) Shakin Street - Rober Crenshaw
End Quote
well, 15, 18, 19, and 25 are 100% right..20 was already gotten, but iif you can give me the real name Ill give it to you...16 is right song, but ill give you the artist too because Grace Slick was the front woman of Jefferson Airplane, and 27 is half right, the title is correct, Im not sure about that artist though..Im gonna look him up, and see if he sung it
#9 is "Dirty Water" by the Standells.
End Quote
Hi Bill
#24 is "House Rent Boogie" - John Lee Hooker, or if you prefer, "One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer" - George Thorogood and the Destroyers.
#6 is "Give a Little Bit" - Supertramp
End Quote
both are right (and I didnt think anyone would give me the Johnny lee hooker title lol
and Im just getting lazy, so Indy, Tonedef and Kenny are correct too
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
26. Duran Duran - RIO
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
21. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Karn Evil 9
(Lyrics are "Soon the Gypsy Queen in a glaze of vaseline
Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene")
End Quote
oops, well you got it anyway
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
26. Duran Duran - RIO
End Quote
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
20. The Doors - Alabama Song
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun!
20. The Doors - Alabama Song
End Quote
there you go
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (4 and 1 half left!) HINTS!
bumpin, on a sunday afternoon
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (4 and 1 half left!) HINTS!
#30 is the white stripes i think...AM I RIGHT AM I RIGHT??
:-*chasidy :-*
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (4 and 1 half left!) HINTS!
#30 is the white stripes i think...AM I RIGHT AM I RIGHT??
:-*chasidy :-*
End Quote
yes yes youre right, now what is the name of it?
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (3 and 2 halves left!) HINT
22. If the lyrics are "butterflies are free to fly", it's Elton John - Someone saved my life tonight. Beyond that, I have no idea.
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (3 and 2 halves left!) HINT
22. If the lyrics are "butterflies are free to fly", it's Elton John - Someone saved my life tonight. Beyond that, I have no idea.
End Quote
well, I guess yeah, Ill give it to you, I just realized that the version that I took the lyrics from for the quiz (It was a local cover bands version) has slightly different lyrics than the original....Ive really got to start checking lyrics at lyrics sites....(well, techniquly I was right, but I was looking for Eltons version, but whatever)
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (2 and 2 halves left!) HINT
bump it bump it,
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (2 and 2 1/2s left!) mo' HI
#30 Seven Nation Army
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (2 and 2 1/2s left!) mo' HI
8. is 'The Ballad Of Billy The Kid'-Billy Joel
The artist for 27 is MC5.
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (2 and 2 1/2s left!) mo' HI
8. Rhe Ballad of Billly The Kid/Billy Joel
;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (2 and 2 1/2s left!) mo' HI
all right
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (1 left!) mega HINTS
Umm, it's the Rolling Stones... you'll have to give me a half point because I don't know the song title.
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (1 left!) mega HINTS
Umm, it's the Rolling Stones... you'll have to give me a half point because I don't know the song title.
End Quote
Subject: Re: random lyrics fun! (1 left!) mega HINTS
indeed...limit 6
1)Their logic ties you up and rapes you
FB De do do do De Da Da Da-Police
2)she told me to come, but I was already there
Jonman you shook me all night long-AC/DC
3)every girl wants you to be her man
Mike The tide is high-Blondie or the Paragons
4)spred your wings and let me come inside
Jonman Tonights the night (Its gonna be alright)-Rod Stewart
5)carryed his guitar in a guny sack
Jonman Johnny B Goode-Chuck Berry
6)There's so much that we need to share
Send a smile and show you care
Hitchy Give a little bit-Supertramp
7)on your knees boy
Indygent Mysterious ways-U2
8)and he said, string him up for what he did
Indygent The Ballad of Billy the Kid-Billy Joel
9)along with muggers, fuggers and bees
Crazydon Dirty Water-Standells
10)it just so happens Im free tonight, would you like to have dinner with me?
Mike Take a letter Maria-RB Graves
11)when your high you never, ever want to come down
Kenny Welcome to the Jungle-GNR
12)I listened to preachers, Ive listened to fools
Mike Crazy Train -Ozzy Osbourne (Or Pat Boone! hahahaha)
13)they burned down the gambling house
Jonman Smoke on the Water-Deep Purple (Or Pat Boone! hahahah)
14)I gotta know right now, before we go any further, do you love me?
Jonman Paradise by the dashboard light-Meatloaf
15)making love in the green grass, behind the stadium with you
Venom Brown Eyed girl-Van Morrison
16)and all the joy within you dies
Venom Somebody to love-Jefferson Airplane
17)Youre gonna give your love to me
lebeiw/?? ??-Rolling Stones
Zella, where are you? Their first big hit, a cover of a Buddy Holly Tune...the line before it goes "Im gonna tell ya how its gonna be"
18)...or green lantern aint got, a thing on me
Venom Sunshine Superman-Donovan
19)thats great, it starts with an earthquake
Venom It's the end of the World as we know it-REM
20)show me the way to the next little girl
Mike/CS Alabama Song-The Doors
21)Will perform on guillotine, what a scene, what a scene
CS Karn evil #9-ELP
22)like a butterfly afraid to fly OR Butterflys are free to fly
CS Someone saved my life tonight, Elton John, or the Vicors (Whom I took the lyrics from...thats why they are different)
23)Im free, Im careless, I believe
Mike My Sacrafice-Creed
24)and out the door I went
Hitchy One bourbon one scotch one beer-George Thorogood and the Destroyers, (but bonus points to Hitchy for also giving me the name of the Johnny Lee Hooker song, House Rent boogie!)
25)Rain falls angry on the tin roof
As we lie awake in my bed
Venom I'll be-Edwin McCain
26)youre a bird of paradise
CS Rio-Duran Duran
27)Little Orphan Annie and Sweet Sue too
They've been coming around
Gives 'em somethin' to do
Venom/ Indygent Shakin' Street-MC5
28)and the man in the back said everyone attack
Mike Ballroom Blitz-Sweet
29)go and run off to your mansions
Tonedef You get what you give-New Radicals
30)And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Daddysgirl/TB Seven nation Army-White Stripes
good luck
End Quote
17. Not fade away-Stones