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Subject: Random Lyrics quiz 6 left!
good luck.....limit 4:
1. If we happen to be left half alive
Billy Wont get fooled again-Who
2. One of 16 vestile virgins
Chris A whiter shade of pale-Procal Harlom
3. Its easy if you try
Chris Imagine-John Lennon
4. Like Silhouettes in dreams
IG 6th Avenue Heartache-Wallflowers
5. Catfish are jumpin'
Billy Black water-Doobie Brothers
6. But they just cant kill the beast
Chris Hotel California-Eagles
7. Dont ever let it show
8. But just like everything else, those dreams came and went
Billy Pink Houses-John Melloncamp
9. You just wanna be on the side thats winning
Hannahbear Positively 4th street-Dylan
10. With a tadpole in a jar
IG Dancing days-Zepp
11. Ya know I had one almost all the time
12. Here a long long time ago
13. Part of me has just been wrecked
Durania Centerfold-J Giles band
14. You should know what you should know
15. Then she says she wants to make up
Lebeiw The things we do for love-10CC
16. Deep inside of you will be alright
17. How do I work this thing?
Kenny Once in a lifetime-Talking heads
18. Never lets in the sun
Lebeiw Only the good die young-Billy joel
19. The end of paradice
Durania The best of times-Styx
20. Let me wear your coat
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
2 A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procul Harum
3 Imagine - John Lennon
6 Hotel Clifornia - The Eagles
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
9. Positively 4th Street--Bob Dylan
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
18. Bily Joel-- Only the Good Die Young
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
15. The Things We Do For Love-- 10CC
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
#13 is Centerfold - J. Geils Band
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
#19 is The Best of Times - Styx
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
Hi Mike
Is #12 "The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie?
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
good luck.....limit 4:
1. If we happen to be left half alive
2. One of 16 vestile virgins
3. Its easy if you try
4. Like Silhouettes in dreams
5. Catfish are jumpin'
6. But they just cant kill the beast
7. Dont ever let it show
8. But just like everything else, it was gone with the wind
9. You just wanna be on the side thats winning
10. With a tadpole in a jar
11. Ya know I had one almost all the time
12. Here a long long time ago
13. Part of me has just been wrecked
14. You should know what you should know
15. Then she says she wants to make up
16. Deep alright
17. How do I work this thininside of you will be g?
18. Never lets in the sun
19. The end of paradice
20. Let me wear your coat
End Quote
1)Wont get fooled again-Who
5)Black water-Doobie Brothers
13)centerfold-J Geils band
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
8)Pink houses-john Mellencamp>?
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
Hi Mike
Is #12 "The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie?
End Quote
I looked into it, but I cant give you credit...the lyric in that song is "Died along, a long long time ago" so it was pretty close...
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz
17. Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz 8 left!
4. 6th Avenue Heartache-The Wallflowers
10. Dancing Days-Led Zeppelin
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz 6 left!
Might as well bump, bump
Subject: Re: Random Lyrics quiz 6 left!
11. Motley Crue - Smokin' In The Boys Room