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Subject: Giant-sized quiz! (Done! Thanks for playing)
Well, this is my first time doing this...hope you like it.
Maybe as this fills out you'll figure out the theme ;) Methinks Kenny and Taoist spotted the theme...They Might Be Giants ::)
#1 I like this mess I've made so far
Feiticeira -- Life Is Unfair
#2 Playing hangman 'til the morning light
Feiticeira -- My Evil Twin
#3 Swear I saw his mouth move
Feiticeira -- Exquisite Dead Guy
#4 Cookie in one hand, wig on her head
Steve -- S-E-X-X-Y
#5 With wrong ideas that appeal to you
tim d -- Whistling In The Dark
#6 But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you
Taoist -- Your Racist Friend
#7 See that bulletproof dress hanging from the clothesline
shazzaah -- I Palindrome I
#8 There's no word in English for my style
80s cheerleader -- Extra Savoir Faire
#9 The dumbwaiter's a monkey
Steve -- (She Was A) Hotel Detective
#10 When you are alone you are the cat
Kenny -- Don't Let's Start
#11 Must contain my secret smile
80s cheerleader -- No One Knows My Plan
#12 Filibuster vigilantly
Taoist -- Birdhouse In Your Soul
...maybe I should've used the line about the Argonauts ;)
#13 I promise not to kill you
80s cheerleader -- Spider
#14 I don't want a pizza
80s cheerleader -- Dinner Bell
#15 As I went through the pillow
80s cheerleader -- Subliminal
#16 Don't tease me with all of your might
Steve -- Snowball In Hell
#17 If by random whim, one occurs to me
80s cheerleader -- I Should Be Allowed To Think
#18 I fell out of my right place again
80s cheerleader -- Snail Shell
#19 One of us might lose his hair
80s cheerleader -- Mammal
#20 Now she's four years gone
Taoist -- Lucky Ball and Chain
#21 Let the people crawl inside
tim d -- We Want a Rock
#22 Land's where we know the boat is found
tim d -- Women and Men
#23 But what do you know?
80s cheerleader -- O, Do Not Forsake Me
#24 When they meet it's a happy land
Kenny -- Particle Man
#25 I will never say the word "Procrastinate" again
tim d -- Dead
#26 Dig him up and shake his hand
shazzaah -- Meet James Ensor
#27 People just liked it better that way
Kenny -- Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Honestly, all the lines in this song are very unique, but there's no way to do a TMBG quiz without this one ;)
#28 I built a little empire out of some crazy garbage
tim d -- Kiss Me, Son of God
#29 There'd be no you and me
Steve -- Why Does the Sun Shine?
#30 And if you're still around
80s cheerleader -- End of the Tour
Enjoy :)
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
10. They Might Be Giants - Don't Let's Start
24. They Might Be Giants - Particle Man
27. They Might Be Giants - Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
I sense a theme.
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
Hi Rice Cube
6 is Racist friend
12 is Birdhouse in your soul
20 is Ball and Chain
(All by TMBG)
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
That was quick ;)
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
What, nobody likes TMBG? :(
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
1 - Boss Of Me
2 - My Evil Twin
3 - Exquisite Dead Guy
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
1 - Boss Of Me
2 - My Evil Twin
3 - Exquisite Dead Guy
End Quote
Well, you don't have to go in order, but alright...
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
Nuts. I guess few of you actually know TMBG :-/
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
5 Whistling in the Dark
22 Women & Men
25 Dead
28 Kiss me, Son of God
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
oh.. and
21 We Want a Rock
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
#4 - S-E-X-X-Y
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
#4 - S-E-X-X-Y
End Quote
You can do better than that ::)
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
#26 Meet James Ensor
#7 I Palindrome I
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
#26 Meet James Ensor
#7 I Palindrome I
End Quote
Thanks hun. My quiz was getting lonely.
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
#9 - (She Was A) Hotel Detective
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
Limit's 5, huh!?!
8. Extra Savior Faire
11. No One Knows My Plan
13. Spider
14. Dinner Bell
19. Mammal
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
Limit's 5, huh!?!
8. Extra Savior Faire
11. No One Knows My Plan
13. Spider
14. Dinner Bell
19. Mammal
End Quote
I was about to say you missed a word on #11, but I guess you changed it...kosher ;)
Thanks for playing, this quiz gets lonely.
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
I know a few more, can I keep going?
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz!
I know a few more, can I keep going?
End Quote
Sure, there are only a couple left so I'll remove the limits.
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off)
15. Fingertips
17. I Should Be Allowed to Think
18. Snail Shell
23. O, Do Not Forsake Me
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off)
15. Fingertips
End Quote
*BUZZ* wrong! But the rest are good!
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off--4 left)
15. Subliminal?
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off--4 left)
15. Subliminal?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off--3 left)
#16 Don't tease me with all of your might
Snowball in Hell
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (Limits are Off--3 left)
DUH! Forgot one...
30. The End of the Tour
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (One left)
29- Why Does the Sun Shine?
Subject: Re: Giant-sized quiz! (One left)
29- Why Does the Sun Shine?
End Quote
AND we're spent :)
Thanks for playing, folks!