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Subject: The Expurgated Bard
Zella's Shakespeare parody in the Haiku thread made me think about a slightly more cultural quiz...
All the following are Shakespearean quotes with a word or words missing. Bonus points for the play/character. They should be right, but they're from memory so there may be the occasional lapse...
1. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Macbeth Tao (Sorry Kaz)
2. That which we may call a rose by any other name
Juliet in Romeo and Juliet Kaz/IndyGent
3. Is this a dagger I see before me
Macbeth Tao/Kaz
4. Alas poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio
Hamlet Tao
5. Where the Bee sucks, there suck I
6. If you prick us, do we not Bleed?
7. A Horse! a Horse! my kingdom for a Horse!
Richard III FBVP/Zella
8. All the World's a Stage
As you like it by Jaques FBPV/Indy Gent
9. Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Henry IV (Part II) Kaz/Indy Gent
10.But, for my own part, it was Greek to me
Julius Caesar cornboy98
11. Rosemary, that's for remembrance....
Ophelia in Hamlet Kaz
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
Hi Phil !
# 7 A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom For A Horse
# 8 All The World's A Stage
I suspect I have swiped the easier ones !
FB ;)
(Edited due to a case of severe embarrasment!)
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
Hi Phil
1. Tommorrow (Macbeth, referring to his wife's death)
3. Dagger, (Hamlet's soliloquy)
4. Horatio (Hamlet, referring to the skull of the king's jester)
8. World's a Stage (Macbeth)
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
A bit of culture for a change!!
1. possibly Tomorrow again?
2. ... may call a ROSE by..
3. Is this a DAGGER I see before me. Frome "The Scottish Play" and I think its the man himself who says it
4. I knew him Horatio. From Hamlet I think
5. ?
6. do we not BLEED?
7. A horse a horse a kingdom for a horse. Henry 5th? said by the king
8. All the WORLD'S a STAGE
9. Uneasy lies the HEAD that wears the CROWN. Richard 1st?
10.? sounds more like Jane Austen than Shakespeare
Again this was done from my memory. Now if I was at home and had my book of quotes....
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
5. where the bee sucks, there suck I (I believe one of the sonnets)
7. from Richard III?
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
How about:
11. ********, that's for remembrance....
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
Damn, that was quick!
# 7 A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom For A Horse
# 8 All The World's A Stage
End Quote
Yes to both
1. Tommorrow (Macbeth, referring to his wife's death)
3. Dagger, (Hamlet's soliloquy)
4. Horatio (Hamlet, referring to the skull of the king's jester)
8. World's a Stage (Macbeth)
End Quote
1 - Right word, wrong character
3 - ditto, sounds like you're getting your tragic heros in a muddle
4. Yep.
8. Right words, wrong play again, I'm afraid.
1. possibly Tomorrow again?
2. ... may call a ROSE by..
3. Is this a DAGGER I see before me. Frome "The Scottish Play" and I think its the man himself who says it
4. I knew him Horatio. From Hamlet I think
6. do we not BLEED?
7. A horse a horse a kingdom for a horse. Henry 5th? said by the king
8. All the WORLD'S a STAGE
9. Uneasy lies the HEAD that wears the CROWN. Richard 1st?
10.? sounds more like Jane Austen than Shakespeare
End Quote
1. Yes, but you were beaten to it, I'm afraid
2. Yes.
3. Correct in all parts
4. Ditto
6. Yes, we do
7. Right words, wrong character - this one lost
8. Yes, but you were beaten again
9. Yes, but no
10. Is definitely Shakespeare.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
5. where the bee sucks, there suck I (I believe one of the sonnets)
7. from Richard III?
End Quote
5. Yes, but it's not a sonnet
7. Yes.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
Is no. 10 ROSEMARY, that's for rememberance? Or some other similar flower anyway. I think it's Ophelia that says it.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
O.k. so that was number 11 I was talking about!
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
O.k. so that was number 11 I was talking about!
End Quote
I kind of guessed... yes, it is Rosemary and Ophelia
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
10. But, for my own part, it was GREEK to me. (from Julius Caesar)
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
1 - Right word, wrong character
3 - ditto, sounds like you're getting your tragic heros in a muddle
4. Yep.
8. Right words, wrong play again, I'm afraid.
End Quote
I think I got 1 correct (the others were fumbled :P)
1. Macbeth, Scene V
SEYTON. The Queen, my lord, is dead.
MACBETH. She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time;
Hamlet and Macbeth are the only 2 plays I know well
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
I think I got 1 correct (the others were fumbled :P)
1. Macbeth, Scene V
SEYTON. The Queen, my lord, is dead.
MACBETH. She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time;
Hamlet and Macbeth are the only 2 plays I know well
End Quote
OK, OK - but "Is this a dagger etc" is definitely MacB, too ;-)
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
10. But, for my own part, it was GREEK to me. (from Julius Caesar)
End Quote
Nearly missed that one - yes it is.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
2. was from Romeo and Juliet, said by Juliet.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
2. was from Romeo and Juliet, said by Juliet.
End Quote
Certainly was.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
8. is from "As You Like It", said by Jaques.
9. is from King Henry IV, Part II.
Subject: Re: The Expurgated Bard
8. is from "As You Like It", said by Jaques.
9. is from King Henry IV, Part II.
End Quote