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Subject: Silly quiz about our Usernames (COMPLETE)
Please don't do too many at once....give everyone a go !
What username :
Taoist 1. Has some reference to the Battle of Britain ? SouthernSPITFIRE
Reddyrules 2. Is 'atomised' ? Hairspray
crazydon 3. Pronounced phonetically, means 'poor' ? Indy Gent
Taoist 4. Is the name of a traditional summer sport in England and Australia (former username) ? Cricket
Taoist 5. Would sit behind a 'wheel' ? Ceramics Fanatic
Gis 6. Dabbles in amateur Psychiatry ? FussBudgetVanPelt
chris 7. Is a mixture two rappers' names ? Tone-Def
DJ Midas 8. Is the author of four books about their username ? 80sTrivia
Bobo 9. Is named after a rich man's childhood toy ? Bobo
Zella 10. Could mean an insane mafia boss ? crazydon
Indy Gent 11. Is baseball-related ? Screwball54
Jonman 12. Could 'lead you to the wrong conclusion' ? MissInformation
Ceram Fan 13. Is also partly the surname of a 70's female Australian soloist ? Reddyrules
chris 14. Is derived from a character in a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov ? Zella
crazydon 15. Is the first name of a famous cartoon character whose surname was Bumstead ? Dagwood
crazydon 16. Is partly the surname of a former US Vice-President ? Goreripper
Taoist 17. Could mean 'Naughty English Midlands City' ? Wicked Lester (Leicester)
Zella 18. Has to do with their job, and also has part of a Hollies song title in it ? DJ Midas
Zella 19. May be charged at $ 4.50 per minute ? 1-900-Banasy
Zella 20. Is short for their full name, which is of German origin ? Gis
crazydon 21. Is like a Roy Orbison song title, but a few years later ? Mystery Woman
Gis 22. Is in part, the name of the lead singer of an Australian 80's band ? BrianMannixGirl
Indy Gent 23. Could describe John McEnroe and his first wife ? Tantrum O'Neal
dagwood 24. Is also the name of a character on 'Married With Childen' ? Marci
Ceram Fan 25. Means 'Ecstatic Joy or Delight' ? Rapture
Zella 26. Could be another way of saying the name 'Jai' ? Tarzan Boy
Edge Dirk 27. Could mean 'Wicked Stick Insect' ? Evil Mantis
DJ Midas 28. Has triplets ? TripsMom
Jonman 29. Is the abbrevaition of the state in which they live ? Tx
Zella 30. Is a variation on 'Napster' ? Davester
Zella 31. Has access to a 'SigKadet LT 40' ? Queen Aviator
Edge Dirk 32. Could be Dracula caught in a lightning storm ? ThunderVamp9
chris 33. Is a cute bear ? Panda
crazydon 34. Is what happened at Chernobyl ? Meltdown
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
#3 is IndyGent.
#15 is Dagwood.
#34 is Meltd0wn.
Sorry, I couldn't answer #10… ;)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
10. Crazydon
18. D.J. Midas
19. 1-900-Banasy
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
#3 is IndyGent.
#15 is Dagwood.
#34 is Meltd0wn.
Sorry, I couldn't answer #10… ;)
End Quote
All 3 correct, crazy, and also correct on your last staement !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
10. Crazydon
18. D.J. Midas
19. 1-900-Banasy
End Quote
All correct, Zed !
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
8. 80sTrivia
28. TripsMom
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
8. 80sTrivia
28. TripsMom
End Quote
Both correct DJM
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
1. Has some reference to the Battle of Britain ?
4. Is the name of a traditional summer sport in England and Australia (former username) ?
5. Would sit behind a 'wheel' ?
End Quote
Hi Fuss
1. SouthernSpitfire
4. Must be Cricket!
5. Ceramics Fanatic
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
27. Evil Mantis
32. ThunderVamp9
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
11. Screwball_54.
16. quahog?
23. Tantrum O'Neal
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
12. MissInformation
29. Tx
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
I'm going to claim number nine both for, and as my own.
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
And number four would be Cricket.
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
Heh, and number thirty three would be mine as well... I find that utterly perplexing.
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
27. Evil Mantis (that's my third)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
Hi Fuss!
#13 is ReddyRules (named after Helen Reddy ;D).
#25 must be Rapture.
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
20 Zella
24 Marci
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames
Hi Fuss
1. SouthernSpitfire
4. Must be Cricket!
5. Ceramics Fanatic
End Quote
All correct Tao ;)
27. Evil Mantis
32. ThunderVamp9
End Quote
Both correct Dirk :D
11. Screwball_54.
16. quahog?
23. Tantrum O'Neal
End Quote
#'s 11 & 23 correct IG - I'll give you # 16 also if you can tell me to what you refer ??? ;) ;) ;)
12. MissInformation
29. Tx
End Quote
2 x Correct, Jonman ! ;)
I'm going to claim number nine both for, and as my own.
End Quote
Bad Bobo Bear ! You didn't read the rules ! To bed without any supper ! ;D Correct though....
And number four would be Cricket.
End Quote
Yes, but you were beaten to it by your countryman, Tao...
Heh, and number thirty three would be mine as well... I find that utterly perplexing.
End Quote
As a bloke, I'll refrain from answering that in the positive ::) ;) Are you sure you're not just on a posting binge here Bobo Bear ? ;D
27. Evil Mantis (that's my third)
End Quote
Correct but taken by Edgewood Dirk - sorry... :(
Hi Fuss!
#13 is ReddyRules (named after Helen Reddy ;D).
#25 must be Rapture.
End Quote
Hi CF ! Both correct also ! ;)
20 Zella
24 Marci
End Quote
1 outta 2 dagwood, # 20 is incorrect, sorry :)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (13 to go)
lol... 17 is WickedLester (Leicester)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (13 to go)
2/ Hairspray?
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (13 to go)
lol... 17 is WickedLester (Leicester)
End Quote
Hee hee ! Well Done Tao :D
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (13 to go)
2/ Hairspray?
End Quote
And also well done Reddy ;)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (11 to go)
#16 is Goreripper.
#21 is Mystery Woman.
(Thanks FB for opening it up!)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (11 to go)
#16 is Goreripper.
#21 is Mystery Woman.
(Thanks FB for opening it up!)
End Quote
# 21 is correct C'Don !
# 16 is not the one I was thinking of, mine was a bit closer to home....
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
20. Gis
31. Queen Aviator
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
30. Davester
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
Would 6. be you as in Lucy sitting in her booth 'the psychiatrist is in'?
20.Is me!!
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
7- ToneDef
14 Zella
33 Panda
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
20. Gis
31. Queen Aviator
End Quote
2 outta 2 here, Zed :D
30. Davester
End Quote
Another one correct ;)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
Would 6. be you as in Lucy sitting in her booth 'the psychiatrist is in'?
20.Is me!!
End Quote
Hi Gis
#'s 6 & 22 correct - well done - 2 of the harder ones... :D
#20 Zella beat you to yourself.... :(
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (10 to go)
7- ToneDef
14 Zella
33 Panda
End Quote
All 3 correct chris - well done on # 14, BTW... ;)
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (2 to go)
26. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it has some connection to Tarzan Boy? ???
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (2 to go)
As for #16, I can't remember any of our vice presidents except for Agnew.... ::)
Could it be RockandRollFan for Rockefeller?
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (11 to go)
#16 is Goreripper.
#21 is Mystery Woman.
(Thanks FB for opening it up!)
End Quote
Hi crazydon
It has been pointed out to me that I was erroneous in my marking of your answer - I read your # 16 as # 6
Sorry about that - you were quite correct !
FB :-[
Subject: Re: Silly quiz about our Usernames (2 to go)
26. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think it has some connection to Tarzan Boy? ???
End Quote
Well, although you can't put your finger on it - you are CORRECT ! ;D
Jai was the little boy that Tarzan used to hang out with (the Ron Ely type Tarzan)