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This is a topic from the Penguin Quizzes forum on inthe00s.
Subject: Bands that begin with V -- Very finished
Written By: My_name_is_Kenny on 08/12/02 at 06:42 p.m.
V is for Vegas Vacation, which is what I'm on right now. I'm only here on my uncle's computer for a short time before I move on to California, so I probably won't be able to confirm any of your guesses for a while, just so you know.
You know I'm only three houses down from where Penn from Penn and Teller lives? He's got the single oddest-looking house I've ever seen...
1. Women never really faint and villains always blink their eyes Andrew
Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane
2. Still be trying to break every single rule lebiew
Vitamin C - Graduation (Friends Forever)
3. To tell you the truth, I've been with her myself Indiana Gent
Vicki Lawrence - The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
4. I often kiss you when there's no one else around Andrew
Vapors - Turning Japanese
5. We never talk of our lacking relationships Indiana Gent
Verve Pipe - The Freshman
6. Look, here's a dance so old it's new Bobo
Van McCoy - The Hustle
7. I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down Jessica
Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
8. New York to San Francisco, an intercity disco Tone-Def
Vengaboys - We Like to Party
9. Did you stop? No, I just drove by Tone-Def
Vanilla Ice - Ice, Ice Baby
10. My girlfriend, she's at the end Tone-Def
Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun
11. She never loved me; why should anyone? Tone-Def
Vines - Get Free
12. Never have to worry about what is worst and what is best Andrew
Van Morrison - Domino
13. Just when I thought our chance had passed Goreripper
Vanessa Williams - Save the Best for Last
14. Blue-eyed murder in a side-swiped dress Goreripper
Van Halen - Unchained
15. Love to hear the percussion Indiana Gent
Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn the Beat Around
16. Study oceanography Indiana Gent
Village People - In the Navy
17. Echoes of angels that won't return iam1
Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want
18. I got no fare to ride a train crazydon
Vanity Faire - Hitching a Ride
19. I don't wanna fall, I don't wanna crawl Andrew
Vixen - Edge of a Lonely Heart
20. I try to ram her into the ground Goreripper
Veruca Salt - Seether
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Jessica on 08/12/02 at 06:57 p.m.
7. "Bittersweet Symphony" -The Verve
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: lebeiw15 on 08/12/02 at 07:06 p.m.
2. Vitamin C- Graduation (Friends Forever)
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Indy Gent on 08/12/02 at 07:19 p.m.
3. The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia-Vicki Lawrence
5. The Freshmen-Verve Pipe
15. Turn The Beat Around-Vickie Sue Robinson
16. In the Navy-The Village People
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Crazy Don on 08/12/02 at 07:43 p.m.
#18 is "Hitchin' a Ride" by Vanity Fare.
You probably noticed that I did a quiz with two letters you skipped over. I suppose you want me to a "U" quiz because you skipped over it? I'm not gonna touch "X" with a 10-foot pole!
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Andrew (Guest) on 08/12/02 at 07:52 p.m.
1. Sweet Jane - Velvet Underground
4. Turning Japanese - Vapours
12. Domino - Van Morrison
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Tone-Def on 08/12/02 at 07:58 p.m.
8. vengaboys - we like to party
11. get free - the vines
10. violent femmes - blister in the sun
I think #9 is ice ice baby by vanilla ice
and 13 is "save the best for last" dunno who did it
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Goreripper on 08/12/02 at 08:47 p.m.
"save the best for last" dunno who did it
End Quote
Vanessa Williams
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Goreripper on 08/12/02 at 08:50 p.m.
14. 'Unchained' by Van Halen
20. 'Seether' by Veruca Salt
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: Bobo on 08/13/02 at 00:13 a.m.
6. The Hustle - van McCoy
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: iam4iu42 on 08/13/02 at 11:02 p.m.
17. Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want or You're a God (I don't remember which)
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V
Written By: iam4iu42 on 08/13/02 at 11:03 p.m.
13. "Save the Best for Last" - Vanessa Williams
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V -- with hint
Written By: My_name_is_Kenny on 08/15/02 at 08:14 p.m.
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V -- with hint
Written By: Astral on 08/15/02 at 08:28 p.m.
;) :o ;D
Subject: Re: Bands that begin with V -- with hint
Written By: Andrew on 08/15/02 at 08:43 p.m.
Gonna take a guess...
19. Edge Of A Broken Heart - Vixen