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Subject: Quiz for the non-Aussies (COMPLETE)
Goreripper, Reddyrules, Mrgazpacho, BrainMannixGirl and any other Aussies I may have overlooked, can you not have a go at this for a while please ? Thanks.
Gis' dad ! # 1 What and where are the Kimberleys ? NW Australia - rugged mountainous area)
Gore # 2 Which city has double decker passenger trains ? (Sydney)
Gore # 3 What is the similarity between Brisbane's national Rugby League team and an NFL team ? (The nickname Broncos - Brisbane and Denver) (R&RF - where were you ?)
Zella # 4 How many States are there in Australia (6 - Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia)
Gis # 5 Which Australian Prime Minister went for a swim and never came back ? When ? (Harold Holt - (but when ??))
Gis # 6 The highway linking Brisbane and Cairns is the ______ Highway ? (Hint - the name is the surname of a member of a 60's british 'supergroup') (Bruce Highway)
Gis # 7 By what colloquial name is the Sydney Harbour Bridge sometimes known ? (Coat Hanger)
J.C. # 8 By what name was the Little River Band formerly known ? (Mississippi)
Gis # 9 What did Joern Utzon do for Australia ? (designed Sydney Opera House)
Gis # 10 Which Australian city did the Bee gees live in as children ? (Brisbane)
Gis # 11 Which Australian school did Prince Charles attend ? (Timbertop)
Gore # 12 What is unique about the Trans-Australia railway ? (Longest continuous straight stretch of track in the world - 478 kilometres - about 300 miles)
# 13 What do the following stand for :
Zella (a) ANZAC (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps)
Mrgaz (b) ASIO (Australian SecretIntelligence Organisation)
Mrgaz (c) ALP - (Australian Labor Party)
Mrgaz (and what did (d) stand for) (d) TAA (Trans Australia Airlines)
J.C. # 14 In the 70's, Paul Hogan had a weekly TV show named what ? (The Paul Hogan Show)
Gis # 15 Australia gave Kylie to the world - regrettably, you didn't take her. When she was in the soap 'Neighbours', what was her job ? (Mechanic)
Crazydon (close) # 16 There are 6 coins (apart from special issues) in use in Australia. What are their denominations ? (5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2)
Zella # 17 Which Messageboard member is convinced (more than others) that all Aussies speak strine ? (Crazydon)
Gis # 18 What is the Australian term for a pie ? (Pie !)
Gore # 19 What are the 4 main football codes in Australia ? (Australian Rules, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Soccer)
Cranky Zella # 20 Which Australian capital City sees the sun last ? (Perth)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
15. is a mechanic,I'll get back to you on some of the others when I'm more awake!!
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
4. 6: Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania
13. ANZAC -- Australia/New Zealand Army Corp? I know it was WWII
17. Crazydon!
20. Carnarvon?
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
4. 7: Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania
17. Crazydon!
End Quote
Hi Zella
# 17 is correct - I see you re-read the threads you start !
# 4 is technically incorrect, you have given me all the states but also something extra - you need to delete one !
please re-submit !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Look again! :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
15. is a mechanic,I'll get back to you on some of the others when I'm more awake!!
End Quote
Hi Gis
As I didn't thinkthat Philbo or Bobo were likely Neighbours watchers, and I don't think they were subjected to it in North America (lucky ;) ), I thought you may be the only person likely to get it right !
Correct !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Look again! :)
End Quote
Now you'll be in real trouble with the Tasmanians ! They already have a thing about not feeling like part of Australia because they are the island state.
And when Brisbane hosted the Commonwealth Games in 1982, the kiddies that formed the human map forgot Tasmania, and wasn't there a stink about that !
No, Tasmania is in. Something else has to come out instead.
Try again (harder ) !
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Third time's a charm!
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
4. 6: Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania
13. ANZAC -- Australia/New Zealand Army Corp? I know it was WWII
17. Crazydon!
20. Carnarvon?
End Quote
You now have the states right, but Tasmania will never forget or forgive you !
13(a) is correct - although it is for all time, not just WW2
17 - already correct
20 - possibly - you've been looking at a globe haven't you ? However, my question was 'erroneously' worded. I should have been more specific.
Capital City !
I have changed the question.
Or maybe you have an 'erroneous globe' Zella.
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Well friggin' Perth then! ::)
Where's my credit for #17? ???
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Hi Gis
As I didn't thinkthat Philbo or Bobo were likely Neighbours watchers, and I don't think they were subjected to it in North America (lucky ;) ), I thought you may be the only person likely to get it right !
Correct !
FB :)
End Quote
Oh Lord,I'm getting predictable thats not good!!
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Well friggin' Perth then! ::)
Where's my credit for #17? ???
End Quote
Okay then Cranky-bum !
# 20 is correct !
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Oh Lord,I'm getting predictable thats not good!!
End Quote
Deductive reasoning, nothing more, Gis !
Of course, I could have said Kyles was a snot-nosed smart-mouthed brat, but that's not a job !
And of course, I would never say that !
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
#16: 1˘, 5˘, 10˘, 20˘ (not 25˘ as in the US and Canada), 50˘, $1
I have a book of world coins.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Deductive reasoning, nothing more, Gis !
Of course, I could have said Kyles was a snot-nosed smart-mouthed brat, but that's not a job !
And of course, I would never say that !
End Quote
Fair 'nuff !!.
I know you wouldn't dream of saying anything of the sort. ;D
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
#16: 1˘, 5˘, 10˘, 20˘ (not 25˘ as in the US and Canada), 50˘, $1
I have a book of world coins.
End Quote
I'd be seeing the seller of that book and getting my money back if I were you !
Some of them are right, but there inconsistencies in some of your info.
Therefore what I am saying in a roundabout way is that one of the coins listed was 'taken off the market' at the same time as another coin, which isn't listed. In addition, there is one that should be listed that isn't....
But you're part way there....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Well friggin' Perth then! ::)
Where's my credit for #17? ???
End Quote
At last count you've managed to upset both the Tasmanians and the Western Australians !
Soon you'll have annexed the whole country Zella !
And after all that nice pandering and licking our PM has been doing with your Pres over there in the last week !
Hee hee hee....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
I'd be seeing the seller of that book and getting my money back if I were you !End Quote
It's an old book, about 1996…
Maybe they no longer have cents and now have a $2 coin? What are you gonna do if you buy something that costs $1.99? They've been trying to stop making cents here in America because they hardly ever get used (people hoard them; most people don't bother picking up a cent they find on the street!) but you've got those prices that end in .99…
In America, they tried three times to introduce a dollar coin but each time it turns out to be a failure because the U. S. Government does not remove the $1 bill (note) from circulation and they keep printing more…
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
5. Harold Holt.I knew I had just read that somewhere! Answer curtosy of Bill Bryson!! :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
#14. The Paul Hogan Show
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
It's an old book, about 1996…
Maybe they no longer have cents and now have a $2 coin? What are you gonna do if you buy something that costs $1.99? They've been trying to stop making cents here in America because they hardly ever get used (people hoard them; most people don't bother picking up a cent they find on the street!) but you've got those prices that end in .99…
End Quote
I'm sure Fuss won't mind if I butt in here... You're right. We have a $2 coin, but no 1c. So what if something costs $1.99? The price is rounded up to $2, of course!
Oh, and that book was out of date even in 1996. We haven't had 1c coins here since the mid-1980s!
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
5. Harold Holt.I knew I had just read that somewhere! Answer curtosy of Bill Bryson!! :)
End Quote
Correct - you have only supplied half the answer though - do you know when ?
Lots of rumours circulated about his disappearence ! The best one was that he was picked up by a commie submarine of the coast of Victoria (a likely place to find a commie sub !).
This was because he was the PM that uttered the famous words "All the way with LBJ" and got Aus sucked into the Vietnam war.
Ironically, I live in a street called Lyndon St. Bordering it are Baines St, Johnson St, and Ladybird St (his wife). I have a sneaking suspicion the suburb was developed in the mid-60's !
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
#14. The Paul Hogan Show
End Quote
Aah J.C. - it was just too easy wasn't it ?
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
I'm sure Fuss won't mind if I butt in here... You're right. We have a $2 coin, but no 1c. So what if something costs $1.99? The price is rounded up to $2, of course!
Oh, and that book was out of date even in 1996. We haven't had 1c coins here since the mid-1980s!
End Quote
Goreripper, my lovely quiz show assistant, has supplied the correct info here, in all cases.
The rounding up is good - oh yeah - real fun with those shop assistants who can't add up or subtract to start with - then they have to vary the answer by a cent or two...... ???
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
# 8 By what name was the Little River Band formerly known ?
End Quote
I'm not going to answer this, but add an item of interest regarding this band. Three of the original members (Graham Goble, Glenn Shorrock and Beeb Birtles) are back together, but can't use the name Little River Band because it's now owned by Steve Housden, who joined the band in the early 1980s and has toured using various line-ups (featuring no original members) since that time. Interesting, isn't it?
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
It was really a trick question. Because my first guess was "G'Day Sydney". Hogan's favorite expression was "G'Day", you know? ;)
Aah J.C. - it was just too easy wasn't it ?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
It was really a trick question. Because my first guess was "G'Day Sydney". Hogan's favorite expression was "G'Day", you know? ;)
End Quote
Yep, the famous Strine greeting, usually followed by the word "mate." The pronunciation to American ears sounds like "guh-die-might." That's Strine. (In case you're wondering, when the Aussies first defended the America's Cup, one of the national newscasts had a Strine primer. And one of the phrases was "egg nishna," which is pretty useful in the States this time of year but useless at this time in Australia unless you live north of the Tropic of Capricorn. (How far is Brisbane from the Tropic of Capricorn?) "Egg nishna" is Strine for "air conditioner," pretty useful in southern Australia in January, February and March…)
Also, the Aussies also had a 2˘ coin. The stats in my 1996 coin book go back only to 1991, and 1˘ and 2˘ coins were reportedly minted in 1991. Just tried to clear that up.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
It was really a trick question. Because my first guess was "G'Day Sydney". Hogan's favorite expression was "G'Day", you know? ;)
End Quote
But ! It's not the trick question ! I'm sure my assistant Goreripper had not trouble spotting the trick question.
The Paul Hogan question just emphasises the old adage :
"If you are unsure, go for the obvious answer"
So, people, if you are unsure .......
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Yep, the famous Strine greeting, usually followed by the word "mate." The pronunciation to American ears sounds like "guh-die-might." That's Strine. (In case you're wondering, when the Aussies first defended the America's Cup, one of the national newscasts had a Strine primer. And one of the phrases was "egg nishna," which is pretty useful in the States this time of year but useless at this time in Australia unless you live north of the Tropic of Capricorn. (How far is Brisbane from the Tropic of Capricorn?) End Quote
Brisbane is about 900 kms (550 miles) south of Rockhampton, through which the Tropic of Capricorn intersects, Crazydon.
There was another famous aussie comedian in the 70's, Norman Gunston (aka Garry McDonald), who used to delight in speaking strine, especially if he was talking to american celebs. One show he had an interview with Zsa Zsa Gabor, and he drops in the conversation that his father owned a chain of 'used tire outlets'. Zsa says : "What, used toilets ?".
So then he explained until she understood, and she says "Speak english, boy". (He was very good at looking hurt). So he looked hurt and says in this low voice "I was"....
Quoting:"Egg nishna" is Strine for "air conditioner," pretty useful in southern Australia in January, February and March…)End Quote
I beg to differ ! With due respect to Goreripper and Mrgazpacho, it is Northern Australia where you need the A/C in the summer months. Although there are a lot of temperature extremes in all states.
Quoting:Also, the Aussies also had a 2˘ coin. The stats in my 1996 coin book go back only to 1991, and 1˘ and 2˘ coins were reportedly minted in 1991. Just tried to clear that up.
End Quote
Quite right. From memory, as Goreripper said, 1c and 2c coins departed the scene at the same time rounding came in, although I can't be sure of the date. I'm pretty sure they're still legal tender.
BTW, did you know we no longer have paper banknotes ?
We have plastic/polymer banknotes. They survive being put through the wash, although the stated reason was to make forgery more difficult !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
# 1 What and where are the Kimberleys ?
End Quote
They're the aussie family that live next door
# 7 By what colloquial name is the Sydney Harbour Bridge sometimes known ?
End Quote
That bloody bridge (when it's closed?)
# 8 By what name was the Little River Band formerly known
End Quote
# 9 What did Joern Utzon do for Australia ?
End Quote
He made them get rid of unpronounceable names
# 11 Which Australian school did Prince Charles attend ?
End Quote
Quoting:# 12 What is unique about the Trans-Australia railway ?
End Quote
It only goes halfway across?
# 18 What is the Australian term for a pie ?
End Quote
er... did I get any right?
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Well Philbo :
# 1 is presumably right for some people !
# 7 is right even when it's not closed !
# 8 could have applied for those who didn't like them !
# 9 and # 11 just make me laugh......
# 12 would certainly be unique - I suppose at one stage it only went half way across !
# 18 is a great piece of lateral thinking ! ;D
C'mon, Philbo, you guys colonised us (I remember you mentioned it in the thread about illegal immigrants).......
You think at least you'd have been taking a bit more notice of what your 'children' were up to....
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Quoting:I beg to differ ! With due respect to Goreripper and Mrgazpacho, it is Northern Australia where you need the A/C in the summer months. Although there are a lot of temperature extremes in all states.
End Quote
You're right. Queensland is to Australia as Florida is to the U. S.--it's the Sunshine State. But you need the AC more for the humidity than for the heat because it's really the humidity that makes you sweat. But then again it's the south that gets the temperature extremes for Australia. Maybe the lack of humidity in the outback makes the heat there more bearable. In the desert states of the U. S. where temperatures exceed 100° F (38° C) every day the people there say "But it's a dry heat." Same goes for the outback.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
You're right. Queensland is to Australia as Florida is to the U. S.--it's the Sunshine State. But you need the AC more for the humidity than for the heat because it's really the humidity that makes you sweat. But then again it's the south that gets the temperature extremes for Australia. Maybe the lack of humidity in the outback makes the heat there more bearable. In the desert states of the U. S. where temperatures exceed 100° F (38° C) every day the people there say "But it's a dry heat." Same goes for the outback.
End Quote
Yes but - a fair proportion of Queensland is outback (including some desert in the west....)
Uunfortunately, I don't have A/C...... :'(
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Actually all of our mainland states are arid or semi-arid, except Victoria, and even there it ain't no bed of roses between September and April.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
You think at least you'd have been taking a bit more notice of what your 'children' were up to....
End Quote
Ah, but when your "founding fathers" found their way to Botany Bay, my ancestors were in Russia, Germany and Poland, so I'm afraid my knowledge of things Australian is limited to Kevin Bloody Wilson and AC/DC ;-)
PS #11 Nuotsnodrog is actually Gordonstoun backwards, where Prince Charles did go to school over here...
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Ok, I sort of cheated and asked my Dad! His answers are:
1Wild region of N.W Australia.
6.Bruce Highway
7.The Coathanger
9.Designed the Sydney opera house
12.Single track?
18.Dogs eye(meat pie)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Goreripper, my lovely quiz show assistant, has supplied the correct info here, in all cases.
End Quote
You mean you fired virtual Madeline? ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
You mean you fired virtual Madeline? ;)
End Quote
I may be cheap but I'm not easy !
I waited and waited for Madeline, but she went away..... :'(
I will only wait so many months..... >:( I have standards above which I will not rise !
Fuss ::)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
Ok, I sort of cheated and asked my Dad! His answers are:
1Wild region of N.W Australia.
6.Bruce Highway
7.The Coathanger
9.Designed the Sydney opera house
12.Single track?
18.Dogs eye(meat pie)
End Quote
Cheater ! Well, given that the quiz was going nowhere.....
7 correct - clever Dad !
# 12 whilst your answer is correct, single track does not make it unique. There is some charteristic about the single track, however......
And # 18 ? Some people may use cockney rhyming slang to describe a pie, but the answer was simply :
That was the trick question - it had to be taken literally, rather than assume there was a different answer.
Well done Gis !
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
He wasn't sure about the name for pie as it was the 50's when he was posted to Australia but he said thats what the locals called a meat pie then!
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
He wasn't sure about the name for pie as it was the 50's when he was posted to Australia but he said thats what the locals called a meat pie then!
End Quote
Now they just don't have meat in them....... :-X
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (open to Aussies)
Now the quiz is open to Aussies as well
Finish it off guys !
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies out there
2. Sydney
3. They're called the Broncos. (NB: The old Newtown rugby league team was called the Jets. Actually the team still exists but isn't part of the NRL)
12. Apart from being the only railway to cross Australia ( ;D), it features the longest dead straight section of railway in the world.
19. Rugby Union, Rugby League, Australian Rules and Soccer.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (Open to Aussies)
Well done Goreripper !
#'s 8 and 13 remain outstanding......
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (Open to Aussies)
#'s 8 and 13 remain outstanding......
End Quote
Heck, Fuss, invite them in!! :D
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (Open to Aussies)
I refuse to cheat on #8 (I suppose non-Aussies may just have to), but
ASIO - Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (our spies)
ALP - Australian Labor (sic) Party (the major national non-conservative political party)
TAA - Trans-Australia Airlines (their TV advertising jingle was to the tune of "Up, up and away in my Beautiful Balloon"; the chorus was "Up, up and away; with TAA; the friendly, friendly waaayyy..." I *think* it eventually morphed into Ansett before that airline's ultimate demise last year on September 14)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (Open to Aussies)
I refuse to cheat on #8 (I suppose non-Aussies may just have to), but
ASIO - Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation (our spies)
ALP - Australian Labor (sic) Party (the major national non-conservative political party)
TAA - Trans-Australia Airlines (their TV advertising jingle was to the tune of "Up, up and away in my Beautiful Balloon"; the chorus was "Up, up and away; with TAA; the friendly, friendly waaayyy..." I *think* it eventually morphed into Ansett before that airline's ultimate demise last year on September 14)
End Quote
Hi mrgazpacho
All your # 13's are correct.
TAA in fact became Australian Airlines, then simply Australian, before being taken over by Qantas.
Ansett was a separate entity, and of course as we all know (here) they went down the gurgler in a big bad way just recently.
Re # 8 : Do you mean you are not going to look it up ? That got me thinking that the question may not be entirely accurate. I think it was the previous incantion of LRB, but it may have also been the band that GlennShorrock was previously in .......
FB :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (1 to go !)
Yes - I meant "cheat" as in the ABC Radio Quiz meaning - i.e. searching for the answer specifically for the quiz rather than relying on my own memory :)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (1 to go !)
Admirable !
Time for a hint I think !
The name of the group is the name of one of the states of the USA.
A southern one if my geography is correct !
I can also reveal that this name has been the name of more than one song in it's time....
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (1 to go !)
8. Mississippi.
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (1 to go !)
Admirable !
Time for a hint I think !
The name of the group is the name of one of the states of the USA.
A southern one if my geography is correct !
I can also reveal that this name has been the name of more than one song in it's time....
End Quote
Well, let's see, that narrows it down to about nine...! ::)
Subject: Re: Quiz for the non-Aussies (1 to go !)
8. Mississippi.
End Quote
Correct !
J.C. end the quiz again !
FB ;)