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Subject: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) RESULTS POSTED
Written By: Blaydeman on 02/07/11 at 6:13 pm
Round 2: T.I.
1. Voting style is exactly like the SOTM/ABC/Artistry compititions with you choosing your top 5 and giving 5pts to your favorite, 4 to your second, etc.
2. You must read and comment on each entry to make your vote eligible.
3. You must vote by the deadline or you will forfeit all points given to you in then round that go to the "Artist of the Tournament" award and be ineligible to enter the following round.
Voting Deadline: February 21, 2011
1. Some Drive-Thru by Blaydeman
Parody of "What You Know"
2. Find My Bags by The_conqueror_of_parodies
Parody of "Swing Ya Rag"
3. Kiss Behinds by EthanM
Parody of "Live Your Life"
4. Whoever You Like by Below Average Dave
Parody of "Whatever You Like"
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: EthanM on 02/07/11 at 11:41 pm
add an "l" to the url to get dave's entry up
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: Blaydeman on 02/08/11 at 9:58 am
add an "l" to the url to get dave's entry up
Done! Thanx ;)
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: Blaydeman on 02/08/11 at 10:22 am
5pts: Butt-kissing Ethan
4pts: Bagman TCOP
3pts: A BAD Wardrobe
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: Below Average Dave on 02/09/11 at 4:39 pm
3 Points to Blaydeman
4 Points to TCOP
5 Points to Ethan
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: ThaConqueror on 02/15/11 at 8:05 pm
3 points to Blaydeman
4 points to Below Average Dave
5 points to EthanM
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: EthanM on 02/21/11 at 4:32 pm
Tough Decisions this round
5 points to Dave
4 to Blaydeman
3 to TCOP
Congrats to everyone for actually getting something done, which is more that I can say for the ll cool J round.
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: Blaydeman on 02/21/11 at 7:55 pm
1st: "Kiss Behinds" by EthanM (15pts)
2nd: "Whoever You Like" by Below Average Dave (12pts)
3rd: "Find My Bags" by The_conquorer_of_parodies (11pts)
4th: "Some Drive-thru" by Blaydeman (10pts)
Subject: Re: Hip-Hop Specialist Round 2 (T.I.) Voting Thread (Voting by 2-21-11)
Written By: Below Average Dave on 02/21/11 at 10:15 pm
1st: "Kiss Behinds" by EthanM (15pts)
2nd: "Whoever You Like" by Below Average Dave (12pts)
3rd: "Find My Bags" by The_conquorer_of_parodies (11pts)
4th: "Some Drive-thru" by Blaydeman (10pts)
Congrats to Ethan on a well deserved victory--awesome parody. . .
Blaydeman, you really should include yourself in the same size thing as the top 3 since its just the four of us. . .if you were way behind I'd say it warrants the smaller font, but you deserve the big lettering too--in a four person round, you only finished one point behind the next entry up and two behind the one above that, don't be so timid ;)
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