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Subject: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/17/08 at 11:28 am

This is a three week deadline. . .why? 

This round is

The Epic Round

Two eliminations in this one, here are the rules

Below is a list of 20 pre-approved songs (you'll notice each is either "Epic 40" or "Big 7")

If you choose a song from the list, it will be accepted.

If you want to do a song you feel is epic, submit it to the message board, and we must vote (2 of 3 of us must say 'yes') on whether or not it's epic.

Qualifying songs must also have a backing track available through one of our primary sources. . .these 20 have that, any other songs will be considered based on qualifying criteria.

Here are the pre approved songs

1. It's The End of the World As We Know It by REM
2. Curbside Prophet by Jason Mraz
3. Work It by Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliot
4. Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz
5. Lose My Breath by Destiny's Child
6. Stan by Eminem
7. The Bad Touch by The Bloodhound Gang
8. Fergalicious by Fergie
9. Wanna Startin' Something by Michael Jackson
10. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
11. Blinded by the Light by Manfred Mann
12. Semi Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind
13. O.P.P. by Naughty by Nature
14. Be Our Guest from Beauty & the Beast
15. Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day
16. One Week by The Barenaked Ladies
17. In the End by Linkin Park
18. Lady Marmalade from Moulin Rouge (MUST include Lil Kim's Part)
19. Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf
20. Dilemma by Nelly & Kelly Rowland

There are some songs we'd like to spare having to answer questions on

These songs here DO NOT QUALIFY: Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major General, Frozen, Graduation, Candyman, Unwritten, any Beatles Song, Civil War, R U Ready, Marshall Mathers, Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Can See, & ABC are all out of consideration. Some don't have backing tracks because they aren't as big hits as others on the 20 chosen, some because they simply aren't in the same league as these. 

PLEASE: Epic is pretty self explanatory.  Chances are if it's a typical day-to-day pop song, it won't qualify, most 50s/60s ballads and soft rock N roll won't qualify, most disco won't qualify, techno songs with few if any words won't qualify, instrumentals won't qualify, do-wop probably won't qualify, most country won't qualify . . . note that outside of instrumental--no genre is automatically disqualified, but think about the challenge level of a song before asking if you can use it. . . If anyone asks me if they can parody "Toxic" by Britney Spears for this round, I won't bother replying that it's not epic. . .

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/17/08 at 11:36 am

There are some songs we'd like to save questions on the either direction


I would like to state upfront that "Epic" by Faith No More does not qualify either.  ;)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/17/08 at 11:37 am


Fixed the wording

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/17/08 at 11:57 am

8)  What about "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" or "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/17/08 at 12:29 pm

8)  What about "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" or "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel?

I vote YEA on either one...although Italian Restaurant has gotten 16 parody treatments on Amiright as of right now.
...and Guy DeRito's contribution would be very hard to outclass.

Billy The Kid Lyrics:

Italian Restaurant Lyrics:

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/17/08 at 12:41 pm

no mention of american pie?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/17/08 at 1:16 pm

Thanks for the reply.  Here are some other songs that came to my mind:

"American Pie" by Don McLean (as mentioned above)
"Heart of the Sunrise", "Starship Trooper", "Roundabout", "All Good People/Your Move", and other songs by Yes
"Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin
"You Set the Scene" by Love

maybe "Love Lies Bleeding" by Elton John

"Soliloquy" from Carousel (and probably other musical theater songs)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/17/08 at 2:56 pm

Ethan: The formulation of this round was to try and avoid tunes that have already been done to death on the site (although I don't know why Dave included "Bohemian Rhapsody" ???). Dave should also have included "Stairway To Heaven" and "American Pie" in that "don't do" list, as well. Fellow judges, please chime in.

And keep in mind, Melanie, there has to be an easily available backing track. I'd be intrigued by a Broadway tune. "Gee Office Krupke" is a great epic one, but there are [url= parodies on site already, with the best one probably by Johnny D.. Nobody seems to have done "Soliloquy".

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/17/08 at 4:38 pm

"Master of the House" is the most epic showtune that I know of that's fairly likely to have a decent backing track. I thought Pie might be excluded because of popularity, but then I saw Bo Rhap.  The epicness is quite a few of these songs are questionable in my opinion, specifically in the end and bad touch and feel good, but they are certainly more difficult than most songs.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/17/08 at 5:29 pm

no mention of american pie?

I'm hoping (having had to sing that one once) no one picks that one :)  I would vote yes on that.

Melanie I'd have to check on those two songs backing track availability and listen to them, I will check tonight.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/17/08 at 6:52 pm


I would like to state upfront that "Epic" by Faith No More does not qualify either.  ;)

What about "We Care A Lot"?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/17/08 at 7:31 pm

While I think not allowing American Pie, Be Our Guest, Stairway to Heaven, Bohemian Rhapsody etc would be wrong because they are more challenging than the day to day songs we are trying to avoid, they are hard to pull off well because of the number of good parodies that have been done

I will vote yes to any song mentioned in the paragraph above but I DO NOT recommend any of the them as they are going to be tough to beat the recorded parodies already out there. . .

We Care A Lot I have to look up, I've not heard of that "Faith No More" song

Ethan, I'll look that one up to check on backing track--if it has one I'll vote yes on it  (as for In The End, Feel Good, Bad Touch--they are all more difficult than normal songs--I guess I should clarify that they don't necessarily have to be "WOAH-HOLY-CRAP" songs to qualify-but those levels songs such as Work It, Stan, OPP, End of the World As We Know It--may score a little higher if done as well as others that aren't as hard)

My theory when I proposed the list in the secret forum with the inclusion of songs like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Be Our Guest" was that yeah they are easier than some others on the list, BUT keep in mind how many parodies of them are out there--and not just written, both Bohemian Rhapsody and Be Our Guest have been recorded in the past, as has American Pie. . .which means by taking those on you are going to at the very least bring up memories of other parodies of those songs which could hurt if yours doesn't live up to them--songs like OPP, End of the World, Stan, etc that haven't been done as much or recorded much if at all leave less possibility of other recordings that pop up to mind and while I didn't include Jesus of Suburbia as a song not done much (it has been beaten quite a bit) I must add with JOS, it's not been done well to many times and a backing track is out there on it-so it certainly can be recorded though no one has done it.

Melanie. . .

In addition to the two Billy Joel ones I'll check on tonight, I'll check on
"Heart of the Sunrise", "Starship Trooper", "Roundabout", "All Good People/Your Move", and other songs by Yes
"You Set the Scene" by Love
"Love Lies Bleeding" by Elton John
"Soliloquy" from Carousel

I honestly though have never heard of "Yes" as a group, so I'd have to look them up all together and listen to those, or actually most of those, but I'll check. . .

For now I vote-neutral on all of those Melanie until I have a chance tonight to look them up
Ethan same-neutral-but if my primary sources have that-I do vote yes on that entry
Matthias-neutral, though I know Faith No More Backing tracks are not easy to come by ahead of time from past searches

That is one thing to keep in mind guys.  Songs pre 90s have to have been pretty big hits for a backing track creator, even ones who have done as many as my friends with KR, to have been done.  70s and 80s big hits have largely been covered, 60s and 50s are very hit and miss outside of the Beatles. . .

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 09/17/08 at 7:43 pm

What about "We Care A Lot"?

We Care A Lot isn't epic (great song though). Now, "The Real Thing" is a monster of an OS, but probably lacks a backing track.

Check it out:



Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/17/08 at 11:02 pm

"Yes" is out. . ..Only Owner of a lonely Heart has backing tracks available, and that song obviously is not epic. . .unfortunately, the nine-20 minute power ballads Yes is known for were not their biggest hits making backing tracks scarce. . .

Faith No More has NO backing tracks available.

"Master of the House" does have a backing track and I vote YES on it's epic qualification, though it needs a yes from either Agri or Ant to be accepted . . .

You Set the Scene by Love does not have a backing track

Love Lies Bleeding doesn't have a backing track

Believe it or not "Soliloquy" from Carousel  DOES have a backing track, though wow that song reminds me of TWOTEF, I vote yes on this song on qualifying as epic.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/18/08 at 12:19 am

What's the ruling on parodies that were mostly written a while back but were a bit of a pacing mess in parts and underwent massive revision after the theme was announced?

And on a side note, Stronger by Kanye west is epic, right?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/18/08 at 2:28 am

What's the ruling on parodies that were mostly written a while back but were a bit of a pacing mess in parts and underwent massive revision after the theme was announced?

And on a side note, Stronger by Kanye west is epic, right?

Massive revision sounds fine to me, especially if it's a parody I'm not familiar with. .

I say yes on that one-I'll check it's availability tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure a backing track exists for that too. . .

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/18/08 at 7:33 am

What about "We Care A Lot"?

I don't think that's really a qualifier. NAY from me.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/18/08 at 7:36 am

"Master of the House" does have a backing track and I vote YES on it's epic qualification, though it needs a yes from either Agri or Ant to be accepted . . . Believe it or not "Soliloquy" from Carousel  DOES have a backing track, though wow that song reminds me of TWOTEF, I vote yes on this song on qualifying as epic.

2 YEAs from me. And if "Soliloquy" wins, good luck to whoever gets to sing it. :o

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/18/08 at 7:41 am

I say yes on that one-I'll check it's availability tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure a backing track exists for that too. . .

I think it's less epic than Kanye's "Jesus Walks." (and boy, I couldn't stand listening to it). I vote NAY.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/18/08 at 12:46 pm

"billy the kid" is more epic than "stronger"? Really? I don't get it.  And if billy the kid is epic then so are piano man, captain jack, the entertainer, we didn't start the fire, goodnight saigon, and probably a few other Billy Joel songs.  Maybe it would help if the criteria of epicdom was a bit more clearly defined.

And btw, "In the end" has 47 parodies on the site

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/18/08 at 1:29 pm

"billy the kid" is more epic than "stronger"? Really? I don't get it.  And if billy the kid is epic then so are piano man, captain jack, the entertainer, we didn't start the fire, goodnight saigon, and probably a few other Billy Joel songs.  Maybe it would help if the criteria of epicdom was a bit more clearly defined.

I compared "Stronger" to the song structure of "Jesus Walks", and didn't think it was trying to grasp that same level of important artistic inspiration. But now I took a look at another lyric web site for "Stronger" that had more complete lyrics. I see where you are coming from now, with the additional repeats of choruses etc. I would be more than happy to let that one in, too.

I can see all of those Billy Joel songs you mentioned as potential "epics", too.

For me, "epic" would be a song that tries to do something different than the normal pop tune, a certain kind of heavy thought into its musicall arrangements and its lyrics. (I wouldn't have put "Feel Good Inc." into this category, but that was Dave's call.) It might be longer than 3 minutes or so, but not necessarily. With the heavy lyric content, it would extremely difficult to make a parody that can hold a strong idea throughout itself without resorting to randomness and surrealism (which is how I kind of cheated my way through many of the Big 7 Tunes--see elsewhere for those).

(Edit: Not that I don't enjoy surrealism, dont' get me wrong. )

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/18/08 at 2:11 pm

Believe it or not "Soliloquy" from Carousel  DOES have a backing track, though wow that song reminds me of TWOTEF, I vote yes on this song on qualifying as epic.

"TWOTEF"?    ???

Anyway, I have ideas for "The Ballad of Billy the Kid"--in fact I've started already!--and "American Pie".  "AP" has been done at least 50 times here, but none of them, as far as I can see, cover my topic for the song.  Maybe I'll write that one, too, and submit it to but not here.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/18/08 at 2:42 pm

"TWOTEF"?    ???

Anyway, I have ideas for "The Ballad of Billy the Kid"--in fact I've started already!--and "American Pie".  "AP" has been done at least 50 times here, but none of them, as far as I can see, cover my topic for the song.  Maybe I'll write that one, too, and submit it to but not here.

Yeah, I'm not making any official submissions for at least a couple of weeks after than near-disaster last round, especially since 4th won't be good enough this time.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/18/08 at 4:12 pm

"TWOTEF"?    ???

The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald.  :)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/22/08 at 11:18 am

I've made more progress on "Billy the Kid".  It may be ready in a day or two.  8)

What about these songs:

"Taxi" by Harry Chapin.
"The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel.
"Nights in White Satin" by Moody Blues--especially with the poem on the album.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/22/08 at 2:57 pm

I've made more progress on "Billy the Kid".  It may be ready in a day or two.   8)

What about these songs:

"Taxi" by Harry Chapin.
"The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel.
"Nights in White Satin" by Moody Blues--especially with the poem on the album.

i vote YEA..."Nights" has been done 40 times (and not always with the poem, which loses points with me). A great, great tune, but I hope we don't see it here.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/24/08 at 7:15 pm

:)  Okay, I've submitted to my parody of Billy Joel's "The Ballad of Billy the Kid", called "The Ballad of Sarah the Gov".  Look for it tomorrow, Thurs Sept 25 2008.

However, I won't submit it yet to this thread, being the deadline isn't for two weeks, and I might create another parody before then!


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/24/08 at 8:58 pm

:)  Okay, I've submitted to my parody of Billy Joel's "The Ballad of Billy the Kid", called "The Ballad of Sarah the Gov".  Look for it tomorrow, Thurs Sept 25 2008.

However, I won't submit it yet to this thread, being the deadline isn't for two weeks, and I might create another parody before then!


I apologize, but Ballad of Billy the Kid does not have an available backing track (to be honest, I haven't heard that song either) but I'll keep looking. . .you know Melanie, you have interesting selections in music ;)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 09/24/08 at 10:02 pm

NiWS is okay provided the poem "Late Lament" is included.
The Boxer is epic enough that I'll go for it - keep in mind though the 3 trillion "lie-la-lie" need something good done with them.  ;D

Taxi qualifies as well.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/25/08 at 7:40 am

I apologize, but Ballad of Billy the Kid does not have an available backing track (to be honest, I haven't heard that song either) but I'll keep looking. . .you know Melanie, you have interesting selections in music ;)

And I would also stress to you Melanie that political parodies don't age well.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/25/08 at 12:59 pm

I apologize, but Ballad of Billy the Kid does not have an available backing track (to be honest, I haven't heard that song either) but I'll keep looking. . .you know Melanie, you have interesting selections in music ;)

Oh well...I do have a fragment of an "American Pie" idea but that's been done at least 50 times...  Anyway, I'm glad to have done "Sarah the Gov" although you obviously wouldn't have chosen that as the winner.  (If you find the backing tracks, I might submit it anyway!) Here's the OS, "The Ballad of Billy the Kid":

I also have a couple of vague ideas for "Taxi", but nothing's taken hold yet.  That OS runs through my mind sometimes.

BTW, if you're recording the winning song of each round within a few weeks--aren't you supposed to?--then why worry how the parody "ages"?  Are you guys planning an album?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/25/08 at 1:11 pm

A few weeks after the judging ends for this round the election will be over and hopefully Sarah Palin will be irrelevant.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/26/08 at 7:08 am

I have 4 days off in the near future and hope to get something done in that timespan, because as of late my schedual has been pretty hectic.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/26/08 at 10:34 pm

Since people want to do musicals.... What about "No One Mourns The Wicked" from the musical Wicked?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/26/08 at 10:50 pm

Since people want to do musicals.... What about "No One Mourns The Wicked" from the musical Wicked?

For future reference, please link to an audio or video link, not a lyric link--I cannot and will not judge a song's acceptability on lyrics alone, searching for song now (a backing track DOES exist)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/26/08 at 10:53 pm

Matthias if you are referring to this song  which seems to match at least closely to what you sent, I vote yes

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/26/08 at 11:08 pm

One more question... What about "Master of Puppets" by Metallica...

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/27/08 at 9:16 am

One more question... What about "Master of Puppets" by Metallica...

That one is fine. . .but me singing that kind of heavy metal would be interesting to put it mildly. . .

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/27/08 at 9:25 am

Is the level of epic-ness likely to figure in the voting when both officially qualify but one song is considerably longer/more challenging than the other?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/27/08 at 9:40 am

Is the level of epic-ness likely to figure in the voting when both officially qualify but one song is considerably longer/more challenging than the other?

It's going to be what you do with what you picked.  If it was accepted, at least on my vote--how epic will not really be a considering factor.  If you pick a really difficult song, but falter on it--it doesn't guarantee victory, but by the same token of you pick a relatively easy epic and don't rock it, that could be as damaging.  Picking a really difficult song such as "Stan" by Eminem or "Work It" by Missy Elliot may be too hard while "Feel Good Inc" and "In the End" may not be enough lyrics to blast your idea to the sky.  It will be more maximizing the humor or making what song you have chosen funny than how epic the song is.  Otherwise everyone will pick 9 to 20 minute songs which while I can appreciate having done a few, should also be somewhat rare in recordings as only amazing parodies of that length are going to keep a persons attention.

Attention Everyone: If you haven't noticed, I am not really recording or writing right now, I am moving on Tuesday so I can't record.  I am posting pre-recorded stuff as far as recordings of my own are concerned spread out so that I am not completely dead in my own section and on my broadcast, but things should return to normal by Mid-October and I will record Wolverine's Parody of "Stand" at that time.  Gianni, I'm sorry I never got back to you when you asked how to get involved, I was waiting on confirmation on moving--We'll talk when things are taken care of, I promise

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/27/08 at 12:56 pm

Coming Monday...

1. "No One Dates A Chicken" (The ballad of the scaredy-cat)
2. "Hamster of Rodants" (OBEY YOUR HAMSTER! HAMSTER!!!)


3. "Club Kid" (Kid Rock goes to the Club)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/27/08 at 1:04 pm

Coming Monday...

1. "No One Dates A Chicken" (The ballad of the scaredy-cat)
2. "Hamster of Rodants" (OBEY YOUR HAMSTER! HAMSTER!!!)


3. "Club Kid" (Kid Rock goes to the Club)

Well I have no clue one 1 or 2 as to what original song you are referencing. . .but the 3rd one is not on the approved list, and I'm sorry, having done that one--I vote nay on Cowboy--so unless Red Ant and Agri vote yes--I can't say I find Cowboy very epic, Cowboy was easy to parody when I did it--not that In The End or Feel Good Inc were terribly hard, but both gave me more of a challenge (the reason I keep referencing these two is because they are the ones that seem to have the most controversy on their level of 'epic'--they were included because of their rhyme schemes and song speed).

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 09/27/08 at 1:12 pm

probably no one mourns the wicked and master of puppets

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/27/08 at 1:12 pm

Damn It!

It wasn't on the "Not Approved" list either! That's not fair! (POUT!!!  8-P)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 09/27/08 at 1:32 pm

Damn It!

It wasn't on the "Not Approved" list either! That's not fair! (POUT!!!  8-P)

Master of Puppets is pretty long, but I don't think epic. Keep in mind the long solos in the middle are probably going to put a serious damper on keeping the humor going.

Cowboy I would consider epic - lots of lyrics, tricky, irregular rhyme schemes and taking a funny song and improving on it is not as easy task.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/27/08 at 1:52 pm

Master of Puppets is pretty long, but I don't think epic. Keep in mind the long solos in the middle are probably going to put a serious damper on keeping the humor going.

Cowboy I would consider epic - lots of lyrics, tricky, irregular rhyme schemes and taking a funny song and improving on it is not as easy task.


So does this mean that I can do it?  ???

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/27/08 at 3:20 pm

Master of Puppets is pretty long, but I don't think epic. Keep in mind the long solos in the middle are probably going to put a serious damper on keeping the humor going.

Cowboy I would consider epic - lots of lyrics, tricky, irregular rhyme schemes and taking a funny song and improving on it is not as easy task.


End of passion play, crumbling away
Im your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets Im pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you cant see a thing
Just call my name, `cause Ill hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause Ill hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

Master, master, wheres the dreams that Ive been after?
Master, master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

I don't see how that's not epic I'm sorry--but both Cowboy and Master of Puppets will now be up to Agri each having gained one yes vote and one no vote. . .As for Cowboy I'm only saying from my writings it wasn't that hard, but I wouldn't be upset with Cowboy, I'd have no trouble singing it and I have a backing track for it, So I wouldn't have to buy one.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/27/08 at 3:24 pm

probably no one mourns the wicked and master of puppets

Thanks Ethan--people are trying to find interesting and songs that I have never heard of which is making me do a lot of research while trying to pack up and move. . .

Matty: No One Mourns the Wicked I believe got two yes votes already, so your cool there. . .

Master of Puppets we have one yes, one no--so Agri will have to make the decision on that particular one.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/27/08 at 8:59 pm

End of passion play, crumbling away
Im your source of self-destruction
Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clear
Leading on your deaths construction

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Master of puppets Im pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me, you cant see a thing
Just call my name, `cause Ill hear you scream
Just call my name, `cause Ill hear you scream

Needlework the way, never you betray
Life of death becoming clearer
Pain monopoly, ritual misery
Chop your breakfast on a mirror

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

Master, master, wheres the dreams that Ive been after?
Master, master, you promised only lies
Laughter, laughter, all I hear and see is laughter
Laughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

Hell is worth all that, natural habitat
Just a rhyme without a reason
Neverending maze, drift on numbered days
Now your life is out of season
Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you

I don't see how that's not epic I'm sorry--but both Cowboy and Master of Puppets will now be up to Agri each having gained one yes vote and one no vote. . .As for Cowboy I'm only saying from my writings it wasn't that hard, but I wouldn't be upset with Cowboy, I'd have no trouble singing it and I have a backing track for it, So I wouldn't have to buy one.

There actually is some pretty rhyme schemes in this, and on a recording stand-point this would be brutal... I would love to see Dave growl this entire song like Metallica, that would be hilarious!

(And you could always add spoken parts during the insturmentals to keep the joke going, a lot like what Dave does with his recordings...)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/28/08 at 4:59 pm

I started a parody of "Taxi" today.  It may take me a few days, even a week, to get it done.  8)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/28/08 at 5:38 pm

I started a parody of "Taxi" today.  It may take me a few days, even a week, to get it done.  8)

If you saw my previous post reply to this-ignore it. . .

I just found a backing track to this original song.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 09/28/08 at 7:27 pm

If you saw my previous post reply to this-ignore it. . .

I just found a backing track to this original song.

I take it that means you hadn't a backing track before, but have since found one!  ;)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 09/28/08 at 8:12 pm

I take it that means you hadn't a backing track before, but have since found one!  ;)


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 09/28/08 at 10:05 pm

"Wanna Be Fighting Someone"

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 09/30/08 at 8:28 am

Matty: No One Mourns the Wicked I believe got two yes votes already, so your cool there. . .

Master of Puppets we have one yes, one no--so Agri will have to make the decision on that particular one.

As there is an alternative choice available...and this song is not really that lyrically thick...and so much of it is instrumental, which would hamper recording (why should Dave be expected to write dialogue?)... I vote NO. I hope you understand my reasonings, Matty.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 09/30/08 at 9:16 am

Just listened to MoP again - great os, terrible parody fodder. 1 minute long intro and 2 minutes worth of solos and a 30 second outro is humor killing for a recording imo. Also, Matty, the lyrics you have aren't correct to the original CD - the last verse of

"Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Youre dedicated to
How Im killing you"

is actually

"I will occupy
I will help you die
I will run through you
Now I rule you too"

Still a nay from me.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Gianni Parmesiani on 10/03/08 at 8:40 am

:D  ;D  okay, guys, I'm in.  You can find "Nine Months" at the following link.  It was fun, but I had to get it in early as my schedule is going to get crazy.  Now I'll just have to wait for the results.


Dave- don't sweat it, dude.  Move, take care of your life and then we'll get back to business.  It's all good. ;)  8)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/03/08 at 7:20 pm

judges aren't supposed to comment on potential entries, right?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/04/08 at 7:21 pm

:)  Okay, "Screenplay", my parody of "Taxi", is submitted to, and will probably be submitted to this thread Monday or Tuesday.  8)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 10/04/08 at 8:36 pm

judges aren't supposed to comment on potential entries, right?

Not knowingly. . .if it happened, it does not disqualify said potential entry though

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/05/08 at 10:44 pm

The title matches how I feel about this round having gotten no feedback whatsoever from impartial sources, but I like it so here it is:

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/06/08 at 12:09 pm

The title matches how I feel about this round having gotten no feedback whatsoever from impartial sources, ...


I compared "Stronger" to the song structure of "Jesus Walks", and didn't think it was trying to grasp that same level of important artistic inspiration. But now I took a look at another lyric web site for "Stronger" that had more complete lyrics. I see where you are coming from now, with the additional repeats of choruses etc. I would be more than happy to let that one in, too.

I can see all of those Billy Joel songs you mentioned as potential "epics", too.

For me, "epic" would be a song that tries to do something different than the normal pop tune, a certain kind of heavy thought into its musicall arrangements and its lyrics. (I wouldn't have put "Feel Good Inc." into this category, but that was Dave's call.) It might be longer than 3 minutes or so, but not necessarily. With the heavy lyric content, it would extremely difficult to make a parody that can hold a strong idea throughout itself without resorting to randomness and surrealism (which is how I kind of cheated my way through many of the Big 7 Tunes--see elsewhere for those).

(Edit: Not that I don't enjoy surrealism, dont' get me wrong. )

And to further clarify any confusion, I do not willingly read or comment on any of the Idol entries until all submissions are in for voting.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/06/08 at 12:26 pm

I think the confusion might've come from a potential entry also being submitted for SOTM

And I'd probably feel nervous about this round if I'd received half a dozen triple fives and positive comments with nothing negative. I thinkit might be better if judges did read potential entries before the deadline (without commenting) so the judging process wouldn't take as long.  American Idol finalists only have to wait a day, and there's no wait at all for feedback. It's not as bad since the stakes aren't nearly as high, but waiting for weeks like last round wasn't a pleasant experience.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/06/08 at 2:50 pm

:)  I was humming/singing "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" in the shower this morning, and I thought: hey, that's an epic, isn't it?  Well, isn't it?  8)

I've started a new parody.  I don't know if I'll finish it in time for this contest, but either way I'll post it on when I'm done.  Still pondering "Screenplay", of course, which is now up.    ???

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/06/08 at 3:49 pm

:)  I was humming/singing "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" in the shower this morning, and I thought: hey, that's an epic, isn't it?  Well, isn't it?  8)

I've started a new parody.  I don't know if I'll finish it in time for this contest, but either way I'll post it on when I'm done.  Still pondering "Screenplay", of course, which is now up.    ???

It seemed pretty epic when I did it

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/06/08 at 6:33 pm

:)  I was humming/singing "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" in the shower this morning, and I thought: hey, that's an epic, isn't it?  Well, isn't it?   8)

I've started a new parody.  I don't know if I'll finish it in time for this contest, but either way I'll post it on when I'm done.  Still pondering "Screenplay", of course, which is now up.     ??? 

Well, I doubt I'll get my "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes"--working title: "Sweet Fiscal Black Eye"--up soon enough for this contest, though I will post on when I get it done.

So now I'm submitting "Screenplay":

Enjoy!  ;D

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/07/08 at 8:38 am

Well, I doubt I'll get my "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes"--working title: "Sweet Fiscal Black Eye"--up soon enough for this contest, though I will post on when I get it done.

So now I'm submitting "Screenplay":

Enjoy!   ;D

Just making sure...that is your official submission? (Where's Meredith Veirra? ;))

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/07/08 at 9:59 am

Just making sure...that is your official submission? (Where's Meredith Veirra? ;))

Yes, "Screenplay", final answer!  ;)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/07/08 at 1:44 pm

Just making sure...that is your official submission? (Where's Meredith Veirra? ;))

And where is Wolverine? I don't think he's ever waited until the last day before and I haven't seen any sign of him since he crossed the pond last month.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Wolverine on 10/07/08 at 11:19 pm

I may have to drop out.  I have part of Foods Freaky (OPP) and Curbside Worker (Curbside Prophet) written, but I don't know if I'm going to have either done and submitted by tomorrow.  Work sucks lately (I work for a major stock brokerage company, the stock market isn't a fun place to be).

Hopefully I'll have some spare time and more inspiration before EOD tomorrow.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/08/08 at 8:17 pm

I may have to drop out.  I have part of Foods Freaky (OPP) and Curbside Worker (Curbside Prophet) written, but I don't know if I'm going to have either done and submitted by tomorrow.  Work sucks lately (I work for a major stock brokerage company, the stock market isn't a fun place to be).

Hopefully I'll have some spare time and more inspiration before EOD tomorrow.

The deadline is today.  However, I for one have no problem extending the deadline a few days so that Wolverine can make an entry.  What say you?  :)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/08/08 at 9:14 pm

I say that extending deadlines after the fact  this late in the competition is a huge can of worms that should not be opened

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Wolverine on 10/08/08 at 9:50 pm

The deadline is today.  However, I for one have no problem extending the deadline a few days so that Wolverine can make an entry.  What say you?   :)

I appreciate that Melanie, but this particular round was already longer than usual (3 weeks instead of 2).  Life happens to everyone, and you guys got your songs in on time.

Good luck guys!

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 10/08/08 at 9:56 pm

I appreciate that Melanie, but this particular round was already longer than usual (3 weeks instead of 2).  Life happens to everyone, and you guys got your songs in on time.

Good luck guys!

Thanks Wolverine. Sorry your work sucks right now (I can relate to that), and I hope it gets better.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/10/08 at 4:28 pm

I appreciate that Melanie, but this particular round was already longer than usual (3 weeks instead of 2).  Life happens to everyone, and you guys got your songs in on time.

Good luck guys!

Oh, well.  Finish your parodies when you can and post them on when you can, simply for your and our entertainment!  ;)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/13/08 at 8:43 am

Folks, I may be obligated by urgent family issues that will prevent me from judging the round this week. Please bear with me, as I will likely not have web access after 12pm CT today...

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 10/13/08 at 12:02 pm

Folks, I may be obligated by urgent family issues that will prevent me from judging the round this week. Please bear with me, as I will likely not have web access after 12pm CT today...

Similarly I have very limited access as I am currently living in a hotel. . .I will try to vote on Thursday when I have to vote in the Fergie round

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/13/08 at 5:25 pm

Similarly I have very limited access as I am currently living in a hotel. . .I will try to vote on Thursday when I have to vote in the Fergie round

Amazing how we can be in dire personal or financial straits--me, too--yet can find the time to play on the Internet.  You can say the same thing for TV.  I'm not putting you or me down; the Internet can be a valuable research tool, as well as a place to get in touch with others and to bone up one's creative skills, and to express oneself.  ;D

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/14/08 at 7:46 am

Amazing how we can be in dire personal or financial straits--me, too--yet can find the time to play on the Internet.  You can say the same thing for TV.  I'm not putting you or me down; the Internet can be a valuable research tool, as well as a place to get in touch with others and to bone up one's creative skills, and to express oneself.   ;D

OK everyone... the long and short of my previous post was concerning a potential outbreak of meningitis in my family. That has been negated, so there is no worries, all things on my end are returned to (somewhat) normalcy. I was concerned that I was going to be away for an extended period of time without warning...I hope I didn't alarm anyone, but I was trying to be courteous.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/14/08 at 2:38 pm

Ethan, I'm trying to pace this with and I'm not getting anywhere. Did your version have a different intro...can you give me a link to your version (note: i can't download players or mp3s...the source has to be streaming...)

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/14/08 at 2:51 pm

I can't listen to anything right now which should change in about an hour, but my guess is that the Daft Punk sample in the original which I didn't bother with is throwing you off. My parody starts with the chorus: that that that tha-that don't kill me, can only make me stronger...

The daft punk part could be rewritten as "medicine will make me better so I will not feel so nervous" and repeated as necessary, but dealing with multiple tracks could make a recording more complicated.

I can't seem to make things easy for myself, can I?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/14/08 at 3:15 pm

I can't seem to make things easy for myself, can I?


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/14/08 at 8:34 pm

The only time that I used anything not done vocally by kanye was when it was party of the verse (achy anxious nauseous,nervous) and i didn't do anything with the extra half minute of scratching at the end which I actually don't remember hearing before today (it's not in the radio version). The best lyrics for this and basically any hip-hop song are at in case any of the judges don't already know.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Gianni Parmesiani on 10/22/08 at 2:04 pm

Howdy, all (I don't know why I just wrote that)

Just wondering where we stand on the voting for the previous round. ( I know Agri and Dave had access and/or family issues).  I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything.  May I politely ask for an update on where we all stand and a possible "due date"?  Thanks, and I hope all are well.  I'm just a bit anxious to get to the next round.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 10/22/08 at 2:06 pm

Howdy, all (I don't know why I just wrote that)

Just wondering where we stand on the voting for the previous round. ( I know Agri and Dave had access and/or family issues).  I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything.  May I politely ask for an update on where we all stand and a possible "due date"?  Thanks, and I hope all are well.  I'm just a bit anxious to get to the next round.


I voted this morning. I think Aggy has commented but not voted, and Dave said he should be able to vote tonight.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/22/08 at 2:07 pm

I voted this morning. I think Aggy has commented but not voted, and Dave said he should be able to vote tonight.


I will do it now. Sorry.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/28/08 at 9:42 am

This is the round that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
They should've finished judging it about two weeks ago
But they will still be judging it in two years since you know
This is the round that never ends...

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/28/08 at 10:10 am

This is the round that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends
They should've finished judging it about two weeks ago
But they will still be judging it in two years since you know
This is the round that never ends...

I would think that you would have heard by now about Dave's issues about his recent move and trying to get reconnected to the 'net. There's no need to be snippy. :-X

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/28/08 at 10:38 am

I know about the moving issues i just find it hard to believe it can be so difficult to get online for about an hour, especially when Dave found time to vote on another contest when that one had more contestants.  This should be the most important contest on the site, and it often seems like it's not being treated that way at all. I don't know the full situation, but I do know that there should have been an alternate judge who could step in when unforseen, unfortunate circumstances such as these occur.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 10/29/08 at 10:32 am

I know about the moving issues i just find it hard to believe it can be so difficult to get online for about an hour, especially when Dave found time to vote on another contest when that one had more contestants.  This should be the most important contest on the site, and it often seems like it's not being treated that way at all. I don't know the full situation, but I do know that there should have been an alternate judge who could step in when unforseen, unfortunate circumstances such as these occur.

Repeat after me: "It's just a game.  It's just a game.  It's just a game..."    :D

BTW, cute "Song That Never Ends" parody!    ;D

Happy Halloween!    :o

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/29/08 at 10:55 am

It is a game, but so is the superbowl and if one of the refs found himself unable to perform his job they wouldn't postpone it indefinitely. I propose giving Dave another week to vote and if he doesn't within that time either find an alternate judge or go on based on the voting that has already happened. 

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 10/30/08 at 8:15 pm

I'm online tonight, will be voting tonight. . .

and Ethan, I don't know which  contest you are referring to, I have not been on the site at all for awhile.  It's hard for you to believe I'm sure, but not all motels have a free business center--anyhow, I will try to participate in future rounds, at the very least to keep my promise to record the winners once I get back on my feet, I will vote in this round tonight barring some kind of major power outage

I also have no parodies posted since September 9th, the Artistry round has been on hold for a very long time, all of which I hope to unhold tonight being that I have a temporary solution to my problem.  I hope to find a more permanent one soon though.  I also will try to finish one of my many 'on hold' ideas from September tonight to maybe not break my streak of entries into the SOTM dating back to December 2006

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/30/08 at 8:50 pm

I'm online tonight, will be voting tonight. . .

and Ethan, I don't know which  contest you are referring to, I have not been on the site at all for awhile. 

Check your latest posts, there was one on october 16th, but I suppose since that one had a set deadline the priority had to go to that one.  I'm sorry for being impatient waiting is annoying but having to live in a motel must be much more so.  If I make it through this round i'll try to be more patient with the next one.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Below Average Dave on 10/30/08 at 9:09 pm

Check your latest posts, there was one on october 16th, but I suppose since that one had a set deadline the priority had to go to that one.  I'm sorry for being impatient waiting is annoying but having to live in a motel must be much more so.  If I make it through this round i'll try to be more patient with the next one.

I completely understand, prior to this living arrangement. . .I would have completely agreed with you, 100%, but--alas, my 1st parody in a month and a half is complete, and now I'm going to go ahead and do this judging. . .

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 10/30/08 at 11:44 pm

The results for this round are in... sort of.

Matt and Gianni, you two tied in score and vote breakdown. We do not have a tiebreak rule agreed upon yet, so the judges will decide if one is the winner... or if both will be recorded. Congratulations, you both move on to the next round.

Ethan.... you scored only one point less than the winners of this round, and at least one of the judges thought you had the best entry. You didn't win, but you are safe and move onto the next round as well.

Now for the eliminations:  :(

Melanie: you had a great parody that unfortunately fell a little bit short in comparison to the others' entries. You proved you can do epic songs as well as storytelling in this round. We hope to see more of your work in the future, but your time in the Idol competition has come to an end. Thank you for participating.

Personal note: when I get more time here, I'd LOVE to record your RHCP parody.  :)

Chris: You had some strong showings in this competition. I wish we could have seen an entry from you for this round. You're a great writer and we hope to read more of your parodies in the coming months and years....but your time in Idol has also come to an end. We thank you for participating.

The next round will be announced sometime tomorrow.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: EthanM on 10/31/08 at 12:09 am

I don't know why the voting totals are kept secret, but here it's really not for this round since the breakdown would have to be 543,543, 542,322,111 for two exact ties to be one point ahead of third place with one non-entry. The reasons for votes going in this way are not quite as clear, but justification of votes will only lead to arguments so we probably should skip that. As far as the recordings go, based on the votes and the rules I think both have to be recorded.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Wolverine on 10/31/08 at 11:54 am

Chris: You had some strong showings in this competition. I wish we could have seen an entry from you for this round. You're a great writer and we hope to read more of your parodies in the coming months and years....but your time in Idol has also come to an end. We thank you for participating.

I'm guessing you mean me, since I was (I think) the only one still in the contest to not submit an entry for the round.  Thank you for the compliments, but my name's not Chris.  It's Patrick.  Chris Wolvie is someone else.  :)  Don't wanna step on someone else's toes.

Congrats to Matt, Gianni, and Ethan.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Matthias on 10/31/08 at 4:27 pm

Oh Awesome! I won! Well... I tied to win, which is still pretty damn good! W00t!!!

Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Red Ant on 10/31/08 at 5:38 pm

I'm guessing you mean me, since I was (I think) the only one still in the contest to not submit an entry for the round.  Thank you for the compliments, but my name's not Chris.  It's Patrick.  Chris Wolvie is someone else.   :)  Don't wanna step on someone else's toes.

Congrats to Matt, Gianni, and Ethan.


Subject: Re: AmIRight Idol Round 6 (Entry Deadline October 8th 2008)

Written By: Melanie Lee on 11/02/08 at 7:57 pm

Melanie: you had a great parody that unfortunately fell a little bit short in comparison to the others' entries. You proved you can do epic songs as well as storytelling in this round. We hope to see more of your work in the future, but your time in the Idol competition has come to an end. Thank you for participating.

Personal note: when I get more time here, I'd LOVE to record your RHCP parody.  :)


Well...when I saw the other three entries, I suspected that I'd be the one to go.  The other three were funnier and were set to faster paces.  Still, I'm glad you thought I did a good job nevertheless, particularly in storytelling, which is my "pride and joy", so to speak.  I thank you for the encouragement.  One thing: I wish you'd listed the names of the winning parodies along with the names of the parodists!  I know it's only a few minutes research for me, but still...

Also, I look forward to hearing my RHCP parody recorded!

I might take on the challenge of the next round anyway, though obviously I won't post it here.  Carry on, remaining contestants!  Good luck and God bless y'all!  ;)

Check for new replies or respond here...