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Subject: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Claude_Prez on 02/28/06 at 12:27 pm

~~Entries begin after the last parody update of the month.

~~Any song first appearing at AmiRight during the contest month (this year) is eligible.

~~To enter, reply to this thread with the url of your entry.

~~On the eighth day of the month, entries close and voting begins.

~~Vote by replying to voting thread with your five favorites in order: 
Top choice gets 5 points, next gets 4 points and so on to 1 point for your fifth favourite.

~~You're not allowed to vote for your own song.

~~Once you've posted a vote, you're not allowed to change it.

~~Voting continues until the last day of the month ends.

~~Anyone who's participated in a SOTM contest past or present may vote.

~~By entering, you are agreeing to read and comment on all the other entries and vote.

~~Anyone who enters but does not both comment on all entries and vote by the end of the month is disqualified and may not participate next month.

~~When the new month begins, the first person to enter the next contest may copy this message and start the new entry thread with it.

~~Rule changes may be suggested by any participant in their entry post.  Changes are made only when a majority of that month's voters specify a "yes" vote along with their contest votes.

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: agrimorfee on 02/28/06 at 2:57 pm

If DKTOS, the mp3 is essential.

OS MP3: (click on Download)
OS Lyrics:

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Morton on 02/28/06 at 3:39 pm

After much painful thought and deliberation, I thought i'd give this one a try:

It's Horrible

DKTOS? I managed to find a video to aid you. Don't worry, you won't need to download it, just press the green 'watch' button.

If that fails, the original lyrics will have to suffice:'re-Beautiful-lyrics-James-Blunt/90A4316F20DB108148256FCD001769F9

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Arwen on 02/28/06 at 4:09 pm

I tried really hard to submit something FABulous before the end of the month...but alas, you all have to settle for something else.  I figure that you've all missed me so much since I've skipped the past couple of contests, you'll settle for whatever you can get.  ;)

"(My Guy) Wants a Little Help With My Friend"

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Max Power on 02/28/06 at 4:15 pm

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Matthias on 02/28/06 at 8:20 pm

Yes, another Dick Cheney Shoot-Out Song....
Max I Might Have To Pepper You To Win



Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: ThaConqueror on 03/01/06 at 3:22 am

Only had 3 parodies this month...I'll go with my shameless plug:


Just because I'm so nice and all, I've put an mp3 up on the page. It's in the bottom comments, and it reads 'DKTOS?'.

Enjoy all of my self-references, my dropping in of other parody artists names, including Mr. Yankovic himself, and who knows how many Spaff references.

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: adagio on 03/01/06 at 9:01 am


          Amazon  Sample - Suede

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Cat on 03/01/06 at 10:43 am

I know I've already entered this in the Y comp, but since it's definitely my best this month (the only other thing I submitted were my Brangelina contributions) and Red Ant and Johnny D gave me the green light, here goes:

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Confission on 03/01/06 at 6:55 pm

"Dropped, I'm Stupider (Who Fell? Me.)
Originally "Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)" by Train



Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Stuart McArthur on 03/02/06 at 8:21 am

after being away and missing January, I don't want to miss another, yet I only have 3 Brangelina submissions to my name this month - quite the conundrum

so it's
"Don't Tie Up Me, Angelina"

good luck all

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Red Ant on 03/02/06 at 1:48 pm

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: ChrisBodilyTM on 03/02/06 at 3:17 pm

The only parodies I did this past month were the first five Nickelodeon Idiot parodies, so I am submitting the parody that I think is the best from my epic album parody.

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: philbo on 03/02/06 at 4:26 pm

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Rex on 03/05/06 at 12:54 pm

I will enter

DKTOS? For the duration of the February SOTM contest you can hear it at

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: wannabemustangjock on 03/06/06 at 3:57 pm

Yet another car song from the wannabeMUSTANGjockey.

It's the End of Detroit as We Know It

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Johnny_D on 03/06/06 at 9:39 pm

Fry A Yellow Liver Drowned In Cold Smoked Brie

DKTOS?  Click here, courtesy of an enormous benefactor!

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: larry on 03/06/06 at 9:40 pm

Don't Drive The Jeep, Angelina

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: K1chyd on 03/07/06 at 11:21 am

I've been a little out of the loop on the daily updates lately so I guess I oughta join, if for nothing else to catch up on everyones best as of late.

"The Last Cut Is The Hardest":


Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 03/08/06 at 7:57 am

Bongiorno!! Just back from Venice in time to throw my hat in the ring for Feb:

For The Discerning Buyer: The Mall With It All

Good luck, all!!!  :)

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Cat on 03/08/06 at 4:07 pm

Dammit, Kristof! I thought I actually had a chance this month!

*grumbles about how impossibly good his new spoof is*

Subject: Re: February SOTM Entries

Written By: Red Ant on 03/08/06 at 4:46 pm

The voting thread will be up at midnight EST.

EDIT: Or 10pm:,17754.0.html

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