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Subject: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/01/18 at 12:41 pm
Welcome to the Friday February 02 to Friday February 09 (publishing date) round of the One Week Notice challenge. My name is Matthias, I'll be your host.
The core of One Week Notice is this: We all write parodies of the same original song - and then we post them on the same day! The song chosen ideally should be one that has not been already parodied on Amiright, and should also be of reasonable difficulty and length (Matthias is hosting a separate thread for general discussion about that part, see the messageboard and feel free to join in - or even better - sign up to host a round yourself!)
As things have evolved we're working on a From Friday To Friday basis. The host picks an original song and posts about it in a new messageboard thread on the first friday (or after the Thursday update on Amiright's front page if that's more convenient) and those who want to participate have one week to create a parody of it. All those parodies of the same song are then submitted to go on the next week's Friday's publishing date on Amiright (barring acts of God/Site Mods).
This challenge is not a contest judging for quality. No points are awarded. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but we have no strict rule or requirement for everyone to even read each parody and/or leave comments. Obviously that's an important part of the whole thing, but you won't get bashed if life gets in your way. The whole thing is done in the spirit of flexing our parody writing "muscles" and to grow back the spirit of camaraderie within the Amiright community. The host of a round must provide a link to the original song's lyrics (or post them in his/her host post, like I'm doing here below), a link to a YouTube video of the song (or an equivalent thereof) and information about what year the song was first released (to allow for the submission form on Amiright).
With all that said, here's the brand new One Week Notice for Friday February 02 to Friday February 9th.
The Pop Rounds of One Week Notice seem to be the most successful so this week we're taking a crack at Miley Cyrus' latest tune.
Song Title: "Malibu" (2017)
Artist - Miley Cyrus
Youtube -
I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean
I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand
But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did
'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind
I always thought I would sink, so I never swam
I never went boatin', don't get how they are floatin'
And sometimes I get so scared
Of what I can't understand
But here I am
Next to you
The sky's more blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you, baby
We watched the sun go down as we were walking
I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking
You would explain the current as I just smile
Hoping that you'll stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us just for a while
Do they even exist?
That's when I make the wish
To swim away with the fish
Is it supposed to be this hot all summer long?
I never would've believed you
If three years ago you told me
I'd be here writing this song
But here I am
Next to you
The sky's so blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you, baby
Next to you
The sky's so blue
In Malibu, baby
Next to you
We are just like the waves that flow back and forth
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there to save me
And I wanna thank you with all of my heart
It's a brand new start
A dream come true
In Malibu
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/01/18 at 12:46 pm
Personally I'm hoping that Peter Andersson does a sequel to "Reindeer Horn Buyers Get Elk Poop For Free" with the parody title "Caribou"
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: ThaConqueror on 02/01/18 at 4:41 pm
Holy crap, a song for One Week Notice that qualifies for one my various lists of songs to parody (and wasn't jumping the gun like Feel It Still)! I think I'll join in for once, but I must ask (as I haven't joined in before): are the parody titles meant to be a surprise? Or can we shotgun them in advance? I'm just a bit wary of the song parody equivalent of two girls showing up in the same dress (if that makes sense).
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/01/18 at 5:20 pm
Holy crap, a song for One Week Notice that qualifies for one my various lists of songs to parody (and wasn't jumping the gun like Feel It Still)! I think I'll join in for once, but I must ask (as I haven't joined in before): are the parody titles meant to be a surprise? Or can we shotgun them in advance? I'm just a bit wary of the song parody equivalent of two girls showing up in the same dress (if that makes sense).
In the past we have used the message board as a jumping off point. Gathering ideas and such. I was inspired to do "Fried Marmoset" for example because of what Phil Alexander posted here.
Thus the surprise isn't as important as everybody entering on the same day (Friday) & Having a completed parody
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: K1chyd on 02/02/18 at 1:40 am
Personally I'm hoping that Peter Andersson does a sequel to "Reindeer Horn Buyers Get Elk Poop For Free" with the parody title "Caribou"
I'll think about it - a different idea came to mind immediatelly though - two if you count "bonking ewe" - though I always have at least one idea along those lines, ha-ha! :D
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: jreuben on 02/02/18 at 10:27 am
I've wanted to do this song for a long time. Miley has been good to me in the past :)
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/02/18 at 10:44 am
I've wanted to do this song for a long time. Miley has been good to me in the past :)
I was thinking about you when I entered this one Jeff! You and your girly pop lol
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: agrimorfee on 02/02/18 at 12:52 pm
Scary Boo
Husker Du
(To)Bacco Chew
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: K1chyd on 02/03/18 at 1:27 am
An observation: Themewise the original is pretty much similar to "How far I'll go", I wonder if the same hit-fabric guys are somehow involved? Damn Disney earworm farmers! :D
So there's beachfront longing, heading out or staying home etc - I wanna play into that somehow, or totally reverse it.
Caribou would be a perfect title switch, but also titles idea starts are usually no problem with words that can be rhymed acceptably with "you" so this is a good pick from that angle too.
Here are some contributions to the general brainstorm if anyone needs help:
"Munching you" - cannibalism.
"Make it two" - ordering food, or anything really.
"Marabou" - a bird, but also the brand name for the most popular chocolate in Sweden (my original first idea, though I haven't settled yet)
"Balls are blue" - guy can't get any for Valentines Day.
"Miniscule" - guy reading spam promising him more size.
"Fixed a shoe / Lost a shoe / Bought her shoes" - As a jogger/runner I've got a bit of a shoe fetisch. An ex back then loved to point out that I had more shoes in my closet than she in hers.
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/03/18 at 8:31 am
I think I'm gonna go with Caribou actually... Turn it from a song about being at love at the beach to a song about being pissed off in the Arctic
Can't stand this land...
Penguin zoo...
My skin turned blue...
'Round Caribou...
Curse words flew...
Yelled: "Dude screw you!"
Hate snowshoes, Buddy
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: K1chyd on 02/03/18 at 11:11 am
Holy crap, a song for One Week Notice that qualifies for one my various lists of songs to parody (and wasn't jumping the gun like Feel It Still)! I think I'll join in for once, but I must ask (as I haven't joined in before): are the parody titles meant to be a surprise? Or can we shotgun them in advance? I'm just a bit wary of the song parody equivalent of two girls showing up in the same dress (if that makes sense).
What Matthias said.
And though personally I'd rather think it would be funny if two or more of us show up wearing the same title (it has happened only once) - because you're a firsttimer I'll give out that I've pretty much settled on "Miniscule" and written half plus of it already.
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: Matthias on 02/05/18 at 1:28 pm
My tune about Miley Cyrus bitching about being on vacation in the Arctic is complete and ready for Friday! "Caribou"
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: K1chyd on 02/06/18 at 12:25 pm
I've completed "Miniscule" - had to tweak the spam angle a bit, but not much, and now it starts like this:
"You never should flip a witch, or insult a coven"
Let's just say it's about a guy who can no longer wave his wand after the witch waved her. :P
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: K1chyd on 02/08/18 at 11:19 am
The submission window is open! :)
Subject: Re: ONE WEEK NOTICE "Malibu" (For February 09, 2018)
Written By: jreuben on 02/09/18 at 2:17 pm
Sorry, wanted to do this one, just didn't work out.
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