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Subject: Is Mitt Romney the new George W Bush?

Written By: Matthias on 09/24/12 at 5:58 pm

Because with a statement as stupid as this he makes Bush look like a genius!

Ugh! Oh man!

This needs to be a parody! Make it happen!!!

Subject: Re: Is Mitt Romney the new George W Bush?

Written By: ThaConqueror on 09/24/12 at 7:20 pm

I dunno what's more stupid: not knowing how airplanes and oxygen works, or dismissing 47% of the voters because he thinks they're moochers who always vote for the current president because they're lazy.

(The only reason I know of the infamous "47%" remark is cause of the people I follow on Twitter, for those wondering how I know about, given how I've said in the past I barely know anything about my own country's politics, let alone America's)

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