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Subject: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 04/27/07 at 10:58 pm

Should guests be aloud to post messages?  They always seem to show up to make contriversial posts on contriversial subjects, like poo parodies, etc.  If they can't stand behind what they say, why should they be aloud to post?

By the way, yes, I know I am guest posting, so that seems hippicritical but that is only because I fear reprisal from some of the contriversial guests.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 04/27/07 at 11:19 pm

That should be "allowed".

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: whistledog on 04/27/07 at 11:37 pm

Why post as a guest though when you can register to be a member?

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: danootaandme on 04/28/07 at 6:23 am

Membership should have its priviledges

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 04/28/07 at 8:24 am

Why post as a guest though when you can register to be a member?

What I am saying is that allot of times members pose as 'guests' when they want to be annonymous, so I think people should have to sign in as a member to post.  A lot of messageboards do that.  Guests can read but not write.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Tia on 04/28/07 at 9:03 am

is this like "girls aloud"?

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 04/28/07 at 10:00 am

Well, I did say guest should be able to read but not write, so don't expect me to be able to write good.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: wildcard on 04/28/07 at 12:08 pm

Well, I did say guest should be able to read but not write, so don't expect me to be able to write good.

You think you don't write good because you're a guest?

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: whistledog on 04/28/07 at 5:43 pm

I think people should have to sign in as a member to post

Then why are you posting as a guest ???

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: skittlesking on 04/28/07 at 7:08 pm

Sorry. . .I'll post details later. . .but I personally am FOR guest posting. . .

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: skittlesking on 04/28/07 at 7:22 pm

Sorry. . .I'll post details later. . .but I personally am FOR guest posting. . .

Ok, now here is my reasoning for being FOR guest posting although at one point I was against it.

Some people who are casual readers don't like to register, set up an account, and all that when they really just want to leave one comment.  Those who do, well, they will register anyway because they want people to see things posted under their name, with their avatar, stats, and information. 

Guest posting allows people who aren't necessairly interested in our work to become interested in our work with sneak previews.  I mean, one thing that turns me off is if I go to a newspaper site, and I have to register just to read a darn story, it's frustrating.  I don't want an account on every website across the internet that I ever visit.  .  .Those casual visitors that get a taste and like it, they will likely end up getting accounts, those that don't (at least from what I've seen) don't cause all that much of a rucus, and when they do, Chucky and Company are pretty good at shutting it down before it gets out of hand.

Personal opinion--Guest posting is a good thing, and as for the anonymous thing?  Like that's not going to happen without Guest posting?  It's just easier not to have to make another screen name to do it, but that will ALWAYS happen because it takes like two seconds to make another account, so the only thing it will stop are the legitimate guest posters who sometimes end up becoming regulars.


Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 04/29/07 at 12:20 pm

Then why are you posting as a guest ???

Please read. 

karaokedavid82, thank you for the sensible reply -- you make allot of sense.  I was just trying to find a way to stop posters who just put up allot of niusance threads to make trouble.  But I guest its not that big of a deal.

Thank you, everyone.  Yhis topic is now closed.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Marian on 05/01/07 at 5:13 pm

No they should be silent. :D

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: U Guest It on 05/01/07 at 7:15 pm

This topic is clothed.  Please respect that.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Midas on 05/13/07 at 10:32 pm

This topic is clothed.  Please respect that.

No, it's nekkid!  Did you lock it?  :D

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Rice in limbo on 05/13/07 at 10:38 pm

Treat guests nice.  They might become members someday.

Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Tia on 05/14/07 at 10:44 am

Ok, now here is my reasoning for being FOR guest posting although at one point I was against it.


Subject: Re: Should Guests Be Aloud?

Written By: Midas on 05/14/07 at 7:28 pm

Treat guests nice.  They might become members someday.

No Lep fol you!

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