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Written By: skittlesking on 03/17/07 at 3:47 am
Great News. . .
I know, the look, colors and everything still have a lot of work. . .but go to this page. . .
It's working. . .It's WORKING, comments and ratings have to be added, but THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
Will continue work tomorrow, I have to be at work soon, I couldn't sleep. . .sometimes when I can't sleep I have little break throughs. . .I know this page is fairly simple looking, but it took four scripts to get this page working correctly. Between information uploaded by a user (a test user I made), the music submitted to an email which ques mp3s for approval, connecting through php the information the user sent to said mp3, and the statistics. . .it's not done, but this is great great great great news for the future of Badave and Parody hosting.
Written By: skittlesking on 03/24/07 at 1:49 pm
Great News. . .
I know, the look, colors and everything still have a lot of work. . .but go to this page. . .
It's working. . .It's WORKING, comments and ratings have to be added, but THIS IS GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
Will continue work tomorrow, I have to be at work soon, I couldn't sleep. . .sometimes when I can't sleep I have little break throughs. . .I know this page is fairly simple looking, but it took four scripts to get this page working correctly. Between information uploaded by a user (a test user I made), the music submitted to an email which ques mp3s for approval, connecting through php the information the user sent to said mp3, and the statistics. . .it's not done, but this is great great great great news for the future of Badave and Parody hosting.
Comment feature added to hosting section, but that's just one of many steps, didn't give me a hard time AND best of all it includes an IP addy thing so that spammers can be blocked from posting if they repeatedly offend the rules.
Written By: wildcard on 03/29/07 at 5:15 pm
glad to see things are working out.
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