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Subject: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: skittlesking on 02/15/07 at 1:37 am

Yesterday, suddenly in the morning, the charts on Soundclick expieremented with using Downloads, after they decided against it, the charts went back to normal. . .the blip showed an issue in that as we succeed the station could be very quickly over-populated by successful artists making those who don't chart as high have less say on the station--I'm thinking of getting rid of the permanent rotation for Hall of Fame songs. . .opinions needed here as it is the AmIRight station, I'm just the DJ--My songs have been very successful lately, and while I'm flattered and excited that I'm consistantly in the Top 20 lately, I also feel it's unfair for all my songs to slowly get permanent rotation while the artists who don't rank as high don't get said treatment. . .what do you guys think?  I personally think that many of the artists on this station are just as talented as myself and that my songs tend to chart because of my marketing so to speak. . .I post in a lot of places that other people don't have time to do, I also send it through email to a rather decent sized fan-list so to speak, it helps me a lot. . .and that's why I'm asking. . .I enjoy listening to the other artists along with my work, I think the other three artists who charted top 20 yesterday probably agree with the settiment that they don't want more than their fair share of space either. . .5 for all, or Hall of Fame still get permanent? I don't know, what is your opinion.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: jreuben on 02/15/07 at 8:35 am

I like the idea of the Hall of Fame, but I would leave it up to the artist to include those songs in the rotation.  As we gain more artists and more songs, it's going to take hours just to get through the entire rotation as it is.

Maybe a Hall Of Fame spot on the BAD website, or a Hall Of Fame station?

Subject: Re: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: skittlesking on 02/15/07 at 11:39 am

I like the idea of the Hall of Fame, but I would leave it up to the artist to include those songs in the rotation.  As we gain more artists and more songs, it's going to take hours just to get through the entire rotation as it is.

Maybe a Hall Of Fame spot on the BAD website, or a Hall Of Fame station?

Oooo--both those last ideas are great. . .I think I'll do them both.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: Josh2 on 02/15/07 at 2:16 pm

Maybe you could create another station containing ONE parody by each artist. That way, the more casual listeners may give that station more lsitens as there are less songs to go through, and so everyone gets a listen and there song gets pushed more.

Subject: Re: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 04/08/07 at 8:24 am

Where do I post my new recordings for the station(s)? I'm out of touch.... ;)

Anyway, here's my brand new one: I Always Seem To Injure You

Hope you all like it.....

Subject: Re: AmIRight Parody Station

Written By: jreuben on 04/08/07 at 11:41 am

Where do I post my new recordings for the station(s)? I'm out of touch.... ;)

Anyway, here's my brand new one: I Always Seem To Injure You

Hope you all like it.....

Cool, Dave will add it to the main station and "new" songs (you might want to PM him).  I'll add it to the countdown station if/when it gets into the top 15.


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