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Subject: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Jack Wilson on 01/13/07 at 8:50 pm
Like say a song like "Just Got Lucky",pretty popualr in both US and England,but no parodies until I had mine. Also I was surprised when "Billy Don't Be a Hero" hadnt been parodied that many times before mine, being that it was number 1 in the 70s, `14 years before I was born. But its a bad song too, so that doesnt surprise me. Also I was surprised to be the first one to parody The Lovin Spoonful in 2003. Ditto for Gary Lewis and the Playboys. There's probably a few others Im not thinking of.
There's probably some other bands that havent been parodied, yet. Hmmm
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: skittlesking on 01/13/07 at 8:53 pm
Yeah, Donna Lewis' I Love You Always Forever, which was the parody I debuted with. . .although I'm sure I'll come across other surprise blanks. (oh--The Meat Song if you were wondering)
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: The Charnstar on 01/13/07 at 9:01 pm
Stevie Nicks - Sometimes Its A Bitch
Guns N Roses - Civil War
I used to love them both so much when I was a kid. And no-one had parodised either. Absolutely crazy go nuts
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: Jack Wilson on 01/13/07 at 9:15 pm
Yeah, Donna Lewis' I Love You Always Forever, which was the parody I debuted with. . .although I'm sure I'll come across other surprise blanks. (oh--The Meat Song if you were wondering)
Listened to that earlier you kidna sound like Weird Al.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Red Ant on 01/13/07 at 9:25 pm
I have to say that I was surprised, no, make that shocked, that Wilson Phillps have never been parodied before my Drone On spoof. There's lots of obscure/new songs that are yet to be parodied, but I would have thought an artist who sold over 10 million copies with their debut CD 15 years ago would have already been done by somebody at least once before.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: skittlesking on 01/13/07 at 9:42 pm
Listened to that earlier you kidna sound like Weird Al.
Thank you very much, as a huge fan of Al, I take that as a compliment:) I just did my SOTM review of your entry for the month, just before re-doing Tearin' Out My Heart---part of a restructure project which is why I haven't done anything new in a little over a week. You really embodied the Electric Avenue vocals very well. . .I'm only reviewing a couple songs a day so that I can get a full impression of each song I'm considering to be fair.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Step-chan on 02/03/07 at 12:52 pm
How well known is Aerosmith's song "Toys In The Attic"?
I'm the only one to do a parody of it so far.
It's on the same album as Walk This Way and Sweet Emotion(Which is called Toys In The Attic).
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Step-chan on 02/03/07 at 1:06 pm
I see that nobody has any parodies to Freedy Johnston yet. I'm alittle surprised, although not the most popular artist, he has at least a few well known songs(especially the song "Bad Reputation").
Edit: On a different note, after looking at some lyrics from G.G. Allin songs, it's not surprising that there is only one parody to one of his songs on here. I've never seen so many songs with explicit titles and lyrics.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: Meriadoc on 02/03/07 at 3:29 pm
I like to be the first to parody a song. Usually Alvin and/or John Barry beat us to them, however! ;D
We were just the first to parody Vanity Fare's "Early in the Morning". I thought for awhile that we were the first to do "Hitchin' a Ride", but discovered that was not so; everyone else just misspelled the band name.. ::)
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: agrimorfee on 02/08/07 at 8:24 am
it's been my habit to parody songs that nobody else has, hence the debuts here of (shameless self-promotion commences) Laurie Anderson's O Superman ("O Santa Claus"), The Normal's Warm Leatherette ("Warm Isn't It?"), The Polyphonic Spree's "When The Fool Becomes A king ("Soundtrack For Burger King McDonald's Merge"), ELP's Karn Evil 9 ("Nudist Colony 9") and The Residents' Commercial Album ("The Residents Sell Out").
This is more because of my varied tastes in music and my flights of inspiration, rather than any vain need to do a song before anyone else does. I admit, though, it's getting harder and harder to do so. ;D
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: Jack Wilson on 09/22/07 at 8:44 pm
Another one Im almost shocked hasnt been parodied "Lovefool"by The Cardigans
I think Ill write one
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: philbo on 09/26/07 at 10:26 am
it's been my habit to parody songs that nobody else has
Likewise... and as far as old & popular go, I'm still the only person to tackle such greats as Flanders and Swann & George Formby. And Kevin Bloody Wilson. And the only one to try more than one Noel Coward song :)
There's some G&S songs that I'm the only one to attempt, probably 'cause they're less well-known than the Major-General...
And, as one-hit wonders go, I'm still the only person to do "Pop Music" by M, and "Girls, girls, girls" by Sailor... I'm sure there are more, but some jump out at you.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Matthias on 09/26/07 at 3:37 pm
I enjoy being the first to parody songs which is why a few of my songs for example "Jock You!" which completely sucks has been done
But other ones that I'm proud of that I wrote first, such as...
1. "Accidently Shot Dove":
2. "Blow Up Doll":
3. "Bourbon Street":
4. "Cable Guys":
5. "Calories":
6. "Can't Take The Hip-Hop Out Of The Girl":
7. "Chesty":
8. "Don't Forget To Dismember Me":
9. "Eat Your Greens" :
10. "Every Gal's Obsessed With Shoes":
11. "Girl Scout":
12. "Girl Spends":
13. "Grease Sells (And We're Buying)":
14. "Grocer Louie":
15. "The Hick From Tennessee":
16. "How To Make Your Lazy Husband Work...":
17. "I Ain't Wearing Pants":
18. "I Might Find You A Man":
19. "Insects Are Fried":
20. "I Want To Be A Death Eater":
21. "Learning To Cruise":
22. "Living Like I'm 70":
23. "My Next Thirty Beers":
And the list goes on...
I got bored listing them all
And while we're on the subject I have the first "Pippin" parody coming tomorrow
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Step-chan on 09/26/07 at 4:07 pm
I'm surprised that I'm the first one to parody Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money. While not the oldest song around, it is pretty popular.
I agree Mathias, for I also like being the first one to parody a song. Especially since any workable theme will be safe to do.
I have several others I could post as well.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: lpg_unit on 09/29/07 at 7:28 pm
I've been surprised when, while Shirley Temple's On The Good Ship Lollipop is well known to many people, it hasn't been parodied yet on Am I Right until I submitted my own version of the children's song...
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Red Ant on 09/29/07 at 7:57 pm
I'm still suprised that a lot of songs I liked when growing up have never been parodied before. "Hair Metal" may be the biggest goldmine yet - I only see one new parody every 3-6 months coming from this genre.
GNR's "Use Your Illusion" 1 & 2 are still teeming with great songs that haven't been done.
Although close to a quarter of my catalog is first submissions, I can't say I'm surprised - for the most part, they are fairly obscure songs that got little to no airplay.
Still waiting for "Touch of Grey" to be done - it was the Greatful Dead's only top 10 hit... maybe I'll work on my idea for it some tomorrow.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: wildcard on 09/29/07 at 9:38 pm
Still waiting for "Touch of Grey" to be done - it was the Greatful Dead's only top 10 hit... maybe I'll work on my idea for it some tomorrow.
I was trying to find some sort of midi or mp3 so I could listen to the OS again. I have thought about using the OS, but have been out of ideas for awhile.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: philbo on 09/30/07 at 2:51 pm
This thread reminded me of one artist waiting to be parodied: Ivor Biggun. So I've remedied that. Reckon that the OS is simple enough to play, that I may well do both that and the parody at a forthcoming open mike night :-)
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: EthanM on 09/30/07 at 11:07 pm
For the most part these songs are pretty obscure. The Donna Lewis song is an exception but for the most part if it hasn't been done and it's not really new then there's probably a pretty good reason for it.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: agrimorfee on 10/23/07 at 2:02 pm
This thread reminded me of one artist waiting to be parodied: Ivor Biggun. So I've remedied that. Reckon that the OS is simple enough to play, that I may well do both that and the parody at a forthcoming open mike night :-)
Took a look...Ivor Biggun is big to Dr. Demento fans for his hit "Bra Size 45" that would be a huge parody challenge!
(hear it at Youtube,,,
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: philbo on 10/23/07 at 4:53 pm
Took a look...Ivor Biggun is big to Dr. Demento fans for his hit "Bra Size 45" that would be a huge parody challenge!
(hear it at Youtube,,,
I've got it on vinyl :) If the right idea pops up, I may give it a go...
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: agrimorfee on 10/23/07 at 5:18 pm
I've got it on vinyl :) If the right idea pops up, I may give it a go...
Maybe you could do it TSB style, taking pieces from other published parodies here, with you filling in the missing spaces of OS...this might seem like a disengenuous practice, but if you perhaps did it under another name... (such as I did here via a shameless self-promotional link--)
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: philbo on 10/24/07 at 6:31 am
Rather like this one...
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Matthias on 10/24/07 at 1:38 pm
I know a lot of things that haven't been parodied yet
Pretty much all metal that isn't hair metal or heavy metal hasn't been done
I have yet to see one Death Metal song on Amiright... I think I might post one if I knew any Death Metal
I also haven't seen any Thrash Metal (A.K.A: Metal that's played at really high speeds)
Sadly my favorite genre hasn't been done that many times. Hell, Not even by me.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: agrimorfee on 10/24/07 at 1:40 pm
I know a lot of things that haven't been parodied yet
Pretty much all metal that isn't hair metal or heavy metal hasn't been done
I have yet to see one Death Metal song on Amiright... I think I might post one if I knew any Death Metal
I also haven't seen any Thrash Metal (A.K.A: Metal that's played at really high speeds)
Sadly my favorite genre hasn't been done that many times. Hell, Not even by me.
early Metallica does not count as thrash metal? just curious
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Matthias on 10/24/07 at 1:46 pm
early Metallica does not count as thrash metal? just curious
Well... I guess it depends on what song you're talking about.
Wikipedia says that they are, So I suppose they are, but I'm still curious as to what song you're talking about.
And I still would like to see a Death Metal song parodied.
If you have any suggestions on a song, I'll do it.
It'll probably turn out to be a misheard lyrics parody, because you can't understand a damn word Death Metal "artists" are "singing".
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: agrimorfee on 10/24/07 at 2:14 pm
Well... I guess it depends on what song you're talking about.
Wikipedia says that they are, So I suppose they are, but I'm still curious as to what song you're talking about.
And I still would like to see a Death Metal song parodied.
If you have any suggestions on a song, I'll do it.
It'll probably turn out to be a misheard lyrics parody, because you can't understand a damn word Death Metal "artists" are "singing".
I'm not thinking of anything specific, although I myself did (he humbly mentions) .
Metal is also hard to do because it's so comedic in nature (intentionally or unintentionally :D).
I'd love to see you do something by Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir or long as you can provide a Youtube, as I am not at all familiar with their individual songs--it all sounds the same to me.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: philbo on 10/24/07 at 2:17 pm
I also haven't seen any Thrash Metal (A.K.A: Metal that's played at really high speeds)
Surely Motorhead are the archetype of thrash?
Never been sure what counts as "death metal", though. Just had a look at the list of bands on wikipedia, and some of the names are hilarious (though there's only a couple of bands I've heard of in that list)
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied
Written By: agrimorfee on 10/30/07 at 10:31 am
Never been sure what counts as "death metal", though. Just had a look at the list of bands on wikipedia, and some of the names are hilarious (though there's only a couple of bands I've heard of in that list)
You know it when you hear it..."Cookie Monster" or screamed vocals, unrelenting tempos faster than a NASCAR engine, scorching guitar solos, and lyrics that are descriptive of a horror movie or a Stephen King novel...with the exception of some bands who incorporate symphonic textures like a choir and strings or eerie, dirge-like synths or organ, that's pretty much it.
Subject: Re: Ever been surprised when a pretty well known older song hadnt been parodied yet?
Written By: Max Power on 10/31/07 at 6:38 pm
" A View To A Kill " haven't been done until I did it couple of times.
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