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Subject: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: Meriadoc on 05/29/06 at 7:07 pm

Is anyone having a problem with parody titles 'switching' on them?

A few months ago we submitted "Radiactive Clouds Been Cross Our Lands"  and a few days later I went to submit another Beatles parody called "Here Comes the Stun". When I clicked 'preview' the title had changed from "Here Comes the Stun" to "Radiactive Clouds Been Cross Our Lands"...! :o

Fortunately I caught it and fixed it, but then last night Pippin submitted our newest parody "Pirahna Mauled My Hand" and it came out today with the title "Twisted Kraut", which was our last submission...

Maybe this is only happening with back to back Beatles submissions? ???

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: Red Ant on 05/29/06 at 9:55 pm

Is anyone having a problem with parody titles 'switching' on them?

A few months ago we submitted "Radiactive Clouds Been Cross Our Lands"  and a few days later I went to submit another Beatles parody called "Here Comes the Stun". When I clicked 'preview' the title had changed from "Here Comes the Stun" to "Radiactive Clouds Been Cross Our Lands"...! :o

Fortunately I caught it and fixed it, but then last night Pippin submitted our newest parody "Pirahna Mauled My Hand" and it came out today with the title "Twisted Kraut", which was our last submission...

Maybe this is only happening with back to back Beatles submissions? ???

Dee Range had this happen with several of his parody titles, though I'm not sure why or if he figured out the problem.  It isn't limited to Beatles' songs.

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: ChuckyG on 05/30/06 at 6:15 am

Check your browser settings.  If you have auto-complete on, it'll do that for you.  Could also be a toolbar like google that has an auto-fill option.

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: Peregrin on 05/30/06 at 7:14 am

Check your browser settings.  If you have auto-complete on, it'll do that for you.  Could also be a toolbar like google that has an auto-fill option.

Hi Chuck

I use Firefox and I checked the browser settings under "Privacy", where there is a checkbox for

"Save information I enter in forms and the search bar"

The checkbox is unticked, as I suspected it would be, as I prefer not to use auto-complete as a rule.

I don't have a separate Google Toolbar, if that's what you mean ?

For what it is worth, I submitted another parody tonight : "Zeroes"  (to Bowie's "Heroes")

The submission form came up blank, I filled it in, and made sure the parody title and original title were correct.

I then chose preview, and although they were correct at the top of the preview, when I scrolled down to the input fields, "Zeroes" was reading as "Twisted Kraut" again ... ?

So I hope what I did has at least avoided the problem this time, I changed it back and submitted it without re-previewing.

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: ChuckyG on 05/30/06 at 8:50 am

Hi Chuck

I use Firefox and I checked the browser settings under "Privacy", where there is a checkbox for

"Save information I enter in forms and the search bar"

The checkbox is unticked, as I suspected it would be, as I prefer not to use auto-complete as a rule.

I don't have a separate Google Toolbar, if that's what you mean ?

For what it is worth, I submitted another parody tonight : "Zeroes"  (to Bowie's "Heroes")

The submission form came up blank, I filled it in, and made sure the parody title and original title were correct.

I then chose preview, and although they were correct at the top of the preview, when I scrolled down to the input fields, "Zeroes" was reading as "Twisted Kraut" again ... ?

So I hope what I did has at least avoided the problem this time, I changed it back and submitted it without re-previewing.

That's very strange.  I just tried it, and didn't see the same behavoir.  since it's one of your parody titles, and the preview function never looks at the parody database until a parody is submitted, I think it's something with your browser. 

auto-complete of some sort is the likely reason, it might not be the browser itself, but some sort of helper application that has the ability.  If you were using IE, I'd suspect a "drive-by-downloading", since Active-X is easily used for viruses and the like.  Firefox though, should be pretty immune from crap like that.  I know some P2P apps like Kaaza used to come with e-wallet/gator garbage that would have similar behavoir.

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: K1chyd on 05/30/06 at 10:10 am

The author field is messing things up for me, on my very best parodies the name has somehow been changed from "Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd" to "", needless to say I don't really care because they seem to get more votes, comments and attention that way! ::)

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: ChuckyG on 05/30/06 at 11:42 am

The author field is messing things up for me, on my very best parodies the name has somehow been changed from "Peter Andersson a.k.a K1chyd" to "", needless to say I don't really care because they seem to get more votes, comments and attention that way! ::)

hmm.. I think that happened on my end though.  I remember that case. you didn't see show up in the preview screen right?

Subject: Re: Parody Title Glitches

Written By: Cat on 05/30/06 at 3:56 pm

Dee Range had this happen with several of his parody titles, though I'm not sure why or if he figured out the problem.  It isn't limited to Beatles' songs.

Are you talking about all his "I Would Do Anything When Drunk" parodies? I thought he did that on PURPOSE!  ???

He IS called Dee Range, y'know!

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