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Subject: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/16/05 at 10:17 pm

this is a list of Amirights history.  Important parody artists from the past.  (So there really arent gonna be any new names on it, all of these people have been around for some time).  These are names though that any new parody artists must know...know your past...

(in no order)
William Tong
Malcolm Higgins
Phil Alexander
Claude Prez
Bob Gomaz
Rick and Marie Duncan
DarkJon 64
Johnny D
Mike Florio
Royce Miller
Jim A
Ethan Mawyer/Tone Def
Paul Robinson
Jeff Reuben
My Name is Kenny
Guy Dirito
merry and Pippin
Ghetto John
and um...myself.. ::)  Billy Florio

what do you guys think?  Remember to put artists from the past of Amiright..ones that had been around and made an impact...sorry to anyone that didnt make it

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/16/05 at 10:21 pm

and after I hit post, I think of like 20 more lol

no one should forget:

Robert J. Pagliaro
Mike Armstrong
Rice Cube and Watt Daddy
John A Barry
Michael Pacholek
Alvin Rhodes
Steven Cavanagh
Britt O Connor
and everyone should know who A Room Full of Monkeys was

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: 2nz on 04/16/05 at 10:47 pm

"All parody authors are created equal, but some parody authors are more equal than others"
-It's not a direct quote, but it's pretty close. And if you need to know of what, just PM me.

I see the point to remembering your roots, and personally I owe a lot of the authors here, just for the examples that they set, the time they have spent learning and writing, and the way they approach the craft. What I don't see the point of (any more) is presenting my list publicly. If you want to know what I think of your writing (and therein the 'you' that I'm granted access to), read my comments. I try to make them thorough where I think it's warranted (alright, sometimes I just go off 'cause I got somethin' to say).

Sorry if I'm the party pooper, and sorry if you came here wanting to see if your name made my list  :P. I apologize but I boost/deflate egos on a one-to-one basis only.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: EthanM on 04/17/05 at 12:02 am

i think it's a pretty good list, but there are probably about 5000 parodies here by people on that list if not more... it might be a bit of a challenge to read them all.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/17/05 at 12:12 am

"All parody authors are created equal, but some parody authors are more equal than others"
-It's not a direct quote, but it's pretty close. And if you need to know of what, just PM me.

I see the point to remembering your roots, and personally I owe a lot of the authors here, just for the examples that they set, the time they have spent learning and writing, and the way they approach the craft. What I don't see the point of (any more) is presenting my list publicly. If you want to know what I think of your writing (and therein the 'you' that I'm granted access to), read my comments. I try to make them thorough where I think it's warranted (alright, sometimes I just go off 'cause I got somethin' to say).

Sorry if I'm the party pooper, and sorry if you came here wanting to see if your name made my list  :P. I apologize but I boost/deflate egos on a one-to-one basis only.

the list wasnt intended to offend anyone, its just a reference for remembering the olden days of amiright.....

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: STG on 04/17/05 at 12:49 am

yes, of the old days before the all-ones voter
and before our parodies turned to terd

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 04/17/05 at 5:20 am

this is a list of Amirights history.  Important parody artists from the past.  (So there really arent gonna be any new names on it, all of these people have been around for some time).  These are names though that any new parody artists must know...know your past...

(in no order)
William Tong
Malcolm Higgins
Phil Alexander
Claude Prez
Bob Gomaz
Rick and Marie Duncan
DarkJon 64
Johnny D
Mike Florio
Royce Miller
Jim A
Ethan Mawyer/Tone Def
Paul Robinson
Jeff Reuben
My Name is Kenny
Guy Dirito
merry and Pippin
Ghetto John
and um...myself.. ::)  Billy Florio

Shows how new I am! I've only heard of half of them! I agree with you on the most part, though. You've named some really top class writers

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Ansky1213 on 04/17/05 at 11:19 am

I'd like to suggest two names to add to that list (it's a great list, BTW). I'd add Luke Brattoni (a.k.a Jake A. Ralphing), and also EmiLoca. They show that the youngsters can still have a lot of talent despite their lack of age, and out of the under-21 writers league, they are the best (no disrepect to DAK, though plenty of disrespect to that Charlie Decker character).

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: EthanM on 04/17/05 at 12:27 pm

A lot of the people on Billy's list actually are under 21... STG, dark jon, kenny, lebiew, junior, ghetto john, and mike and billy florio. I was a teenager when i started submitting here, but only for about a month.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/17/05 at 1:23 pm

I'd like to suggest two names to add to that list (it's a great list, BTW). I'd add Luke Brattoni (a.k.a Jake A. Ralphing), and also EmiLoca. They show that the youngsters can still have a lot of talent despite their lack of age, and out of the under-21 writers league, they are the best (no disrepect to DAK, though plenty of disrespect to that Charlie Decker character).

well, theyre really too new for the list (I think)...thats also why people like Stuart Mcarthur, Kristof Robinson, Arwen, etc didnt make it

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/17/05 at 7:00 pm

well, theyre really too new for the list (I think)...thats also why people like Stuart Mcarthur, Kristof Robinson, Arwen, etc didnt make it

I swear on ALL that is good in this world...that I don't care that I'm not on the list...Honestly...

But...since you mentioned me...I did a little research...I didn't research everyone...but I picked a random person...Paul Robinson...and found that his first submission was submitted only 4 days prior to my first submission.

Like I said...I didn't take the time to check everyone's history out...but on that random person (who was the first person I looked at, honestly) I proved my point.  I don't need to be on your list...but you can't say that length of time on the site is your main qualification...unless you're really telling me that 4 days will make or break a person.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/17/05 at 7:22 pm

I swear on ALL that is good in this world...that I don't care that I'm not on the list...Honestly...

But...since you mentioned me...I did a little research...I didn't research everyone...but I picked a random person...Paul Robinson...and found that his first submission was submitted only 4 days prior to my first submission.

Like I said...I didn't take the time to check everyone's history out...but on that random person (who was the first person I looked at, honestly) I proved my point.  I don't need to be on your list...but you can't say that length of time on the site is your main qualification...unless you're really telling me that 4 days will make or break a person.

well, time was the qualification...but you caught me...I didnt actually go a research everyones exact time....I went by my flawed memory.....

hmm...I should probably put a better time restriction on here and redo they couldnt have just started within the last 2 years or someting...I dont know.....

I hope youre not insulted Arwen

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Stuart McArthur on 04/17/05 at 8:59 pm

I have to say that I was very surprised not to see Arwen's name on that list, Billy

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Luke Brattoni on 04/17/05 at 10:00 pm

I agree.
Moreover, the order in which you arranged your selection displays a subconscious 'ranking' of your chosen order.
Moreover, there is an inbalance in female representation on your list.
Moreover, your list encourages 'timeism', creating a social prejudice against newer writers and lessening their worth as writers.
Moreover, the misspellings of 'Bob Gomez' and the miscapitalisation of 'Merry' are highly offensive to certain religious denominations.
Moreover, it's technically 'everyone should know who A Room Full of Monkeys is'.
Moreover, your failure to implement colourful visual effects, like this or this or this is conclusive that your list fails to inspire any patriotic emotions for Papua New Guinea.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: EmiLoca on 04/17/05 at 10:24 pm

I'm quite shocked to find that, yes...there's like, no girls rpr'zentn.  But as far as your list goes, I think that a new parody author would do better to know the current, submitting authors of prestige (i.e. Poopie Longstocking  ;)) rather than the ones who were revered in their day, but hardly post anything anymore (not that I'm one to talk - haven't done a parody in over a month now, but as this list would ideally never include my name, I shouldn't even comment here). 

Not to knock your list - you covered a lot of the greats. 

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/17/05 at 11:42 pm

I have to say that I was very surprised not to see Arwen's name on that list, Billy

I love Arwen....but I didnt check when she started list is flawed....thats also why I suggested others make their lists.....I cant write complete sentences

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 04/17/05 at 11:44 pm

I'm quite shocked to find that, yes...there's like, no girls rpr'zentn.  But as far as your list goes, I think that a new parody author would do better to know the current, submitting authors of prestige (i.e. Poopie Longstocking  ;)) rather than the ones who were revered in their day, but hardly post anything anymore (not that I'm one to talk - haven't done a parody in over a month now, but as this list would ideally never include my name, I shouldn't even comment here). 

Not to knock your list - you covered a lot of the greats. 

there are girls:

Royce Miller
Marie Duncan
Brit O'connor

and who knows what Merry and Pippin are lol

but tis is fact, in the begining days of Amiright, there were not many female authors.....

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Scathe on 04/18/05 at 1:42 am

I'm quite shocked to find that, yes...there's like, no girls rpr'zentn.  But as far as your list goes, I think that a new parody author would do better to know the current, submitting authors of prestige (i.e. Poopie Longstocking  ;)) rather than the ones who were revered in their day, but hardly post anything anymore (not that I'm one to talk - haven't done a parody in over a month now, but as this list would ideally never include my name, I shouldn't even comment here). 

Not to knock your list - you covered a lot of the greats. 

Speaking of ladies I haven't seen a work of Ingeborg S. Norden and Ashkickass for some time now.  I like their work, and I'm curious as to what happened to them.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/18/05 at 10:40 am

Speaking of ladies I haven't seen a work of Ingeborg S. Norden and Ashkickass for some time now.  I like their work, and I'm curious as to what happened to them.

Ingeborg submitted a parody with Jared a while ago saying that she was leaving and never coming back.  Jared has since returned, but Ingeborg hasn't.

Ashkicksass is on hiatus...but I'm sure she'd be thrilled to know that you've missed her. :)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: STG on 04/18/05 at 6:11 pm

I believe Arwen is an important artist, but as Billy stated that his list is flawed, but there are girls on the list. So to settle this...........Arween you are definitly on my list. Along with many others, but there are too many to list. So to satisfy Billy.
here is my list.

(no order)
William Tong
Malcolm Higgins
Phil Alexander
Claude Prez
Rick and Marie Duncan
DarkJon 64
Johnny D
Mike Florio
Royce Miller
Jim A
Ethan Mawyer
Paul Robinson
Jeff Reuben
My Name is Kenny
Guy Dirito
merry and Pippin
Ghetto John
Mike and Billy Florio

and b/c I am an egotistical person, I am reluctantly adding myself to the list

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Meriadoc on 04/19/05 at 2:08 am

merry and Pippin

merry and Pippin

What does a person hobbit have to do to get capitalized around here...? ::) ;D ;D

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Luke Brattoni on 04/19/05 at 2:12 am

Always one to quote myself at any opportunity:

... the miscapitalisation of 'Merry' is highly offensive to certain religious denominations.

You guys are getting good at lists now. Could you do me a shopping list for tomorrow?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 04/19/05 at 4:00 am

Could you do me a shopping list for tomorrow?

toilet rolls
chocolate biscuits
frozen peas

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: EmiLoca on 04/19/05 at 6:54 am

Always one to quote myself at any opportunity:

You guys are getting good at lists now. Could you do me a shopping list for tomorrow?

Vegemite Sauce
Vegemite-Flavo(u)red Soymilk
Wallaby pie
Head & Shoulders

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: STG on 04/19/05 at 7:06 am

Jerky nuggets
Turkey Bacon
Vanilla Oreos
Pudding Bites
and Cheddar

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 04/19/05 at 9:27 am

toilet rolls
chocolate biscuits
frozen peas

Karen, LOL!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/19/05 at 9:33 am

I believe Arwen is an important artist, but as Billy stated that his list is flawed, but there are girls on the list. So to settle this...........Arween you are definitly on my list.

I promise that I wasn't trying to get onto anyone's list with my little rant...but...awww, thanks, STG... :)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 04/19/05 at 9:42 am

I promise that I wasn't trying to get onto anyone's list with my little rant...but...awww, thanks, STG... :)

Admit it, you're still trying to get on Apricot's Respect List

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Armstrong on 04/19/05 at 10:16 am

Everyone has a right to who they think the best people are. Personally it doesn't matter to me but it's cool to see your name thrown around on these lists. I mean, we're all Claude's underlings anyway right?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/19/05 at 10:49 am

Admit it, you're still trying to get on Apricot's Respect List


How do you remember this stuff, Jeff??

p.s.  at this point, I AM Apricot's respect list... ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/19/05 at 11:04 am

Hmmm...I was about to give Leo an "awww, thanks!" all his own...but now his list is gone.


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 04/19/05 at 11:15 am

thought I was going mad!  I read Leo's list (which he somehow posted twice, briefly) and then it disappeared completely.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Mistress Leola on 04/19/05 at 12:28 pm

List?  What list?  Have you two gone completely mad?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/19/05 at 12:45 pm

List?  What list?  Have you two gone completely mad?

It's don't have to repost it...because it's enough that I know that I was on it... :)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 04/19/05 at 1:02 pm

I'm happier that I made Karen's list (under a pseudonym, of course)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/19/05 at 1:15 pm

I'm happier that I made Karen's list (under a pseudonym, of course)

Ah ha!  I was wondering what the hell elastoplasts were...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Mistress Leola on 04/19/05 at 1:20 pm

I'm happier that I made Karen's list (under a pseudonym, of course)

Well, if you count my pseudonyms, I think I've made everyone's lists so far.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 04/19/05 at 1:41 pm

Well, if you count my pseudonyms, I think I've made everyone's lists so far.

You made their lists for them?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Mistress Leola on 04/19/05 at 2:42 pm

You made their lists for them?

In a sense -- everyone here consults me before they make their lists.  As is appropriate.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 04/20/05 at 3:57 am

Ah ha!  I was wondering what the hell elastoplasts were...

so I used the english name ..... sue me!

Band Aids?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 04/20/05 at 8:43 am

so I used the english name ..... sue me!

Band Aids?

Elastoplasts sounds much cooler.  I'm going with that.  In fact, I'm going to scrape my knee in hockey tonight just so I can ask for one.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 04/20/05 at 9:09 am

Elastoplasts sounds much cooler.  I'm going with that.  In fact, I'm going to scrape my knee in hockey tonight just so I can ask for one.

you'll need something from their 'Sports' range then

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 04/20/05 at 9:24 am

so I used the english name ..... sue me!

Band Aids?

No need for litigation...I honestly didn't know.  My first guess was rubber bands...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 04/20/05 at 9:26 am

My first guess was rubber bands...


I guess when you are used to a trade name you use it without thinking.  Actually I nearly wrote plasters and thought that would be confusing.  Go figure!  lol

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Harmony on 04/21/05 at 10:34 pm

I know some of the people on the lists but not all of them.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: xander999 on 05/11/05 at 1:48 pm

As anyone made a parody on the list making skills yet?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/11/05 at 2:07 pm

I swear on ALL that is good in this world...that I don't care that I'm not on the list...Honestly...

but...since you mentioned me...I did a little research...I didn't research everyone...but I picked a random person...Paul Robinson...and found that his first submission was submitted only 4 days prior to my first submission   

WOW!!! Arwen, I'm incredibly honored to have been randomly selected.  It's always been a life-long dream of mine.  Thank you,'s good to see my name in print again after taking almost a couple months off.

Seriously, I was not aware that our initial submissions on this site were within mere days of each other.  Ahh...companions in submission...must have been kismet... ;) :D

Paul Robinson are certainly on MY list...


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 05/12/05 at 11:54 am

WOW!!! Arwen, I'm incredibly honored to have been randomly selected.  It's always been a life-long dream of mine.  Thank you,'s good to see my name in print again after taking almost a couple months off.

Seriously, I was not aware that our initial submissions on this site were within mere days of each other.  Ahh...companions in submission...must have been kismet... ;) :D

Paul Robinson are certainly on MY list...


Oh, Paul...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Wolveroses on 05/17/05 at 4:48 am

not to hurt your feelings, but this thread ain't about the history and who should new people know.  it's more of a popularity contest see who's more popular.

for example not to pick on anyone, but I did a little researching.  now I know I been around here more than some of the people on that first list.  let's take Bob Gomez,, ,and Paul Robinson for example, their first submit was in 2003, hmmmmmmmmm.  my first parody was submitted on Febuary 14, 2002.  my second on Feb. 18 2002 which I wrote sometime in 2001 along with my first recording.

First Submitted Parody
"'Cause I'm Too White" a parody to Afroman "'Cause I Got High"

Second Submitted Parody
"Undependent Women" a parody to Destiny Child "Independent Women"
with a recording link

and lets face it, I'm the only parody person here that does mostly rap/hip hop songs.  although there are other people out there with enough skills to do them .... STG, BLO-TOWN, My Name is Kenny, Ghetto John, MakGonz (done two with him), Xander999, and iisryan

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 05/17/05 at 9:37 am

1.  not to hurt your feelings, but this thread ain't about the history and who should new people know.  it's more of a popularity contest see who's more popular.

2.  for example not to pick on anyone, but I did a little researching.  now I know I been around here more than some of the people on that first list.   let's take Bob Gomez,, ,and Paul Robinson for example, their first submit was in 2003, hmmmmmmmmm.  my first parody was submitted on Febuary 14, 2002.  my second on Feb. 18 2002 which I wrote sometime in 2001 along with my first recording.

3.  and lets face it, I'm the only parody person here that does mostly rap/hip hop songs.  although there are other people out there with enough skills to do them .... STG, BLO-TOWN, My Name is Kenny, Ghetto John, MakGonz (done two with him), Xander999, and iisryan

1.  Not sure who you're talking to on the 'hurt feelings' bit...but I think that Billy honestly listed people he thought that new people should be aware of.  Whether the thread has turned into a popularity contest or not...I know that wasn't Billy's intent.

2.  I know I pulled the "I've been here longer than..." bit myself...but I regret it a little bit now.  Especially since I wasn't trying to be whiney or self-important...(my comment was mostly in jest...I still don't care that I wasn't on the list...and Billy knows that I'm cool with it)...and yet, that is exactly what your rant comes across as being...

3.  I'm sorry, I can't agree with that...there are a lot of people who do a LOT of rap.  Off the top of my head, Luke Brattoni does a TON...and while he may be a trouble breeding rapscallion, I think he's quite skilled...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: jreuben on 05/17/05 at 9:55 am

not to hurt your feelings, but this thread ain't about the history and who should new people know.  it's more of a popularity contest see who's more popular.

for example not to pick on anyone, but I did a little researching.  now I know I been around here more than some of the people on that first list.   let's take Bob Gomez,, ,and Paul Robinson for example, their first submit was in 2003, hmmmmmmmmm.  my first parody was submitted on Febuary 14, 2002.  my second on Feb. 18 2002 which I wrote sometime in 2001 along with my first recording.

First Submitted Parody
"'Cause I'm Too White" a parody to Afroman "'Cause I Got High"

Second Submitted Parody
"Undependent Women" a parody to Destiny Child "Independent Women"
with a recording link

and lets face it, I'm the only parody person here that does mostly rap/hip hop songs.  although there are other people out there with enough skills to do them .... STG, BLO-TOWN, My Name is Kenny, Ghetto John, MakGonz (done two with him), Xander999, and iisryan

It's all about getting on the Apricot Respect List.  If you can do that, everything else falls into place.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 05/17/05 at 10:30 am

It's all about getting on the Apricot Respect List.  If you can do that, everything else falls into place.

Exactly... :)  I paid my d.amned dues to Apricot...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 05/17/05 at 12:47 pm

While I admire Billy's plan to introduce newer Amirighters to the work of the "founding fathers", it seems to have gotten one or two people's backs up. It's difficult when great writers stop submitting and their great work gets "mothballed"...hell, you're doing well if you're still getting votes two days after nobody should take offence at what Billy posted with good intentions. And we all know that the "middle era" writers (those that started posting in early 2004) are BY FAR the most talented!!  ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Mistress Leola on 05/17/05 at 2:27 pm

Luke Brattoni does a TON...and while he may be a trouble breeding rapscallion, I think he's quite skilled...

What's that you say?  Luke has trouble breeding rapscallions?  Well, it's no wonder --  Rapscallions aren't especially well-suited to the climate in his part of Australia.  They don't like to mate, because it's too darn hot.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Paul Robinson on 05/17/05 at 3:00 pm

not to hurt your feelings, but this thread ain't about the history and who should new people know.  it's more of a popularity contest see who's more popular.

for example not to pick on anyone, but I did a little researching.  now I know I been around here more than some of the people on that first list.   let's take Bob Gomez,, ,and Paul Robinson for example, their first submit was in 2003, hmmmmmmmmm.  my first parody was submitted on Febuary 14, 2002.  my second on Feb. 18 2002 which I wrote sometime in 2001 along with my first recording.

First Submitted Parody
"'Cause I'm Too White" a parody to Afroman "'Cause I Got High"

Second Submitted Parody
"Undependent Women" a parody to Destiny Child "Independent Women"
with a recording link

and lets face it, I'm the only parody person here that does mostly rap/hip hop songs.  although there are other people out there with enough skills to do them .... STG, BLO-TOWN, My Name is Kenny, Ghetto John, MakGonz (done two with him), Xander999, and iisryan

WOW!! Once again I'm pleased and humbled to find myself used to exemplify undeserved favoritism...I'm sure you all will agree that no one more rightly deserves this honor...

Hmmm...and since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose  ;)ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/17/05 at 3:04 pm

WOW!! Once again I'm pleased and humbled to find myself used to exemplify undeserved favoritism...I'm sure you all will agree that no one more rightly deserves this honor...

Hmmm...and since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose   ;) ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

BTW - the above remarks are meant solely in a humourous vein...actually, I'm highly amused that I've been injected into this issue...Hey, that could be yet ANOTHER example of someone receiving unfair notice & recognition...  :D


pr   ::)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 05/17/05 at 5:06 pm

WOW!! Once again I'm pleased and humbled to find myself used to exemplify undeserved favoritism...I'm sure you all will agree that no one more rightly deserves this honor...

Hmmm...and since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose  ;)ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

At work today, a colleague and I both got Paul Robinsoned...he's now section leader, and I'm cleaning the staff bathrooms. Confusing, eh?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 05/17/05 at 6:23 pm

Paul, get off your high horse...if you look, Ive been mentioned in almost all the posts of the last few days in this thread.  I guess that means if youre mentioned, youved been "Billy'd"  ;) ::) :P

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: marthadtox3 on 05/17/05 at 7:31 pm

Paul ... like the others .... a very funny post......LOL!  not to say that Billy's isn't funny too but hey Paul did it first.....

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Johnny_D on 05/17/05 at 7:49 pm

Ok, so back when I couldn't break into the top tens to save my life (even back when I was playing the "game" that supposedly guaranteed a slot at the top,) it was proof I was so grossly unpopular I was practically a pariah, but now that I'm on Billy's 25 artists list, it's proof that I'm so obscenely popular I'm practically a goddess?  

Well, I'll be "Paul Robinson"ed sideways!   Hee hee!   ;D  

(Loved your post, Paul!!!)

MooRocca, I've always enjoyed what you write and I've always been impressed by your mastery of pacing. 

Now some sick bass turds out there might think that having Johnny D as a fan makes one "obscenely" popular.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  MooRocca needs no help from the likes of me!    ;) ;D 8)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/18/05 at 12:11 am

At work today, a colleague and I both got Paul Robinsoned...he's now section leader, and I'm cleaning the staff bathrooms. Confusing, eh?

Kristof...yes, one of the special benefits of defining a coined-phrase is that you are allowed to leave it open to just about any interpretation.  That allows everybody to hear what they want to hear...and if they want to hear that they are being "dissed" instead of "kissed", well that is their prerogative and pleasure as far as I'm concerned...In fact, depending on the impression the reader might have of me ...well...if someone reading "looks like I've been Paul Robinson'd" thinks I'm a total unregenerative  ;) sshole they will take a different meaning out of it than, say, all the folks out there who think I'm just the coolest thing since Eskimo pies...

OH...Mel & Martha...glad you have been tickled...happy to do so...anytime


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: xander999 on 05/18/05 at 9:02 am

...So, has anyone actually made a parody on the making of lists?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: 2nz on 05/18/05 at 9:03 am

WOW!! Once again I'm pleased and humbled to find myself used to exemplify undeserved favoritism...I'm sure you all will agree that no one more rightly deserves this honor...

Hmmm...and since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose  ;)ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

Nice. See it's all part of the same script methinks. Paul's comment rules, but it would not exist without the kickstart it got from Billy starting the thread. So they're both listed as contributors, just with different titles.

I went on a rant at the beginning of this thread where I stated that I agree with having a 'list', just not 'displaying it publicly'... (heh heh, I said 'displaying it publicly') and it occurs to me now that the reason why I posted it was because I'm a 22-year-old jealous old man who felt very Paul Rodinson'd at the time. I have since started working out on a regular basis in an attempt to trade in my recurring jealousy for a state where I"m too tired to be jealous. Also, I went back and looked at some of the comments I've received during my tenure here... and I'm happy I kissed the right ;c)sses around here to get the Paul Robinson treatment like that.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 05/18/05 at 2:26 pm

... I have since started working out on a regular basis in an attempt to trade in my recurring jealousy for a state where I"m too tired to be jealous...

Well for what it's worth,'ve always been on my list...and you would be even if you weren't hitting the gym in an effort to buff up so that you can kick Vin Diesel's ass... ;)

(I really hope this picture shows up and isn't tiny...)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/18/05 at 3:11 pm

Nice. See it's all part of the same script methinks. Paul's comment rules, but it would not exist without the kickstart it got from Billy starting the thread. So they're both listed as contributors, just with different titles.

I went on a rant at the beginning of this thread where I stated that I agree with having a 'list', just not 'displaying it publicly'... (heh heh, I said 'displaying it publicly') and it occurs to me now that the reason why I posted it was because I'm a 22-year-old jealous old man who felt very Paul Rodinson'd at the time. I have since started working out on a regular basis in an attempt to trade in my recurring jealousy for a state where I"m too tired to be jealous. Also, I went back and looked at some of the comments I've received during my tenure here... and I'm happy I kissed the right    ;) sses around here to get the Paul Robinson treatment like that.

Hey!  This is SO Cool!  From a (twice) randomly chosen rank-and-file parody writer to the name that's on everybody's lips in a matter of mere days...

Which reminds me - 2"Zee" - one of the things that kick-started MY situation here was when you made me "New Author of the week" or something like that back at the end of 2003 (when unbeknownst to you I was really going through some difficult times personally).  I have thanked you before, but I will thank you again now...without your help all this would not be possible today...


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/18/05 at 3:19 pm

Paul, get off your high horse...if you look, Ive been mentioned in almost all the posts of the last few days in this thread.  I guess that means if youre mentioned, youved been "Billy'd"   ;) ::) :P

Billy - I missed this the other day...I guess I was basking in all the references to my FULL NAME, Paul Robinson...with all due respect, though, I think the term "being Paul Robinson'd" has more cachet than being "Billy'd"...I think it has to do with the use of both first and last names.   I think the post-comment bolding is a nice extra touch, too...



Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/18/05 at 5:51 pm

...So, has anyone actually made a parody on the making of lists?

Something like this?

If ever I am asked about the parodies I like
I've got a little list, I've got a little list
Of celebrated authors who post here at amiright
Who never should be missed, no they never should be missed
There's Claude and Spaff and Arwen, and there's Ricks, both C and D
Alvin, Steven Cavanagh, and Pippin and Merry
Malcolm, MooRocca, MarthaDTox, Michael Florio
(And of course his brother, Billy), and Guy DiRito
And a big hand for Johnny D... I think you get my gist
I've got 'em on my list, yes I've got 'em on my list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

There's Royce and Ethan Mawyer and that Paul Robinson
They're all upon my list, they're all there on my list
(Though Paul sometimes writes comments that go on and on and on)
So please don't feel you're dissed if you're not on the list
And Kristof and Adagio, who should not be ignored
A room that's full of monkeys, though I guess they're mostly Claude
John Jenkins, Stu McArthur, Brit O'Connor, Laurence Dunne
(You will please let me know if I've forgotten anyone?)
And Agrimorfee, Airfarceone, Bobbypags, Taoist
I've got 'em on the list, yes I've got 'em on the list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

Rice and Watt, Mike Armstrong and Jeff Reuben and Tim Hall
Yep, they're all on my list, uh huh, they're on my list
Jan Unwin, Susanna V... I can't think of 'em all
All sorts of parodists - they're all upon the list
The lesser-known Chris Pollman who writes all that heavy stuff
Peter (aka K1chyd), have I done enough?
Nope, cannot miss out 2nz or Wolveroses, so
I'll mention Leah Lockhart, Ingeborg and Dave Chrenko
Dee Range... and I'm getting deranged, so I'll desist
And finish off this list, yes I'll finish off this list

modified to add final refrain:
And Charlie D and Luke, I'm sure they both exist
And they never should be missed, no they never should be missed

...eighteen minutes start to finish... sorry if I left anyone out ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Ansky1213 on 05/18/05 at 6:37 pm

Something like this?

If ever I am asked about the parodies I like
I've got a little list, I've got a little list
Of celebrated authors who post here at amiright
Who never should be missed, no they never should be missed
There's Claude and Spaff and Arwen, and there's Ricks, both C and D
Alvin, Steven Cavanagh, and Pippin and Merry
Malcolm, MooRocca, MarthaDTox, Michael Florio
(And of course his brother, Billy), and Guy DiRito
And a big hand for Johnny D... I think you get my gist
I've got 'em on my list, yes I've got 'em on my list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

There's Royce and Ethan Mawyer and that Paul Robinson
They're all upon my list, they're all there on my list
(Though Paul sometimes writes comments that go on and on and on)
So please don't feel you're dissed if you're not on the list
And Kristof and Adagio, who should not be ignored
A room that's full of monkeys, though I guess they're mostly Claude
John Jenkins, Stu McArthur, Brit O'Connor, Laurence Dunne
(You will please let me know if I've forgotten anyone?)
And Agrimorfee, Airfarceone, Bobbypags, Taoist
I've got 'em on the list, yes I've got 'em on the list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

Rice and Watt, Mike Armstrong and Jeff Reuben and Tim Hall
Yep, they're all on my list, uh huh, they're on my list
Jan Unwin, Susanna V... I can't think of 'em all
All sorts of parodists - they're all upon the list
The lesser-known Chris Pollman who writes all that heavy stuff
Peter (aka K1chyd), have I done enough?
Nope, cannot miss out 2nz or Wolveroses, so
I'll mention Leah Lockhart, Ingeborg and Dave Chrenko
Dee Range... and I'm getting deranged, so I'll desist
And finish off this list, yes I'll finish off this list

...eighteen minutes start to finish... sorry if I left anyone out ;)

Nice. Very nice. I take no offense to not being on any of these lists, BTW. Sometimes it's advantegous to fly under the radar. Why? You'll learn why...  :D  :D

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Luke Brattoni on 05/18/05 at 8:09 pm

Great parody, Phil!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/19/05 at 12:05 pm

..typical - the first two comments come from people I missed.  Sorry, guys.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: 2nz on 05/19/05 at 12:14 pm

Well for what it's worth,'ve always been on my list...and you would be even if you weren't hitting the gym in an effort to buff up so that you can kick Vin Diesel's butt... ;)

(I really hope this picture shows up and isn't tiny...)

And you, my sexy goddess, have always been on my list. Nice photo. I know you like taking over world so this works out pretty well. Maybe I should comb my hair and put some pants on ;c).

And I've been going strong with the workout for around two months now. I can take Vin Diesel from 'Triple X' but I'll need a couple more months until I can take Vin Diesel from 'Riddick'.

Hey!  This is SO Cool!  From a (twice) randomly chosen rank-and-file parody writer to the name that's on everybody's lips in a matter of mere days...

Which reminds me - 2"Zee" - one of the things that kick-started MY situation here was when you made me "New Author of the week" or something like that back at the end of 2003 (when unbeknownst to you I was really going through some difficult times personally).  I have thanked you before, but I will thank you again now...without your help all this would not be possible today...


2"Zee"?... close enough. You're most certainly welcome once again Paul, for the role (however small) I have played in making 'Paul Robinson' the common catch phrase that it is today. I too thought that was a really cool coincidence that your week came and gave you a boost when you needed it. Either a really cool coincidence or proof that I had super powers, which would still be really cool.

P.S. Really tight parody, Phil. I think that might be a record for the most name-dropping in the shortest lyrical time period. And I support anything on which my name appears, unless I wrote it, of course.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 05/19/05 at 12:17 pm

Which reminds me - 2"Zee" - one of the things that kick-started MY situation here was when you made me "New Author of the week" or something like that back at the end of 2003 (when unbeknownst to you I was really going through some difficult times personally).  I have thanked you before, but I will thank you again now...without your help all this would not be possible today...


2nz did exactly the same thing for me way back in mid-2004; I'd only been on the site for about 6 weeks and was really made up to have my own "Appreciation Week", about a year later...thanks Glen, you're a giant among men  ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: EthanM on 05/19/05 at 12:21 pm

am i the only one who doesn't recognize whatever original song phil used for his name dropping parody?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Arwen on 05/19/05 at 12:34 pm

And you, my sexy goddess, have always been on my list. Nice photo. I know you like taking over world so this works out pretty well. Maybe I should comb my hair and put some pants on ;c).

It's totally up to you...I'm cool with whatever you decide.  Your comfort is imperative.

And as for the assumptions that I can draw by reading of your workout regimen, and its can rest assured that I'm swooning... :-*

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Mistress Leola on 05/19/05 at 2:29 pm

am i the only one who doesn't recognize whatever original song phil used for his name dropping parody?


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/19/05 at 2:50 pm

am i the only one who doesn't recognize whatever original song phil used for his name dropping parody?

It's "I've got a little list" from The Mikado (you can find it here..well that's the whole lot - you can search for "little list", though)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: John Jenkins on 05/19/05 at 5:49 pm

(You will please let me know if I've forgotten anyone?)

You omitted Michael Pacholek.  But he won't be offended because he reads the entire Internet ... except for this Messageboard.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 05/19/05 at 6:22 pm

You omitted Michael Pacholek.  But he won't be offended because he reads the entire Internet ... except for this Messageboard.'ve GOT to include one of Amiright's most prolific authours...John A Barry

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Billy Florio on 05/19/05 at 6:45 pm

Billy - I missed this the other day...I guess I was basking in all the references to my FULL NAME, Paul Robinson...with all due respect, though, I think the term "being Paul Robinson'd" has more cachet than being "Billy'd"...I think it has to do with the use of both first and last names.   I think the post-comment bolding is a nice extra touch, too...



LOL full name was not mentioned...and youre name was used more...just yesterday my brother got Paul Robinson'd....I dont kow when Ill hear from him again

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/20/05 at 12:51 am've GOT to include one of Amiright's most prolific authours...John A Barry

I was sure I'd put him in... but obviously not.  Ditto Michael P.  The brain plays funny tricks on you sometimes.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/20/05 at 1:24 pm

Something like this?

If ever I am asked about the parodies I like
I've got a little list, I've got a little list
Of celebrated authors who post here at amiright
Who never should be missed, no they never should be missed
There's Claude and Spaff and Arwen, and there's Ricks, both C and D
Alvin, Steven Cavanagh, and Pippin and Merry
Malcolm, MooRocca, MarthaDTox, Michael Florio
(And of course his brother, Billy), and Guy DiRito
And a big hand for Johnny D... I think you get my gist
I've got 'em on my list, yes I've got 'em on my list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

There's Royce and Ethan Mawyer and that Paul Robinson
They're all upon my list, they're all there on my list
(Though Paul sometimes writes comments that go on and on and on)
So please don't feel you're dissed if you're not on the list
And Kristof and Adagio, who should not be ignored
A room that's full of monkeys, though I guess they're mostly Claude
John Jenkins, Stu McArthur, Brit O'Connor, Laurence Dunne
(You will please let me know if I've forgotten anyone?)
And Agrimorfee, Airfarceone, Bobbypags, Taoist
I've got 'em on the list, yes I've got 'em on the list

He's got them on the list, yes he's got them on the list
And they all should not be missed, no they all should not be missed

Rice and Watt, Mike Armstrong and Jeff Reuben and Tim Hall
Yep, they're all on my list, uh huh, they're on my list
Jan Unwin, Susanna V... I can't think of 'em all
All sorts of parodists - they're all upon the list
The lesser-known Chris Pollman who writes all that heavy stuff
Peter (aka K1chyd), have I done enough?
Nope, cannot miss out 2nz or Wolveroses, so
I'll mention Leah Lockhart, Ingeborg and Dave Chrenko
Dee Range... and I'm getting deranged, so I'll desist
And finish off this list, yes I'll finish off this list

modified to add final refrain:
And Charlie D and Luke, I'm sure they both exist
And they never should be missed, no they never should be missed

...eighteen minutes start to finish... sorry if I left anyone out ;)

Nice piece, Phil...I'd go on & on & on & on about it, but that already earned me an extra sentence in your parody and I'm already feeling a tiny bit sheepish about all the extra ink I've gotten in this thread.  Not all that sheepish, though...another two lines or so


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/20/05 at 1:46 pm

Aw, man, I wasn't on the list.  I have contributed 9 AWFUL parodies (even though all of them had at least decent pacing) an ok one*, a fantastic one**, and I invented NecroDew.  C'mon, couldn't I have at least some props?

I also wrote a parody of Lump by The Presidents of the United States of America called Bumped and it is about bumping threads on message boards (like I am doing now).  I wrote it a week ago and I keep forgetting and procrastinating.  It may never make it to the site.  :D

*  William Hung, parody of Absolutely (Story of a Girl) by Nine Days

**  Attack of the Squirrels, parody of Sk8er Boi (just typing it that way makes me nauseous) by Avril Lavigne

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/20/05 at 1:53 pm

Not to mention my hundreds of comments on "Hittin' on Emiloca"!  That's got to count for something, right?  RIGHT!?

And if you disagree, I will have no choice but to show you my modern art.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: 2nz on 05/20/05 at 3:18 pm

2nz did exactly the same thing for me way back in mid-2004; I'd only been on the site for about 6 weeks and was really made up to have my own "Appreciation Week", about a year later...thanks Glen, you're a giant among men  ;)

You're very welcome Kristof. You honor me. You took to the atmosphere of this place faster than most as I remember.

It's kinda funny actually. You guys are the ones who flourished here and grew yourselves into (amiright) house-hold names. I just yelled your name really loud for one week because I liked your stuff and I remember how hard it was getting a reputation and original exposure on the site, mostly because I was still doing it at the time.

(The brief history of a weekly happening that took place from late 2003 to mid-2004 is to follow)

It was October 2003 and this guy I didn't know named came up with this idea to have appreciation weeks. He did one for MooRocca and one for Rick D. Then I took up the job of deciding who got a week because despite Spaff's best efforts to be a geek with no life, he still to this day seems to have a life to tend to (Which always bothered me; I mean if your gonna write parodies like he does, you should at least have the common decency to be a geek with no life). Anyhow, I took the helm, started picking a different author (in most cases, one new to the site) each week in an attempt to highlight their work and make them feel 'special' and that was that. Around mid-2004, the SOTM tournament started coming into it's own as a force to give authors the extra exposure that they craved. And it seemed to be more effective at doing it than the 'Appreciation Week' too. So long story short, the success of the tournaments was why the Appreciation Week went away... that and I got lazy and no one else expressed interest in keeping it going (There kinda wasn't a point now that authors could take their own initiative and join the tournaments). So if you were interested in what the 'Appreciation Week' is/was, there ya go. And if you weren't interested, then why are you still reading this?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/20/05 at 5:56 pm

Aw, man, I wasn't on the list.

Lots of people weren't... if you're that worried, you could always write your own - maybe a parody to "The Elements" would be the place to start.  But even that's not long enough: there's 103 elements mentioned in the song, and 399 authors with ten or more parodies... but think about it: there's a huge number of potential votes if you can name 'em all ;-)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/20/05 at 7:18 pm

Like I would care about some loser with too much free time who complained he wasn't on the list.

.......Waaaaaaiiiiiit  ;)

But that parody sounds like an easy idea.  Just group a bunch of random parody authors and there's your song.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Stuart McArthur on 05/23/05 at 4:32 pm

since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose  ;)ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

In fact, Paul, there's a whole "Paul Robinson Institute" dedicated entirely to calibrating this phenomenon

see my parody today "The Paul Robinsoning Institute"

:) :) ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Little_Brit on 05/23/05 at 9:54 pm

Wow...i'm surprised I wasn't forgotten. I wouldn't have been if i was, I mean i amde a dent but i didn't think i made that big of dent/ and to see this just as i got more ideas.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Kristof Robertson on 05/24/05 at 10:21 am

You're very welcome Kristof. You honor me. You took to the atmosphere of this place faster than most as I remember.

It's kinda funny actually. You guys are the ones who flourished here and grew yourselves into (amiright) house-hold names. I just yelled your name really loud for one week because I liked your stuff and I remember how hard it was getting a reputation and original exposure on the site, mostly because I was still doing it at the time.

(The brief history of a weekly happening that took place from late 2003 to mid-2004 is to follow)

It was October 2003 and this guy I didn't know named came up with this idea to have appreciation weeks. He did one for MooRocca and one for Rick D. Then I took up the job of deciding who got a week because despite Spaff's best efforts to be a geek with no life, he still to this day seems to have a life to tend to (Which always bothered me; I mean if your gonna write parodies like he does, you should at least have the common decency to be a geek with no life). Anyhow, I took the helm, started picking a different author (in most cases, one new to the site) each week in an attempt to highlight their work and make them feel 'special' and that was that. Around mid-2004, the SOTM tournament started coming into it's own as a force to give authors the extra exposure that they craved. And it seemed to be more effective at doing it than the 'Appreciation Week' too. So long story short, the success of the tournaments was why the Appreciation Week went away... that and I got lazy and no one else expressed interest in keeping it going (There kinda wasn't a point now that authors could take their own initiative and join the tournaments). So if you were interested in what the 'Appreciation Week' is/was, there ya go. And if you weren't interested, then why are you still reading this?

Thanks for all your work on Appreciation Week, Glen. I think there's still room for it: for new writers, it takes some cojones to go up against the big boys (and gals) in SOTM and ABCs, and I think that it would encourage them to keep writing (as it did for me). I'd be happy to take it on for a while if someone could tell me how to connect to "News and Events" on the front page.....

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/24/05 at 1:16 pm

LOL full name was not mentioned...and youre name was used more...just yesterday my brother got Paul Robinson'd....I dont kow when Ill hear from him again

I guess your phrase would probably refer to "being Billy F'd..."  Now I think that might have the right ring to it...whaddya' think?


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/24/05 at 2:21 pm

So to "paul robinson" is to diss someone?  I'll have to add that one to

Hey, you just got Paul Robinson'd!  Buuuuuurrrrrnn!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 05/24/05 at 2:22 pm

So to "paul robinson" is to diss someone?  I'll have to add that one to

Hey, you just got Paul Robinson'd!  Buuuuuurrrrrnn!

Hey, don't go Paul Robinsonin' me, dawg

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/24/05 at 2:25 pm

I'll Paul Robinson whoever I wannna Paul Robinson, punk.  You got a problem with that?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 05/24/05 at 2:27 pm

I'll Paul Robinson whoever I wannna Paul Robinson, punk.  You got a problem with that?

you wanna take this a step further, you paul robinsonin' little punk?!  ;D

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/24/05 at 2:32 pm

Darn (hehe) right I wanna take it a darn step further.  ::)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 05/24/05 at 2:33 pm

Darn (hehe) right I wanna take it a darn step further.   ::)

Stop paul robinsonin' me you god damn... er... thing  ???

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: YWN on 05/24/05 at 2:35 pm

Didn't your mother teach you not to use such foul language??

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dumb Ass Kid on 05/24/05 at 2:37 pm

Didn't your mother teach you not to use such foul language??

Yeh, but still....
Actually, now you bring it up I do have a 'slight' swearing problem. Anyway, i think we'd best stop because we've ventured really really far off topic!  ;D

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: marthadtox3 on 05/24/05 at 6:16 pm

Let's hear it for John Jenkins...
btw thanks Phil!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: John Jenkins on 05/25/05 at 12:20 am

Let's hear it for John Jenkins...
btw thanks Phil!

I hope that wasn't a typo because I appreciate the mention from someone as astute as Marthadtox.  And she also reminds me that I forgot to thank Phil for generously including me in his clever list parody.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: adagio on 05/25/05 at 7:18 am

Thanks Phil, for including me in your list.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/25/05 at 3:09 pm

So to "paul robinson" is to diss someone?  I'll have to add that one to

Hey, you just got Paul Robinson'd!  Buuuuuurrrrrnn!

Actually, it can be EITHER someone believing they are being 'dissed' in comparison with someone that they believe they are at least equal to and possibly superior to in whatever subject or area is being evaluated OR receiving POSSIBLY undeserved praise or mention(i.e., meaning "undeserved" according to the perception of another person)...but gaining positive notoriety from it (so far, anyway...).  For instance, to go back to my original example:

"  :) WOW!! Once again I'm pleased and humbled to find myself used to exemplify undeserved favoritism...I'm sure you all will agree that no one more rightly deserves this honor...  8)

Hmmm...and since on both occasions I've been used to show either undeserved favoritism or unfair treatment/lack of deserved recognition for other writers I think that from this point on my name should be coined as a phrase with a sub-text meaning, i.e., "You were Paul Robinson'd" - would mean that for some reason you did not receive equal recognition to another writer.  Conversely,  someone could say, "Whose    ;)  ss did you kiss to get the 'Paul Robinson' treatment, I've been here just as long as you...and my stuff is just as good...or better."

Note, too, the BOLD-FACING employed to gather further attention... 

prob  ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/25/05 at 5:04 pm

..and I thought being "Paul Robinson'd" would just be a PR stunt ;)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: marthadtox3 on 05/25/05 at 5:09 pm


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/26/05 at 3:51 pm

..and I thought being "Paul Robinson'd" would just be a PR stunt ;)

Now, Phil, would I do that???  ;)


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 05/26/05 at 3:59 pm

If you did, I'm sure we'd be appauled

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: marthadtox3 on 05/26/05 at 4:30 pm

very good!! LOL!!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Stuart McArthur on 05/26/05 at 6:31 pm

If you did, I'm sure we'd be appauled

...calling Jeff Reuben...calling Jeff Reuben...

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/27/05 at 1:38 pm

If you did, I'm sure we'd be appauled

Always have been, Philbo, always have been...


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: PRobinson on 05/27/05 at 2:11 pm

So, does anyone have any more deserving "Parody Artists" to mention who have not previously been acknowledged or does this thread now exist solely as a platform for further Self-aggrandizement on my part?   ;)

Mind you, I'm perfectly OK with that - have found it rather fun to play with...but if by any chance anyone wants to put forth more names some folks might find that a refreshing change...It's likely I can manufacture more of the above "S-A" should a ripe phrase or opportunity arise ~ ~ ~


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Daniel on 12/25/07 at 7:58 pm


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Step-chan on 12/25/07 at 8:08 pm


;D :D ;)

I think they were talking about song parody authors on amiright only.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: skittlesking on 12/25/07 at 10:10 pm

Well. . .I think that the list Chucky maintains on the site is a good one to use to remember all the influential parodists who have taken place on this site, we all contribute in our own way to the uniqueness and creativity of the site.  .  .how'd this thread get dug up though, it looks like it was a '2005' thing.

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Dr Flint on 10/06/12 at 6:37 am

How DARE you forget


Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: Matthias on 10/06/12 at 9:25 am

The fact that Kristof Robertson, Arwen and Stuart McArthur are not on your list makes the entire thing null and void.

Also I should be on this list because I'm amazing... Just saying!

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: karen on 11/13/12 at 2:22 pm

The fact that Kristof Robertson, Arwen and Stuart McArthur are not on your list makes the entire thing null and void.

Also I should be on this list because I'm amazing... Just saying!

Were they around in 2005?

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: philbo on 11/13/12 at 4:07 pm

Were they around in 2005?

Yep.  04, 03 and 04 respectively :)

Subject: Re: 25 parody artists all amirighters should know

Written By: wildcard on 11/13/12 at 10:31 pm

any credit for a brain tumor surviving starting to record while going deaf crazy person? 


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