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Subject: Funny Excerpts
Written By: Luke Brattoni on 01/21/05 at 9:18 pm
Chucky G was thinking of wacking a caption on the back of <a href="">these beauties</a> sos I thought we should send in 1-4 lines of our funniest song parody excerpts as a bank to choose from.
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: Scathe on 01/21/05 at 9:26 pm
Hmm, I'll think about it.
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: Claude_Prez on 01/21/05 at 9:56 pm
Chucky G was thinking of wacking a caption on the back of <a href="">these beauties</a> sos I thought we should send in 1-4 lines of our funniest song parody excerpts as a bank to choose from.
I don't know, it kinda sounded like he knew what he wanted to do there (misheard lyrics I think). Because I'd been thinking about suggesting some of the funnier stand-alone parody titles --for example, "I Shot Your Parrot (But I Didn't Shoot Your Parakeet)" by malcolm comes to mind -- but he didn't seem to me to be asking for suggestions, although I'm often wrong. At any rate, I'm glad you brought it up so hopefully we'll find out either way. Bottom line is I'd be way more willing to buy and give them as gifts if they're accessably funny as opposed to just being an insider thing.
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: philbo on 01/22/05 at 7:20 pm
Or "You ate somebody's pet"? ;)
Of mine, one of my favourite titles is "Fridge odour troubled Walter"; "Brain Glops Keep Fallin' From My Head" and "How Much Is That Horny Little Bimbo" come a close second...
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: ChuckyG on 01/23/05 at 2:38 pm
I was originally thinking of just misheard lyrics, but even parody titles (that are clever) or maybe stuff from other sections of the site are probably fair game too.
For misheard lyrics, I thought stuff that was 100+ years old would be fair game, since I could use both the correct and misheard lyrics.
For more recent stuff, it would have to be a misheard version of a song title, that you could ID without being told what it was, since I doubt I could get away with putting the actual song title on the shirt (totally playing it safe).
The bummer, is that I have to pick one product for each type, I can't have three or four different backs for the same type of t-shirt in the store.
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: Luke Brattoni on 01/25/05 at 6:37 pm
I was originally thinking of just misheard lyrics, but even parody titles (that are clever) or maybe stuff from other sections of the site are probably fair game too.
For misheard lyrics, I thought stuff that was 100+ years old would be fair game, since I could use both the correct and misheard lyrics.ÂÂ
For more recent stuff, it would have to be a misheard version of a song title, that you could ID without being told what it was, since I doubt I could get away with putting the actual song title on the shirt (totally playing it safe).
The bummer, is that I have to pick one product for each type, I can't have three or four different backs for the same type of t-shirt in the store.
I was thinking along the same lines, but had credit running out on my library card so couldn't get out all I had to say. Perhaps the back could be a list of a few dozen humorous song titles, perhaps leaning more towards Traditionals to keep out of red tape district.
Subject: Re: Funny Excerpts
Written By: Ripp on 01/27/05 at 3:25 pm
Whack on a memorable misheard lyric, like if someone misheard "Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with" as "Ever fallen in poverty with a muddy avalanche oven" , then slap it on the back. (Actually, this is my own misheard lyric :-[ oops!) Slap some misheard lyrics on the back - but leave them guessing as to what the actual lyrics were.
I think it's a good idea, guys...
*cricket chirps*
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