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Subject: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/20/04 at 3:56 pm
Greetings, fellow parodists!
I've already written and submitted a new parody today......then I came across the following news story, which I now enthusiastically offer to see who among you can write and post (that's post on Amiright, not post on this Messageboard) a new song parody about this "cheesy" and bizarre news-event:
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: agrimorfee on 07/20/04 at 5:44 pm
I have a chorus for everyone to work with, take it from there and give me co-author credit PLEASE.
"Nacho, nacho Monn!
He's 23--the Nacho Monn!
Nacho, nacho Monn
He's nude and eatin' Nachos!"
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: marthadtox3 on 07/20/04 at 6:14 pm
here is a different take on it
he was dripping with cheese and
heading for the parking lot
simply hoping to please
by showing everything he'd got
don't it always seem to go
that you don't know that you're drunk til you've gone
and made a fool of yourself
in that swimming pool parking lot
( to the tune of Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Leo Jay on 07/20/04 at 9:42 pm
"Naked Cheesy" to the tune of the Eagles' "Take it Easy". Coming up. Thanks for the dip! I mean, tip!
Hee, hee -- I was scanning that story very quickly, and thought he'd been arrested for 'pubic intoxication'... Guess that's a side effect of having taken the Evelyn's Wood speedreading course...
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/20/04 at 10:52 pm
I have a chorus for everyone to work with, take it from there and give me co-author credit PLEASE.
"Nacho, nacho Monn!
He's 23--the Nacho Monn!
Nacho, nacho Monn
He's nude and eatin' Nachos!"
Excellent, Agri, thank you!
Come on, somebody, grab this chorus and run with it! ;D
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/20/04 at 10:53 pm
here is a different take on it
he was dripping with cheese and
heading for the parking lot
simply hoping to please
by showing everything he'd got
don't it always seem to go
that you don't know that you're drunk til you've gone
and made a fool of yourself
in that swimming pool parking lot
( to the tune of Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell
Great, Martha! He's a Big Yellow Something-Or-Other, too!
How about this one, people?
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/20/04 at 10:54 pm
"Naked Cheesy" to the tune of the Eagles' "Take it Easy". Coming up. Thanks for the dip! I mean, tip!
Hee, hee -- I was scanning that story very quickly, and thought he'd been arrested for 'pubic intoxication'... Guess that's a side effect of having taken the Evelyn's Wood speedreading course...
Awwwright, Leo !! YES !! ;D
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: PRobinson on 07/26/04 at 3:21 pm
Well, this doesn't fit with the thread you already have going but I'll toss it out for whatever amusement value it might hold: "If you're going to smash a window, be sure to wear some Nacho's in your hair."
Subject: Re: A New, Even Stupider Challenge!
Written By: Johnny_D on 07/26/04 at 3:37 pm
Well, this doesn't fit with the thread you already have going but I'll toss it out for whatever amusement value it might hold: "If you're going to smash a window, be sure to wear some Nacho's in your hair."
All those nude drunks
Who smash a window
Be sure gruyere's
Been showered in your hair
If you need
To smash a window
Can be your club in there
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