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Subject: Song Removal

Written By: MysteryGoat on 06/25/04 at 1:46 am

Would it be too much to ask for you to remove my song "Hanging By A Rope"? Here is the direct link If you would do that please, thank you.

Subject: Re: Song Removal

Written By: MysteryGoat on 06/26/04 at 2:30 pm

Thanks Chuck.

Subject: Re: Song Removal

Written By: Rick D on 06/27/04 at 11:19 pm

I just discovered on that snuck onto my list twice. Could someone remove it?

Subject: Re: Song Removal

Written By: Rick D on 07/04/04 at 1:35 am

Chuck, I have two duplicates, can you get rid of

I thought that one was gone ages ago

I tried emailing this to you, it failed

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