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Subject: Howdy howwww!

Written By: RetroSunnyDays on 02/19/07 at 7:31 pm

Yeah random, anyway, hey everyone, I'm new obviously and am very excited to be part of this forum as I love retro/nostalgic stuff and the memories of it all, just wish I could relive those moments again...
Anyway, so yeah hope we can chat and all get along!


Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: whistledog on 02/19/07 at 10:40 pm


Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 02/19/07 at 11:36 pm

welcome! :)

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Midas on 02/19/07 at 11:50 pm

Welcome a-board! :)

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Ashkicksass on 02/21/07 at 1:53 pm

Welcome!  Hope you have fun here.  :)

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: RetroSunnyDays on 02/24/07 at 6:35 pm ask quickly...what is the karamel sutra about?

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Tia on 02/24/07 at 8:57 pm

sorry, retro dude, we're only into the cutting edge stuff here. ;)

sike! welcome. we're all about retro.

karamel sutra was originally just "applause." i think it became "karma" and then it became "karamel," and then "karamel sutra," which was the final transition into making no sense.

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Dominic L. on 02/25/07 at 1:21 am

sorry, retro dude, we're only into the cutting edge stuff here. ;)

sike! welcome. we're all about retro.

karamel sutra was originally just "applause." i think it became "karma" and then it became "karamel," and then "karamel sutra," which was the final transition into making no sense.

It's so confusing when you say sike.

:P In case you're wondering, he said "Psyche."

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: RetroSunnyDays on 02/25/07 at 7:27 am

lol, ok, I did ponder over that for a minute tops...and I kinda came to the conclusion it mean psyche...

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Tia on 02/25/07 at 7:35 am

It's so confusing when you say sike.

:P In case you're wondering, he said "Psyche."
nyet, that's an actual word, pronounced "si-kee." two syllables.

i think the correct spelling would be "psych"? but "sike" is so much more junior high.

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: RetroSunnyDays on 02/25/07 at 3:05 pm

And I guess juniour high is so much more nostalgic and retro? lol

Psyche is the actual word I think.

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Tia on 03/07/07 at 8:02 am

And I guess juniour high is so much more nostalgic and retro? lol

Psyche is the actual word I think.
well, now it's middle school, yeah? junior highs don't even exist anymore.

as for sike, great minds disagree.

i used to get really annoyed when people spelled it "sike," but eventually decided it's a stupid word. it needs a stupid spelling. it was like the 80s equivalent of saying "not!".

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: RetroSunnyDays on 03/09/07 at 3:07 pm

Ok, thanks for the link etc.


Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 03/16/07 at 1:22 am

Greetings RetroSunnyDays.  you can't relive those moments but you can revisit them. have fun

Subject: Re: Howdy howwww!

Written By: Marian on 05/03/07 at 11:51 am


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