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Subject: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: ktelqueen on 02/13/05 at 7:52 pm

welcome to the boards,Mare..loving getting to spend some time with you this way..have fun and if you're in need of help,everyone here is great!!  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/13/05 at 7:56 pm

welcome to the boards,Mare..loving getting to spend some time with you this way..have fun and if you're in need of help,everyone here is great!!  :)

Thanks Maria, I am looking forward to it too.
I feel a bit like a fish out of water but starting to get it

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Dagwood on 02/13/05 at 7:59 pm

Welcome to the boards, Mare. :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/13/05 at 8:01 pm

Welcome to the boards, Mare. :)

Thanks Dagwood, glad to be here

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Bobby on 02/13/05 at 9:50 pm

Ah! Welcome to the boards. Great to have already seen you at boardgames, Mare.  :)

What is the connection between you and Maria?

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: RockandRollFan on 02/13/05 at 10:25 pm

Welcome Mare....Maria is awesome and I hope you enjoy it here ;)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 02/13/05 at 10:34 pm

Welcome to a wonderful place, Mare!  I'm so glad you've decided to join us!  8)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Full_House_Fan on 02/13/05 at 11:03 pm

Hello, Mare  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: nally on 02/14/05 at 11:31 am

Welcome Mare. :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: fragswife on 02/14/05 at 9:06 pm

Welcome Mare, hope you enjoy it here!  Don't worry, you'll catch on quick.

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 3:59 pm

Ah! Welcome to the boards. Great to have already seen you at boardgames, Mare.  :)

What is the connection between you and Maria?

Thanks Bobby, we go way back. Used to live in the same city  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:01 pm

Welcome Mare....Maria is awesome and I hope you enjoy it here ;)

Thanks RockandRollFan. Maria has told me how much fun I will have so I had to join! ;D

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:02 pm

Welcome to a wonderful place, Mare!  I'm so glad you've decided to join us!  8)

Thanks CeramicsFanatic. I've only heard great things about this place.
I appreciate all the welcomes! :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:02 pm

Hello, Mare  :)

Hello yourself Full House Fan  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:03 pm

Welcome Mare. :)

Thanks Nally  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Bobby on 02/15/05 at 4:06 pm

Thanks Bobby, we go way back. Used to live in the same city  :)

That is great, Mare.  :)

This place usually has something crazy going on. Very cool.  8)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:07 pm

Welcome Mare, hope you enjoy it here!  Don't worry, you'll catch on quick.

Thank you Fragswife  :). I feel a bit more comfortable but Maria's letting me know when I missed something...she's the Mr. Miyagi to my Daniel. ;D

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Tam on 02/15/05 at 4:08 pm

Welcome aboard Mare.....
Fellow Canuck I suppose???    ;)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:09 pm

But of course. We're everywhere!

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: gemini61 on 02/15/05 at 4:11 pm

Welcome, Mare! Any friend of Maria's is a friend of ours!  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 4:23 pm

Well thanks, Maria has only great things to say about everyone here. ;)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: ktelqueen on 02/15/05 at 5:38 pm

hey,mare..i loved your insight to Bobby ::)..used to live in the same city..hmmm..let me add to that..still constantly in touch,see each other when we can,shopaholics r us,travel partners in crime,disco divas and bestest of friends ..or is it just me? ;D ;)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/15/05 at 6:22 pm

OK OK. Maybe slightly more than that.
You forgot "Funkytown" regulars...  8)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: RockandRollFan on 02/15/05 at 9:24 pm

Thanks RockandRollFan. Maria has told me how much fun I will have so I had to join! ;D
Well then, besides being beautiful, she also gives great advice :) It's really great to have you here  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Bobby on 02/16/05 at 1:32 pm

hey,mare..i loved your insight to Bobby ::)..used to live in the same city..hmmm..let me add to that..still constantly in touch,see each other when we can,shopaholics r us,travel partners in crime,disco divas and bestest of friends ..or is it just me? ;D ;)

Ah! Very cool. Mare used the minimalist approach.  ;)  :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: joedeertae on 02/16/05 at 6:50 pm

Welcome aboard the boards Mare. Enjoy! :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/16/05 at 8:58 pm

Thank you JoeDeertae.
NIIIICE sideburns....oh yeah and mullet 8)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: joedeertae on 02/17/05 at 5:21 am

Thank you JoeDeertae.
NIIIICE sideburns....oh yeah and mullet 8)

Thank ya little lady... thank ya verrry muuuch. :D

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/17/05 at 5:42 am

Well then, besides being beautiful, she also gives great advice :) It's really great to have you here  :)

Thank you! It's great to be here! I feel like I am on Johnny Carson!
heeeeere's Mare!

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: joedeertae on 02/17/05 at 5:56 am

Thank you! It's great to be here! I feel like I am on Johnny Carson!
heeeeere's Mare!

LOL that's funny!

or Ed Sullivan:
Put your hands together ladies and gentlemen and please welcome Mare. It's gonna be a reeeeeelly big shoo. ;D

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: ElDuderino on 02/17/05 at 4:38 pm

Welcome to our little online community, Mare. :)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/17/05 at 7:14 pm

LOL that's funny!

or Ed Sullivan:
Put your hands together ladies and gentlemen and please welcome Mare. It's gonna be a reeeeeelly big shoo. ;D

Thank ya thank ya vurry much.  8)

Subject: Re: My girl Mare has joined us !

Written By: Mare on 02/17/05 at 7:16 pm

Welcome to our little online community, Mare. :)

Well thanks ElDuderino. My online persona is glad to be in your little on line community  :)

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