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Subject: "Romantic Comedy" Dudley Moore line

Written By: Carol on 09/11/02 at 00:03 a.m.

Does anyone know the lines of Dudley Moore to Mary in the movie, Romantic Comedy as he explains that their timing has always been out of sync?  I believe they're sitting down at a table toward the end of the movie.

Subject: Re: "Romantic Comedy" Dudley Moore line

Written By: Jonman on 09/11/02 at 00:40 a.m.

It's been a long time since I've seen the movie but I have the play...the scene is just after Jason and Phoebe have "done it" for the first time (without much success) and they're chatting...

Phoebe: It's funny isn't it?

Jason: What?

Phoebe: Us. Twelve years of pent-up passion and it didn't end with a bang - but with a whimper.

Jason: And very few of them. We're about 14 years out of sync kid.

Phoebe: Our timing's that bad?

Jason: We should have become lovers when we met - but that wasn't possible. So, over the years, I lived through your cold sores and you suffered through my post nasal drip. I held your head when you threw up on opening nights and you gave me sponge baths when I was sick. In short, my friend - we became friends.

Phoebe: You don't think it's possible to have a good sex life with a friend?

Jason: I don't know. You're the first friend I've been to bed with.

I don't know if that's what you're looking for or not...hope it helps....