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Subject: Long, Long Time Lyrics Misheard (not funny) Misquoted. Singer: Linda Ronstadt
Written By: RKzer on 03/15/07 at 6:20 pm
‘Long, Long Time’ is the most beautiful, saddest heartbreak/lost love songs ever composed. The mournful lyrics cut deep for anyone who has gone through a breakup or has suffered unrequited love. This song exemplifies the essence and meaning of unrequited love.
‘Long, Long Time’ is an exquisite gem! If I had to choose only one, most perfect song encompassing all the elements of musicological structure and presentation including lyrics, melody, and vocal range and excellence, this song would be the one. No one sings it like Linda.
Now I want to confirm the lyrics that are often misquoted on most music lyrics sites. Listen to the song carefully and those of you with excellent hearing tell me what you hear. If you have the video of her singing this song, watching Linda’s lips will assist you with how she enunciates the words.
Just below is a link to a video performance where you can use the slider bar under the screen to back it up to the places where I have a question on the lyrics used:
NOTE: The video was remove from YouTube today! >:(
The words I hear and "see" are in bold:
Love will abide
Take things in stride
Sounds like good advice
But there's no one at my side
And time washes clean
Love's wounds unseen
That's what someone told me
But I don't know what it means
Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
And I think I'm gonna love you
For a long, long time
Caught in my fears
Blinking back the tears
I can't (can) say you hurt me
When you never let me near
And I never drew
One response from you
All the while you fell ( fail or failed )
Over girls you never knew ( All of the girls you never knew)
Cause I've done everything I know
To try and make you mine
And I think it's gonna hurt me
For a long, long time
Wait for the day, You'll go away
Knowing that you warned me
Of the price I'd have to pay
And life's full of loss (flaws)
Who knows the cost ( cause)
Living in the memory
Of a love that never was
Note: One can be hurt (emotionally) when someone never let’s you near.
If you never drew a response from someone then they never knew you and therfore they failed or continue to fail you (in love).
She does say All instead of Over
Let me know what you think.
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