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Subject: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: MaryMary on 09/15/05 at 9:04 pm

I hope I have the frequency right - it was the new lite-jazz station in the NYC area back in the early 90s.

Anyway, it was a sad song, sung by (it sounded like) a guy with a light voice (like in DeBarge) or a girl.

All I can remember is the refrain:

I... love... you,
da,da,da,DA,da,da (can't remember)
Deep in my heart
You are a part
Give me one more chance to make it (right?)

I love this song. It wasn't played too often so it may not have even been from the 90s, but I'm taking a stab.

Hehe. It took me YEARS to find out the name of Cathy Dennis' "Two Many Walls."

If someone can help, I would be eternally grateful.


Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: Tam on 09/15/05 at 10:00 pm

Hey MaryMary!

I think you are looking for Make it Real by The Jets

I know the chorus goes:

I loved you
You didn't feel the same
Though we're apart
You're in my heart
Give me one more chance to
Make it real

Hope this helps!

Tam :)

Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: MaryMary on 09/16/05 at 9:02 pm

Hey MaryMary!

I think you are looking for Make it Real by The Jets

I know the chorus goes:

I loved you
You didn't feel the same
Though we're apart
You're in my heart
Give me one more chance to
Make it real

Hope this helps!

Tam :)

Helps? You're a bloomin' GENIUS, Tam!
You know, I *thought* the announcer had said the Jets but whenever I heard a clip by them it sounded like a totally different group!

Thank you so, so much!

Mary :-)

Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: ktelqueen on 09/16/05 at 9:36 pm

Helps? You're a bloomin' GENIUS, Tam!

you have no idea  8) ;D

Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: MaryMary on 09/16/05 at 9:57 pm

Yeah, ktelqueen, I just ran to Rhapsody and downloaded the song. This site is the best!

Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: ktelqueen on 09/16/05 at 10:00 pm

Yeah, ktelqueen, I just ran to Rhapsody and downloaded the song. This site is the best!

Rhapsody?you may have just taught me something new  :D ;)

it's the ultimate.. 8)

oh!..and welcome! :)

Subject: Re: Help! This song was played on CD 101.9 early to mid nineties

Written By: Tam on 09/16/05 at 11:50 pm

Helps? You're a bloomin' GENIUS, Tam!
You know, I *thought* the announcer had said the Jets but whenever I heard a clip by them it sounded like a totally different group!

Thank you so, so much!

Mary :-)

No problem.
Sometimes I get them right and other times I am right out in left field! ;D

Glad I actually got one right! ;)

Cheers Mary and welcome!!!

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