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Subject: Lady on a rock with fire in her hands
Written By: markg on 05/13/05 at 11:01 am
A friend asked me to find a song from the 80's that have the words 'lady on a rock with fire in her hand'. Supposedly, it is a rock song that has something to do with the statue of liberty. I can't seem to find it on the internet. Anybody have a clue what the song is? Thanks.
Subject: Re: Lady on a rock with fire in her hands
Written By: Schriiftsetzer on 07/30/05 at 10:33 am
It's a song by Joe Vitalli (sp?) of the Eagles. It was from his solo record, I believe in 1981. I'm looking for it myself just now -- an mp3.
Subject: Re: Lady on a rock with fire in her hands
Written By: markg on 08/01/05 at 7:33 am
Yes, that's it. I poked around a little on the net using your clue. I found the song 'Lady On A Rock' on the Plantation Harbor cd by Joe Vitale (along with Joe Walsh and Don Felder) from 1980. I found it on a few websites if you google 'Plantation Harbor Joe Vitale'.
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