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Subject: Help with a Richard Dreyfuss sound alike song!

Written By: annifur on 01/26/05 at 8:22 pm

Okay- I know this may be a little out there, but it's driving me nuts...
I remember a song, probably late (mid?) 90's. It was just a guy talking with some music playing in the background. it sounded like richard dreyfuss- but i kind of doubt it was. I really can't remember who it was by, or what it was called... or anything really- just the vague memory of hearing it a few times.    :-\\
I do know that the last line of it started "And remember: Don't" something something.
Please help!!

Subject: Re: Help with a Richard Dreyfuss sound alike song!

Written By: redhead007 on 01/26/05 at 8:27 pm

Are you thinking of that Baz Luhrman song about sunscreen? I forget the name. :-P

Subject: Re: Help with a Richard Dreyfuss sound alike song!

Written By: ktelqueen on 01/27/05 at 12:29 am

the title is Everybody's Free To Wear Sunscreen by Baz Luhrmann..this song was talked about here(on the boards)a few months's some info i just found on it..

Subject: Re: Help with a Richard Dreyfuss sound alike song!

Written By: annifur on 01/27/05 at 1:54 pm

Oh my gosh! THAT'S IT!! Thanks so much! It was driving me crazy!

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