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Subject: My mystery songs from the 90's

Written By: Marc on 08/01/04 at 6:11 am

Hi everyone! My name is Marc and I am a new member here. Back in the 90's I got most of my music for free by connecting my CD recorder to my digital cable box on the "alternative channel" and didn't care at the time who the artists were or the name of the song, but now that I have Kazza and Napster I am redoing all my music from the 90's and I have made 20 cd's with roughly 20 songs on each one. I knew most of them by recognizing the songs or using "Jeeves" and other lyrics sites to identify the titles. I have about 15/20 that I may take to my grave unless you all know who it is! I downloaded them in "my shared folder" and want to make it accessable to you all here. How my I do this so some of you may take a listen for me? TIA!

Subject: Re: My mystery songs from the 90's

Written By: Xcess-N-Htown on 08/01/04 at 10:18 am

One thing I wouldn't do is give out your user name from these download sites as the Music Police would have a name with a email address.  It's best to just post a few of them on a website at a time and give people the web address.

Subject: Re: My mystery songs from the 90's

Written By: Marc on 08/01/04 at 2:25 pm

Will do, tks. Even though I have NO intention of selling or marketing my cd's in anyway!

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