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Messageboard Archive Index, In The 00s - The Pop Culture Information Society

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Subject: A quick preview of things to come...

Written By: ChuckyG on 6/19/2001 at 1:02 p.m.

incase anyone is wondering what I've been up to.. I'm working on a new front page for the site.. link below to a preview (please note the dates aren't real, just made up right now).. basically, I'm going to list all the major sections which get updated every day or two, with a link to the latest entries.

What I'm going to do, is make a version of every page that is reverse sorted by date of entry. So, in the case of the new pages like stupid band names, in addition to the alphabetically sorted list, there will be a date sorted list, so you can just check the updates.

I really wish I wasn't so busy on trying to finish work on my kitchen (I have no sink in my kitchen right now, it's very inconvient) I have about a dozen new pages I want to start up.. even though I know summertime is the slowest time of the year for the site... I want to strike while the inspiration is still there...