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Subject: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/14/03 at 06:47 p.m.

ok, this is round two for the August edition of the amiright awards....please send your votes to amirightawards@yahoo.com �
THis round will be open until next monday, then round three will start......for further info, refer to the round one thread, but if there are any questions you can post them here......

Catorgory 7:

Chemestry-Phil Alexander
Biology Rhapsody- Peter (The Reader)
I be Educated-Floyd's Garage
I really don't like Bio-Mike Florio
Everybody skips some school-Guy Dirito
Thrown out of school again-Merry and Pippin

Catorgory 8:
Batman-My Name is Kenny
Stealing movies-Melhi
Stupid White People-Syncronos
You're the one that I want-Steven Cavanagh
One ring in my pocket-Rice Cube and Watt Daddy
Nailing Charlies Angels-Spaff.com

Catorogry 9:
The Sesame Street Binge song (Eating Cookies)-Tone Def
Sesamian Rhapsody-Michael Pacholek
Superfrog (it's not easy to be green)-Spaff.com
Roomin' with Grover-Claude Prez
Piggy, Miss piggy-Phil Alexander
Cookie-Michael Packolec

Catorogry 10:
Sesamian Rhapsody-Michael Pacholek
Chillin with the Huxtables-Syncronos
Moose and Squiral-Rice Cube and Watt Daddy
Superfrog (it's not easy to be green)-Spaff.com
The Sopranos-STG
Small shack with some rice-Jared Lerner

Catorogry 11:
BEST MELHI PARODY (The whole site to August)
and what did you think, we'd not do some of these?
A Twister came (and it took my trailer)
Grandpas a nutjob
Stealing movies-Melhi
Date Weighs a heap
Theme of the Boybands
Searching for weapons

Catorogry 12:
Alzheimer Rock and Roll-Claude Prez
Play that country music-My Name is Kenny
Please Stop-STG, lebeiw15, Junior, wdh, and Rock Princess
Escape-Steven Cavanagh
Immune to Madonna-Phil Alexander

ok, round three starts next week...send your votes to amirightawards@yahoo.com

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/14/03 at 07:07 p.m.

Too many good choices, not enough votes :-/

Good job, lads 8)  Most kind.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/14/03 at 07:42 p.m.

Please explain to me what best Melhi category is.  I do not understand why one parody author was chosen over all others to have a category on the awards.  Isn't this biased?  Some deserving people don't even get one of their songs in here for a nomination and then you give an entire category to one author.  I don't get it.  Melhi is a good parody writer but there are others who are just as good or better.  How can I take your awards seriously when you do things like this?  I don't ever remember any music awards shows giving an award for the best Rolling Stones or Cher song or anything like that. I don't think your awards competition was thought our very well at all.  

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/14/03 at 07:47 p.m.

Please explain to me what best Melhi category is. �I do not understand why one parody author was chosen over all others to have a category on the awards. �Isn't this biased? �Some deserving people don't even get one of their songs in here for a nomination and then you give an entire category to one author. �I don't get it. �Melhi is a good parody writer but there are others who are just as good or better. �How can I take your awards seriously when you do things like this? �I don't ever remember any music awards shows giving an award for the best Rolling Stones or Cher song or anything like that. I don't think your awards competition was thought our very well at all. �
End Quote

no no no, next week we may do a best Merry and Pippin or best Spaff, I remember last awards show I had my "best of" catorgory, and Syncronos, and Mike Armstrong, its not one artist in specific, it could be any.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/14/03 at 07:48 p.m.

Too many good choices, not enough votes :-/

Good job, lads 8) �Most kind.
End Quote

thanks rice...a tradition to be had for many years! :)

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/14/03 at 07:49 p.m.


no no no, next week we may do a best Merry and Pippin or best Spaff, I remember last awards show I had my "best of" catorgory, and Syncronos, and Mike Armstrong, its not one artist in specific, it could be any.
End Quote

and also each awards, somewhere around 3 or 4 parody authors get their own catorgory.  It was a tradition started by Junior with the first awards.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: wdh on 09/14/03 at 07:53 p.m.

Dang those are tough choices. Nice work on choosing Florios, just one question: Why, out of all the songs the boyband-bashing-band made, did you choose the one with the second lowest voting scores? Lol, doesnt matter, it's still pretty high

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/14/03 at 07:59 p.m.

How do you determine which artist you make a category after?  You must forgive my questions.  I have only been on this site a few months and this is the first award competition that I have participated in.  I'm just trying to undersatnd how it all works and who does the choosing and how that all is done.  I saw a lot of good things you missed in songs that were eligible for round one.  Does the cyber public ever get to input on the nominations or at least the authors themselves?  

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: jreuben on 09/14/03 at 08:47 p.m.

Actually, they did ask for input through the messageboard a few weeks back for the awards.

As for specific authors, 2 or 3 get picked for each set of awards.  Take those for what they are worth, it's not saying Melhi is better or worse than anyone else.  It's basically a way of giving a bit of extra feedback to an author.  

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: loosekanen on 09/14/03 at 10:24 p.m.

Michael Michael... while I respect what you're doing (even though a little peeved "wintuition" was left off the tv list) I must interject. Although there was a best sports catagory last awards which was dominated by our parodies, there was no best of MA catagory.

Oh... and now that we've had our sophomore jinx... we'll be back strong this period. Best of luck all. These parodies are really good.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: El_DeRoblo on 09/15/03 at 01:21 p.m.


Please DO NOT include El DeRoblo!

"El as in "the"

                 The Mighty Depp

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Claude_Prez on 09/15/03 at 02:29 p.m.

I can tell you guys put a lot of hard work into this and I think you're doing a great job. �I'm sincerely humbled to have songs included in this group (which I think goes beyond "decent") and I would urge anyone who's unhappy with the nominations to actually read them before complaining. �If you have read them and you're still not happy, then I apologize; I didn't mean you and by all means complain; it makes you look classy as hell. �Thank you.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/15/03 at 05:09 p.m.

Michael Michael... while I respect what you're doing (even though a little peeved "wintuition" was left off the tv list) I must interject. Although there was a best sports catagory last awards which was dominated by our parodies, there was no best of MA catagory.

Oh... and now that we've had our sophomore jinx... we'll be back strong this period. Best of luck all. These parodies are really good.
End Quote

I did promise a Mike Armstrong Catorgory last time, didnt I?  
lol..yeah, I did....I didnt forget, yeah...I remembered completely  (Runs to add another catorogory for a future round)  ;) ::)

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/15/03 at 07:07 p.m.

And thank you everybody for the kind words... :) Ill look foreward to this for years to come.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Jimmy_J. on 09/15/03 at 07:41 p.m.

Ah, I was hoping Spongebobian Rhapsody would get some attention, but no one votes on my parodies! Shucks...

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Double E on 09/16/03 at 07:44 p.m.

I know exactly how you feel Jimmy. I had hoped that maybe my one hit parody (Mathmatical Pi) would be up for something (although, technically it's ineligible because I released it on January 31, lol) Oh well, there's still time for us right?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/16/03 at 08:45 p.m.

I know exactly how you feel Jimmy. I had hoped that maybe my one hit parody (Mathmatical Pi) would be up for something (although, technically it's ineligible because I released it on January 31, lol) Oh well, there's still time for us right?
End Quote

acording to what I have writen down, its eligible...and nominated......are you sure its Jan 31?  Do I have to recheck lol?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Double E on 09/18/03 at 05:37 p.m.

Oh wow! I never thought I'd see the day. I really don't remember exactly when it was... but that's not really important (OK. So maybe it is, but if you say it's eligible, I'm definately not going to argue!)

YAY! I'm so excited now!!

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/21/03 at 05:35 p.m.

Is there going to be a round three and more or is this it?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/21/03 at 05:49 p.m.

Is there going to be a round three and more or is this it?
End Quote

yes, there will definatly be a round three, and probably a few more.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/21/03 at 06:03 p.m.

Any hint on the categories?  Shouldn't round three be out today sometime?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/21/03 at 06:25 p.m.

Any hint on the categories? �Shouldn't round three be out today sometime?
End Quote

round 3 will be tomarrow its 7 days to a round.....

anyway, the catorgories that go out tomarrow, are not set yet....we determine them right before we put them up....it could be a number of ones like Political, food, best new artist etc......

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/21/03 at 08:12 p.m.


round 3 will be tomarrow its 7 days to a round.....

anyway, the catorgories that go out tomarrow, are not set yet....we determine them right before we put them up....it could be a number of ones like Political, food, best new artist etc......
End Quote

That sure doesn't give you a lot of time to go through songs and decide does it?  How many people are taking part in the nomination process?  I would think you would have the categories all mapped out in advance and all the songs through the period reviewed.  A lot of great songs, I thought were skipped in rounds one and two.  

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/21/03 at 08:43 p.m.


That sure doesn't give you a lot of time to go through songs and decide does it? �How many people are taking part in the nomination process? �I would think you would have the categories all mapped out in advance and all the songs through the period reviewed. �A lot of great songs, I thought were skipped in rounds one and two. �
End Quote

Its myself and Billy who do these things, a while back we went through the "New Entries" portion of the site from February to July and picked out every song we felt should be nominated for something, with no catorgories yet, and we wrote down the titles in a note pad and saved it onto the hard drive.  Billy took the liberty of getting down the main catorgories and suggested ones back from Augest, and took the basic songs that should go into those catorgories.  We still got about, I donno, 80 someting songs left that we felt should be nominated in an effort to nominate all of them, which may or may not happon, we decide at the last moment as to what catorgorys to post up, not what songs to nominate, those were months in teh making.  So then we just copy and paste the catorgory from the note pad and submit the post.  Thats pretty much how its done.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Saider_Eiegle on 09/21/03 at 08:51 p.m.

as a new parody author, this is the second award show i've experienced and i was wondering on what basis do you choose nominees. Is it by votes, # of parodies or by positions on charts? And also could you consider a Best parody of a r&b/hiphop song, seeing that it's the majority of my parodies?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/21/03 at 08:55 p.m.


That sure doesn't give you a lot of time to go through songs and decide does it? �How many people are taking part in the nomination process? �I would think you would have the categories all mapped out in advance and all the songs through the period reviewed. �A lot of great songs, I thought were skipped in rounds one and two. �
End Quote

no. the nominations are done...its just the decision of which catorgories go up for which round is what is figured out for the last minute

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/21/03 at 08:57 p.m.

as a new parody author, this is the second award show i've experienced and i was wondering on what basis do you choose nominees. Is it by votes, # of parodies or by positions on charts? And also could you consider a Best parody of a r&b/hiphop song, seeing that it's the majority of my parodies?
End Quote

all of that is taken into consideration

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/21/03 at 09:12 p.m.

Hey then OK, I finally understand how you two do it.  That makes good sense since you can group all the songs into certain categories based on what you guys consider worthy.  Do you two know every song that is parodied out here?  I know you guys know a lot of music.  I hope you make it your business to learn those you don't know when you consider the ones everyone is going to vote on.  This is really important to every writer on the site I would think.  Of course an obscure song that does not get a lot of votes when it is submitted would probably not do well in the award voting either so I would hope you would pay attention to songs you don't know and learn them when they look like songs others know and like.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Saider_Eiegle on 09/21/03 at 09:44 p.m.

Hey then OK, I finally understand how you two do it. �That makes good sense since you can group all the songs into certain categories based on what you guys consider worthy. �Do you two know every song that is parodied out here? �I know you guys know a lot of music. �I hope you make it your business to learn those you don't know when you consider the ones everyone is going to vote on. �This is really important to every writer on the site I would think. �Of course an obscure song that does not get a lot of votes when it is submitted would probably not do well in the award voting either so I would hope you would pay attention to songs you don't know and learn them when they look like songs others know and like.
End Quote

preach. i was just saying the same thing. How do you deal with songs you don't know and never heard of?

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/21/03 at 10:36 p.m.

Perhaps there should be a separate round before the actual awards to do nominations before the actual voting for the final awards?  Don't know how it would work though.

Considering the incredible amount of parodies submitted every week it would be pretty hard for two people to go through and make sure not to overlook deserving parodies.  Maybe you could expand the nomination committee as well.

I don't care one way or the other, parody writing is more of a hobby than a career for me and it's not like I'm insulted that we haven't been nominated before.  Rice Cube and Watt Daddy have submitted sparingly to this site for more than two years and we were not nominated for anything until the last awards, even though we had several quality parodies under our belts.  I may be out of place but I think some of you take this awards thing a little too seriously.

It's definitely nice to be recognized but it's good also to not let it go to your head.

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: jreuben on 09/22/03 at 07:12 a.m.

Rice, I couldn't agree more with this statement:

"I don't care one way or the other, parody writing is more of a hobby than a career for me and it's not like I'm insulted that we haven't been nominated before.  Rice Cube and Watt Daddy have submitted sparingly to this site for more than two years and we were not nominated for anything until the last awards, even though we had several quality parodies under our belts.  I may be out of place but I think some of you take this awards thing a little too seriously."

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: str810up on 09/22/03 at 08:31 a.m.

Where are the round three nominations?  I thought they were due out at 7:00AM today.  

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Melhi on 09/22/03 at 09:41 a.m.

I have been away for several days on unpleasant business, so I hadn't seen the second round of nominations until just now.  I didn't expect to get any nominations and... oh my gosh... I'm speechless.    This is the best and most unexpected "welcome back" I've ever had!  Thanks!  :)



Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/22/03 at 03:26 p.m.

Perhaps there should be a separate round before the actual awards to do nominations before the actual voting for the final awards? �Don't know how it would work though.

Considering the incredible amount of parodies submitted every week it would be pretty hard for two people to go through and make sure not to overlook deserving parodies. �Maybe you could expand the nomination committee as well.

I don't care one way or the other, parody writing is more of a hobby than a career for me and it's not like I'm insulted that we haven't been nominated before. �Rice Cube and Watt Daddy have submitted sparingly to this site for more than two years and we were not nominated for anything until the last awards, even though we had several quality parodies under our belts. �I may be out of place but I think some of you take this awards thing a little too seriously.

It's definitely nice to be recognized but it's good also to not let it go to your head.
End Quote

well, we did try to get pre round nominations, but we really didnt get enough suggestions.....

to answer another question, by no means do we know every song on this website....there are way too many for that.......we know a bunch...all of the major ones, plus a bunch that didnt go anywhere...but anyway, the nominations really also depend on how they were voted when submitted and all....ususally the voting can be used well to suggest what needs to be nominated ....

and if we dont know the song, we do our best to hear it {and Im not suggesting any illegal stuff here lol}

also, one other thing, Rice you mentioned making the commette larger ...well, Im all for that, in fact, if someone else wants to take over my duties, Id be all for that too lol.....Mike still wants to keep his, but Im indifferent to being a part of the administration of the next awards.....its just too much work for me right now (along with my hectic college schedual)..so, after the awards show for this awards, Ill be happy to pass off my position ...anyone interested? lol

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/22/03 at 03:27 p.m.

Where are the round three nominations? �I thought they were due out at 7:00AM today. �
End Quote

Woah! When do you think i get up? lol

later on tonight round three should be up lol

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/22/03 at 03:28 p.m.

I have been away for several days on unpleasant business, so I hadn't seen the second round of nominations until just now. �I didn't expect to get any nominations and... oh my gosh... I'm speechless. � �This is the best and most unexpected "welcome back" I've ever had! �Thanks! �:)

End Quote

You're welcome Melhi  :)  I was wondering where you were

Subject: Re: Amiright Awards round 2

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/22/03 at 08:36 p.m.

this round is now over....