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Subject: parody survivor round 5
For the next round you have until september 3rd to submit your entry. The reason i'm giving such a long time is because you have to write 2 different songs. The first one is a parody of a song that was #1 on the billboard charts anytime from 1955 to 2003. The second one has to be a song released no earlier than 1955 and no later than 1995 that never cracked the billboard top 20 but is a very well known song nowadays. You can use www.top40db.net and http://www.ntl.matrix.com.br/pfilho/html/main_index/
to help you find songs. Before you write your entry check with me first to make sure that the song you're using is ok.
I know this is challenging but its the second to last round
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
1 more thing... you have to know the original artist for the non #1... no traditional songs. And i'll help you out by listing some songs that qualify for being much more poular over time off the top of my head:
piano man by billy joel
Taxi by Harry Chapin
Video killed the radio star by the buggles
Turning Japanese by the vapors
stairway to heaven by led zepelin
rapper's delight by sugar hill gang
there are plenty more
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Er, Sept. 3rd is a long time? By my count it's -6 days.....
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
sorry i meant october 3rd... next september 3rd is actually in almost a year
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
How do you define what consitutes a very well-known song nowadays? Would, for example, "Aqualung" or "Locomotive Breath" by Jethro Tull count? (I don't think it made top 20... but guess what I was listening to in the car on the way to work this morning)
Do the songs need to be linked in any way - my first thought was to write on the same topic in two different styles: am I just making things difficult for myself?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
the songs don't need to be linked - and i don't know what either of those jethro tull songs sound like (the only song by them i know is bungle in the jungle) but if the other 2 contestants think its fine then i guess its ok... the idea is for the song to be one that its hard to believe was never top 20 considering how popular it is now
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
So can you can include songs such as Stairway which was not released as a single, but everybody knows now?
What about "Run to the Hills" by Iron Maiden, which (like "Video Killed the Radio Star") got into the top ten over here... but apparently not that side of the pond?
Seeing as it's a song I have an idea about already, would "Whiskey in the Jar", the Thin Lizzy version, be usable?
...it's just that it's kind of difficult to know what would count as a "popular" song (especially as my tastes have never been particularly mainstream)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
stairway is the legit the other 2 i don't know. in this round if the other contestants have to download the original song it counts against you quite a bit (unless they really should know the song) and remember that you still have a few weeks to think of ideas and write your song
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
First: hereīs another link to a site (in Japan of all places!) with lists of both the #1 and the Top 40s:
Second: I take it that weīre to work it out among ourselves and that the two other contestants will have to approve of the third oneīs choice of a lesser known (but not unknown) song? Sounds fair to me. As for the #1 songs they should be easy enough to find anyway.
Maybe we can just make suggestions here until each writer have letīs say 3 approved songs to choose from. Thatīll minimize the risk of anyone getting writers block on a single one approved of, thus minimizing the risk of the round ending in walk over.
Weīre still four as apparently all votes have not been cast yet, but letīs start anyway so that we get this show on the road. :-)
Assuming Philbo is still in:
I approve of Stairway to heaven, Video killed the radio star & Run to the hills. Whiskey in the Jar I havenīt heard in a long time, but I remember it pretty well so just give me a link to a download and that one goes too. Jethro Tull however is just an ancient bandname to me, so Iīll veto those songs.
Assuming Iīm still in:
*In the army now by Status Quo. Itīs a cover of a song from the early 70s, I think. But itīs also been covered by other bands. In my part of Europe (Sweden) they still play it regularly as an golden oldie. No Billboard results though, as far as I have been able to find.
*Love changes (everything) by Climie Fisher. Same as above. Is considered an golden oldie here. Googling for it showed #23 in US and #2 in the UK during 1988, which make it well known over here, and just out of the Top 20 over there.
*Highway to Hell by AC/DC. Peaked at #47 on the Billboard list. As far as Heavy Metal goes, they donīt come any more known than that, I think.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Only one I've heard of there is Highway to Hell....but I don't care what you do, and I vote yes on everything, this is such a vague category....Anyway, how bout:
Dare to be Stupid(Weird Al)
The Night Santa went Crazy(Weird Al)
Dunno bout the chart rank here:
Livin on a Prayer(Bon Jovi)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
livin on a prayer was a #1 song... the weird al songs really don't follow the theme of the round... but if you cant do anything else and its ok with the other contestants then i won't disqualify you.
in case you were wondering all the votes have been sent in from the last round and blo-town wasn't voted off (i don't think he would've been if the other contestants were younger but unfortunately for him thats not the case)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
livin on a prayer was a #1 song... the weird al songs really don't follow the theme of the round... but if you cant do anything else and its ok with the other contestants then i won't disqualify you.
in case you were wondering all the votes have been sent in from the last round and blo-town wasn't voted off (i don't think he would've been if the other contestants were younger but unfortunately for him thats not the case)
End Quote
Wait....who WAS voted off then?
Anyway, I have written and sumbitted my #1(parody of "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John...link tommorow!) and am still looking for what song to do for the other half of this round. I want to do "Chiquitita" by ABBA, but I need your guys's approval. It didn't make the Top 20.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
"Living on a prayer", "Chiquitita" and "Candle in the wind" are all okay by me. The two latter ones suck big time so any improvment would be welcomed! :P
As for Al Yankovic songs I donīt really have a problem with them either, but I also think that Ethan is right about his works doesnīt really fit with the theme of the round. Heīs not an artist aiming for hits and toplists in that way. (And thatīs probably part of why we all love him). ;)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Status Quoīs "In the army now" can be found here:
"Highway to Hell" you knew.
"Love changes (everything)" will I have to be back on if I find something. Got an idea for it that Iīm gonna work on whether Iīll be allowed to use it in the contest or not. :-)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
OK, I'll do Chiquitita it it's ok with the other person in this round, and apparantly in honor of 9/11 Chucky didnt put up parodies today?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
this is frustrating i'm giving you people almost a month so you can do a parody of songs that have become clasics without having chart success when they were released and now you're rushing to do parodies of songs i never heard of. can you please take your time for thge second one and try to do a really well known song... i want you to have a chance at a top 10 hit with these... one of the main goals of this contest is, along with working on flexibility, to try to make good quality parodies that most people can sing when they read it without risking the wrath of the RIAA
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
I see your point. Iīll try to favour the "highway" then.
Though apart from wdh (who always seems to be rushing it ;-) ) I think that we are just bounching ideas so far.
However, this brings up the interesting question of whether or not it exists any statistics showing from where in the world AmIRight site visitors (and authors) come? Maybe thereīs an untargeted Australian audience here or something like that.
Well, joke aside, what Iīm trying to say is that up until now, when you have been clarifying a little bit more, we havenīt necessarily seen those Billboard lists as anything more than lists. Philbo and me are Europeans, wdh I donīt know about (but Iīm guessing heīs American). Chiquitita was a HUGE song over here (and ABBA are countrymen of mine so I know them that way too) whereas even some of the #1 songs on billboard are TOTALLY UNKNOWN to me. There are a couple of specifically American genres, country above all, that has never gotten more than a niche audience over here. Or the other way around; the electronification of music that Madonna is experimenting with now has been to the same degree successful over here for many years. (Part of the reason why Jean-Michelle Jarre has become a "world citizen artist" (or what to call it) is that genrewise he canīt cut it over here anymore. Bands like Israelian "Astral Projection" has litterally kicked his booty out and made him hit the road. :-)
And the artist who currently has the best record deal in the world, in terms of guaranteed money, is Englands Robbie Williams, who is yet to really break in the US, dispite backing, quality and numerous attempts so far. But heīs selling out fotball stadiums over here, even in my rather small country.
And another example. You mention "Turning Japanise" by the Vipers as a song that has grown to be well known. To me itīs a song that together with their other hit "Iron for the Iron" was an instant hit, and often mentioned to have been back catalogue career starters for the big time 80s group Eurythmics. (I actually surprise myself by knowing things like this. I was sooo into Heavy Metal during the 80s. Guess the musical taste of those girlfriends from that era did make some cerebral impacts to go with what they did to my heart). :'(
Itīs your contest, so weīll play it your way, this was just to help you get of your frustration and make you see that our spinal reaction to what constitues a well known song isnīt necesarilly the same as yours. :-)
...the wrath of the RIAA
End Quote
:P That sounds like a good title for a song... or a B-movie! To be followed by "Return of the RIAA". I can see the slogan for it "Just when you thought it was safe to surf again..." ;D
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Good point right there. And Tone-Def, I am, like K1 said, just bouncing ideas. This topic requires a lot of thought. However, I am having very little free time these days(as u may've noticed from my lack of parodies) and was trying to get a lot of work done when I did have time a vouple days ago. But could we get a clairification on this all-over-the-world situation?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
...risking the wrath of the RIAA
End Quote
Village people style...
"Let's risk the wrath of the R.I.A.A.
Let's risk the wrath of the R.I.A.A.
They'll sue every kid
Who's got just one MP3
If they downloaded it for free"
Back on topic... there is a transatlantic issue, as k1chyd pointed out. After all, even Bo Rap didn't make it over there in the 70s (am I right in thinking that?)...
I don't think anyone's rushing, though: we're just trying out to see what consitutes a classic that didn't make it first time round - I was wondering about:
"All revved up and no place to go", or possibly "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf
PS My daughter came up with a partial parody for Chiquitita, called "Chuck a tea-cup", which was funny... but short.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Well, here's the 1st one:
Maybe I shouldn't have done as serious a topic....people these days dont vote on their opinions of the song anymore, rather their opinion on the matter. *sigh*
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
well you still have plenty of time to try again... and i agree that AIDS and humor very very rarely go together. The only exception i can think of i the episode of south park when jared from the subway commercials said that he owed his weight loss to aides (meaning nutritionists and personal trainers) and everyone thought he said he had AIDS. And i'm sure plenty of people would consider that to be in bad taste... and it wouldn't have worked at all if the words were read instead of heard (like parodies are here)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
well you still have plenty of time to try again... and i agree that AIDS and humor very very rarely go together. The only exception i can think of i the episode of south park when jared from the subway commercials said that he owed his weight loss to aides (meaning nutritionists and personal trainers) and everyone thought he said he had AIDS. And i'm sure plenty of people would consider that to be in bad taste... and it wouldn't have worked at all if the words were read instead of heard (like parodies are here)
End Quote
It's not about AIDS, it's about HIV. ;D
If the people in this contest aren't mature enough to vote on the best written song, then fine. I spent a lot of time on it and am pleased with it. People should lighten up.
Anyway, coupla contest questions:
1. the location thingy
2. Who lost in rd. 4?
3. Do you vote also, Tone-Def?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
blo-town lost it was a typo... i don't vote... what location thingy? i think i'm gonna make the deadline 1 week later because of the confusion... i'm going to give instructions for voting next round with actual scores out of 100 and about 10 percent of each song is going to be how funny conceptually a song is. other categories are making it sound like the original song with respect to the words used, syllables matching up, rhyming, choice of original song, originality of the parody, syntax (not abusing poetic license), and some more for overall quality of the song. And maybe some other stuff i'll see what i come up with and suggestions are welcome
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Hi guys! Just wanted to tell you that these mentionings in this thread about "highway to hell" made me realise that those were the exact words I needed for the second chorus to another AC/DC parody that has been boiling in my back burner for a while. :D
Iīve already dedicated it to three other people, but it feels fair to give some kudos here to. :)
BTW and unless it already obvious; itīs not a contribution to the current round of the competition.
Oh, and wdh, just the other day you posted about that you felt that people should give more votes a la x-y-z instead of x-x-x or y-y-y, right? Seldom do one see the expression "Be careful what you wish for..." come true so fast. ;)
As for the voting; maybe itīs time to bring in a 3-5 person jury from the outside? Surely you have friends here in the AmIRight community that you can trust to give totally fair votes based on the criteria that you are gonna set up for the round?
Iīve been as fair as I know how so far when it has came to voting. And I wanna stay that way. At the same time I wanna win now that I have come this far and therefore I canīt help start thinking that even combined wdh and I havenīt got as much AmIRight experience as Philbo, maybe itīs time to be tactical... Wdh brought the issue up in an earlier round so I donīt think it is unfair to say that Iīm guessing heīs thinking the same thing.
**insert mental image (cartoon style) of writer sitting with little white angel on one shoulder and little red devil on the other here**
The angel has the upper hand so far, and when I first arrived here about six months ago some of Phils songs were the first to give me that "Oh, I gotta check out stuff in this guys back catalouge" feeling. So please releave me from this moral dilemma.
I donīt know how the American survivor show on television worked during the last rounds but in my country they abandoned the early rounds voting system when they got down to the final four. Thereīs just three of us now, so I think that it might be time to eliminate even the risk of votes being influenced by thoughts about how it would effect our chances in the final. And unless someone got an even better idea I think that an outside jury is the best at this time. With just six songs to review it shouldnīt require more "work" than 1/6 of an AmIRight awards round. Well, maybe a little, depending on the criteria. :-)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
"Paradise by the dashboard light" is okay with me BTW. The other title sounds familiar too but I canīt say that I from the top of my head do remember the tune to it.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Sorry, I only work on a 3-letter brain system, after all....
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
"Paradise by the dashboard light" is okay with me BTW. The other title sounds familiar too but I canīt say that I from the top of my head do remember the tune to it.
End Quote
It's another one from Bat out of Hell- Paradise is kind of a long one, though I'm considering "Pack of lies 'bout this Iraq fight": there should be enough material, but I don't have enough spare time for this kind of epic at the moment...
Two more thoughts: what about The Firm's "Star Trekkin'"? Did that hit the top 30 over there (it got to number one here ;-)) or Toy Dolls' "Nellie the Elephant"? Would either of those be suitable?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
this is too complicated... if its ok with everyone i'd like to make this round just the #1 song... so do the best job yiou can with that. and outside judges seem like a good idea
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
this is too complicated...End Quote
"Whyīd you have to go and make things so complicated..." ;)
**Gets killed by Avrilīs AmIRight Anti-Fan Club**
Itīs still just the 15:th. I think we can still do both.
Wdh has already finished "candle in the wind" and Philbo has posted a parody to "whiskey in the jar" (even though he hasnīt made it his official entry yet) and me, myself and I 99% finished a parody of "Highway to hell" yesterday. Just one line left to make it work in other words.
So the three of us are all already halfway there.
As for #1s Iīve started sketching to Spice Girls "Wannabe" and Ini Kamoseīs "Here comes the hotstepper".
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
want you to have a chance at a top 10 hit with these... one of the main goals of this contest is, along with working on flexibility, to try to make good quality parodies that most people can sing when they read it without risking the wrath of the RIAAEnd Quote
How about risking tapping into pps wrath AGAINST the RIAA? ;)
Worked for Tong it has. Feeling about this good I have. Thereīs is much anger in the young men with Linux. ;D
"Liberty Bell" - Originally "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC:
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Hmm... would you approve of Megadeth`s "Hangar 18" as an overtime hit that never was in the billboard top 20? Itīs their most known song.
Speed metal songs donīt do so well here, but people might remember this one cos it had a pretty cool video back in 1990.
I just wrote another text to it, about a Jerry Springer type daytime show, that I think people will like. Itīs called "Youīre not 18, say are you butch?" and is coming up tomorrow.
Iīll probably stay with "Liberty Bell", just want to know if I have the option to change if the regular voters here take an extra liking to this new one.
// Peter
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Well folks....it looks like my entries are:
"That course killed my game" a parody of "A horse with no name" by America
"Peeping Tom" a parody of "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
D'Oh! I've just checked and Bohemian Rhapsody hasn't made nš 1 Stateside! How can that be? I thought it was a dead cert for a number one single... still, I guess I can include it as my "famous now though it didn't hit number one"...
Of the load that I've posted this month, I've only spotted one which has been number one, and that is "Runaround Sue" by Dion...
So I guess my two entries are:
Homerian Rhapsody, and
Underground Loo
These OK?
PS Who're "Fountains of Wayne" when they're at home?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
sorry phil bo rhap hasnt been #1 but it has been in the top 20 i think it hit number 2 in the nineties because of wayne's world. but you can use the nellie the elephant parody if its ok with everyone else. wdh your entries are fine
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
sorry phil bo rhap hasnt been #1 but it has been in the top 20 i think it hit number 2 in the nineties because of wayne's world.
End Quote
Ah.. I didn't check for a re-release, only the 76 first time round
but you can use the nellie the elephant parody if its ok with everyone else. wdh your entries are fine
End Quote
OK, Saddam the Psychopath it is, then.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Well, I might as well decide too. Itīs not like Iīm gonna come up with any last minute even-betters, despite my 38 springs Iīm a medical transcriptionist/administrative assistant student and this is the busy IRL trainee week of this autumn.
So Iīm going with...
"Liberty Bell":
"If Iīm gonna be your lover (you gotta get rid those kids)":
// Peter "Know 1 can hear you dream" Andersson
PS. Ethan, a question, have you decided on whether or not to use outside judges from now on? DS.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Er....are we gonna do this or what Ethan?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
hopefully this round will be judged eventually so far i just have 1 judge... either we could go ahead and have you vote on each others songs as well as the anonymous judge or i could start pming people asking them to judge
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
i have 2 judges now i want one more (but more thsan that is good too) anyone who wants to be a judge send me a pm i'll start recruiting tomorrow if i don't get any responses
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
i have 2 judges now i want one more (but more thsan that is good too) anyone who wants to be a judge send me a pm i'll start recruiting tomorrow if i don't get any responses
End Quote
Er.....could we just go ahead and vote? This is getting ridiculous
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
yeah you can go vote on all the parodies you didn't write and pm me how many points it gets out of 100 and a sentence or 2 explaining your vote. vote like its on amiright but multiplied by 5 (a 1 overall parody is a 20, halfway between 3 and 4 is a 70, if it would be a 5 but there are minor problems then its 90 something)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
yeah you can go vote on all the parodies you didn't write and pm me how many points it gets out of 100 and a sentence or 2 explaining your vote. vote like its on amiright but multiplied by 5 (a 1 overall parody is a 20, halfway between 3 and 4 is a 70, if it would be a 5 but there are minor problems then its 90 something)
End Quote
Not to mention I can't even figure out which songs people are going with.....
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Not to mention I can't even figure out which songs people are going with.....
End Quote
OK, I make it:
From Know 1 can hear you dream:
So Iīm going with...
"Liberty Bell":
"If Iīm gonna be your lover (you gotta get rid those kids)":
// Peter "Know 1 can hear you dream" Andersson
End Quote
From me:
Underground Loo
End Quote
Saddam the Psychopath
End Quote
...and from you:
Well folks....it looks like my entries are:
"That course killed my game" a parody of "A horse with no name" by America
"Peeping Tom" a parody of "Stacy's Mom" by Fountains of Wayne
End Quote
...I pulled down the mpg of Stacey's Mom just for this competition: I guess the song's OK, but the video's very funny ;-)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Not to mention I can't even figure out which songs people are going with.....
End Quote
vote like its on amiright but multiplied by 5 (a 1 overall parody is a 20...
End Quote
wdh: itīs a typo (Iīm pretty sure), replace "5" with "20" and the math figures. Iīve made that mistake myself when transfering 5 scale to 100 scale in another situation. :-/
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
yeah i meant 20
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
so...we submit scores instead of voting someone off? Ok, I guess if you wanna make it seem fancy.....should I go ahead and PM you then?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
so...we submit scores instead of voting someone off? Ok, I guess if you wanna make it seem fancy.....should I go ahead and PM you then?
End Quote
sounds good to me
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
i'm waiting on 2 ratings - 1 contestant and 1 anonymous judge
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
i'm waiting on 2 ratings - 1 contestant and 1 anonymous judge
End Quote
you got mine, right? The PM system has been sidelined by hackers before ;D
Or you could just get it over with and say I lost(PM if you think that's too brutal) 8)
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
here are the final results(4 votes averaged)
liberty bell: 92.75
gotta get rid those kids: 85.5
kichyd final score: 89.125
that course killed my game: 89.5
peeping tom: 88.75
wdh final score: 89.125
did not expect that time to figure out phil's scores
underground loo: 92.5
saddam the psychopath: 92.5
phil's score: 92.5
i was sure having each song get 4 votes out of 100 made ties impossible but somehow there's a tie: i guess there will have to be a playoff of some sort
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
or maybe i can look at head to head as a tiebreaker: out of the three people who voted and don't face elimination wdh had the better votes in one: 94.5 to 91, kichyd edged wdh in the second 82.5 to 80 and again in the third 93 to 92
which would mean a very narrow well fought out loss for WDH... who takes home the bronze medal and the respect of anyone actually following this contest
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
or maybe i can look at head to head as a tiebreaker: out of the three people who voted and don't face elimination wdh had the better votes in one: 94.5 to 91, kichyd edged wdh in the second 82.5 to 80 and again in the third 93 to 92
End Quote
Well, now we both know how Carl Lewis, Maurice Green, Tom Montgomery and those guys feel... sorta...
which would mean a very narrow well fought out loss for WDH... who takes home the bronze medal and the respect of anyone actually following this contest
End Quote
Well, itīs much our own fault that it has dragged out this long I guess. It feels like it has been the three of us all the way since the summer ended.
So, unless that contradicts your plan(s) for how the final round gonna work, how about tossing wdh a Wild Card?
Iīm not against it, though as the winner of this round I guess Phil too should first be allowed to have his say about taking on two opponents instead of one in the final.
Cheers // Peter
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Well, it does seem a bit unfair that, according to a "panel" of judges, K1chyd's and my parodies were of equal quality, yet I lose out.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
maybe phil should suggest a tiebreaker... i can't think of anything more fair than what i did... in sports if 2 teams have the same record you look at head to head matchups and thats what i did
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
maybe phil should suggest a tiebreaker... i can't think of anything more fair than what i did... in sports if 2 teams have the same record you look at head to head matchups and thats what i did
End Quote
Actually, in baseball they play a tiebreaker
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
maybe phil should suggest a tiebreaker...
End Quote
OK... so lay it on me...
I have only one idea: if you count their "chuck 'em out" votes from previous rounds, who wins? (any odds they end up even)
Other than that, the only ideas for a tiebreaker would be writing another parody of some sort, and that seems a bit OTT - although I don't have any great problem with them both going through to the next round, that seems a bit of a cop-out.
Tell you what - why not run with idea 1: run through the voting history and see who had the most votes. If, after that, they're both even then we'll have a three-way final round.
But I suggest we agree on a modus operandi for voting the final round before we start writing...
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
if there isnt a round i'm forgetting about wdh had 3 votes against and peter had one
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Your new Parody Prince,The Silver Dollar of Sentse,Never mean to dense,(no offense)you young gents.Tell The Mecyberssia when to take claim of his upcoming win here as I never have lost and and never will.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Your new Parody Prince,The Silver Dollar of Sentse,Never mean to dense,(no offense)you young gents.Tell The Mecyberssia when to take claim of his upcoming win here as I never have lost and and never will.
End Quote
my sentiments exactly ???
Lol, who are you?
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
Tell you what - why not run with idea 1: run through the voting history and see who had the most votes. If, after that, they're both even then we'll have a three-way final round.
But I suggest we agree on a modus operandi for voting the final round before we start writing...
End Quote
Well, the way Survivor worked in Swedish television was that old contestants was called back in to vote for a winner. We could either try to do that or continue with the outside judges system from this round. But both systems has (obviously) both pluses and minuses. Any other ideas?
if there isnt a round i'm forgetting about wdh had 3 votes against and peter had one
End Quote
Another close encounter of the voting kind, slightly in my favour then. Well, itīs time to move on and as much as I would have nothing against a three party final I really canīt come up with any more arguments for it, so I hereby accept the challenge of being the only "David" against Phil "Goliath" Alexander on the final part of this rocky road.
Subject: Re: parody survivor round 5
fine then.....guess I don't get the pleasure of waiting another 6 months to see if I win ;)