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Subject: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: K1chyd on 09/07/03 at 04:01 a.m.

I first posted this as a comment to the REO Speedwagon parody by A room full of monkeys (but it is not directed towards him, which I would like to point out) where there were some arguments for quality over quantity. I�m now reposting it here cos I think that maybe it belongs better here.

Chucky. Others. How about moving the line for the Top Submitters Club up to 100? And having the number of parodies for everyone above that line displayed as 100+ or >100, with the order between them decided by how many parodies they have in the Top 100 list for Overall (or Top 500, or Top 1000 if it takes more than 100 to separate them).

I think that would be a good incentive for quality over quantity, and against the Newbies-Rushing-It-To-25 phenomenon. Heck, we even have a sort of Rushing-It-To-Be-First-Above-1000 race between Tong and Malcolm now, and that�s just sad to see.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: ChuckyG on 09/07/03 at 07:19 a.m.

all that does is shift focus towards inflating vote counts, which is not something I want to encourage.. I don't see too many people racing to get into the 25+ category, it's really not that many people..

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: K1chyd on 09/07/03 at 08:40 a.m.

The "100+" or ">100" display for everyone in the Top-Top Submitters Club is really the core of the idea. Sorry if I was a bit unclear on that.

I thought that it would ad to the idea with a variation that (at least in theory) gave others than Tong/Higgins a chance to top the authours list (variation is good, right?), but that part isn�t really that important.

As for the inflation of votes I�m not so sure whether or not that would be a problem. The guys who already have more than 100 songs listed doesn�t seem to be cheaters, their numbers of votes doesn�t really stand out against the others in any spectacular way, and if - I say if - this idea were to be implemented and they were to try to improve their rating by spreading links to family and friends, would that really be bad? Who could be better ambassadors for AmIRight? And more viewers means possibly more adlink-clicks by those viewers and an overall raising of the number of visitors (something you can point to when dealing with site sponsors to finanse a new server with higher capacity). ;-)

**Goes away to - while he is on a roll - create a cure for cancer, create a perpetuum mobile, and institute peace on Earth** :-)

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: wdh on 09/07/03 at 09:34 a.m.

I don't quite understand the wording of your post, but I have noticed many newbies submitting many things at once that really arent that good. My early parodies sorta suck, but my ones from this year I am very happy with in terms of quality. I don't even have 50 songs yet, and I'm averaging 7.2 votes, so I'm not quite unnoticed....I don't see at all why it is an accomplishment to be in the "Top Submitters Club" compared to a "Top votes Club" with perhaps people with a voting average over 4 or something

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Claude_Prez on 09/07/03 at 12:24 a.m.

I remember when I first found this site and clicked on "parody authors". �I remember thinking, "Wow, that William Tong rules this site." �It's human nature to want to be at the top of the list and the way that page is set up encourages quantity. �That was probably the intention back then, but now I get the impression Chuck would prefer fewer submissions of higher quality over the great quantities he's getting now and I think the way that list is set up to reward quantity is a bigger part of the reason than one might think. �I like Malcolm and Tong's stuff but not as much as someone like Spaff who I think of as the king of quality over quantity and if you look at his voting average I think it's the highest. �Just a thought--you could list in order of voting average, or alphabetically, or even randomly--but doing it by quantity is going to continue to encourage quantity. �(Also, I have no idea how this stuff works; it may not be feasible to do it any other way; or it may be a pain in the ass. �But I'm convinced there'd be fewer parodies by the same people every day.)

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: lebeiw15 on 09/07/03 at 02:02 p.m.

There are some great parody authors here--My name is Kenny, Jeff Reuben, Spaff.com, et cetera.  They don't submit like every day, and they may not be the top submitters, but when they do post a new parody, they usually get very high votes and are very well-written.  And there are, er, some authors who submit ten or twenty parodies a day, and have no effort put into them at all (not even spelling and capatilization).  This isn't a bash on anyone, just thought I would say that.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: ChuckyG on 09/07/03 at 02:49 p.m.

I understand that there certainly needs to be a way to recognize quality over quantity.. but the current voting system certainly doesn't encourage that.  Since the volume of the votes made is so low, it doesn't take a lot of effort on someone's part to bump their ratings.  Using the current votes to creating rankings in any fashion, just doesn't cut it for me.

I could always create a password requried voting system, in addition to the unregistered vote system, and give more weight to those votes. It may not prevent people from creating multiple accounts, but it would certainly make it harder.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Ethan Mawyer on 09/07/03 at 03:38 p.m.

i think that when it seems that someone new is rushing to make it to 25 they are usually just submitting the parodies that they wrote before finding amiright

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: jreuben on 09/08/03 at 09:52 a.m.

I thought this was interesting, since it didn't take out "unregistered votes".  


I could always create a password requried voting system, in addition to the unregistered vote system, and give more weight to those votes. It may not prevent people from creating multiple accounts, but it would certainly make it harder.
End Quote

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: K1chyd on 09/08/03 at 09:55 a.m.

...doing it by quantity is going to continue to encourage quantity.
End Quote

That pretty much summons up the problem. There are so many new parodies coming in each day that one haven�t got the time to read them all, and I can only try to imagine what it must be like for Chucky, having to go through them all.

As for where the line to the Top Submitters Club should be and how their part of the authors list should be displayed, maybe that should be discussed as two separate things. Since I started this debate I think it�s my responsibility to try to untangle them. :)

First the line being 25 or 100: Maybe it�s not a big problem, but the phenomenon of rushing it to 25 does exist. I did it myself once I had passed 17-18, others have admitted that they did it, and it seems to me that there�s a couple of names in hot persuit practically every week. (Some are good, some are less good, but either way it becomes part of the quantity submission thingie). Though the way I see it (and I may be wrong on this, despite my quote on the left I�m ready to admit that) there�s a big difference between 25 and 100. I don�t think any newbie would rush it to 100. If they tried, it would most likely (and increasingly) lower the quality of their parodies so much that once they got up to 100 noone would bother to read�em or vote anymore. It would be contraproductive.

As for the displayed order among the writers in the Top Submitters Club: Tong and Higgins are both excellent writers then they go for quality, but having the two of them on constant top is, in my opinion, as boring to watch as golf was during the two first years of �Tiger Wood�s dominance. Heck, it might even be as bad for THEIR OWN ratings as it is for the homefront popularity of Bush and Blair to be on top of the �Most important persons in Iraq� list. ;-)

Maybe my idea about having them displayed as equals with �100+� or �>100� instead of their quantity achievement could be combined with Claude�s about having the order among them varied randomly. At least until a �quality� way to do it comes up. I initially thought that their number of parodies within the Marathon list for overall could be used as such, but you�re probably right about that still being an incentive for quantity rather than quality. Maybe a lesser incentive than the current one though?

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Double_E on 09/08/03 at 10:14 p.m.

I couldn't write a large quantity of parodies at once... (lol) .

So, I guess what I'm saying is, quality is good, but you do have to admit that it takes a lot of work to write a large quantity of parodies like that...

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Rice_Cube on 09/08/03 at 10:25 p.m.

We just pumped out three parodies after almost three months layoff.

There is a reason, I guess, that we only have 53 parodies over the two-plus years we've spent with this site.  One of them is that sometimes we just don't have good ideas and it's a waste of time and effort to pump something out that's substandard just for the sake of pumping it out.

That's not to say that the people who churn out dozens of parodies a day suck or anything.  Just our preference is not to half-@$$ it and sacrifice quality for quantity.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Jared_Lerner on 09/09/03 at 08:23 a.m.

You know man, I can't agree with you more.  Quantity over quality SUCKS.  I'm all about the quality issue man.  I mean, some people like Guy DiRito do a great job at doing a truckload of good parodies at once, but William Tong has ceased to amaze me a long time ago, and not just because he can't think of a single damn thing to write about besides the Republican regime.  You know, if you're going to put out a parody for people to read, at least make some effort to make it halfway decent.  You know who you people are...cough cough...TJ Spindler...cough cough.  I'm glad that somebody brought up this point, it's certainly worth talking about.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Melhi on 09/09/03 at 08:55 a.m.


First the line being 25 or 100: Maybe it�s not a big problem, but the phenomenon of rushing it to 25 does exist. I did it myself once I had passed 17-18, others have admitted that they did it, and it seems to me that there�s a couple of names in hot persuit practically every week. (Some are good, some are less good, but either way it becomes part of the quantity submission thingie). Though the way I see it (and I may be wrong on this, despite my quote on the left I�m ready to admit that) there�s a big difference between 25 and 100. I don�t think any newbie would rush it to 100. If they tried, it would most likely (and increasingly) lower the quality of their parodies so much that once they got up to 100 noone would bother to read�em or vote anymore. It would be contraproductive.

End Quote

My .02 (some of it repeated from Claude's monkey house)

Whatever it is that makes some individuals see that line as a goal or challenge exists in those individuals, not in the position or existence of the line, itself.  Moving the line will not alter how they see it.  Even removing it will serve only to shift their focus to other goals of a similar nature -- most parodies about toe jam or to "Sk8er Boi" (anything but that!)  or most on the new parodies list each day, etc.  

All writers set seemingly silly little goals and challenges for themselves.  I like to call mine "writing exercises" because it sounds more professional than calling them "Fred."  Too, writers are compelled to write, we are, thus, prolific by nature.  100 parodies is a lot if you're in some measure of writer's block, busy writing other things or just plain busy.  But, when you're on a roll, 100 is a breeze and not only is some of your best stuff likely to come out of that "roll," the more you write, the more you *sharpen* your writing claws.  (That's assuming we're not talking about someone who's just joining the club long enough to get in the yearbook, so to speak.)

Yes, 100 would be a daunting goal for some.  It could even be discouraging to a select few newbies who think it's important to reach the line and decide not to submit, at all, because they believe they'll never be top submitters.  

But, for those who feel they must cross that line and are determined to do so, 100 is just as easily reached as 25.  Goals of submitting 25 in a week might become goals of submitting 100 in a month.   Five parodies per day for five days might become five per day for twenty.  Neither of those goals is unrealistic or difficult to achieve, given the free time and inclination to pursue them.  In fact, five pages of submission-quality new material a day is a typical writer's discipline and a good habit for novice writers to establish.  

As to quality, you can't ensure professional quality without discouraging writers (particularly novice writers) from submitting on the hopes of receiving helpful advice and critique from fellow writers... that's more valuable than triple fives, any day, in my book.   Those few who submit the absolute worst stuff, (assuming they aren't very young school children,)  aren't "top submitters" and probably know their submissions suck and don't care if they get a hundred triple ones votes or just their own triple 5s vote.  Their motivations for submitting differ greatly from mine or yours.  

As for the authors list, itself, somebody's name has to be listed first and some method of sorting has to be chosen.  I don't see that Will Tong has been "hogging" the top spot on that list any more than Aaron A. Aarons has been hogging the first residential listing in the local phone book.   If Chucky had chosen to list names alphabetically, there'd probably be more author names beginning with whichever keyboard character has the lowest value.  If he listed by number of votes or voting averages, we'd get more ones guys and voter fraud.  Etc.  

Again, the above is just my .02  

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: philbo_baggins on 09/10/03 at 04:28 a.m.

That's not to say that the people who churn out dozens of parodies a day suck or anything. �Just our preference is not to half-@$$ it and sacrifice quality for quantity.
End Quote

That's my view, too: I've got a couple of dozen (probably more) part-complete parodies which I haven't had enough good ideas to put in them, or there'd be gaping holes in.. it's easy enough to fill enough matching words to pretty much any song if you want to churn them out quickly, but creativity is finite, and much more limited than word-mangling.

There's quite a few new authors who started with some fairly poor attempts, but have improved an awesome amount - you can't discourage someone from writing because their first one, two or even ten parodies are not up to scratch (even if you can get an objective view of what constitutes "up to scratch").

I think Melhi put it very well with regard to parody authors aiming for whatever target is set, either by themselves or site-related ones like the 25-parody bar.

On reflection, one statistic that might be interesting is a "votes per hit" percentage - if a page is visited 00s of times, but only gets a few votes; or if everyone who looks at the page votes on it... now that would be a difficult target to hit intentionally


Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: K1chyd on 09/10/03 at 11:48 a.m.

Five parodies per day for five days might become five per day for twenty. �Neither of those goals is unrealistic or difficult to achieve, given the free time and inclination to pursue them. �In fact, five pages of submission-quality new material a day is a typical writer's discipline and a good habit for novice writers to establish.End Quote

Let it never be said that I don�t give kudos to a well phrased argument from someone who doesn�t agree with me. ;)

I also agree with the argument that some of ones best work can come out of a on-the-roll-phase. Been there, done that, hopefully doing it again someday. However, I have also learnt to restrain myself during those periods. What should go public and what should not is best left to decide later. ::)

But yours and my personal experiences are beside the point. Anyone will agree with us that feedback is valuable, both for those who are newbies and for those who have been writing stuff for years.

In theory, it wouldn�t be a problem with more than 10 000 new parodies a day, if Chucky had an unlimited amount of time to go through them, and if every submitting author felt that they were getting the kind of feedback they�d benefit from. I�m quite happy with my deal and the way my votes are slowly increasing, but since everyone apparently isn�t, I think these issues are worth to bring up. There might be a super-duper solution idea out there, just waiting for a chance to jump into someone�s head and via their fingers make its way here.

BTW: You may call your writing exercises �Writing exercises� and not �Fred�. But I call those of mine for �Justin�� �Justin Case�. �;)

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Melhi on 09/10/03 at 06:40 p.m.


Let it never be said that I don�t give kudos to a well phrased argument from someone who doesn�t agree with me. ;)

I also agree with the argument that some of ones best work can come out of a on-the-roll-phase. Been there, done that, hopefully doing it again someday. However, I have also learnt to restrain myself during those periods. What should go public and what should not is best left to decide later. ::)

End Quote

No counterpoint from me, this time -- I couldn't agree with you more!  (On all points in your response, not just those quoted, above.)   I thought your point was equally well-stated, btw.


In theory, it wouldn�t be a problem with more than 10 000 new parodies a day,

End Quote

10,000?!   Yipes!  That's a scary thought even to someone who is NOT forced to read all of them!!   :)   Let's hope, for Chucky's sake, that it never gets to that point, eh?  

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: MysteryGoat on 09/11/03 at 00:05 a.m.

I thought i'd put a little somthin in here myself. But before i do, i'd just like to type i am proud to be one of the newbies that submits quality parodies (well at least i think they're quality, most of them anyway) and not just trying to make it past that 25 mark. True i did write them before i found amiright, however, i write in the hopes of one day (now don't laugh) becoming the next "Weird Al" so i value quality. So much in fact that i have over 10 songs that i feel just plain suck and won't be submitting on this site, or anywhere else for that matter.

Now that i can't remember all of what i was going to type up, i'll just put in the couple of things that still come to mind. Actually that only thing i can think of right now is the feedback. Most of my songs have no comments at all, and three of the comments i have are by me. This really bugs me too because i want that on there for people to give me they're thoughts on the songs i write, and yet in the end i barley get votes. Which is another thing that i hate. You get these people with like 10 songs on here and they have over 200 votes from songs that look like they were written while on the pot, and i'm stuck here with 55 as of this writing, that's not right. And one more thing while i'm on the voting rant, what's up with voting on pacing, funny, and rating all in the same score. I mean if it was on a couple of songs i could understand it, But i have too many evenly scored songs to realize there's quite a few lazy people out there that can't seem to find the time to vote appropriately in 3 simple catagories.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Will on 09/11/03 at 08:11 p.m.

The "Republican regime"?  That's a pathetic, partisan attempt to minimize an entire genera of satire and parody.  A Bush parody is not the same as a Cheney parody, nor the same as a Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter parody.  Writing about missing WMDs is not the same as writing about vote fraud in Florida; different events, based upon different songs.  That's like saying Avril Lavigne parodies and Madonna parodies are all the same just because they're both female singers.  You've already gotten away with posting an attack parody about me, so please refrain from attacking me on the message board.  For good and bad reasons, people vote for my songs.  I may be only 80 posted parodies ahead of Malcolm, but I'm over 20,000 votes ahead of him and everyone else.

You know man, I can't agree with you more. �Quantity over quality SUCKS. �I'm all about the quality issue man. �I mean, some people like Guy DiRito do a great job at doing a truckload of good parodies at once, but William Tong has ceased to amaze me a long time ago, and not just because he can't think of a single damn thing to write about besides the Republican regime. �You know, if you're going to put out a parody for people to read, at least make some effort to make it halfway decent. �You know who you people are...cough cough...TJ Spindler...cough cough. �I'm glad that somebody brought up this point, it's certainly worth talking about.
End Quote

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Jared_Lerner on 09/12/03 at 12:16 a.m.

Sorry Tong, looks like you've got us Jared's mixed up. �I, Jared with a last name, never posted a parody about you or anybody else on this site. �That was probably "Jared." �(Not me, Jared Lerner). �As for your comment....

The "Republican regime"? �That's a pathetic, partisan attempt to minimize an entire genera of satire and parody. �A Bush parody is not the same as a Cheney parody, nor the same as a Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter parody

What are you trying to prove here man? �I know all of your parodies aren't exactly the same. �But don't deny that you keep writing about George W. Bush OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. �If I had to write about the same person 50 million times I probably would have strangled myself to death by now with my shoelaces. �If you're going to be such a big man on campus about your work, why don't you actually authorize comments for once and let people say what they think of your songs, so I don't have to speak for all of them? �Hah, a pathetic partisan attempt. �Maybe a little partisan, but not pathetic. �We're not all political enthusiasts you know. �We appreciate reading something else for a change besides "Bush is an idiot." �Look at Weird Al. �His success is measured by his range and his comedy. �He can write about almost anything, and he never repeats the same subject. �I doubt I could say the same for you, based on the work I've read of yours.

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: ChuckyG on 09/12/03 at 01:17 p.m.


What are you trying to prove here man? �I know all of your parodies aren't exactly the same. �But don't deny that you keep writing about George W. Bush OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. �If I had to write about the same person 50 million times I probably would have strangled myself to death by now with my shoelaces. �If you're going to be such a big man on campus about your work, why don't you actually authorize comments for once and let people say what they think of your songs, so I don't have to speak for all of them? �Hah, a pathetic partisan attempt. �Maybe a little partisan, but not pathetic. �We're not all political enthusiasts you know. �We appreciate reading something else for a change besides "Bush is an idiot." �Look at Weird Al. �His success is measured by his range and his comedy. �He can write about almost anything, and he never repeats the same subject. �I doubt I could say the same for you, based on the work I've read of yours.

End Quote

Will's latest few parodies deal with the RIAA, and do have comments enabled.  The reason Will doesn't enable comments on his political parodies, is because we all know the kind of comments he will get, which are going to mostly be attack style comments.

and in Will's defence, he stated that he's written about other leading Republican figures, and you stated once again that all he writes about is George Bush.. since Will has been submitting here longer than the current Bush is in power, (and writing even longer than that), it's quite unlikely that all he writes about is about the Bush's..

and to everyone in general.. let's not get too argumentive in the this thread..  plus this is off topic for this particular thread anyways...

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: Will on 09/12/03 at 03:55 p.m.


Yes, you're right; the "other" Jared wrote the attack parody about me; my apology to you for confusing the two of you. �But no one forced you post public criticisms of my work on this messageboard. �(As always, my critics are always the ones to start the arguments and attacks.)

I've stated it before - I've written more non-Bush parodies (about 150) than the total output of many other parody authors. �I've written over 30 parodies about Rush Limbaugh, and 11 about Ann Coulter; they may be Bush media shills, but they aren't part of the "Republican regime." �Neither is Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Judge Roy Moore, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, nor Republican members of Congress ("regime" applies only to the executive branch); I've poked fun at all of them. �Bush provides the best target of all due to his own ineptitude. �My parodies written about him wouldn't work for any other politician. �

The sainted Wierd Al's success is partially due to his conscious decision to avoid recording any political parodies during his career. �He was wise to do so.

Sorry Tong, looks like you've got us Jared's mixed up. �I, Jared with a last name, never posted a parody about you or anybody else on this site. �That was probably "Jared." �(Not me, Jared Lerner). �As for your comment....

The "Republican regime"? �That's a pathetic, partisan attempt to minimize an entire genera of satire and parody. �A Bush parody is not the same as a Cheney parody, nor the same as a Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter parody

What are you trying to prove here man? �I know all of your parodies aren't exactly the same. �But don't deny that you keep writing about George W. Bush OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER again. �If I had to write about the same person 50 million times I probably would have strangled myself to death by now with my shoelaces. �If you're going to be such a big man on campus about your work, why don't you actually authorize comments for once and let people say what they think of your songs, so I don't have to speak for all of them? �Hah, a pathetic partisan attempt. �Maybe a little partisan, but not pathetic. �We're not all political enthusiasts you know. �We appreciate reading something else for a change besides "Bush is an idiot." �Look at Weird Al. �His success is measured by his range and his comedy. �He can write about almost anything, and he never repeats the same subject. �I doubt I could say the same for you, based on the work I've read of yours.

End Quote

Subject: Re: Top Submitters Club to incentivize quality?

Written By: wdh on 09/12/03 at 05:43 p.m.

Leave Will alone. It's his choice what he writes about. It's very frusterating how many voters are just voting based on the topic now instead of really even thinking about the time and effort put into the parody. My most recent parody deals with a touchy subject, H.I.V, which people say isn't a funny subject. You aren't voting on the subject, you're voting on the quality of the parody. Read it with an unbiased view.