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Subject: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
Would parody author's like to see a "hit counter" on each of their parodies? I've thought about it on and off for, um, years. It's one of those things I know I can implement, but I'm also paranoid that if I write it wrong, it could potentially drag the server to it's knees.
I'll state upfront that I'll never do a "most viewed" parody top ten list or anything, since it would be way too easy for some schmuck to sit there and hit the refresh button.
It is quite easy to write something that could run at 2 AM in the morning, and process the previous day's log file for parodies, and maybe write some simple rules to generate a little info.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
I´d rather see a "Notify of replies" function to the comments on parodies function. That way one wouldn´t miss any comments made to ones older parodies and, from the other angle, it would make it more meaningful to leave comments to other writers´ old parodies, ´cos one would know that they´d get to see them.
Just my 47€ of course. :-)
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
I´d rather see a "Notify of replies" function to the comments on parodies function. That way one wouldn´t miss any comments made to ones older parodies and, from the other angle, it would make it more meaningful to leave comments to other writers´ old parodies, ´cos one would know that they´d get to see them.
Just my 47€ of course. :-)
End Quote
well, I do have the comments summary page for the authors with more than 10 parodies. Go to "enhanced info" at the very bottom of the author's page, and then at the end of the enhanced info page, select comments on all parodies. Unless you're William Tong, it shouldn't be hard to find new stuff..
the link to that is of course buried, but I figured it's something only a few parody authors are interested in
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
I think it's a good idea, and it would be nice to see the hit counts on the summary pages for the authors (so we don't have to click on the individual parodies to see it, adding to the hit count each time).
I also agree there should be no "Top Ten" based on that.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
Now, why haven´t I noticed that before 8)
*Takes off sunglasses* :-[
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
I agree with Jeff on this.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
i liek this idea see how many peoplea re actually looking at mine and how many have voted and what not...
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
It's an idea, not an exceptionally awesome one, I'd much rather see required usernames/passwords to vote, or something that will put a stop to the 1's....At least three times(maybe more) last month I had all 5s, 4.9s, stuff like that, and then straight ones guy would come and give me all 1s, and it'd go down to 4.2. The existance of the Straight Ones guy completely undermines the voting system, because if one person has the better parody, but gets 4 One Guy hits, and another artist is lucky enough to be overlooked by the One Guy, so that 2nd artist beats artist 1 to the top ten. Something just has to be done about it
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
that ould be nice butt hen 1 Guy will just reigstar...then we go to "pay" he pays, so we increase price and so forth until no one whats to come....it's a good thought, but it doesn't truely solve the problem.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
that ould be nice butt hen 1 Guy will just reigstar...then we go to "pay" he pays, so we increase price and so forth until no one whats to come....it's a good thought, but it doesn't truely solve the problem.
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....Unless there was some way to track the voters. If Chucky could somehow see that a certain member gave everybody 1's, he could ban the account and IP address
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
....Unless there was some way to track the voters. If Chucky could somehow see that a certain member gave everybody 1's, he could ban the account and IP address
End Quote
true. but it's very easy to get a new IP address. from experience of pre-banned members from a paysite's message board coming back when their IP address was changed.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
I disagree on the registering to vote. Aside from creating more work for Chuck, I really think we'll get far fewer votes...I personally would rather get votes from people just surfing the web who won't take the time to register, but might enjoy reading our songs.
Yes, people who vote straight ones suck (it's likely more than one person), but we're all in the same boat, so if you're into the top ten lists, everyone is on the same playing field. The breakdown on the parody page is nice...you can see how many "straight ones" you got, and figure out your "real" scores if you like.
The voting is skewed anyway. Several people have a group of friends they routinely send their parodies to, and get votes, usually good. For example, if I have thirty friends who love to read parodies, and I send my stuff to them, I'm thirty votes ahead of you for the voting anyway. This is, and should be legal, but it does favor certain authors in the top ten lists.
Also, for my recent songs in the top ten, I've noticed that I've gotten almost NO votes while it was in the top ten. I'm assuming by the time it gets there, anyone who was going to vote (regulars on the site) has already voted. The voting page doesn't get many hits from surfers, so I don't think it increases the visibility of parodies very much.
I also think the comments section is a much better barometer of how good your parody is. The more comments you get, the more people took the time to read AND tell you their thoughts.
As far as tracking IPs, I think it's a good idea on paper, but not realistic. Aside from taking a great deal of Chucky's time, it's very easy to get around it, even using the same computer.
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
Ok, let's throw out registering. How bout this Chucky- Is there a way to put in a code that disallows people to vote 2 below the average?
Subject: Re: A parody idea I've toyed with for awhile
Oh, or another thing we could do is there could be accounts for just the parody artists here, and then unregistered people could also vote, and you could see both groups' votes, thus showing what real people feel and morons say