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Subject: Amiright Awards Results
Hello everyone, and I welcome you to the telecast for the Second Amiright Awards!!! These awards are mostly for the months of August 2002 through Janurary 2003, but some awards consist of the whole site.....Now, unlike last awards show in which Junior was your host, there is no host for this awards show...we are all the hosts...the community of Amiright.com (ok, thats enough making fun of the grammys...and I promise not to mis-pronounce Bruce Springsteen or Leornard Bernstien lol)...anyway, here we go with the show!
Opening act: Mike Johnson and Jordan Armstrong (Mike Armstrong) performing "99 great cartoons" {Nominated for best parody of last 6 months, Best breakthrough artist, & best sports parody)
Catorgory 1: Best Bohemian Rhaposdy parody Presenters : Malcolm Higgins and Royce Miller
And the nominees are:
Amiright Rhapsody-Michael Florio
Electorial Rhapsody-Kevin Dunlap
Freshman Rhapsody-Syncronos
Imperial Rhapsody-Patrick H Mines
Roy Keane-ian Rhapsody-Becky
And the winner is: (drum roll)
Freshman Rhapsody-Syncronos
{Syncronos comes up and does his acceptance speech....you dont need to do one lol}
Catorgory two: Best Phil Alexander Parody
Presenters: Merry and Pippin
And the nominees are:
Alergic to cats
A plea for spice girls to get back together
Puff the tragic drag act
Bare Celebrities
Every thing I throw
Headlines in sun (Memoirs of Puff the tragic drag act)
And the winner is: (Drum roll)
Bare celebrities
{Phil gets up...blah blah blah lol..you get the point}
Musical act: My name is kenny perform "Cleaning out my office" {nominated for Best Parody}
Catorgory 3: Best computer parody
Presenters: John Jenkins and Jeremy Otto
And the nominees are:
Every page takes while to load-Jim A
Instant Messeger(We all sign on)-Modern day cowboy
Only want this thing to boot-Phil Alexander
Welcome to AOL-Jim A
Net Connection-Jim A
And the winner is:
Every page takes a while to load-Jim A
Catorgory 4: Best sports parody
Presenters: Tone-def and William Tong
And the nominees are:
12 days of christmas (a baseball fans dream)-STG
Boys of Summer-Mike Armstrong
Anyone can stop them now-Mike Armstrong
Roy Keaneian Rhapsody -Becky
Mailman Malone-Mike Armstrong
And the winner is:
Mailman Malone-Mike Armstrong
Catorgory 5: Best Michael Florio Parody
Presenters: Jeff Baker
And the nominees are:
Amiright Rhapsody
Little Miss cant write songs (Ode to Britney Spears)
Welcome to my bedroom
Seize the day
Afghanistan Pie
And the Winner is:
Amiright Rhapsody
{Michael makes a patheticly long and mundane speech saying that Let me pee should have been nominated}
Musical Act: Jim A performs "It's the end of the world and Bush knows it" {Jim A is nominated for best Iraq parody, and winner of Best computer parody}
Catorgory 6: The Whatfreaks awards
Presenters: STG and Alvin Dover
And the Nominees are:
Do you really want my herpes-Mike Portney
Free ballin'-Malcolm Higgins
Be our guest-Philbo Baggins (Phil Alexander)
Losing my Erection-Michael F. Turpen
So I'm banging wh*res-Billy Florio
And the winner is:
Be our guest-Phil Alexander
Catorgory 7:Best parody about Pop stars
Presenters: DarkJon64 and Wolveroses
And the nominees are:
Little miss cant write songs -Mike Florio
I cant stand Britney -Syncronos
Overplayed pop stars -Lebeiw
Ode to Britney -STG
I love Britney Spears-Chris Bodily TM
And the winner is:
Ode to Britney-STG
Musical act:Mike Florio performs "Welcome to my bedroom" {Nominated for best Bohemian Rhapsody parody, Parody of a pop star, Best parody artists, Best Afghanistan parody, and winner of best Mike Florio parody}
Catorgory 8: Best Tone-def parody
Presenters: Claude Prez and lebeiw15
And the nominees are:
We didnt start the Genre
Sick of Himm
Youre so lame (i cant beleive your song is about shoes)
Tater boy
Underneath your toes
At amiright
And the winner is:
We didnt start the genre
Now we take a commerical break and will be back in a few minutes (in a second post)
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
*Syncronos walks up to the stage and grabs the award."
Oh my goodness! I don't know what to say...um...Big Up to my boys RiceCube, The Florios, Billy Tong and ChuckyG, and all my dawgs on the boards! I done did it, y'all! All them hours of NOT working at my job done finally paid off!
I'd also like to thank Melvin, the unfortunate resident of the Alpha beta house. The ass-whoopin' you shelled out made all this possible...and I'd like to tell the Alpha Betas that the stiches will eventually heal, and next time buy your own damn pizza!!! yo, and next I'd-
*music starts, and two big men walk out*
I guess I'm outta time. Yo! Amiright Rules! You don't like it...grab a par-o-dies! Get it?! par-o-OUCH!
*the two big men begin beating Syncronos senseless backstage for telling such an awful joke*
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results part two
Alright , now that my eyes stopped hurting from starring at the screne for so long, here is part 2:
Musical act: Jeff Reuben performing "Talk Neardy to me" {Jeff is nominated for The Billy Florio recognition award}
Catorgory 9: Best Osama/911 parody
Presenters: Jim A and Jonathan C
And the Nominees are:
Afghistan Pie-Mike Florio
Osama got run over by reindeer -Crazydon
9/11 came in handy -William Tong
Ballad of Osama Bin LAdin -Robert J Pagliaro
Flight 93 song -Jeff Baker
Ballad of Osama Bin Ladin-Crazydon
And the winner is:
Afghanistan pie-Mike FLorio
{and Mike is given yet another platform to complain about let me pee ;) }
Catorgory 10: Best Saddam/Iraq parody
Presenters: Rice Cube and Watt Daddy
And the nominees are:
Its the end of the world and Bush knows it-Jim A
All I want for Christmas is Saddam defeat-William Tong
I wanna know why we havent got Hussein-Crazydon
Tony Blairs army-Jim A
The answer's in bombing Iraq-Billy Florio
And the winner is:
The answer's in bombing Iraq-Billy Florio
{Billy's speech: Yay! I cant believe I won. I dont have a speech prepared. When this parody went up on the site, it stirred up alot of contriversy. I had about 50 people replying in the comments section complaining about my ideology about this parody. People may have disagreed with it, but they cant deny that the pacing was dead on, and it was a very well written parody. Im not going to use this platform as a place to preach politics, but I think that with this parody, I made my point, and i made it well. Thank you everyone that voted for me!...Billy leaves stage shocked}
Catorgory 11:Best lebeiw15 parody
Presenters: STG and Junior
And the nominees are:
Overplayed pop stars (Britney Nelly Christi Kelly)
Roast Beef
Sick of the snow
Drops of Mountain Dew
Doublemint gum
A busy day at walmart
And the winner is:
Overplayed Pop stars (Britney Nelly Christi Kelly)
Musical act: Phil Alexander performs "Puff the magic Drag act" {Phil is nominated for Best parody artist, Best Computer parody, Best duet, winner of whatfreaks parody, and winner of Best Phil ALexander parody}
Catorgory 12: Best Breakthrough Parody artist
Presenters: Hairspray and John Harvey and Tone-def
And the nominees are:
Mike Armstrong
Rice cube and watt Daddy
Ghetto john
Chris Bodily TM
Jeremy Otto
And the Winner is:
Rice Cube and watt Daddy
Musical act: Billy Florio performs "Pork the other white meat" {Billy is nominated for Best Food parody, best duet, best whatfreaks parody, and winner of Best Iraq parody}Billy then after performing a little of that is joined by Keith Kamer and Peforms "R Kelly's rationalzation (I believe she's 18)" {Keith Kamer is nominted for best duet}
Catorgory 13: best food parody
Presenters: Syncronos and Rob Zombie450 and Bryan O'Connor
And the nominees are:
Welcome to Mcdonalds-Mike Armstrong
Down at Mcdonalds-Mike Florio
Pork the other white meat -Billy Florio
Burger on bun -Junior
Big mac arriving -Darkjon64
And the winner is:
Welcome to mcdonalds-Mike Armstrong
{A correction should be made, in the earlier part, I forgot to mention that Mike Armstrong is also nominated foer best food parody}
Mike Florio comes out to the podium. "Now we are presenting the First ever, Amiright lifetime achivement award. The first ever recipient of this award is someone that this site knows very well. Here to Give this award to its winner is Junior"
Junior comes out:
"In the beginning of amIright, there were only a handful of writers that submitted parodies here. One of those men was Sean, or S.T.G.
S.T.G's big breakthrough came with his parody of 90s rock band Soundgarden's hit, "Black Hole Sun", called "Wacked Up Gun". Little did Sean know how big he would influence the amIright community over the next three years.
A month after S.T.G's "Wacked Up Gun", controversy arose. S.T.G and fellow amIright parody artist DarkJon64 began to argue after finding that they had parodies with the same name, on the same subject, on the same song. S.T.G's "Supersized" vs. DJ's "Supersize" was big news at amIright.
Luckily, S.T.G and DJ came to an agreement and settled their differences. In fact, they ended up becoming friends and ended up joining together on parodies, including "Good/Bad Conscience".
Meanwhile, S.T.G. hit more highs in 2000 with "Fried Chicken", a parody of "Big Pimpin'"; "Blue (Steve And Magenta)", a parody of Eiffel 65's "Blue"; "Highway Grammar", parodying Nelly's "Country Grammar"; "Bowlin'", a parody of Limp Bizkit's "Rollin'"; and probably his biggest hit of the year, "Everybody (Backstreet Sucks)".
On July 8th, S.T.G set one of his many records, by doing the first three-man parody along with DarkJon and myself. It was titled "Road Trip" to pop-punk band Sum41's "Fat Lip".
In 2001, S.T.G hit his most definitely biggest hit with "The Bong Song", a parody of the ever so popular "Thong Song". Currently, it is listed on the top 10 on the amIright charts.
In 2002, S.T.G teamed with many groups of artists, for the 7-man parody, and for the "Stairway To Heaven" and "What's Going On" parodies.
S.T.G has been maintaining his awesome reputation as a parody artist, putting out awesome new parodies every day. He is an inspiration of many here in the amIright community."
And now here is the winner of the first ever amiright lifetime achivement award, the one and only, STG!
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results part three
STG comes out to podium...the crowd is appauding rapidly:
"Well, to start things off I wanted to thank all the people who have voted for my parodies throughout these years on the site. Second, I want to thanks these certain people.
Lebeiw, I really didn't know you at the beginning of AmIRight, but when you and I did the duet and trio parody I found a very good friend. I wish you more great parody hits, and a great life.
DarkJon64, you and I did have a quarrel at the beginning, but in the end we made some great duets.
Junior, you began being a fan of me, and now I have to say I am a fan your work. Thanks for helping out with those cold streaks of mine.
William Tong, we never made a duet or trio, but when that Allstars parody came along you assisted with your words, and that parody spent awhile at number one. Thanks.
Ghetto John, you have been a devoted fan, and I believe you have a promising future as a big parody artist, whatever you put on I'll be voting.
Billy Florio, we've been pretty good friends ever since the beginning of this wonderful site. I hope we continue on being good friends for a long time.
Mike Florio, you are crazy, but in a good way. I like your parodies, and you are a pretty good friend. With Billy, I hope we stay good friends.
Last but not least, Chucky. You were the one who started this site. Without it I would not have had a great time as a parody artist. With your help I made a number one song, and many other hits. Thank you very much.
To all I forgot, thank you for your support, kindness, and your votes. Peace out! "
The crowd appaulds rapidly and STG sits down
Catorgory 14: Best duet
Presenters: Bubba and Michael Pacholek and Crazydon
And the nominees are:
Look at me Im Dubya B-William Tong and Phil Alexander
R Kelly's rationalization (I beleive she's 18)-Billy Florio and Keith Kamer
Two of Amiright's most wanted- Blo-Town and Wolveroses
Nifty ways to kill an evil-Alvin Dover and Bill Tong
Poor me a miller-Ghetto John and STG
King Gyros pt 2 -Lebeiw and STG
And the winner is:
R Kelly's rationalization (I beleive she's 18)-Billy Florio and Keith Kamer
{Billy and Keith take the stage....Billy goes to microphone..."Thank you everyone, We thought up this song while sitting around Keith's basement one day...we were trying to think up a parody to do to try and do better than the last one (Dusty) and echo "A day at Mcdonalds"...well eventully we came up with one that made us laugh histerically.....I beleive shes 18 was our best idea yet, and is one of my favorite songs...Id like to thank my good friend Keith, without whom we could not have done this, and Id like to thank Chucky G for letting it go through, and Id like to thank R Kelly for being such an idiot and giving us the idea, and of course you guys that voted, thank you"......Keith take microphone: "Since Billy cannot be here tonight due to a bad case of diarreha Ill accept this award for the both of us. {Crowd laughs because Billy is right next to him, and crowd realizes that this statement was to try and get backa t Billy for saying the same thing when they won for "A day at Mcdonalds"} I just want to thank God, my family, Billy, my production assistant John Smithington, my producer Steve Samuels, my director of relations Mindy Stockinheimer, my recording engineer Jack Horowitz, and all the fans out there" They leave stage}
Musical Act: William Tong performs ""Tell me what to say" {William TOng is nominated for best duet, the Billy Florio recognition award, Best parody artist, best Osama parody, and best Iraq parody}
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results part 4
Catorgory 15: Best Parody artist
Presenters: My name is Kenny and STG and Zella
And the nominees are:
William Tong
Phil Alexander
Mike Florio
And the winner is:
Phil ALexander
Musical act: STG and Ghetto John perform "Pour me a Miller" {STG and ghetto john are nominated for best duet, STg is nominted for Winner of best Parody of a pop artist, and the winner of the lifetime achivement award}
Catorgory 16: The Billy Florio recognition award
Presenter: Um...Billy Florio
{Billy felt the need to recognize cerrtain parodies that were not able to be fit into other catorgories..these are them}
and the nominees are:
I wanna play nintendo-Syncronos
Talk Nerdy to me -Jeff Reuben
21 century rockabye baby-Paul Morton
Orthodox jew-Bushsukks
Scooby Doo-Darkjon64
Tell me what to say-William Tong
ANd the Winner is:
I wanna play Nintendo-syncronos
Musical act: Lebeiw15 performs "Roast Beef" {Lebeiw is nominated for alot and won best lebeiw parody}
Musical act: Syncronos performs "Freshman Rhaspody" {alot}
Catorgory 17: Best Parody of Aug 2002 to Jan 2003
Presenter: Chucky G
And the Nominees are:
Live at home with my mama-Rice Cube and Watt daddy
He's gonna bomb japan-Robert J Pagliaro
Smokin my bong-DZG
99 Great Cartoons-Mike Armstrong
Cleaning out my office-My Name is Kenny
Whats going on -Parody artist all stars
And the winner is: (drum roll)
99 great cartoons-Mike Armstrong
{Cheers, blah blah blah....my fingers hurt..yeah}
Billy Florio and Mike Florio come out....Well, we hope that you have enjoyed the second bi-annual amirght awards..we need to thank Junior, the founder of the awards, and the administrator of the first one, we need to thank Chucky G for obvious reasons, and we need to thank all of you for participating.....Thank you all, we hope we could do it again sometime...The next awards are schedualed for Aug, so lets see how that works out..congrats to all the winners..and heres the last musical act of the night
Music act: All star parody artists doing "What's going on" {nominated for best parody}
Thank you and good night, and congrats
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Gosh... er.. .um... well, unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, I'd like to begin with saying how unexpected this award is... well, obviously I expected to win one: the "Best Phil Alexander parody" was a bit of a giveaway on that front (and "Bare Celebrities", one of my favourites, too - thanks for voting that one)... but best Whatfreaks parody too: goes to show what a sick little mind I have, I guess... but "Be My Guest" is another of my favourite parodies (I'd love to record it, but it'd need a whole cast... the video would be fun, too ;-)) and what can I say? But "Best parody artist"? Looks like my scheme of hacking into Billy's Hotmail account and deleting everybody else's voting emails must have worked <oops>!
Many thanks to all who voted, especially all who voted for me and my songs.
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Quoting:Catorgory two: Best Phil Alexander Parody
Presenters: Merry and PippinEnd Quote
We wore disguises of course...! ;D
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Congratulations to everyone who won. And I hope everyone enjoyed my performance of Talk Nerdy To Me ;D
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
I won again!? Ultimate coolness!
*looks backstage to see the two tall men glaring at him*
Um...thanks to...um...everyone.
*quickly runs off stage*
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
I'm so glad I won one. I feel that it's good that I wasn't nominated for best parody artist. Well, like Eminem I shall be back.Thanx for the votes and friendships.
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
how did you guys like the format that I put this out in by the way? Did you like the idea of having it just like a real awards show with the presenters and the music....Id like to know if the two hours I spent doing it were worth it lol...
and Phil, we used the special amirightawards account for this lol...its in yahoo
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Thanks for putting it all together, Florio crew. I thought the format was very creative and a good way to make it seem a bit "climactic." Thanks to all those who voted for the awards, I'm pumped that we got a couple!
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
hey i call for a second round!!! another one lol...
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Congratulations to all of the winners, all of whom were deserving and some of whom I voted for.
To my co-presenter, Jeremy Otto, let me say that it was an honor to present the winner of category 3 with you.
Catorgory 3: Best computer parody
Presenters: John Jenkins and Jeremy Otto
End Quote
Thanks to Mike and Billy for facilitating the event! Your hard work is appreciated. If you didn’t do it, it probably would not have happened, so any criticisms are almost irrelevant. However, Billy did ask for feedback, so…
1. I commend you for the format of the presentations, which was creative and entertaining.
2. The event lasted 6 ½ weeks (3/21 - 5/5), which seemed somewhat long. Could the length of time be shortened by having more categories in fewer rounds?
3. For categories, I would recommend having fewer “best parody by a particular parody writer.” Even though Phil Alexander deservedly won the award for best parody writer on Amiright, a contest between Phil Alexander and Phil Alexander does not get my attention as much as, say, Phil Alexander against Will Tong against Mike Armstrong against…
4. If there is a “next time,” I would recommend a new category for “best commenter.” I think that most of us appreciate reading an insightful comment (especially on our own parodies) almost as much as reading a good parody. There are some clever people who write witty comments, and I think it would be appropriate to recognize one of them somehow.
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Funny that Watt and I are presenters for the Saddam/Iraq parody ;) But wow, breakout parody artists, eh? That is quite an achievement, and we are honored to be so recognized. Forgive our brief parody hiatus, but I'm out of motivation right now and I always stress quality over quantity of parodies so y'all are just going to have to be patient ;) Sooner or later, we'll get our second wind :)
Thanks to Syncronos for his friendly competition and support. Thanks to Mike Florio and Ghetto John for offering to duet, I'm sorry that I sometimes didn't have the time or motivation to do it but I respect you as fellow parody artists. Thanks to all who have ever commented or voted on our parodies and who have boosted enough of them into the top ten charts for us to be recognized with this award. And finally, thanks to my best friend Watt for being an inspiration and for his support.
Parody on!
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
*Leans over Rice Cube's shoulder*
Yeah, Thanks ;D
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
I liked the format as well, it made it fun to read, instead of just a list of winners. Thanks for all your work, and for making it entertaining!
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
irrelevant. However, Billy did ask for feedback, so…
1. I commend you for the format of the presentations, which was creative and entertaining.
2. The event lasted 6 ½ weeks (3/21 - 5/5), which seemed somewhat long. Could the length of time be shortened by having more categories in fewer rounds?
End Quote
Yeah it could, in all future awards like this, we should plan ahead and decide which awards go which week before hand so we'll be done sooner lol...Possibly a two or three week thing would be optimum
3. For categories, I would recommend having fewer “best parody by a particular parody writer.” Even though Phil Alexander deservedly won the award for best parody writer on Amiright, a contest between Phil Alexander and Phil Alexander does not get my attention as much as, say, Phil Alexander against Will Tong against Mike Armstrong against…
End Quote
Thats true, I dont think that Best phil parody or best tonedef parody or anyone elses get as much attention as the otehr awards...we were mearly following Juniors lead (he had the best Tong and STG parodies in the first awards) Is this kind of catorgory unliked by everyone?
4. If there is a “next time,” I would recommend a new category for “best commenter.” I think that most of us appreciate reading an insightful comment (especially on our own parodies) almost as much as reading a good parody. There are some clever people who write witty comments, and I think it would be appropriate to recognize one of them somehow.
End Quote
That seems interesting, but I dont know how it would have to be done..does that mean that all the comments on every parody have to be read? I might as well just give the award to Michael Pacholek now......
Thanks for the feed back though
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
*Leans over Rice Cube's shoulder*
Yeah, Thanks ;D
End Quote
Woah....I was starting to think that there was no Watt Daddy lol
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Congratulations to all the winners, maybe next time Ill bring home a few. I am honored to say I was recognized and nominated,and we'll see what happens next time. And of course, Ive got to give props to S.T.G., dude we got nominated, and I will send you the lyrics for our new duet soon. Peace --- Ghetto John
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
Truly honored to have received 3 amiright awards. congrats to all the other winners and nominees.
Oh, just in case anyone wonders who actually wrote those 3 songs...
"mailman malone" was a dual effort
"welcome to mcdonald's" was Mike's
"99 great cartoons" is mine
congrats again everyone. Mike and I should have some of these recorded and up by mid june.
Subject: Re: Amiright Awards Results
And having Mike and me open the show singing is one of the funniest things i've read in awhile. Not that we're bad... it's just great. Opening was truly an honor! Let's hope we can make it back soon.