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Subject: mock madness

Written By: Tone-Def on 09/21/02 at 05:55 a.m.

would anyone be interested in a sort of parody tournament in bracket format with each pair facing off in something similar to darkjons contests? i know this would take a while to set up and i want to participate not run it but i want to know if anyone is interested. if theres interest i will post some more of my ideas for it

Subject: Re: mock madness

Written By: Junior on 09/21/02 at 08:16 a.m.

sounds good to me.

Subject: Re: mock madness

Written By: Mike_Florio on 09/21/02 at 12:13 a.m.

Sure, Ill do it!

Subject: Re: mock madness

Written By: Billy_Florio on 09/21/02 at 05:03 p.m.

not quite sure how you would run it, but Ill participate

would anyone be interested in a sort of parody tournament in bracket format with each pair facing off in something similar to darkjons contests? i know this would take a while to set up and i want to participate not run it but i want to know if anyone is interested. if theres interest i will post some more of my ideas for it
End Quote

Subject: Re: mock madness

Written By: Tone-Def on 09/23/02 at 06:03 a.m.

there would have to be someone to volunteer to make slips of very broad themes and very well known artists or bands and put them in separate containers and pick one from each for each map. There would also have to be judges - either non-writing frequent message posters and parody readers and/or parody writers who choose not to participate. I think for the 1st round there should be 2 weeks to write and 2 to judge and 1 for each in later rounds. Those are my ideas not sure how easy they would be to put into action first we have to get more of an idea who wants to participate and judge