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Subject: Latest places this site has been spotted
This one still remains my favorite:
Looking for the lyrics to Norwegian Wood...
I once had a girl
Or should I say she once had me
She showed me her room
Isn't it good Norwegian wood?
I came across amiright.com a site dedicated to collecting 'misheard lyrics and song paradies.' This reminded me once again of Gadamer's hermeneutics, and the idea that it is possible to make good use of confusion. That confusion can be positive. That it is okay to misunderstand things. (That misunderstanding can be more truthful than 'the truth.')
"Normative concepts such as the author's meaning or the original reader's understanding represent in fact only an empty space that is filled from time to time with understanding."
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
Cool! One of William Tong's parodies was even mentioned.. I wonder if he knows about that, since I think he has a spot on his site where his parodies have been mentioned other places, like the one from USA Today awhile back.
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
Cool! One of William Tong's parodies was even mentioned.. I wonder if he knows about that, since I think he has a spot on his site where his parodies have been mentioned other places, like the one from USA Today awhile back.
End Quote
I think that's the same USA Today quote actually.. he does know about it, I pointed it out when it first came out.. that's an older article now that I look at it..
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
a co-worker translated this one for me:
<!--StartFragment-->Zdravstvuite, uvagaemje podpisciki!
Ni dly kogo ne sekret, cto vo Vsemirnoi Pautine susestvuet nemalo zabavnjx i
interesnjx mest. Odno iz nix - Am I Right? (http://www.amiright.com/). Sait primecatelen
tem, cto sodergit ogromnoe kolicestvo misheard lyrics, drugimi slovami, pesen,
tekstj kotorjx mogno neverno rassljsat'. To est', kak mj eto nazjvaem, predstavlyet
soboi svoego roda "isporcennji telefon" :)
Dear subscribers,
It's not a secret that you can find a lot of unusual interesting sites on WWW. One of such sites is "Am I Right".
This site contains huge amount of misherad lyrics, the songs that have easily misheard lines. We'll call it a kind of a "broken phone" :)
NS: "broken phone" is a kids game: you quickly wisper a word to another person and he passes it to the next person, etc. The you compare "input" to "output".
Nakonec, zamecu, cto sootvetstvenno obnovilas' programma "Bitlz navsegda" (elektronnay
enciklopediy po pesnym "Bitlz"). Ee tekusay versiy - 1.60. Esli govorit' o novjx
vozmognostyx, to neobxodimo otmetit' sleduusie:
Finaly I should mention that application "Bittles Forver" undergone major changes. It's current version is 1.60. Among the new features are:
<!--StartFragment-->3) "isporcennji telefon" (to, s cego mj nacali segodnysnii razgovor; ispol'zovat'
v programme informaciu s saita lubezno razresil ego sozdatel' Charles R. Grosvenor
3) Charles R. Grosvenor Jr. - the creator of "Broken Phone" (the site that we mentioned at the beginning) was kind enough to allow to use the information from his site in the application.
of course I don't remember giving them permission to use the site info.. but who knows, I'm usually pretty lenient with letting people use content from the site...
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
In response to an article at tricksandtrinkets.com:
Quoting:With more than 1500 misheard lyrics and over 100 parodies, Ozzy would be right at home.End Quote
1500 misheard lyrics? 100 parodies? This article musta been done a long time ago, cuz there's way more than that.
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
In response to an article at tricksandtrinkets.com:
1500 misheard lyrics? 100 parodies? This article musta been done a long time ago, cuz there's way more than that.
End Quote
yeah, I noticed that too.. but I figured it was a typo, since I think I had more than 1500 misheard lyrics when I started this site..
Subject: Re: Latest places this site has been spotted
...there did seem to be a certain amount of plagiarism between the sites, though:
Quoting: Song lyrics, parodies, misheard lyrics, although you have to wonder what some people use for ears, and lyrics that are repetitive, funny, insulting and downright inappropriate or just plain stupid. Check it out now before the music industry fires up its litigation machine.End Quote
...I wonder who wrote it originally...
(who's still working on an article on parodies for the H2G2 project www.h2g2.net, started about two or three years ago but never finished)