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Subject: Your Parody Sites
I think I probably started a topic on this like 4-5 months ago, but I think 1 person responded.. and Junior posted his site in a different thread, so what are your parody websites? Since I just finished taking off my last name off of the head of every one of my parodies <yaawwwwn>, here is mine:
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
i probably would make a parody site except i don't know how to make any sort of website the i signed up for websites but the free website designers confuse me
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
i would appreciate instructions on how to make a parody website
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
wow - leibew you're 13 and you've got all those parodies already. When i was thirteen i think i had written 2 and they weren't much good. And there are a lot of other young people writing here too right? I think i saw somewhere stg is 16 - which is the age i really got started with parody writing. And tomorrow i won't even be a teenager anymore
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I think I probably started a topic on this like 4-5 months ago, but I think 1 person responded.. and Junior posted his site in a different thread, so what are your parody websites? Since I just finished taking off my last name off of the head of every one of my parodies <yaawwwwn>, here is mine:
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Well, I used to have a real parody site, that featured all of my parodies that I had written, ones from all the way back from 1994 when I first started, but about 4 months ago, I took the parodies off the site because I was going to move them to geocities, but I never got the chance to.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
i would appreciate instructions on how to make a parody website
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Do you have a Yahoo account? You can go to www.geocities.com if you do and type in your username and password from Yahoo..
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
wow - leibew you're 13 and you've got all those parodies already. When i was thirteen i think i had written 2 and they weren't much good. And there are a lot of other young people writing here too right? I think i saw somewhere stg is 16 - which is the age i really got started with parody writing. And tomorrow i won't even be a teenager anymore
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Yep, I'm 13, and there are some younger ones around here.. S.T.G. is 16, I believe, and Junior's around my age... I think I wrote "Breakfast" (my first parody) around July 26-29 of last year (don't ask me why I know the date), so my one year anniversary for being at this site is almost 1 year. :D ;)
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
Kickass parodies.
Yes, I'm 16, now, but I started (submitted to AmIRight) when I was 14.
I started writing when I was 12.
But I believe there are great things in store for you.
Keep them coming.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
Hey S.T.G.,
What were your first parodies you wrote? (That are on the site)
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
"I Drove on the Road Crazy" parody of N*sync's "I Drive Myself Crazy"
"Wacked Up Gun" Parody of "Black Hole Sun" by Soundgarden
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I can still remember the good ol' days. 8) My first parody, "You Are The Weakest Link", making the Top 50 and then being told that the parody would be removed because of excessive voting from my IP (which I still don't think I did...58 votes in two hours...no way! It couldn't have been my IP. :P) Then a stream of about 5 or 6 suck-tacular parodies I had. Then my comeback with the group of "the trio"'s parodies, "Foodylicious" (nominated for an amiright award! :)), and the first 7-man parody. I had a couple of lesser known parodies after that. Then, I've worked on duo and trio parodies up to date. 21 parodies. 1 1/2 years, 21 parodies. I feel so old. ::) :D
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
The Boot Newt Sing Along Page
I've written 707 Political Parodies since 1995 - about 520 of them are posted here at AmIRight. There are over 1,100 MIDI files at my web site.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I've written 707 Political Parodies since 1995 - about 520 of them are posted here at AmIRight. There are over 1,100 MIDI files at my web site.
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Tell me, Will - do you actually do anything else?
...and, please, do you write any apolitical stuff?
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
Yes, I do write a few non-political parodies, but they're not as fun to write, in my opinion. I had my friend Norm send this one under his name to AmIRight last year. I wrote it after watching the Diamondbacks beat the Yankees in the 7th game of the 2001 world series.
Yankees This Year Lost Their Magic
Tell me, Will - do you actually do anything else?
...and, please, do you write any apolitical stuff?
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Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
This is part of my personal site (have a look around if you wish).
My first EVER parody is 'Xander999' to D-12's Purple Pills.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
Yes, I do write a few non-political parodies, but they're not as fun to write, in my opinion.
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I guess we'll just have to agree to differ on this one: I always find part of the fun is trying to find a subject that I haven't (or ideally nobody has) already written about, and taking an askance view of it... I have done the occasional political parody, but generally find the subject matter's been covered by someone else (if it's US politics, that probably means you ;-))
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I can still remember the good ol' days. 8) My first parody, "You Are The Weakest Link", making the Top 50 and then being told that the parody would be removed because of excessive voting from my IP (which I still don't think I did...58 votes in two hours...no way! It couldn't have been my IP. :P) Then a stream of about 5 or 6 suck-tacular parodies I had. Then my comeback with the group of "the trio"'s parodies, "Foodylicious" (nominated for an amiright award! :)), and the first 7-man parody. I had a couple of lesser known parodies after that. Then, I've worked on duo and trio parodies up to date. 21 parodies. 1 1/2 years, 21 parodies. I feel so old. ::) :D
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Junior, on your site, you have in future parodies, a parody to the song "more than a feeling", and for who its by you wrote "?". It is by a great band by the name of Boston.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I have a parody page which is linked with two of mym music sites. the URL is ---> http://www.angelfire.com/nv2/mp3remixes/wolveroses.html
i have done a few in a mp3 format to listen to. I have more, but they're on WinMx. I'll put them up on the webpage when I get a chance.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
junior - what is this top 50 you're talking about? not that i have a chance of making it i don't have more than 6 votes for any song - maybe for my winning darkjon's contest there should be some way to get my parodies more noticed. Oh and will - the i think phil was trying to ask if you have a job outside of parody writing.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I have a yahoo account and have gotten into geocities but i don't know what to do to add parodies and other writing to my site
Do you have a Yahoo account? You can go to www.geocities.com if you do and type in your username and password from Yahoo..
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Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
Phil & Tone-Def:
As a matter of fact, I work 2 jobs (full-time scientist and I moonlight as a college science teacher). Writing parodies is definitely a part-time thing - perhaps I just write them faster than usual. It does help to have a notepad and a stack of lyric sheets handy to stay organized. Thanks for asking.
Oh and will - the i think phil was trying to ask if you have a job outside of parody writing.
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Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I have a yahoo account and have gotten into geocities but i don't know what to do to add parodies and other writing to my site
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You gotta start a blank page, and just type up each of your parodies on seperate pages, (this is what I do) or copy and paste them from amiright or if you have them saved on your computer. Or do what Junior does on his site, and just link your parodies from amiright to your site.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
My site, Leo's Song Parody Page, is at http://spymaster.envy.nu. I post a new one every week.
- Leo
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
junior - what is this top 50 you're talking about? not that i have a chance of making it i don't have more than 6 votes for any song
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I believe that the Top 50 isn't up anymore, but it would list the top 50 parodies in pacing, how funny, and overall, using this scale where to be on the top 50, you must have one-fourth (I think) amount of votes as the #1 song on the top 50 did.
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
I believe that the Top 50 isn't up anymore, but it would list the top 50 parodies in pacing, how funny, and overall, using this scale where to be on the top 50, you must have one-fourth (I think) amount of votes as the #1 song on the top 50 did.
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nope, it's still there.. I just forgot to restore the link to it when I got it running again.. the old web hosting company used to time out the script I used to generate the results so I had to stop doing overall tallies.. since I own my own server now, I can pretty much do as I please..
it doesn't state when it was last run, but I'm pretty certain it was this morning..
the link on the side navigation bar of every page now points to it (the voting results link)
Subject: Re: Your Parody Sites
My most well known site is the Songbook of the Whills site (http://www.theforce.net/songbook). It has about 50 Star Wars parodies covering all music tastes and times, including about 5 mp3s.
My other one is http://www.nagrom.net/MiscFilk/index.htm, which I've only done a little work on. Heaps more to come.