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Subject: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: Dude111 on 04/27/24 at 10:17 pm
Ah I went and saw an abandoned motel friday!!
It was 1 floor and had maybe 10 rooms.... All the doors were open and the glass smashed out in most rooms/ceiling falling in in some spots... (floors caving in others)
What I found inside was a dream!!!
Many CRT sets...... And in room 10 there was a beautiful console set,looked in excellent shape...I wonder if any of it stlll works??
Thats rooms roof is in tact,it hasnt rained inside the room or anything.......
I would love to test some of those sets!!
I also found a phone book from the 90s and some toys.........
A bike was outside standing on its kick stand!!! -- How the hell after all these years is it still standing?? ;D
I also found a VCR that was torn to shreads (Opened) and I was curious if there were any VHS tapes in there??
There was a basement and I found the stairs but they didnt look stable or I would have gone down.......
Quite an interesting day!!
Subject: Re: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: nally on 04/27/24 at 11:55 pm
Last year I visited the Grand Canyon for the first time ever. I thought that place was quite interesting!
Subject: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: Dude111 on 04/28/24 at 3:20 pm
That takes a long time to get down I hear.... What is it about 2 miles deep buddy??
Im glad ya got to see it!!!!
Subject: Re: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: nally on 04/28/24 at 6:14 pm
That takes a long time to get down I hear.... What is it about 2 miles deep buddy??
Im glad ya got to see it!!!!
Thank you. :)
I did not go into the canyon itself. Just walked along the Southern Rim, taking in all the majestic views.
Subject: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: Dude111 on 04/30/24 at 6:09 pm
Here are the 2 TVs in room 10.......... One is just beautiful,push button for all the channels and the other is upside down........ Sad,they probably both work still!! (That room is dry)
Subject: Re: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: nally on 04/30/24 at 10:17 pm
^ No offence, but that looks like an eyesore. Did you actually go there in person?
Subject: Interesting places you have visited
Written By: Dude111 on 05/01/24 at 10:45 pm
Yup.....I dont know how long its been abandoned but there is a work order valid until Feb 2025 so we will see if the whole thing gets taken down.........
Im amazed the bike is still standing ;D
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