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Subject: Tiny TV
Written By: Dude111 on 01/01/24 at 2:55 pm
Has anyone ever seen these little tvs?
They actually work -- ya put your own content on a micro sd card and watch tv :)
Subject: Re: Tiny TV
Written By: Philip Eno on 01/02/24 at 9:25 am
No, I have not see these small sized televisions, but I do have already have a small sized television, it is called a mobile phone...
Subject: Re: Tiny TV
Written By: karen on 01/02/24 at 4:03 pm
Back in the eighties my friend Sharon had one in a digital watch. I can remember walking to a school swimming event and myself, Sharon and another friend Julie were trying to watch something on the watch. I don’t remember what the show was.
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