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Subject: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 08/31/23 at 11:51 pm

Welcome to the month of September. Here is the ninth monthly thread for the year 2023.

The year is flying by! White rabbits!!

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/01/23 at 7:21 pm

Well?? How is everyone doing on this first day of the month?

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/02/23 at 5:26 am

Last Tuesday I met with my surgeon and key worker nurse. The surgeon is happy with how I am healing and also with how the surgery went. We then discussed further treatment and I was told to expect my appointment with the oncology department to be in about two months time. However I received a letter today saying my appointment would be at the end of this month.

I had my haircut this morning ready for back to work on Monday. We have three days of training/set up for the new school year before lessons start again.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/02/23 at 10:07 am

At work yesterday, we were all dismissed a half hour early to start the Labor Day weekend; this was good because there was plenty of traffic on the roads.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/03/23 at 3:32 am

Greetings friends from far away from home. Having fun!  I'll be back in about a week.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/03/23 at 4:04 pm

Greetings friends from far away from home. Having fun!  I'll be back in about a week.

Enjoy your time away. :)

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/03/23 at 4:08 pm

Greetings friends from far away from home. Having fun!  I'll be back in about a week.

Glad to hear it! O0 Please stay safe in your travels.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/03/23 at 4:23 pm

I had a great day today. The Morris side I dance with hired two canal boats for the day. We went up the canal for a couple of hours and then sat on the grassy bank for a picnic. We danced there a little bit and then went back to the marina. We did this to celebrate three of our dancers turning 70 this year.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/04/23 at 5:40 pm

I had a lovely weekend the my family, we saw "Barbie" last Saturday, for it was National Cinema Day, and all tickets in all cinemas was £3, and a walk in a London park, in the heat!

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/04/23 at 6:45 pm

I had a lovely weekend the my family, we saw "Barbie" last Saturday, for it was National Cinema Day, and all tickets in all cinemas was £3, and a walk in a London park, in the heat!

Hyde Park? Waterlow?

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/04/23 at 10:42 pm

I had a really good Labor Day today. This afternoon we finally went into the pool after not being able to over the weekend due to the wind.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/09/23 at 4:41 pm

Back to work after the school summer holiday last week. The first couple of days were for training and preparation for the new year. Once lessons started we have been pretty busy from the get go with experiment requests and also trying to distribute textbooks and folders.

Dai and his mum went to South Wales for a funeral (his aunty). They drove down on Thursday evening. There was a burst water main in the town which meant no running water in the hotel. However this wasn’t mentioned until after they checked in. Dai was able to contact me so I could find another hotel for them.

Last night we went to see a local production of Phantom of the Opera. A slight technical hitch with the chandelier necessitated a restart but otherwise it was a brilliant show.

Today Dai helped James get ready for the new term (he goes back to uni tomorrow, but for reasons we don’t quite understand he was only told on Wednesday!). I helped with some orienteering coaching.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/09/23 at 5:18 pm

Back to work after the school summer holiday last week. The first couple of days were for training and preparation for the new year. Once lessons started we have been pretty busy from the get go with experiment requests and also trying to distribute textbooks and folders.

Dai and his mum went to South Wales for a funeral (his aunty). They drove down on Thursday evening. There was a burst water main in the town which meant no running water in the hotel. However this wasn’t mentioned until after they checked in. Dai was able to contact me so I could find another hotel for them.

Last night we went to see a local production of Phantom of the Opera. A slight technical hitch with the chandelier necessitated a restart but otherwise it was a brilliant show.

Today Dai helped James get ready for the new term (he goes back to uni tomorrow, but for reasons we don’t quite understand he was only told on Wednesday!). I helped with some orienteering coaching.

Last week we had a water main break in my little town-twice. They turned off the water over night to repair the pipe. By morning the water was back on and besides being under a boil water order, things were back to normal-only to have the water shut off again about 9:30 that morning because of the second break. The water came back on about 7 p.m. Again, we were still under a boil water order all last weekend. Since it was a 3-day weekend, we didn't get the all clear until Wednesday. I didn't have to boil water because the Universe was looking out for me. We have always filtered our water because they put so much chlorine in it. Last Wednesday morning, I filled up all the jugs with filtered water-right before the boiled water order was issued and the water was turned off. I was down to just a bit of water left when we got the all-clear. All the jugs has been refilled.


Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/10/23 at 2:15 am

I had a wonderful birthday in the evening when the family arrived, and we went out for a special meal to celebrate.

Btw, my computer is still down.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/10/23 at 3:01 am

I had a wonderful birthday in the evening when the family arrived, and we went out for a special meal to celebrate.

Btw, my computer is still down.

Glad you had a good time, sorry your computer is down.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/10/23 at 5:34 am

Glad you had a good time, sorry your computer is down.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/10/23 at 10:11 am

I had a wonderful birthday in the evening when the family arrived, and we went out for a special meal to celebrate.

Btw, my computer is still down.

Glad your birthday was nice. O0

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/10/23 at 2:50 pm

Glad your birthday was nice. O0
Thank you

Birthday celebrations will continue next week, for it is a close relative's birthday during the week, and celebrating next weekend.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/11/23 at 3:20 pm

Starting tomorrow I'll be mostly off the boards, for almost two weeks.  I'll be on vacation!  :)

Please take good care on your trip.

Have a good vacation, where you headed off to?

Safe travels!


Greetings friends from far away from home. Having fun!  I'll be back in about a week.

Enjoy your time away. :)

Glad to hear it! O0 Please stay safe in your travels.


Enjoyed a week-and-a-half vacation in Alaska!  It was a land/sea cruise combo.  The scenery was spectacular!  We enjoyed a variety of fun activities.  The cruise was luxurious as always.  Plus, the weather was mostly co-operative, and we arrived at the beginning of the Autumn color-changing season.  All around great!

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/11/23 at 3:26 pm



Enjoyed a week-and-a-half vacation in Alaska!  It was a land/sea cruise combo.  The scenery was spectacular!  We enjoyed a variety of fun activities.  The cruise was luxurious as always.  Plus, the weather was mostly co-operative, and we arrived at the beginning of the Autumn color-changing season.  All around great!

Sorry, I can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/11/23 at 3:41 pm

Sorry, I can't repeat a karma action without waiting 24 hours.

Thanks Philip!  :)

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/11/23 at 4:18 pm



Enjoyed a week-and-a-half vacation in Alaska!  It was a land/sea cruise combo.  The scenery was spectacular!  We enjoyed a variety of fun activities.  The cruise was luxurious as always.  Plus, the weather was mostly co-operative, and we arrived at the beginning of the Autumn color-changing season.  All around great!

Glad you had a good time, Was Alaska cold?

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/11/23 at 5:02 pm



Enjoyed a week-and-a-half vacation in Alaska!  It was a land/sea cruise combo.  The scenery was spectacular!  We enjoyed a variety of fun activities.  The cruise was luxurious as always.  Plus, the weather was mostly co-operative, and we arrived at the beginning of the Autumn color-changing season.  All around great!


It is funny you should mention Alaska:

It is strange how that works out sometimes.


Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/11/23 at 7:37 pm



Enjoyed a week-and-a-half vacation in Alaska!  It was a land/sea cruise combo.  The scenery was spectacular!  We enjoyed a variety of fun activities.  The cruise was luxurious as always.  Plus, the weather was mostly co-operative, and we arrived at the beginning of the Autumn color-changing season.  All around great!

Awesome!! Glad you enjoyed it. Sounds lovely.

I’ve been on an Alaskan cruise once before, and it was completely great.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/15/23 at 11:23 pm

So, another week is in the books. And we’re halfway through the month.

This new person in my office is working out nicely. He seems to be learning the tasks well. He has even asked me questions about some of the things I’ve trained him with.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/16/23 at 6:25 am

Found out that someone in another department at work is also going through treatment for breast cancer. We met up after work on Thursday to start our mutual support group. She is a teacher so is planning to be off work completely while she has her chemotherapy.

Elizabeth is home for the weekend. We are meeting up with my dad and my older brothers and their families for a late lunch in honour of my dad’s birthday, which was earlier in the week.

Tomorrow Elizabeth and Dai are doing a 10 mile run around the local area. The entry fee is going towards a fund to rebuild the Scout hut where both Elizabeth and James were Scouts. I am going to be marshalling on the course.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/17/23 at 12:37 pm

I have been to busy with my granddaughter to be online today. I will catch-up tomorrow.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/17/23 at 9:47 pm

Had a pleasant weekend. First, I called a friend to wish her a happy birthday on Saturday morning. And today I went to church and saw a friend or two of mine. Other enjoyable things occurred during the weekend as well. (However, I didn't get to go into the pool due to the cloudy weather - which resembled May grey/June gloom - but that was ok.)

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/19/23 at 11:21 pm

So, today I got home much later than usual, due to a traffic hazard that was backing up traffic for several miles on the US 101 freeway through Thousand Oaks. I tried to get around it by taking surface streets, even going a little out of my way...but I just didn't wanna be crawling all that distance. The important thing is that I got home safely.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/20/23 at 5:47 am

Finally got to be online, I have been totally busy with other matters.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/20/23 at 7:30 pm

Finally got to be online, I have been totally busy with other matters.

Understandable. Welcome back.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/21/23 at 7:46 am

Had covid jab today, and I taking the rest of the day easy.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/21/23 at 3:29 pm

Had covid jab today, and I taking the rest of the day easy.

Take it easy.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/21/23 at 10:42 pm

Had covid jab today, and I taking the rest of the day easy.

Take it easy.

My parents are going to get theirs tomorrow I think.

As mentioned in another thread, I have yet to schedule mine.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/22/23 at 2:33 am

Take it easy.
Overnight my arm was aching

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/22/23 at 6:58 am

Overnight my arm was aching

Try to take an aspirin.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/22/23 at 7:10 am

Try to take an aspirin.
Cannot take aspirin, paracetamol is the on for me.

Still feeling groggy.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/22/23 at 1:46 pm

Just got back from my yearly physical and so far everything's pretty good. I have to wait for the other results like my blood and urine sample on Tuesday.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/22/23 at 8:18 pm

Overnight my arm was aching

My mom told me that her arm has been feeling similarly all day.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/24/23 at 10:18 am

Just got back from my yearly physical and so far everything's pretty good. I have to wait for the other results like my blood and urine sample on Tuesday.

That’s good. I had a physical examination earlier this year.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/24/23 at 2:57 pm

Having a house (or rather condo) full of people over later, keeping me busy w/food prep and cleaning...

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/24/23 at 3:07 pm

Having a house (or rather condo) full of people over later, keeping me busy w/food prep and cleaning...


...and take good care

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/24/23 at 4:11 pm

Having a house (or rather condo) full of people over later, keeping me busy w/food prep and cleaning...

What will you be preparing?

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/24/23 at 5:03 pm

Having a house (or rather condo) full of people over later, keeping me busy w/food prep and cleaning...

What time should I be there?  ;) :D ;D


Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/24/23 at 11:08 pm


...and take good care

Thanks Philip!

What will you be preparing?

Heavy appetizers (which is typical, as "our turn" falls 5 to 6 times a year)

What time should I be there?  ;) :D ;D



Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/25/23 at 2:40 am

Thanks Philip!

Heavy appetizers (which is typical, as "our turn" falls 5 to 6 times a year)


No I'm asking as what foods will you be serving?

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/25/23 at 10:44 am

No I'm asking as what foods will you be serving?

Hot Reuben dip w/crackers, tuna pate spread, small charcuterie board, vegetable tray w/ranch, sliced apples w/my famous peanut butter dip, fresh pumpkin bread, homemade chocolate chip blondies, mixed nuts, m&ms and Gardettos snacks.  This time, no meatballs.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/25/23 at 10:50 am

Hot Reuben dip w/crackers, tuna pate spread, small charcuterie board, vegetable tray w/ranch, sliced apples w/my famous peanut butter dip, fresh pumpkin bread, homemade chocolate chip blondies, mixed nuts, m&ms and Gardettos snacks.  This time, no meatballs.

No meatballs!  ;D

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/25/23 at 10:59 am

No meatballs!  ;D

Not even ONE meatball?  :o

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/25/23 at 11:02 am

Not even ONE meatball?  :o
Sounds new to me, but will try and listen to it elsewhere other than my computer.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/25/23 at 12:48 pm

Hot Reuben dip w/crackers, tuna pate spread, small charcuterie board, vegetable tray w/ranch, sliced apples w/my famous peanut butter dip, fresh pumpkin bread, homemade chocolate chip blondies, mixed nuts, m&ms and Gardettos snacks.  This time, no meatballs.

How many meatballs was served last time
Upon the dining table?
How many meatballs was served yesterday
None, for you're not able?
Yes, and how many meatballs was served last time
When the gravy became unstable?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/25/23 at 1:35 pm

Hot Reuben dip w/crackers, tuna pate spread, small charcuterie board, vegetable tray w/ranch, sliced apples w/my famous peanut butter dip, fresh pumpkin bread, homemade chocolate chip blondies, mixed nuts, m&ms and Gardettos snacks.  This time, no meatballs.

sounds delicious.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/25/23 at 2:09 pm

Hot Reuben dip w/crackers, tuna pate spread, small charcuterie board, vegetable tray w/ranch, sliced apples w/my famous peanut butter dip, fresh pumpkin bread, homemade chocolate chip blondies, mixed nuts, m&ms and Gardettos snacks.  This time, no meatballs.

I love making platters-cheese & crackers, veggies & dips, and fruit. Sometimes I will combine them depending on the situation. I know they are not hard to do but I think they are fun to make and I love the fact that they seem to disappear which makes me think that people also like them.

This was last year's Thanksgiving:

This is last year's Christmas


Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/25/23 at 8:46 pm

No meatballs!  ;D

Not even ONE meatball?  :o

Where on earth did you find this?  ;D

How many meatballs was served last time
Upon the dining table?
How many meatballs was served yesterday
None, for you're not able?
Yes, and how many meatballs was served last time
When the gravy became unstable?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Love it!  ;D

sounds delicious.

Thanks, Howard!

I love making platters-cheese & crackers, veggies & dips, and fruit. Sometimes I will combine them depending on the situation. I know they are not hard to do but I think they are fun to make and I love the fact that they seem to disappear which makes me think that people also like them.

This was last year's Thanksgiving:

This is last year's Christmas


Looks yummy!  O0

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 09/25/23 at 9:01 pm

Where on earth did you find this?  ;D

Oh, it's a quite well known song and covered by many people. Believe it or not, it's written by the same guy, Hy Zaret, who wrote "Unchained Melody". I posted the Dave Van Ronk version because that's the one I always heard on the hippie FM underground radio stations back in the golden age. Folksinger Van Ronk was known as "the mayor of Greenwich Village" and was a big influence on the young Bob Dylan, among others. The character of Llewyn Davis in the movie "Inside Llewyn Davis" was loosely, and I mean loosely, based on Van Ronk. Not a great movie by any means, and certainly not an accurate depiction of the early 60s Greenwich Village folk scene.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/25/23 at 11:00 pm

Having a house (or rather condo) full of people over later, keeping me busy w/food prep and cleaning...

Where on earth did you find this?  ;D

Love it!  ;D

Thanks, Howard!

Looks yummy!  O0

A bit late in responding, but I hope it all went well for ya! O0

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/26/23 at 2:48 am

I love making platters-cheese & crackers, veggies & dips, and fruit. Sometimes I will combine them depending on the situation. I know they are not hard to do but I think they are fun to make and I love the fact that they seem to disappear which makes me think that people also like them.

This was last year's Thanksgiving:

This is last year's Christmas


That looks really good.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/23 at 9:21 am

After having my Covid Jab last Thursday, I had my Flu Jab today, and the nurse also gave me a jab to help in protecting my against pneumonia. Officially I should be resting now.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/26/23 at 11:21 am

We had friends round on Saturday and Dai made (and bought) tapas. Some more successful than others (the goat’s cheese quiche was a bit soggy)

Today I met my oncologist and we discussed the treatment I will be having. Unfortunately still no start date. I need an ECG and a eating/call with a chemotherapy nurse.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/26/23 at 11:22 am

After having my Covid Jab last Thursday, I had my Flu Jab today, and the nurse also gave me a jab to help in protecting my against pneumonia. Officially I should be resting now.

Booked my Covid jab for Sunday afternoon

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/23 at 11:42 am

Booked my Covid jab for Sunday afternoon

I was first offered to have my Flu Jab at the same time as my Covid Jab, ask just in case.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/23 at 11:43 am

Today I met my oncologist and we discussed the treatment I will be having. Unfortunately still no start date. I need an ECG and a eating/call with a chemotherapy nurse.
I hope all is fine with you.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: AmericanGirl on 09/26/23 at 12:23 pm

We had friends round on Saturday and Dai made (and bought) tapas. Some more successful than others (the goat’s cheese quiche was a bit soggy)

O0 Never tried making tapas - sounds tasty!

Today I met my oncologist and we discussed the treatment I will be having. Unfortunately still no start date. I need an ECG and a eating/call with a chemotherapy nurse.

Thanks for the update.  Pulling for you and praying for you.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/23 at 12:35 pm

We had friends round on Saturday and Dai made (and bought) tapas. Some more successful than others (the goat’s cheese quiche was a bit soggy)
No meatballs then?  ;D

See above...

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/26/23 at 2:00 pm

We had friends round on Saturday and Dai made (and bought) tapas. Some more successful than others (the goat’s cheese quiche was a bit soggy)

Today I met my oncologist and we discussed the treatment I will be having. Unfortunately still no start date. I need an ECG and a eating/call with a chemotherapy nurse.

O0 Never tried making tapas - sounds tasty!

Thanks for the update.  Pulling for you and praying for you.

I can recommend an excellent tapas restaurant in Puerto Rico. They also make the BEST sangria-either red or white.


Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Howard on 09/26/23 at 3:31 pm

After having my Covid Jab last Thursday, I had my Flu Jab today, and the nurse also gave me a jab to help in protecting my against pneumonia. Officially I should be resting now.

Feel Better.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 09/26/23 at 3:33 pm

Feel Better.
I am fine for the moment, the true test for me is on how I am overnight and how I wake up.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/28/23 at 7:46 pm

After having my Covid Jab last Thursday, I had my Flu Jab today, and the nurse also gave me a jab to help in protecting my against pneumonia. Officially I should be resting now.

I still need to schedule both jabs for myself.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/29/23 at 1:38 pm

Today was Macmillan cancer charity coffee morning. I organised one in my department. We had loads of different cakes for sale. I made flapjack and I also baked a fruit cake and asked people to guess the weight as an extra bit of fun.

There is still some cake left, but tomorrow is our school open day so the teachers will have some with their coffee.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: nally on 09/29/23 at 8:15 pm

Quite a busy day at the office today... end of month, end of quarter, and end of fiscal year. Thankfully we were able to get everything done that we needed to. Now I can take it easy this weekend.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: karen on 09/30/23 at 2:27 pm

Another step nearer starting my treatment. I have been sent a link to a video about my chemo that I need to watch tomorrow. On Monday a nurse will call me. There is also an information pack in the post apparently.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/03/23 at 10:51 am

Another step nearer starting my treatment. I have been sent a link to a video about my chemo that I need to watch tomorrow. On Monday a nurse will call me. There is also an information pack in the post apparently.
Please take good care in all you do for it.

Subject: Re: Spectacular September 2023 monthly thread

Written By: Philip Eno on 10/03/23 at 10:51 am

Feeling happy, for the Tube Strikes in London have been called off.

Check for new replies or respond here...