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Subject: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/01/23 at 1:24 am

Can you believe it? We're entering a new month already!! The year is flying by!

Welcome to July 2023. Here is your new monthly thread.

White rabbits!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/01/23 at 5:32 am

Blimey. I thought you were being a bit quick and posting the new thread before the month had started. Then I checked what the date was. Better go and do “pinch, punch” to the family

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/01/23 at 12:29 pm

White rabbit

I have my new phone now, family with me, I be online when I can.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/02/23 at 1:23 pm

So far the month has gotten off to a pleasurable start for me. I had a good day yesterday; went to the library in the afternoon to do some volunteering (plus I donated a few books that my household no longer needed); then came home and spent time in the pool with my family. Today I am going to do some housework and then see what else might be interesting.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/23 at 8:54 am

White rabbit

I have my new phone now, family with me, I be online when I can.
I am getting used to the new phone now, but some aspects of it, it is taking time to learn.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/03/23 at 8:57 am

I am getting used to the new phone now, but some aspects of it, it is taking time to learn.

That’s usually the case anytime you get a new device. Even I’m still learning a few new things about my iPhone, which I’ve had for about two years now.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/23 at 9:02 am

That’s usually the case anytime you get a new device. Even I’m still learning a few new things about my iPhone, which I’ve had for about two years now.
Something for me to look forward too...  ;D

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/03/23 at 9:10 am

That’s usually the case anytime you get a new device. Even I’m still learning a few new things about my iPhone, which I’ve had for about two years now.
One thing I have just noticed, the phone, or the screen on the phone, is bigger than my previous, and it is easier to post messages on it.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/03/23 at 9:44 am

One thing I have just noticed, the phone, or the screen on the phone, is bigger than my previous, and it is easier to post messages on it.

That’s a good thing. O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/03/23 at 9:45 am

Anyways, normally I would be on my way to work at this moment, but I have a doctors appointment this morning (in less than an hour), so I will be leaving the house in just a few minutes to go to that.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/03/23 at 3:52 pm

I am getting used to the new phone now, but some aspects of it, it is taking time to learn.

You'll get used to it, it took me a while for mine.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/03/23 at 9:16 pm

Anyways, normally I would be on my way to work at this moment, but I have a doctors appointment this morning (in less than an hour), so I will be leaving the house in just a few minutes to go to that.

Everything went well with my appointment. The results showed that I’m healthy; nothing seriously wrong.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/04/23 at 12:22 am

Anyways, it is once again time to turn on these emoticons:

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/04/23 at 3:12 am

Everything went well with my appointment. The results showed that I’m healthy; nothing seriously wrong.

That's good to know. O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/04/23 at 6:35 am

Everything went well with my appointment. The results showed that I’m healthy; nothing seriously wrong.
That is good news!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/05/23 at 11:22 pm

Back to work today... I learnt another new task. My boss helped me out a little bit; she and I talked it over, and I was able to write down some notes that would help me perform the task successfully. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/06/23 at 7:15 am

After time spent, rushing around doing family matters, I have finally got to be online again.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/06/23 at 2:45 pm

After time spent, rushing around doing family matters, I have finally got to be online again.

Good to see you online again. O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 07/06/23 at 11:40 pm

good evening fellow Penguins. I was on facebook and saw that a inthe00s member Adagio (Patricia Belle Carrasco) passed away a short time ago. I hadn't interacted with her in a long while here at inthe00s, and just a little bit on FB. farewell Patricia

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/07/23 at 12:20 am

good evening fellow Penguins. I was on facebook and saw that a inthe00s member Adagio (Patricia Belle Carrasco) passed away a short time ago. I hadn't interacted with her in a long while here at inthe00s, and just a little bit on FB. farewell Patricia

Hey Mike, thanks for stopping in again. :) Yeah, I saw a post about Belle a few days ago; she was tagged in it. So sorry to hear that she passed on. :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/07/23 at 3:19 am

good evening fellow Penguins. I was on facebook and saw that a inthe00s member Adagio (Patricia Belle Carrasco) passed away a short time ago. I hadn't interacted with her in a long while here at inthe00s, and just a little bit on FB. farewell Patricia

Sorry she passed on.  :\'(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/07/23 at 3:51 am

good evening fellow Penguins. I was on facebook and saw that a inthe00s member Adagio (Patricia Belle Carrasco) passed away a short time ago. I hadn't interacted with her in a long while here at inthe00s, and just a little bit on FB. farewell Patricia
:\'( :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/23 at 2:04 am

Having the family with me this weekend, and a better mobile phone makes accessibility to be online better.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/08/23 at 8:06 am

I'm going to try to take it easy on my feet today since it's my day off, just a few weeks ago I was wearing my black loafers and something stuck me in the back of my shoe then all of a sudden my foot blew up to a size of a balloon, slightly red and it hurts. My guess it could be pedal edema(swollen foot) or My Father thinks it could be gout but whatever it is, hopefully it's not the latter I will go to my podiatrist and let him take care of it before cutting my nails.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/23 at 8:11 am

I'm going to try to take it easy on my feet today since it's my day off, just a few weeks ago I was wearing my black loafers and something stuck me in the back of my shoe then all of a sudden my foot blew up to a size of a balloon, slightly red and it hurts. My guess it could be pedal edema(swollen foot) or My Father thinks it could be gout but whatever it is, hopefully it's not the latter I will go to my podiatrist and let him take care of it before cutting my nails.
Gout is to do with the uric acid level in the bloodstream, nothing to do with heavy whacks.

You probably need to rest that foot.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/08/23 at 8:30 am

Gout is to do with the uric acid level in the bloodstream, nothing to do with heavy whacks.

You probably need to rest that foot.

My Father is the one that has gout, I will soak my foot today since it's my day off.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/23 at 8:35 am

My Father is the one that has gout, I will soak my foot today since it's my day off.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/08/23 at 10:25 am

Having the family with me this weekend, and a better mobile phone makes accessibility to be online better.

That is good to know! O0

This weekend we need to do some housework; we are having our downstairs walls painted next week. However, Tuesday is my birthday so there will be some room to celebrate. (However, that will be a work day for me.)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/08/23 at 10:53 am

That is good to know! O0

This weekend we need to do some housework; we are having our downstairs walls painted next week. However, Tuesday is my birthday so there will be some room to celebrate. (However, that will be a work day for me.)
At my last place of employment they had an unwritten rule, you never worked on your birthday and you left a huge tin of sweets for the rest of the staff to enjoy.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/08/23 at 11:23 am

At my last place of employment they had an unwritten rule, you never worked on your birthday and you left a huge tin of sweets for the rest of the staff to enjoy.

Well, I’ve been working at my current company for about 7 1/2 years, and each time someone has a birthday, the person gets a card signed by the rest of the staff. One year I even received a small cake (from my boss).

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/08/23 at 1:30 pm


It helps a little bit, still hurts. :(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/08/23 at 1:32 pm

At my last place of employment they had an unwritten rule, you never worked on your birthday and you left a huge tin of sweets for the rest of the staff to enjoy.

When a co-worker had a birthday, someone brought a cake.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/08/23 at 4:30 pm

My Father is the one that has gout, I will soak my foot today since it's my day off.

If it is still really swollen you should probably see someone about it rather than wait for a routine appointment.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/08/23 at 4:34 pm

I work in a school and yesterday was the last day of term. Well, half day. Kids all finished at noon and then we had a staff barbecue. I will have to go in occasionally during the holiday to look after the plants and animals, plus get ready for the new term.

Today is Jean’s birthday. We bought her a box of chocolates and also scones, jam and cream for an afternoon treat. We also went out for dinner this evening.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/23 at 2:13 am

It helps a little bit, still hurts. :(

If it is still really swollen you should probably see someone about it rather than wait for a routine appointment.
Remember the older you get, the longer it takes for ailments to get better.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/09/23 at 2:54 am

If it is still really swollen you should probably see someone about it rather than wait for a routine appointment.

Yes, My Father will be taking me a free clinic after work with no appointment to have it checked out.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/23 at 7:30 am

Yes, My Father will be taking me a free clinic after work with no appointment to have it checked out.
Make sure you tell the medics everything.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/09/23 at 2:37 pm

Just to let you guys know I may not be on for a few days, it appears that my swollen leg was caused by a fever of 101 plus cellulitis of the leg, they recommend me going to The ER ASAP to have an ultrasound, plus to have me checked out overnight so I will see you when I see you, take care guys.  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/09/23 at 3:26 pm

Just to let you guys know I may not be on for a few days, it appears that my swollen leg was caused by a fever of 101 plus cellulitis of the leg, they recommend me going to The ER ASAP to have an ultrasound, plus to have me checked out overnight so I will see you when I see you, take care guys.  :)
Please get well soon, and take good care.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/09/23 at 8:10 pm

Just to let you guys know I may not be on for a few days, it appears that my swollen leg was caused by a fever of 101 plus cellulitis of the leg, they recommend me going to The ER ASAP to have an ultrasound, plus to have me checked out overnight so I will see you when I see you, take care guys.  :)

Oh my!  Sorry to hear this, Howard - please get well soon!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/09/23 at 11:49 pm

Just to let you guys know I may not be on for a few days, it appears that my swollen leg was caused by a fever of 101 plus cellulitis of the leg, they recommend me going to The ER ASAP to have an ultrasound, plus to have me checked out overnight so I will see you when I see you, take care guys.  :)

Wishing all the best and that everything goes well for you.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/10/23 at 6:38 am

Just to let you guys know I may not be on for a few days, it appears that my swollen leg was caused by a fever of 101 plus cellulitis of the leg, they recommend me going to The ER ASAP to have an ultrasound, plus to have me checked out overnight so I will see you when I see you, take care guys.  :)

Sending you well wishes.



Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/11/23 at 11:48 pm

Had a nice day for my birthday. I had to go to work, then I came home and had a nice dinner. :) (I even received some nice gifts from my family.)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/12/23 at 9:45 am

Had a nice day for my birthday. I had to go to work, then I came home and had a nice dinner. :) (I even received some nice gifts from my family.)
...and birthday cake too?

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/12/23 at 10:26 am

I am back home after a jaunt around London, settled down, and just realised I have not made tea yet.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/12/23 at 8:27 pm

...and birthday cake too?

You betcha! My mom made one of those too. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/12/23 at 10:16 pm

Had a nice day for my birthday. I had to go to work, then I came home and had a nice dinner. :) (I even received some nice gifts from my family.)

Glad to hear!  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/13/23 at 6:53 am

You betcha! My mom made one of those too. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/13/23 at 3:30 pm

Went to the hospital yesterday to have a Magseed magnetic marker positioned. This is to tell the surgeon where the cancer cells are. A bit bruised afterwards.

Tomorrow Dai and I are going on holiday. We are flying to Copenhagen and then going by train to Malmö. We have an Airbnb place to stay in. We are going across to a small orienteering event on three of the evening we will be there.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/13/23 at 6:40 pm

Remember the older you get, the longer it takes for ailments to get better.

Exactly right Phil.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/13/23 at 6:40 pm

Wishing all the best and that everything goes well for you.

Thanks Jeff. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/13/23 at 6:41 pm

Sending you well wishes.



Thanks Cat :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/13/23 at 6:49 pm

Hey Guys How's it going? just got back from the hospital couple of hours ago, I got pills and medications to take for my foot, they gave me a strap on foot slipper and a sock for comfort, some exercises to do to get back to normal. I didn't like the stay much in the hospital, it was really a bore cause all you're doing in there is just sitting and sleeping almost all day but glad to be back at home. And you know something it really was the sneakers that was causing my foot problem.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/13/23 at 7:05 pm

Hey Guys How's it going? just got back from the hospital couple of hours ago, I got pills and medications to take for my foot, they gave me a strap on foot slipper and a sock for comfort, some exercises to do to get back to normal. I didn't like the stay much in the hospital, it was really a bore cause all you're doing in there is just sitting and sleeping almost all day but glad to be back at home. And you know something it really was the sneakers that was causing my foot problem.

Glad you're back, Howard!  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/13/23 at 7:15 pm

Glad you're back, Howard!  :)

Thanks AG, glad to be back.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/14/23 at 1:42 am

Hey Guys How's it going? just got back from the hospital couple of hours ago, I got pills and medications to take for my foot, they gave me a strap on foot slipper and a sock for comfort, some exercises to do to get back to normal. I didn't like the stay much in the hospital, it was really a bore cause all you're doing in there is just sitting and sleeping almost all day but glad to be back at home. And you know something it really was the sneakers that was causing my foot problem.
Welcome back!

Was it because your sneakers were a smaller size for you?

Please rest your foot.

Take good care.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/14/23 at 8:27 am

Welcome back!

Was it because your sneakers were a smaller size for you?

Please rest your foot.

Take good care.

The culprit were just crappy sneakers and in the back of my foot cause a callus which caused my foot to blow up like a fat balloon and it went straight up my leg looking like a horror film. So I waited too late to go to the doctor and those walk-in doctors said I had cellulitis of the leg and 101 fever to go with it but as days went on my body temperature went right back down to 98.6 and so did my blood pressure, it rose to 150 at first but then many days later it was right back down to where it should be, 120. This is something I hope to never go back to ever again.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/14/23 at 9:41 am

The culprit were just crappy sneakers and in the back of my foot cause a callus which caused my foot to blow up like a fat balloon and it went straight up my leg looking like a horror film. So I waited too late to go to the doctor and those walk-in doctors said I had cellulitis of the leg and 101 fever to go with it but as days went on my body temperature went right back down to 98.6 and so did my blood pressure, it rose to 150 at first but then many days later it was right back down to where it should be, 120. This is something I hope to never go back to ever again.
Please take it easy, and get better soon.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/14/23 at 3:29 pm

Please take it easy, and get better soon.

Thanks.  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/15/23 at 2:06 pm

Now I can add that My Father's hand has arthritis, My Mother's leg and hip hurts and with me My leg still bothers me, hopefully there's a light of the end the rainbow that all of us get healed.  :(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/15/23 at 2:28 pm

The culprit were just crappy sneakers and in the back of my foot cause a callus which caused my foot to blow up like a fat balloon and it went straight up my leg looking like a horror film. So I waited too late to go to the doctor and those walk-in doctors said I had cellulitis of the leg and 101 fever to go with it but as days went on my body temperature went right back down to 98.6 and so did my blood pressure, it rose to 150 at first but then many days later it was right back down to where it should be, 120. This is something I hope to never go back to ever again.

Ah, so that’s how it all happened. Please take good care and get well as soon as possible.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/16/23 at 7:59 am

Ah, so that’s how it all happened. Please take good care and get well as soon as possible.

Thank You. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/16/23 at 8:03 am

And on top of the problems Our Family has right now, Our basement slop sink stopped up and until this problem gets solved and My Father has someone come by we have to use urine bottles but not flush and we can't shower at all, so that means no water usage, it's one thing after another. :(

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/16/23 at 3:24 pm

And on top of the problems Our Family has right now, Our basement slop sink stopped up and until this problem gets solved and My Father has someone come by we have to use urine bottles but not flush and we can't shower at all, so that means no water usage, it's one thing after another. :(

Ugh, what a pain that must be. Hopefully that will get resolved asap.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/17/23 at 7:57 am

Ugh, what a pain that must be. Hopefully that will get resolved asap.

Well Good News the slop sink to the basement has been resolved as of this typing so now we're able to shower and wash our faces or do whatever we need to do with the water, My parents since they're senior citizens they too have bathroom problems so now at least one problem was solved.  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/19/23 at 7:34 am

I've got some good news well at least for me it's good news, I'm starting to get feeling back in my left foot so I'm not limping as much as the past few days and my bruise from the compression bandage is starting to fade away slowly but not fully, tomorrow I have to see my regular physical doctor to have this checked out and I think next week I have to see another doctor so it's like one thing after another. Hopefully I can get back to work, I just don't know of the time frame, I don't want to lose this job, the boss really likes me and I do my work from what he had told me.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/19/23 at 7:51 am

Well Good News the slop sink to the basement has been resolved as of this typing so now we're able to shower and wash our faces or do whatever we need to do with the water, My parents since they're senior citizens they too have bathroom problems so now at least one problem was solved.  :)

Glad to hear this!  O0

I've got some good news well at least for me it's good news, I'm starting to get feeling back in my left foot so I'm not limping as much as the past few days and my bruise from the compression bandage is starting to fade away slowly but not fully, tomorrow I have to see my regular physical doctor to have this checked out and I think next week I have to see another doctor so it's like one thing after another. Hopefully I can get back to work, I just don't know of the time frame, I don't want to lose this job, the boss really likes me and I do my work from what he had told me.

Progress - that's wonderful!  :)  I hope you heal up real soon.  Take good care of your feet - it sounds like they need some TLC these days.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/19/23 at 1:43 pm

Glad to hear this!  O0

Progress - that's wonderful!  :)  I hope you heal up real soon.  Take good care of your feet - it sounds like they need some TLC these days.

Thank You, I hope I do heal up but I don't know how long it'll be before I get back to work, My Father And I will have to see and find out. He's just nervous because I might lose my job at King Kullen. The boss already told me that I'm a good worker and I do my job correctly, my job will always going to be there.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/19/23 at 7:13 pm

Thank You, I hope I do heal up but I don't know how long it'll be before I get back to work, My Father And I will have to see and find out. He's just nervous because I might lose my job at King Kullen. The boss already told me that I'm a good worker and I do my job correctly, my job will always going to be there.

Glad to hear of your progress. O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/20/23 at 7:22 am

My walking's improved from the other day when I was limping like crazy but getting up in the morning has been a pain in the butt, today I have my regular doctor to check out my foot and leg and on Monday I have the hospital podiatrist to see how long it will be before I can get back to work again, hopefully it won't be too long.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/20/23 at 7:42 am

My walking's improved from the other day when I was limping like crazy but getting up in the morning has been a pain in the butt, today I have my regular doctor to check out my foot and leg and on Monday I have the hospital podiatrist to see how long it will be before I can get back to work again, hopefully it won't be too long.
It seems all is heading in the right direction for you.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/20/23 at 7:43 am

After a day or two
Which seems one long groan
I finally got to be online
At least upon my phone.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/20/23 at 8:25 am

After a day or two
Which seems one long groan
I finally got to be online
At least upon my phone.

O0  Good!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/20/23 at 8:27 am

Packing for our imminent road trip to Ohio.  Will be there a few days.  Can't wait to see the "grandkids"!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/20/23 at 8:32 am

It seems all is heading in the right direction for you.

Just got back from my regular doctor and he told me and this is an unofficial time frame: 4-6 weeks till this gets better so right now it might be till the end of summer till I get back to work again and this is not a goodbye, it's just a temporary leave and I'll be back to work real soon, it just needs a time to heal up.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/20/23 at 8:32 am

Packing for our imminent road trip to Ohio.  Will be there a few days.  Can't wait to see the "grandkids"!

Enjoy Ohio. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/20/23 at 8:44 am

Packing for our imminent road trip to Ohio.  Will be there a few days.  Can't wait to see the "grandkids"!

Take good care!

Can I ask, what distance do you drive in miles?

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/20/23 at 9:04 am

Enjoy Ohio. :)


Take good care!

Can I ask, what distance do you drive in miles?


The drive is just under 400 miles, six-ish driving hours.  Most of that is spent driving through Indiana. (Although it can take a while to get out of Chicagoland, given the heavy traffic around here.)  Once we hit the Ohio border we've still got roughly 1-3/4 hours to go, but that's generally the "easy" part of the drive.  We break up the drive going (will be staying at a hotel en route) but drive straight through coming home.  Both of us drive.

We also change time zones.  We lose an hour on our trip to Ohio (somewhere in Indiana).  But we regain the hour as we return home.  That can be annoying at times, but we're used to it now.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/20/23 at 9:34 am



The drive is just under 400 miles, six-ish driving hours.  Most of that is spent driving through Indiana. (Although it can take a while to get out of Chicagoland, given the heavy traffic around here.)  Once we hit the Ohio border we've still got roughly 1-3/4 hours to go, but that's generally the "easy" part of the drive.  We break up the drive going (will be staying at a hotel en route) but drive straight through coming home.  Both of us drive.

We also change time zones.  We lose an hour on our trip to Ohio (somewhere in Indiana).  But we regain the hour as we return home.  That can be annoying at times, but we're used to it now.


400 miles is about the distance for London to Scotland, driving north, which we have done several times, and we just stopped at a service stations on the motorway.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/20/23 at 9:46 am

400 miles is about the distance for London to Scotland, driving north, which we have done several times, and we just stopped at a service stations on the motorway.

Good to know!  O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/20/23 at 2:20 pm



The drive is just under 400 miles, six-ish driving hours.  Most of that is spent driving through Indiana. (Although it can take a while to get out of Chicagoland, given the heavy traffic around here.)  Once we hit the Ohio border we've still got roughly 1-3/4 hours to go, but that's generally the "easy" part of the drive.  We break up the drive going (will be staying at a hotel en route) but drive straight through coming home.  Both of us drive.

We also change time zones.  We lose an hour on our trip to Ohio (somewhere in Indiana).  But we regain the hour as we return home.  That can be annoying at times, but we're used to it now.

Been through Indiana many times. I am usually navigator but since we have taken that route I don't know how many times, he really didn't need the route (except when we were changing highways and I would keep an eye out for the exit). The only time we drove through Chicagoland was in 2021 on our cross-country trip with SIL.

Hard to get good shots from her RV. Either the overhang and antenna got in the way or the side mirror got in the way. When I was sitting in front, I tried to get pics without the side mirror. I can't tell you how many times Carlos took a pic of that side mirror-front and center. He thought it would be so simple for me to take that out of the shot. NOT when it is in the center of the pic!


Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/20/23 at 10:07 pm

Greetings all from Indiana!  (En route to Ohio)

Been through Indiana many times. I am usually navigator but since we have taken that route I don't know how many times, he really didn't need the route (except when we were changing highways and I would keep an eye out for the exit). The only time we drove through Chicagoland was in 2021 on our cross-country trip with SIL.

Hard to get good shots from her RV. Either the overhang and antenna got in the way or the side mirror got in the way. When I was sitting in front, I tried to get pics without the side mirror. I can't tell you how many times Carlos took a pic of that side mirror-front and center. He thought it would be so simple for me to take that out of the shot. NOT when it is in the center of the pic!


Cool!  O0 The picture looks like you're probably on the inbound Kennedy.  But I could be wrong...

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/20/23 at 10:18 pm

Greetings all from Indiana!  (En route to Ohio)

Cool!  O0 The picture looks like you're probably on the inbound Kennedy.  But I could be wrong...

You would know better than me.

Safe travels.


Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/21/23 at 12:05 am



The drive is just under 400 miles, six-ish driving hours.  Most of that is spent driving through Indiana. (Although it can take a while to get out of Chicagoland, given the heavy traffic around here.)  Once we hit the Ohio border we've still got roughly 1-3/4 hours to go, but that's generally the "easy" part of the drive.  We break up the drive going (will be staying at a hotel en route) but drive straight through coming home.  Both of us drive.

We also change time zones.  We lose an hour on our trip to Ohio (somewhere in Indiana).  But we regain the hour as we return home.  That can be annoying at times, but we're used to it now.

Safe travels to you!!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/21/23 at 7:55 am

Just a lot of things going on in this household lately, My Mother's getting her hip surgery next week so she'll be gone for a week or two, My Father has hand gout and I have my problems with my foot, hopefully things will get better in the next month or two.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/22/23 at 9:24 pm

So, we’re getting our new living room furniture delivered next week, and we’ve donated the old set (which lasted us 22 years and is still in decent condition).

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/23/23 at 9:15 pm

Back home this evening from our trip to Ohio.  It was fun but we're exhausted!  Traffic UGH!!!  :P

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/23/23 at 11:41 pm

Back home this evening from our trip to Ohio.  It was fun but we're exhausted!  Traffic UGH!!!  :P

Glad you're home safely! O0

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/24/23 at 7:01 am

Back home this evening from our trip to Ohio.  It was fun but we're exhausted!  Traffic UGH!!!  :P

Welcome Back, AG :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/24/23 at 7:03 am

Today I see my podiatrist to come check out my foot and to see how long it'll be before I can get back to work again and I also need to fill out a temporary leave of absence form later.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/24/23 at 9:01 am

Back home this evening from our trip to Ohio.  It was fun but we're exhausted!  Traffic UGH!!!  :P

Welcome back!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/24/23 at 2:02 pm

Well, got some good news what My Father And I thought it was going to be 6 weeks from my regular physical doctor, today My Father And I went to the podiatrist and he said approximately 2 weeks which is much better than 6 but right now I have one more appointment with the podiatrist on The 4th of August just to take one more look at my toe and leg, he said the toe has healed up nicely but the bruise on my leg is almost gone so I got to keep on applying the ointment. It won't be long before I get back to work, I sure do miss everyone.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/24/23 at 11:24 pm

Back home this evening from our trip to Ohio.  It was fun but we're exhausted!  Traffic UGH!!!  :P

Glad you're home safely! O0

Welcome Back, AG :)

Welcome back!

Thanks friends for the welcoming!  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/25/23 at 2:57 pm

Finally got back to be online properly, my family and guests have now left me on my own.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/25/23 at 3:02 pm

Thanks friends for the welcoming!  :)

You are back just like me!  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/25/23 at 4:25 pm

Finally got back to be online properly, my family and guests have now left me on my own.


Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/25/23 at 4:26 pm


Thank you, came back to a computer that just did not want to know!

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/25/23 at 8:07 pm

At home, we got our carpet cleaned today (while I was at work). (My parents were at home all day.) Certain rooms are still drying out.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/26/23 at 5:51 am

At home, we got our carpet cleaned today (while I was at work). (My parents were at home all day.) Certain rooms are still drying out.
We have floorboards here, it makes life a little easier for us all.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/26/23 at 8:31 am

My Mother's gone for her hip replacement so she might be gone for a week or two so It"ll just be My Father And I for that week or two.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/26/23 at 2:37 pm

My Mother's gone for her hip replacement so she might be gone for a week or two so It"ll just be My Father And I for that week or two.

My sister-in-law had that done a few years ago. She was back home the day after the surgery but she basically slept for a few days after because of the pain meds. But, she was getting up and walking around with the use of a walker for a while.

Now days, it is a pretty routine procedure so I'm sure she will be fine.


Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/26/23 at 2:40 pm

My Mother's gone for her hip replacement so she might be gone for a week or two so It"ll just be My Father And I for that week or two.

My sister-in-law had that done a few years ago. She was back home the day after the surgery but she basically slept for a few days after because of the pain meds. But, she was getting up and walking around with the use of a walker for a while.

Now days, it is a pretty routine procedure so I'm sure she will be fine.

My mother was kept in for a week to so to make sure, but that was around fifteen years ago.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/26/23 at 2:40 pm

My Mother's gone for her hip replacement so she might be gone for a week or two so It"ll just be My Father And I for that week or two.

Best wishes for your mom.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/26/23 at 11:50 pm

My Mother's gone for her hip replacement so she might be gone for a week or two so It"ll just be My Father And I for that week or two.

Hope all goes well with her operation.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/26/23 at 11:52 pm

We have floorboards here, it makes life a little easier for us all.

We have some hard floors in our house, which are easy to clean, but carpeted floors in certain rooms make them less noisy.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/27/23 at 7:49 am

My sister-in-law had that done a few years ago. She was back home the day after the surgery but she basically slept for a few days after because of the pain meds. But, she was getting up and walking around with the use of a walker for a while.

Now days, it is a pretty routine procedure so I'm sure she will be fine.


My Mother's has had problems with her hip for years and she's nearing 80, she walks around with a walker or the use of a cane nowadays and hopefully she'll be fine after this is over.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/27/23 at 7:55 am

Best wishes for your mom.

Thanks AG. My Mother's nearing 80, living with senior citizens is not that easy. My Father And I have been doing a lot of stuff like figuring out what to have for dinner every day for the next week, I've been doing some cleaning around the house, My Father has been doing some of his chores in his bedroom so I decided after all our hard work (helping out My Mother And I) to go the supermarket and buy his favorite Ice Cream Moose Tracks, it's actually for the both of us.  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/27/23 at 7:57 am

Hope all goes well with her operation.

Thanks. :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/28/23 at 5:30 am

Dai and I went to Sweden for a few days last week. We flew into Copenhagen and then went across the bridge to Malmö. We had an Air BnB apartment. It was nice, but not quite as close to the city centre as we thought from the description.

We had a day walking around Malmö, the castle/fort and nearby museums and had the traditional potato and meatballs in gravy. Another day we went back across to Copenhagen. We saw the Little Mermaid statue, had a nice lunch in the harbour area and then walked to the cemetery to see the graves of Hans Christian Andersen, Niels Bohr and Hans Christian Oersted (the latter two were physicists).

We went to Sweden to compete in a small orienteering competition. There were three evening events an hour or so’s drive from where we were staying. We had a hire car and drove via various coastal towns taking in the sites on the way. We saw the university town of Lund, Ystad and some small villages. Coincidentally every day we saw some kind of standing stones. In Lund various rune stones had been made into a stone circle in the grounds of the university, we saw stones arranged into the outline of a Viking boat and some in a rectangle to mark some kind of small meeting place or parliament.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: karen on 07/29/23 at 3:49 pm

Completed my 50th ParkRun this morning. Then a bit later on I went Morris dancing at a local care home. They were having a summer fete. After our dance spot we went inside to meet some of the residents who weren’t able to get outside.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Philip Eno on 07/31/23 at 5:57 am

Sudden arrival of my family last night, it will be family duties for the next few days.

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 07/31/23 at 7:22 am

My Father And I got to see my Mother at the hospital yesterday, she's doing good, she'll be out in a week but as for me, My foot went down after all that swolleness but still trying to get rid of that bruise on my leg, this week I see my podiatrist and he'll give the OK for me when I can return to work. 

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/31/23 at 1:48 pm

A friend of mine took me to see my step-son's ballet performance yesterday. It was SUPPOSED to be at the beginning of the month and I was supposed to go with most of the family but it was postponed because of that storm that caused all the flooding in the state.

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day so they picked a good rain-date. I got to see my step-son & his significant other and his two kids-who I haven't seen since THAT day. (I also got to see his ex & her husband again but only said hello and wasn't subjected to them all evening since they were working.) After the performance (that my friend LOVED), after driving me home, she came in and the two of us had a glass of wine and talked. She left about 11. It was such an enjoyable day-something I haven't had in a LONG time. I REALLY. REALLY needed a day like that. We are hoping that we can scheduled a few "girls' night (or day) out" and just have a good time.


Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: AmericanGirl on 07/31/23 at 6:00 pm

A friend of mine took me to see my step-son's ballet performance yesterday. It was SUPPOSED to be at the beginning of the month and I was supposed to go with most of the family but it was postponed because of that storm that caused all the flooding in the state.

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day so they picked a good rain-date. I got to see my step-son & his significant other and his two kids-who I haven't seen since THAT day. (I also got to see his ex & her husband again but only said hello and wasn't subjected to them all evening since they were working.) After the performance (that my friend LOVED), after driving me home, she came in and the two of us had a glass of wine and talked. She left about 11. It was such an enjoyable day-something I haven't had in a LONG time. I REALLY. REALLY needed a day like that. We are hoping that we can scheduled a few "girls' night (or day) out" and just have a good time.


So glad you had this nice outing!  :)

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: nally on 07/31/23 at 10:19 pm

My Father And I got to see my Mother at the hospital yesterday, she's doing good, she'll be out in a week but as for me, My foot  went down after all that swolleness but still trying to get rid of that bruise on my leg, this week I see my podiatrist and he'll give the OK for me when I can return to work.

Glad your mom is fine; sorry about the foot condition though. :-\\

Subject: Re: July 2023 - monthly thread - you know the drill.

Written By: Howard on 08/01/23 at 8:07 am

Glad your mom is fine; sorry about the foot condition though. :-\\

Yeah, things happen, hopefully I can get the OK to go back to work soon.

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