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Subject: Do you want pets?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 05/03/18 at 8:08 pm

Personally, I don't want any pets. I've never wanted a pet but it seems like everyone else wants or has a pet, especially a dog.

I've never been a fan of dogs (I don't hate them but I don't get the obsession about them).

Do you guys want or already have pets? Why or why not? Which pet or pets?

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Wobo on 05/03/18 at 8:09 pm

I had a pet parakeet in 2011 for my 7th birthday which sadly died in late 2013.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 05/03/18 at 8:10 pm

I had a pet parakeet in 2011 for my 7th birthday which sadly died in late 2013.

Do you want another pet in the future?

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Wobo on 05/03/18 at 8:11 pm

Do you want another pet in the future?

Yeah maybe a pet Turtle.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Rainbowz on 05/03/18 at 8:20 pm

I already have two pets. I got my first dog in Christmas 2010, and my second one for my 12th birthday. I really wanted a dog for my 12th birthday but I wasn't expecting a real dog for Christmas of 2010. I put on my Christmas list "a real puppy that walks" and what I was actually talking about was this toy I saw a commercial of:

I was honestly so surprised when I got a real pet and it was the best Christmas ever. ;D

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: on 05/03/18 at 8:24 pm

I want to get another cat.  ;D

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Wobo on 05/03/18 at 8:32 pm

I want to get another cat.  ;D

I rather have dogs.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: SpyroKev on 05/03/18 at 9:53 pm

Pets, dogs, parrots and fishes can be fun but I'm too lazy for them. I always liked the idea of a turtle patrolling my room. Haha The turtles you can pick up with one hand type.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: mxcrashxm on 05/03/18 at 9:58 pm

Already have some. I have 4 pets.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: SailorSteven2017 on 05/03/18 at 11:36 pm

Two fluffy dogs  :D But my Dad was a @#$%*&# TARATULA THAT IS UGLY AND CREEPY AS HELL. Do you see how those things look? I swear anybody who hates me in life is gonna send me one... Good thing he doesn't live with us .-_.-

Am I crazy-- a little  ::)

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: piecesof93 on 05/04/18 at 12:12 am

Yes, I want one small fluffy white dog. I had several dogs growing up, about 3 of them. Now, I want the white dog because it'll remind me of one of the dogs I grew up with.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 05/04/18 at 5:37 am

I used to own gerbils back in 1988.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/04/18 at 12:37 pm

I have 3 cats (one is sitting on my lap as I am typing this).


Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: TheReignMan99 on 05/04/18 at 1:02 pm

I have 3 cats (one is sitting on my lap as I am typing this).


That's why you're Catwoman :D.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/04/18 at 1:08 pm

That's why you're Catwoman :D.
Should be Catswoman?  ;D

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 05/04/18 at 1:27 pm

That's why you're Catwoman :D.

They don't call me Catwoman for nothing.  ;)

Should be Catswoman?  ;D

Or Cat's Woman. As they say, dogs have owners but cats have staff. And yup, I am my cats staff.


Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/04/18 at 1:36 pm

They don't call me Catwoman for nothing.  ;)

Or Cat's Woman. As they say, dogs have owners but cats have staff. And yup, I am my cats staff.


Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: violet_shy on 05/04/18 at 3:21 pm

I don't have any. I use to have a Betta fish but it died. They don't live a long time.

If I could have a pet I would love to have a kitten or some other fish. I would love to own a pelican eel!

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: nally on 05/04/18 at 3:34 pm

I've had two dogs in my lifetime. Someday I will probably want another. :)

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: meesa on 05/04/18 at 4:42 pm

I want a dog. I love dogs and have had them throughout my life, just love them. Can't have a dog. Lease doesn't allow it.  :\'(
So I have to admire and cuddle my friends dogs.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: on 06/02/18 at 12:45 pm

When I have the money to take care of her this is the cat that I want to have.  I think our house and backyard would be perfect for her.  I just need to know how she'll react to our neighbours' cats? Because there's a part in her write-up that says that she doesn't like other cats or dogs and I just want to make sure that her behaviour assessment was done by someone who knows what they're doing.  Because animal behaviourists don't always get it right.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Redhairkid on 06/02/18 at 1:11 pm

I have always had pets and I currently have a cat.

I will always want pets. It's children I don't want and never have done.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: 2001 on 06/02/18 at 1:13 pm

I (or my brother rather) has two cats and they're a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind getting a dog.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/02/18 at 1:20 pm

I have several unwanted pets, silverfish and pigeons, anyone interested?

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 06/02/18 at 3:43 pm

30 years ago I owned 2 gerbils but as of now, no more taking care of pets for me.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/02/18 at 3:51 pm

30 years ago I owned 2 gerbils but as of now, no more taking care of pets for me.

I used to have a couple of gerbils when I was about 9 or 10 which I got from my school. I went to visit my father and when I got back, they had lost A LOT of weight. Come to find out, one of our cats got at them, killed one and the other disappeared so my mother (or sister) bought me 2 more thinking I wouldn't noticed. I noticed. But, the one that disappeared reappeared so I ended up with 3.


Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 06/02/18 at 4:08 pm

I used to have a couple of gerbils when I was about 9 or 10 which I got from my school. I went to visit my father and when I got back, they had lost A LOT of weight. Come to find out, one of our cats got at them, killed one and the other disappeared so my mother (or sister) bought me 2 more thinking I wouldn't noticed. I noticed. But, the one that disappeared reappeared so I ended up with 3.


Sorry that your cats killed them. :(

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Rainbowz on 06/02/18 at 5:56 pm

I just got a pet hamster for my early birthday. Tomorrow, on my actual birthday, my grandparents are coming over and we're probably going to go out to eat.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: on 06/03/18 at 12:44 am

I remember telling my mom, before my Timmy died, "after him no more cats!"  :\'( I felt like I wouldn't be ready to take in another cat.  But it's been 12 years since my boy died and I now I feel like I'm ready to take on another cat.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: 2001 on 06/03/18 at 1:56 am

At my workplace you're allowed to bring your pets to work and people bring their dogs.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 06/03/18 at 2:56 pm

At my workplace you're allowed to bring your pets to work and people bring their dogs.

But where do they stay?

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 06/03/18 at 2:58 pm

At my workplace you're allowed to bring your pets to work and people bring their dogs.
...can you take your neighbour's pets to work too?

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: 2001 on 06/03/18 at 5:14 pm

But where do they stay?

Inside where they beg for belly rubs from unsuspecting passerbys. If they get loud though then you have to take them outside.

...can you take your neighbour's pets to work too?

I guess you could, with their permission.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/03/18 at 6:03 pm

But where do they stay?

When I was stationed in Greece, there were a couple of dogs that were assigned to the unit. One liked to sleep under my desk. I used to take off my shoes and put my feet on her (she kept my feet nice and warm). At night, she slept in my room (and other people's rooms, too-she would make her rounds). She woke up before I did-about 5 or so in the morning and with one paw would bang on the door. I got up to let her out.


Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 06/04/18 at 6:03 am

Inside where they beg for belly rubs from unsuspecting passerbys. If they get loud though then you have to take them outside.

I guess you could, with their permission.

and where do they poop? ???

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: nally on 08/02/24 at 10:28 pm

I've had two dogs in my lifetime. Someday I will probably want another. :)

And now I’m still not sure when I’ll get another one. It’s been almost 13 years since my last pet, Chloe, crossed the rainbow bridge.

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: Howard on 08/03/24 at 2:30 am

No I don't want any.

Subject: Do you want pets?

Written By: Dude111 on 08/03/24 at 8:27 am

We have a little dog...... A chiwaulwa........ (I call him Puppy :))

Subject: Re: Do you want pets?

Written By: on 10/11/24 at 2:59 pm

My brother got a puppy who's a mixed bag of an American bulldog, an English bulldog, and a Staffordshire bullterrier.  He still hasn't learned how to keep his razor-sharp puppy teeth off of my hands and off of my feet. 
But I've taken a chapter from the Book of Tia Torres from  Pitbulls & Parolees she turns away from the dog so they don't jump up and they don't bite.

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