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Subject: Sleep
Written By: Ripley on 05/22/17 at 4:36 pm
On this post I'm going to go over a few different things regarding the topic of Sleep. I know that we have talked, at least briefly, about some of this stuff. But I'm curious about everyone else's sleep patterns, preferences, thoughts, opinions and experiences. This is not for a research stuff but I am rather curious. I started to think of this this after waking up from a long period of sleep, unusual for me.
*Hours of Sleep Per Night/Day
How many hours do you typically get and how many do you prefer? For me, it's anywhere from 4 to 10 hours. It depends on the circumstances. Though my preference is around 8 hours.
*Hours Slept in a Row
How many hours do you sleep in a row without being disturbed? Whether it be via your bladder, a noise or simply just waking up? And what are your thoughts on this? This is where I'm not like most people. There have been times where I have slept for 10 hours in a row and I woke up surprised, and not in and exciting way. Today it was 8 hours. While most people would welcome the idea of sleeping for several hours in a row, if I sleep anymore than 6 in a row I start feeling all weird, sort of freaked out. I have to wake up at least once during my sleep. Even if it's just for a few seconds. Then I go back and get the rest of my sleep. It is rare for me to sleep more than 3 interrupted. Perhaps I am just so used to that and it is the reason I wake up slightly disturbed. I just start thinking of sleeping and never waking up again. There is nothing wrong with my brain, I just have deep thoughts on most things, including this. But if you have thoughts on sleeping for long periods of time please share them.
*Light Sleeper Vs. Heavy Sleeper
Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? Or maybe you're like me and in between? With light sleeping there is the problem of little noises waking you up. But for me, I can sleep with lights on most of the time. And I frequently sleep with the TV on or music. However, with heavy sleeping there is the problem of not being able to wake up easily if an emergency happens. Such as weather sirens. One time when I was little, I don't think my sister was even born yet, there was a tornado warning. The sirens didn't wake my dad up and neither could my mom. Fortunately one never came. Well I can easily be woken up by a loud noise or my mom talking in my ear. But she can take a shower and I won't wake to the sound. I like being in the middle.
*Sleepwalking etc.
Do any of you have any experiences with sleepwalking or doing other things in your sleep? I have done things in my sleep, just minor such as putting my phone on the side table when I fell asleep with it in my hands. But there was one instance where I did something that seems impossible. This was back in 2010. I fell asleep on the end of my bed, on my stomach, with no covers on while listening to a Dane Cook CD. I woke up on the end I slept on, under the covers, on my back. And the CD wasn't playing, big deal right? It turns out that I had gotten up, took the CD out of the stereo, put it back in it's case and put it away where the CDs go. Then gotten in bed. All while asleep! Fortunately this was my only experience and it was minor. But I know others have had worse situations or have a regular case of doing things beyond normal in their sleep. Please share your experiences.
*Sleep Paralysis and/or Seeing Your Own Spirit
There is a whole topic on Paralysis on the board. But I mainly want to know if you have ever seen your own self floating above you or standing beside your bed. In some cases what is seen in Paralysis is one's own self. Other times the person is not feeling as if they are being held down or can't breathe but they simply see themselves while they are asleep or not fully awake. So I guess technically it's not Paralysis in those cases.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 07/26/17 at 7:14 am
On my days off I get between 7-8 hours of sleep and on my work days I get between 6-7 hours.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: annimal on 07/26/17 at 10:48 am
I usually get about 10 and usually all week. I'd probably like a little less, but I have someone always telling me to be quiet all the time. I never done anything in my sleep, but sometimes I'll get the most crazy dreams and sometimes I'll get none.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: 2001 on 07/26/17 at 11:07 am
I sleep for 6-7 hours a day, sometimes 8. It annoys me sometimes how little sleep I need. Like, on the weekend, I went to bed at 1, and woke up at 7. I had nothing to be doing up that early, so I tried to go back to sleep, but nope: 6 hours was all I needed. >:(
I'm a light sleeper, but I don't wake up for just any noise, only the important ones like a doorbell or someone walking into my room. For most my life, I didn't have my own room, so hearing people talk or laugh doesn't wake me up, and I can sleep with the lights on too.
I never sleep walked or sleep talked before.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: 80sfan on 07/26/17 at 2:06 pm
I sleep for 6-7 hours a day, sometimes 8. It annoys me sometimes how little sleep I need. Like, on the weekend, I went to bed at 1, and woke up at 7. I had nothing to be doing up that early, so I tried to go back to sleep, but nope: 6 hours was all I needed. >:(
I'm a light sleeper, but I don't wake up for just any noise, only the important ones like a doorbell or someone walking into my room. For most my life, I didn't have my own room, so hearing people talk or laugh doesn't wake me up, and I can sleep with the lights on too.
I never sleep walked or sleep talked before.
I just take these.....
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 07/26/17 at 2:16 pm
I just take these.....
just don't take too much of them. :o
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: 80sfan on 07/26/17 at 2:21 pm
just don't take too much of them. :o
That's a lesson too. :o
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 07/26/17 at 2:24 pm
That's a lesson too. :o
take too much of it and you'll never wake up.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/26/17 at 4:47 pm
The light goes out anywhere from 12-12:30. I usually drag myself out of bed about 9. But, I only sleep about 2 hours at a time. I would love to sleep the whole night through. It has happened once or twice but VERY rarely.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 07/27/17 at 2:52 pm
The light goes out anywhere from 12-12:30. I usually drag myself out of bed about 9. But, I only sleep about 2 hours at a time. I would love to sleep the whole night through. It has happened once or twice but VERY rarely.
Why do you sleep so little Cat? ???
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/27/17 at 6:22 pm
Why do you sleep so little Cat? ???
I wish I knew. I wake up just about every 2 hours-usually because a hot flash wakes me up. Then it takes me a while to fall back asleep again. This is why I am tired more days.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: nally on 08/12/23 at 3:26 pm
I try to get 7 hours each night, but according to my FitBit tracker, I have only actually been asleep for about 6 hours. This would explain why I feel tired during the day sometimes.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 08/13/23 at 2:44 am
I don't think I get enough sleep sometimes but I try to get at least 6-7 hours of it.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Philip Eno on 08/23/23 at 7:20 am
I just had a midday nap, and I feel the better for it.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: nally on 08/23/23 at 9:20 am
I don't think I get enough sleep sometimes but I try to get at least 6-7 hours of it.
Me too. In fact, I think I got more sleep than usual this time; I didn’t have to get up quite as early this morning because I’m not going to work today due to jury duty.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 08/23/23 at 3:31 pm
On my workdays I wake up quarter to 3, when I have a morning shift, I leave between 515-530am so I can catch a bus to go to get a snack but on my days off, I can sleep later and not think about work.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: nally on 09/16/23 at 10:10 am
On my workdays I wake up quarter to 3, when I have a morning shift, I leave between 515-530am so I can catch a bus to go to get a snack but on my days off, I can sleep later and not think about work.
So you sleep during part of the day sometimes?
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 09/17/23 at 2:42 am
So you sleep during part of the day sometimes?
No, I wait till I get home to nap.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: nally on 03/16/24 at 9:59 pm
No, I wait till I get home to nap.
That would be part of the day. Still, it makes sense.
Anyways, lately I have been adjusting my bed times so that I can get well rested during the nights.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 03/17/24 at 2:34 am
I don't know if I get enough sleep sometimes, I try for 6-8 hours.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: nally on 07/26/24 at 9:11 am
I feel like I didn’t get a great deal of sleep last night; I was feeling very warm all night long.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/26/24 at 9:53 am
I usually turn off the light about 1 and find myself awake about 7 and then I am tired all day. This morning, I found myself awake at 6:30. It was way too early. But not for Josette. As I tried to go back to sleep, she thought it was the perfect time to get attention. I did fall back asleep. Got up at 9:30.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Voiceofthe70s on 07/26/24 at 11:08 am
I usually turn off the light about 1 and find myself awake about 7 and then I am tired all day. This morning, I found myself awake at 6:30. It was way too early. But not for Josette. As I tried to go back to sleep, she thought it was the perfect time to get attention. I did fall back asleep. Got up at 9:30.
Cats are crepuscular, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk.
Subject: Re: Sleep
Written By: Howard on 07/26/24 at 3:35 pm
On my work days when I have to get up to go to work, I get to sleep between 9 and 10 and I wake up between 2am and 3am but on my days off, I can sleep a little later cause I am on my day off and have nowhere to go.
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