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Subject: American States you have been to
Written By: ArcticFox on 11/06/16 at 4:43 pm
How about we share our experiences on this board? The USA is such a diverse country, I think people forget just how massive this place is! Let's divide the states by residence, visiting, and passing through. I'll go first, and follow my example..
States I Have Lived In:
States I Have Visited:
New Mexico?
North Carolina
District of Columbia
New York
States I Have Driven Through:
New Mexico
West Virginia
Feel free to share your story! I'll share my story later. This is gonna be so fun..
UPDATE: Anybody who answers this gets a Karamel! ;)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/06/16 at 5:21 pm
I live in Texas and have been to Louisiana alot (both sides of my family have roots there) When I did pageants I also competed mostly in Texas and Louisiana. Last year I went to Florida (The theme parks were fun, but everything else was kind of a clusterfudge) I didn't see much of the states we rode through, just the bus terminals LOL
Before my ex and I split, we had planned to go to Paisley Park in Minnesota (of course this was before Prince's untimely passing) because my ex was obsessed with him. Alas, it wasn't meant to be. But he does live in St. Paul now. :o
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 2001 on 11/06/16 at 5:35 pm
New York in 1999 and 2001, Florida in 2015.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: violet_shy on 11/06/16 at 5:38 pm
I've lived in New Jersey and Rhode Island. I have yet to visit every single state, but I have been to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York , and Connecticut.
I don't travel much, if I did I would really love to go to California!
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: mxcrashxm on 11/06/16 at 8:21 pm
California which I live in and Tennessee which I only have visited once. One day though, I would definitely like to travel to other regions.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Baltimoreian on 11/06/16 at 8:30 pm
New York (I live there)
New Jersey
I probably had my family driven to Pennsylvania or Maryland before, but I'm not sure.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 11/06/16 at 9:37 pm
Texas (where I live, only place I've lived, been to most parts of the state)
Colorado (so many times, last was in November, 2012)
New Mexico (also several times, last being 2015)
Florida (August, 2010, went to Disney World)
Alabama (Once sometime in 2010)
Louisiana (Also in 2010)
Mississippi (Twice, once in 2010, other in 2013)
Arkansas (Twice, both in 2013)
Tennessee (Once in late 2013)
Oklahoma (Once in November, 2015)
Arizona (Twice, once in 2010, last in March, 2015)
Nevada (Once in October, 2010, only trip I've been on without my parents or siblings, was with my grandparents)
This is my first year without any trips, the years not mentioned above like 2014 had several in state trips such as San Antonio.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/06/16 at 11:09 pm
I was thinking, I would like to go to California to see the Walk of Fame, see Michael Jackson's star, and the hole where Donald Trump's star was, visit all the Old Hollywood hot spots. ( I saw the interior of the studio where Chaplin did his earliest films on tv and misted up I was so happy) And as I have a keen interest in Victorian clothing and the era, I'd like to go to Georgia to Atlanta or Savannah I have a friend who goes to dress-up balls out there all the time. I'd like to squeeze into a corset just once to see what it's like!
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/07/16 at 9:25 am
New York
Virginia (for about a month)
(moved back to New York)
(Greece-not a state but I lived there for 9 months)
(The state of Confusion where I always am. ;) :D ;D ;D )
Where I have visited:
Of course the 8 states I have already listed.
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New Jersey
North Carolina (don't remember-very young)
South Carolina (don't remember-very young)
Michigan (don't remember-very young)
South Dakota
Idaho (only for about 10 minutes-crossed the border and then crossed back again)
New Mexico
Don't know if I have been in West Virginia and Arkansas. I may have been but don't recall.
District of Columbia (Washington D.C.)
Puerto Rico (U.S. territory-someday may the the 51st state)
At this point, I probably should have listed the ones I HAVEN'T been to yet. The list is smaller. :D
Someday I would love to say that I have visited every state-but that time hasn't come yet.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/07/16 at 11:35 am
I have lived in California all my life. I never traveled outside of California until 1994, when I was almost 14. Here are the states I have visited:
Missouri (to change planes in St. Louis)
New Mexico (to change planes in Santa Fe)
Colorado (to change planes in Denver)
So I have been to 10 different states; that leaves 40 that I still have yet to visit. :)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/07/16 at 12:31 pm
States I've lived in:
Nebraska (current)
States I've visited:
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
South Dakota
States I've driven through (I was an over-the road truck driver from 1998-2001):
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/07/16 at 1:16 pm
States I've lived in:
Nebraska (current)
States I've visited:
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
South Dakota
States I've driven through (I was an over-the road truck driver from 1998-2001):
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
So you are 2 short of driving through each state of CONUS-actually my two favorites. :-\\
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/07/16 at 2:07 pm
So you are 2 short of driving through each state of CONUS-actually my two favorites. :-\\
And I've always wanted to explore the New England states, that's the only region of the country that I haven't really spent much time in. I drove about 10 miles into New Hampshire to deliver at a Walmart DC once, and another time I went about 50 miles out of route in Massachusetts to drive through Rhode Island just so I could cross it off my list. ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/07/16 at 2:25 pm
And I've always wanted to explore the New England states, that's the only region of the country that I haven't really spent much time in. I drove about 10 miles into New Hampshire to deliver at a Walmart DC once, and another time I went about 50 miles out of route in Massachusetts to drive through Rhode Island just so I could cross it off my list. ;D
There is plenty to see. We have been planning trips to each NE state. We have done Maine a bit but want to go back. Last summer we did a NH trip & a very short Mass trip. We still want to do the Boston area, RI, Conn. & back to Maine again. The van is now hibernating for the winter so none of that will happen this year. We are planning to go to Conn. in a couple of week but that is go see family rather than explore.
Don't know if we will finish up our NE trips next year because Carlos wants to go across country again. So, we will see. Don't know if we can do both.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Howard on 11/07/16 at 3:39 pm
I have visited Florida, Virginia in 1988 and Alaska in 2003.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Elor on 11/07/16 at 4:29 pm
Do German states count as well? No? Oh well, nevermind then. ;D
I've visited California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona (I think at least we were in Arizona as well...) in 2001 during a two week vacation to the US. 8)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/07/16 at 4:34 pm
Do German states count as well? No? Oh well, nevermind then. ;D
I've visited California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona (I think at least we were in Arizona as well...) in 2001 during a two week vacation to the US. 8)
I have been to Hesse (Wiesbaden) for a few days. I loved it and thought it was so beautiful.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 2001 on 11/07/16 at 4:49 pm
I have visited Florida, Virginia in 1988 and Alaska in 2003.
I want to visit Alaska in the spring! I think I had this discussion with Jeff before ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/07/16 at 4:53 pm
I want to visit Alaska in the spring! I think I had this discussion with Jeff before ;D
Ah yes... I was there in the spring of 2015, almost exactly a year and a half ago! :) 8) It was lovely.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/07/16 at 5:27 pm
Do German states count as well? No? Oh well, nevermind then. ;D
I've visited California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona (I think at least we were in Arizona as well...) in 2001 during a two week vacation to the US. 8)
I've always wanted to visit Germany, to see the places my father served at WW2. And I'm a WW2 buff, that's like the place I have to see before I die. And I want to have an authentic brat and sauerkraut! ::)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 80sfan on 11/07/16 at 7:17 pm
Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Florida, Illinois, Washington D.C., and California. That's it.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/07/16 at 11:46 pm
There is plenty to see. We have been planning trips to each NE state. We have done Maine a bit but want to go back. Last summer we did a NH trip & a very short Mass trip. We still want to do the Boston area, RI, Conn. & back to Maine again. The van is now hibernating for the winter so none of that will happen this year. We are planning to go to Conn. in a couple of week but that is go see family rather than explore.
Don't know if we will finish up our NE trips next year because Carlos wants to go across country again. So, we will see. Don't know if we can do both.
I've heard that when you go up to New England, you have to watch out for those Massholes. ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/08/16 at 2:14 am
In a space of one month in September/October 2013:
(Washington DC)
Pennsylvania (drive through)
New Jersey (drive through)
New York
Connecticut (drive through)
Illinois (at an airport in Chicago)
...and back to California
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/08/16 at 11:32 am
I've heard that when you go up to New England, you have to watch out for those Massholes. ;D
That's only if you are in Massatwosh!ts. ;) :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 11/08/16 at 2:47 pm
That's only if you are in Massatwosh!ts. ;) :D ;D ;D ;D
Speaking of Massholes, have you heard from Max lately?
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Howard on 11/08/16 at 3:20 pm
I want to visit Alaska in the spring! I think I had this discussion with Jeff before ;D
My Family and I visited Niagara Falls and Alaska back in 2003.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/08/16 at 4:24 pm
Speaking of Massholes, have you heard from Max lately?
Yup-I'm in contact with him. He is doing ok.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Eazy-EMAN1995 on 11/08/16 at 4:25 pm
States I've Lived In:Missouri
States I've visited: Illinois and Branson, MO
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: apollonia1986 on 11/08/16 at 4:32 pm
I've got a question about Alaska. I've known several people who have taken cruises and trips to Alaska, but never thought to ask: What is there to do in Alaska?
Because all I know of the state is that it's this huge, icy land where bears run freely and it's very rural once you get out of Anchorage or Juneau. What is there to do in Alaska that would appeal to a tourist on the mainland, like me :(
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Elor on 11/08/16 at 5:10 pm
What is there to do in Alaska that would appeal to a tourist on the mainland, like me :(
Untouched nature. ;)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/08/16 at 5:40 pm
I've got a question about Alaska. I've known several people who have taken cruises and trips to Alaska, but never thought to ask: What is there to do in Alaska?
Because all I know of the state is that it's this huge, icy land where bears run freely and it's very rural once you get out of Anchorage or Juneau. What is there to do in Alaska that would appeal to a tourist on the mainland, like me :(
I have a dear friend who lives in Juneau. I would love to go there to visit her someday.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Howard on 11/09/16 at 3:19 pm
I've got a question about Alaska. I've known several people who have taken cruises and trips to Alaska, but never thought to ask: What is there to do in Alaska?
Because all I know of the state is that it's this huge, icy land where bears run freely and it's very rural once you get out of Anchorage or Juneau. What is there to do in Alaska that would appeal to a tourist on the mainland, like me :(
It is cold in Alaska so always bring a heavy coat.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: loki 13 on 11/09/16 at 7:09 pm
New Jersey (live)
Pennsylvania (work)
North Carolina
Washington DC (I know it's not a state but I was there so I'm counting it.)
New York (I was there twice, I don't think you could pay me enough to back a third time.)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/13/16 at 8:38 pm
I've got a question about Alaska. I've known several people who have taken cruises and trips to Alaska, but never thought to ask: What is there to do in Alaska?
Because all I know of the state is that it's this huge, icy land where bears run freely and it's very rural once you get out of Anchorage or Juneau. What is there to do in Alaska that would appeal to a tourist on the mainland, like me :(
Untouched nature. ;)
Yes, that is one thing to look at when you go there. :) There is lots of wildlife around; certain animals usually inhabit certain areas.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/13/16 at 8:41 pm
I've lived in Kansas my whole life. Except for the 2.5 months I was staying in Georgia. But that was never official.
I've driven through via bus quit a few. With stops in every one of them ovcourse. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee and then Texas for a plane stop.
As for going through with my family on road trips there have only been a few. New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado.
I've taken trips to California and Nevada. I've went to Nebraska at least one time to visit family. I've been to Oklahoma several times. And I've been to Missouri several times to visit family.
Ah, so you've been able to see lots of states! :)
That's another thing, I was in Arizona once for a plane stop (on my first-ever trip outside of California), but I didn't count it on my original list because we did not get off the plane there; however, some ppl could construe that as a visit to said state.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 11/13/16 at 9:30 pm
Texas (where I live, only place I've lived, been to most parts of the state)
Colorado (so many times, last was in November, 2012)
New Mexico (also several times, last being 2015)
Florida (August, 2010, went to Disney World)
Alabama (Once sometime in 2010)
Louisiana (Also in 2010)
Mississippi (Twice, once in 2010, other in 2013)
Arkansas (Twice, both in 2013)
Tennessee (Once in late 2013)
Oklahoma (Once in November, 2015)
Arizona (Twice, once in 2010, last in March, 2015)
Nevada (Once in October, 2010, only trip I've been on without my parents or siblings, was with my grandparents)
This is my first year without any trips, the years not mentioned above like 2014 had several in state trips such as San Antonio.
Louisiana and Tennessee we just drove through, thought I should've mentioned that seeing people are saying that doesn't count.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Philip Eno on 11/14/16 at 3:10 am
In a space of one month in September/October 2013:
(Washington DC)
Pennsylvania (drive through)
New Jersey (drive through)
New York
Connecticut (drive through)
Illinois (at an airport in Chicago)
...and back to California
I flew over many more, but not sure the exact route the plane took, and yes, i do want to come back for more.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/14/16 at 11:00 am
I flew over many more, but not sure the exact route the plane took, and yes, i do want to come back for more.
I also flew over several states during my out-of-state plane trips (I had to, to get between California and the Midwest states).
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Indy Gent on 11/19/16 at 1:11 pm
Lived at:
North Carolina
South Carolina
Stayed for the night:
New Mexico
Passed through:
West Virginia
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: karen on 11/22/16 at 11:32 am
Lived in Connecticut
New Jersey
New York
South Dakota
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
Technically Maryland because we flew into Baltimore when staying in DC
Changed planes in a few others but didn't step outside the airport
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/01/16 at 8:17 pm
Just took a 10 day road trip, and I can now add Georgia and Florida to the list of states I've visited. (You have no idea how badly I've been needing a vacation.)
Holy crap is Florida awesome. :)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/16 at 8:50 pm
Just took a 10 day road trip, and I can now add Georgia and Florida to the list of states I've visited. (You have no idea how badly I've been needing a vacation.)
Holy crap is Florida awesome. :)
We have been told that Florida can be hot and humid.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 12/01/16 at 8:54 pm
We have been told that Florida can be hot and humid.
Due to its geographic location, yes. I suppose it could also depend upon the time of year that you go.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/01/16 at 9:05 pm
We have been told that Florida can be hot and humid.
During my long haul days I went to Florida in the middle of summer and it was absolutely brutal. It was so hot and humid that I was stripped down almost to my underwear and had the A/C on full blast and I was still just barely comfortable.
That's why a lot people reside in Florida for only part of the year. My aunt and uncle are retired and have a large motorcoach, and right now they have it parked at this upscale RV park in Sarasota.
The locals even have a name for people who go down to Florida (and other southern states with warmer climates such as Arizona) to live during the winter months. They call them "snowbirds." ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 1999 Baby, 2000s Kid on 12/01/16 at 9:16 pm
During my long haul days I went to Florida in the middle of summer and it was absolutely brutal. It was so hot and humid that I was stripped down almost to my underwear and had the A/C on full blast and I was still just barely comfortable.
That's why a lot people reside in Florida for only part of the year. My aunt and uncle are retired and have a large motorcoach, and right now they have it parked at this upscale RV park in Sarasota.
The locals even have a name for people who go down to Florida (and other southern states with warmer climates such as Arizona) to live during the winter months. They call them "snowbirds." ;D
Never heard of snowbirds, that's funny. And yeah, Florida is very humid. One thing I found funny is that when we asked for Dr. Pepper at a restaurant in Disney World, they knew we were from Texas.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Philip Eno on 12/01/16 at 9:21 pm
Just took a 10 day road trip, and I can now add Georgia and Florida to the list of states I've visited. (You have no idea how badly I've been needing a vacation.)
Holy crap is Florida awesome. :)
Hence, Florida being the "Sunshine State".
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Howard on 12/02/16 at 7:37 am
Just took a 10 day road trip, and I can now add Georgia and Florida to the list of states I've visited. (You have no idea how badly I've been needing a vacation.)
Holy crap is Florida awesome. :)
Did you enjoy yourself?
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/02/16 at 11:30 am
During my long haul days I went to Florida in the middle of summer and it was absolutely brutal. It was so hot and humid that I was stripped down almost to my underwear and had the A/C on full blast and I was still just barely comfortable.
That's why a lot people reside in Florida for only part of the year. My aunt and uncle are retired and have a large motorcoach, and right now they have it parked at this upscale RV park in Sarasota.
The locals even have a name for people who go down to Florida (and other southern states with warmer climates such as Arizona) to live during the winter months. They call them "snowbirds." ;D
My brother rents a place down there for the winter.
Never heard of snowbirds, that's funny. And yeah, Florida is very humid. One thing I found funny is that when we asked for Dr. Pepper at a restaurant in Disney World, they knew we were from Texas.
I thought everyone knew the term "snowbirds." It is quite common here. We are also "snowbirds" but instead of going to Florida for the winter, we go to Puerto Rico.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/02/16 at 11:47 am
Did you enjoy yourself?
I had a fantastic time down there. If you should ever get down there, I highly recommend touring the Kennedy Space Center. I was so awestruck from seeing the Space Shuttle up close that I felt like a kid again.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/02/16 at 11:50 am
Never heard of snowbirds, that's funny. And yeah, Florida is very humid. One thing I found funny is that when we asked for Dr. Pepper at a restaurant in Disney World, they knew we were from Texas.
That is pretty funny. I didn't know that Dr. Pepper was a Texas thing, but I imagine that after serving people from all over the world day after day you'd begin to see patterns emerge.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: karen on 12/02/16 at 1:03 pm
I had a fantastic time down there. If you should ever get down there, I highly recommend touring the Kennedy Space Center. I was so awestruck from seeing the Space Shuttle up close that I felt like a kid again.
I saw on facebook you'd been there - it's fantastic isn't it?
I meant to also recommend Gatorland. It's the perfect antidote to Disney!
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 2001 on 12/02/16 at 1:24 pm
I *might* be going to Boston in two weeks, for 3 days.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Baltimoreian on 12/02/16 at 1:26 pm
I *might* be going to Boston in two weeks, for 3 days.
That's great. I'm probably sure you're not a fan of baseball, but Fenway Park is the greatest attraction in the city.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 2001 on 12/02/16 at 2:45 pm
That's great. I'm probably sure you're not a fan of baseball, but Fenway Park is the greatest attraction in the city.
Watching Baseball live is boring! *ducks*
Well, I only watched Blue Jays games, so I can't say that definitively. Is there other stuff to do around it, though? I still enjoyed going to the Olympic Stadium in Montréal because...
It was great for Pokémon GO
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/02/16 at 3:11 pm
Watching Baseball live is boring! *ducks*
Well, I only watched Blue Jays games, so I can't say that definitively. Is there other stuff to do around it, though? I still enjoyed going to the Olympic Stadium in Montréal because...
It was great for Pokémon GO
Well, baseball season is out until next spring so you couldn't go to a Red Sox game even if you wanted to, but Fenway Park is one of the oldest parks in MLB and I'll bet it would be neat to check out anyway.
Plus, if nothing else, I'm sure there's no shortage of Pokémons in the area. ;D
Also, perhaps you could try your hand at candlepin bowling. That's one thing I'd definitely do if I ever visited Boston.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/02/16 at 3:20 pm
I *might* be going to Boston in two weeks, for 3 days.
Haven't been to Boston since before Carlos & I got married. We have talked about going back but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe next summer.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Baltimoreian on 12/02/16 at 7:52 pm
Watching Baseball live is boring! *ducks*
Well, I only watched Blue Jays games, so I can't say that definitively. Is there other stuff to do around it, though? I still enjoyed going to the Olympic Stadium in Montréal because...
It was great for Pokémon GO
I thought they have it for tours after the baseball season, but I'm not sure how much they cost in American dollars. As a person who has never been to Boston before, I'm not sure what they have for their culture. I bet it's different than New York (obviously), but it might be calm. But the least I could do is probably have you go to their Chinatown.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/02/16 at 8:29 pm
Getcha some chow-dah!
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 2001 on 12/02/16 at 10:03 pm
Alas, it wasn't meant to be :\'( It was for a work-related conference, but I can't leave my sister alone (health reasons), and it's on short notice for her to get travel insurance.
It happens every year though, so I'll definitely try again.
maybe there'll be a new Pokémon generation too by then.
Well, baseball season is out until next spring so you couldn't go to a Red Sox game even if you wanted to, but Fenway Park is one of the oldest parks in MLB and I'll bet it would be neat to check out anyway.
Plus, if nothing else, I'm sure there's no shortage of Pokémons in the area. ;D
Also, perhaps you could try your hand at candlepin bowling. That's one thing I'd definitely do if I ever visited Boston.
What is this... monstrosity! ;D Just get tin cans and play bowling at home. /s
Haven't been to Boston since before Carlos & I got married. We have talked about going back but it just hasn't happened yet. Maybe next summer.
What's the closest big city to you guys? :o
I thought they have it for tours after the baseball season, but I'm not sure how much they cost in American dollars. As a person who has never been to Boston before, I'm not sure what they have for their culture. I bet it's different than New York (obviously), but it might be calm. But the least I could do is probably have you go to their Chinatown.
Getcha some chow-dah!
I heard horror stories about Boston Chinese food. Like this chow mein sandwich
I can't understand the function of the bun in this dish!
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: 80sfan on 12/02/16 at 10:18 pm
The only state I've been to is my state of mind. ::)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/02/16 at 10:32 pm
What is this... monstrosity! ;D Just get tin cans and play bowling at home. /s
I live in a multi-story apartment building, and the downstairs neighbors might not appreciate that... :D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: karen on 12/03/16 at 3:19 am
I *might* be going to Boston in two weeks, for 3 days.
Go to the Old State House, walk the Freedom Trail, visit the tea party boat, go to Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/03/16 at 3:40 am
I heard horror stories about Boston Chinese food. Like this chow mein sandwich
I can't understand the function of the bun in this dish!
Actually, what I was trying to say might have been lost in translation, which is totally understandable. When I said "chow-dah," I wasn't referring to a Chinese dish. I was actually referring to chowder, as in clam chowder, and I was just goofing on the way Bostonians drop their R's when they speak.
In other words:
Anyway, you have since told us that your Boston trip has been cancelled, but if you should ever go there I'm sure that you could get some excellent seafood dishes, especially clam chowder (if that is your thing of course.)
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Howard on 12/03/16 at 7:18 am
Alas, it wasn't meant to be :\'( It was for a work-related conference, but I can't leave my sister alone (health reasons), and it's on short notice for her to get travel insurance.
It happens every year though, so I'll definitely try again.
maybe there'll be a new Pokémon generation too by then.
What is this... monstrosity! ;D Just get tin cans and play bowling at home. /s
What's the closest big city to you guys? :o
I heard horror stories about Boston Chinese food. Like this chow mein sandwich
I can't understand the function of the bun in this dish!
That looks unappetizing. :P
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 12/03/16 at 11:43 am
What's the closest big city to you guys? :o
I don't know if you would call Burlington a big city or even Albany. Both are about an hour & a half from us (in different directions). We are pretty much between Boston & Montreal. In a way, we are in the middle of EVERYTHING! :D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 12/03/16 at 1:09 pm
That looks unappetizing. :P
That does look pretty nasty. :o
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Baltimoreian on 12/03/16 at 6:29 pm
I don't know if you would call Burlington a big city or even Albany. Both are about an hour & a half from us (in different directions). We are pretty much between Boston & Montreal. In a way, we are in the middle of EVERYTHING! :D ;D ;D ;D
That's nice. My maternal grandparents live in northern Connecticut, so I guess you could say they're somehow near Boston. It takes them almost three hours to get there.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 12/03/16 at 7:44 pm
That's nice. My maternal grandparents live in northern Connecticut, so I guess you could say they're somehow near Boston. It takes them almost three hours to get there.
Looking on a map, I see that the localities are close.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/01/21 at 7:01 pm
I am updating my list:
There are only 5 states that I HAVEN'T been to-yet: Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, & Hawaii.
I was only in the airport in Kentucky and I don't remember the two Carolinas and Georgia-but I went through them on my way to Florida as a kid.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: wagonman76 on 08/01/21 at 7:40 pm
Lived in:
Colorado, for awhile in the summer of 1979.
Ohio, Cedar Point
Illinois, Chester for the 2017 eclipse
South Carolina, Columbia, Charleston
Idaho, McCall, would rather forget that trip with my ex
Minnesota, for the Back To The 80s car show this year
Washington DC, or maybe it was borderline Maryland, for a 2006 car show
Probably can’t count Indiana, picked up some wheels from a guy and could have shot a potato gun back to the Michigan border.
Driven through:
South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
Washington DC
South Dakota
Some of these states were in the middle of the night and didn’t see anything.
I would like to visit Alaska. And maybe not come back lol.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: Contigo on 08/01/21 at 7:58 pm
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
West Virginia
and Washington DC
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 08/02/21 at 1:20 am
My parents are making plans to go to Hawaii this fall to celebrate their anniversary...but I can't go with them because I haven't accrued enough vacation time yet. (They plan to be gone for one week.) Hopefully someday I'll get to go there. I'd like to.
So, my list of states visited still stands as it did in my last post.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 10/31/21 at 3:31 pm
I also would like to add that in 2017, my cruise was supposed to have a port at Astoria, Oregon...but it was cancelled due to inclement weather in the port that day. So I almost got to see another U.S. state, but couldn't.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: violet_shy on 11/02/21 at 6:41 pm
I would love to visit Arizona! If I can someday.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 04/23/23 at 11:48 pm
I have lived in California all my life. I never traveled outside of California until 1994, when I was almost 14. Here are the states I have visited:
Missouri (to change planes in St. Louis)
New Mexico (to change planes in Santa Fe)
Colorado (to change planes in Denver)
So I have been to 10 different states; that leaves 40 that I still have yet to visit. :)
Arizona can now be added to this list. This means I have been to 11 states and have yet to see 39 of them.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: nally on 11/17/24 at 11:49 am
Arizona can now be added to this list. This means I have been to 11 states and have yet to see 39 of them.
And yesterday I officially added Nevada to my list; this makes 12 states I’ve been to.
Subject: Re: American States you have been to
Written By: whistledog on 12/16/24 at 9:04 pm
New York, and (if Donald Trump gets his way), Canada lol
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