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Subject: The "W" Value

Written By: violet_shy on 07/11/16 at 5:50 pm

Super easy! Just answer the questions...simple!

What is your height? : 5'6
What is your current time? : 6:50 PM
What do you like to drink? : Crystal Light Fruit Punch
What is your favorite time of the day? : Afternoon
What is your favorite painting? : The Sunny Window by Frank Weston Benson
What is your favorite song, and why? : I have more than just one, so I can not answer this.
Which animal/creature would you like to have as a pet? : Ogopogo
What is your favorite season? : Summer
What is your favorite antique automation? : The Writer
Which decade would you have liked to have seen? : 1970s

Subject: Re: The "W" Value

Written By: Ripley on 07/12/16 at 9:29 pm

I love these! I was obsessed with MySpace surveys back in the day lol

What is your height? : 5'7 ish
What is your current time? : 9:17
What do you like to drink? : Pepsi, Dr pepper
What is your favorite time of the day? : Even though I tend to false asleep very early these days, late night, after midnight
What is your favorite painting? : The Scream ovcourse
What is your favorite song, and why? : Understanding by Evanescence. Brilliant lyrics, haunting music and beautiful wailing.
Which animal/creature would you like to have as a pet? : a vampire bat
What is your favorite season? : Fall/autumn
What is your favorite antique automation? : Do desktops count? Lol
Which decade would you have liked to have seen? : The 1940's and 50's. The Leave It To Beaver days. As well the 70's so I can boogie at the Disco!

Subject: Re: The "W" Value

Written By: meesa on 07/12/16 at 9:44 pm

Fun topic!  :)

What is your height? : 5'2"
What is your current time? : 9:42 PM
What do you like to drink? : iced tea
What is your favorite time of the day? : dead of night (midnight to fourish)
What is your favorite painting? : Starry Night
What is your favorite song, and why? changes day to day. Right now it is "Come Join the Murder" by Forest Rangers and the White Buffalo
Which animal/creature would you like to have as a pet? Dragon
What is your favorite season? Autumn
Which decade would you have liked to have seen? 40s

Subject: Re: The "W" Value

Written By: 80sfan on 07/12/16 at 9:49 pm

What is your height? : 5'11
What is your current time? : 9:44 PM
What do you like to drink? : White wine
What is your favorite time of the day? : Evening
What is your favorite painting? : Guernica by Picasso
What is your favorite song, and why? : The way we were, Barbra Streisand
Which animal/creature would you like to have as a pet? : Dog, especially a chihuahua
What is your favorite season? : Autumn
What is your favorite antique automation? : No clue what this means!
Which decade would you have liked to have seen? : 1980's

Subject: Re: The "W" Value

Written By: mxcrashxm on 07/12/16 at 10:34 pm

What is your height? : 6'4
What is your current time? : 8:28 PM
What do you like to drink? : A variety
What is your favorite time of the day? : Morning
What is your favorite painting? : Don't have a favorite. Too many good ones
What is your favorite song, and why? : Too many favorite songs
Which animal/creature would you like to have as a pet? : Not sure
What is your favorite season? : Summer
What is your favorite antique automation? : The nutcracker ;D
Which decade would you have liked to have seen? : The ones that are interesting in general.

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